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Israel Tried For War Crimes in Russel Tribunal

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I’ve been in Brussels today witnessing the Russell Tribunal on Palestine which is assessing Israel’s war crimes in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge. The full testimony is available on the Tribunal’s website, but I have captured some key excerpts from my live reporting today.

The likes of film maker Ken Loach, music legend Roger Waters and internationally renowned lawyers such as Michael Mansfield QC formed a jury – while expert witnesses from Gaza and beyond testified to the atrocities of the 50 day offensive.

Having borne personal witness to the unimaginable brutality and carnage of Israel’s onslaught while in Gaza in August, much of today was like a live action replay – evoking the same fear, anger and tear-inducing gutteral sadness that reduces you to shoulder-shaking sobs.

Here are some of the key points:

“16 yr old boy stripped naked and used as human shield by Israel for 5 days. He was denied food, water and sleep – and mentally and physically abused, including lashed with a wire across his back. Israeli army stopped a family car near a West Bank protest over Gaza. Positioned their weapons in the windows of back doors, where toddlers were sitting and began to fire on protest. This is not an isolated incident. There is a clear, recorded pattern of Israel using Palestinian children as human shields during attacks on Gaza.”

We found one of 89 families completely liquidated during Operation Protective Edge so badly burned/destroyed they had to be buried in a mass grave by a bulldozer &#8211; evoking memories of the darkest times in European history. On outskirts of Rafah, I heard testimony from 19 yr old Mohammed Abu Said of how Israeli soldiers stripped him naked and sniped at neighbours, then set the dogs on him in between shooting rounds. In Khuza&#8217;a &#8211; a man left a group of <resistance> fighters in his home. He returned to find their throats had been cut, their bodies piled in a corner and burnt with grenades. A clear pattern of executions has been established. Israeli soldiers gather civilians in an open area, asks if anyone speaks Hebrew. When people step forward, they shoot them dead. Four brothers of one man were taken into garden and shot dead, one of them was mentally disabled and had little idea he was being killed.&#8221;

One ambulance worker shot in the head and bled to death while fellow workers were told if they tried to assist him, they would be killed too. Another worker burned to death in his ambulance after a missile attack against it &#8211; his colleague was severely injured in the attack, left with life-altering burn injuries. We are talking about Gaza firefighters, police officers, ambulance workers and other emergency services workers being routinely shot at by snipers and missiles by Israeli military. Anyone who knows anything about Palestinian society knows that no Palestinian would use a child or family as a human shield. Israel however routinely used Palestinians as human shields throughout this operation and those prior.&#8221;

&#8220;This is a systematic attack to rid Palestinians from the land. If you are an 8 yr old child in Gaza today, you have survived 4 of these onslaughts &#8211; 2006, 2008/9, 2012 and 2014. What does this do to a child? To their feeling of safety? To their outlook on the world? The medical system of Gaza was already on its knees before the summer attacks due to Israeli blockade&#8221; &#8220;This is a medical disaster &#8211; the capacity for treatment is massively exceeded by medical needs. Such disaster often happen in natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis&#8230;but Gaza was deliberate, controlled and executed by the Israelis.&#8221;

&#8220;Israeli army routinely defecate in Palestinian homes and buildings they occupy, leaving behind racist and violent graffiti together with piles of shit.

The Imam in Gaza was held for days by Israeli troops who ordered him at gunpoint to use mosque tannoy to call on community to come to the mosque. As young people gathered they were surrounded by Israeli troops, stripped naked at gunpoint and tortured/killed for sport.

The Imam was used as human shield by Israeli troops. He was stripped naked at gunpoint in front of men, women and children of the neighborhood.&#8221;

MORE @: http://www.scriptonitedaily.com/201...es-today-the-testimony-will-break-your-heart/

The RToP http://www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com/en/

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine&#8217;s Emergency Session on Israel&#8217;s Operation Protective Edge held yesterday in Brussels has found evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of murder, extermination and persecution and also incitement to genocide.

The Jury [1] reported: &#8216;The cumulative effect of the long-standing regime of collective punishment in Gaza appears to inflict conditions of life calculated to bring about the incremental destruction of the Palestinians as a group in Gaza.&#8217;

&#8216;The Tribunal emphasises the potential for a regime of persecution to become genocidal in effect, In light of the clear escalation in the physical and rhetorical violence deployed in respect of Gaza in the summer of 2014, the Tribunal emphasises the obligation of all state parties to the 1948 Genocide Convention &#8216;to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide.&#8217;

The Jury heard evidence from eyewitnesses to Israeli attacks during the Gaza war 2014 including journalists Mohammed Omer, Max Blumenthal, David Sheen, Martin Lejeune, Eran Efrati and Paul Mason, as well as surgeons Mads Gilbert, Mohammed Abou Arab, Genocide Expert Paul Behrens, Col Desmond Travers and Ivan Karakashian, Head of Advocacy and Defence for Children International.

In terms of the crime of incitement to genocide, the tribunal received evidence &#8216;demonstrating a vitriolic upswing in racist rhetoric and incitement&#8217; during the summer of 2014. &#8216;The evidence shows that such incitement manifested across many levels of Israeli society, on both social and traditional media, from football fans, police officers, media commentators, religious leaders, legislators, and government ministers.&#8217;
The Tribunal also found evidence of the following war crimes:

Willful killing

Extensive destruction of property not justified by military necessity

Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population and civilian objects

Disproportionate use of force

Attacks against buildings dedicated to religion and education

The use of Palestinians as human shields

Employing weapons, projectiles, and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering which are inherently indiscriminate

The use of violence to spread terror among the civilian population

The Tribunal further stated: &#8216;It is recognised that in a situation where patterns of crimes against humanity are perpetrated with impunity, and where direct and public incitement to genocide is manifest throughout society, it is very conceivable that individuals or the state may choose to exploit the conditions in order to perpetrate the crime of genocide.

It further noted: &#8216;We have have a genuine fear that in an environment of impunity and an absence of sanction for serious and repeated criminality, the lessons from Rwanda and other mass atrocities may once again go unheeded&#8217;.

The Tribunal calls on Israel to fulfill its&#8217; obligations under international law and for the state of Palestine to accede without further delay to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, fully cooperate with the human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry and fully engage the mechanisms of international justice.

The Tribunal also reminds all states to cooperate to bring to an end the illegal situation arising from Israel&#8217;s occupation, siege and crimes in the Gaza Strip. In light of the obligation not to render aid or assistance, all states must consider appropriate measures to exert sufficient pressure on Israel, including the imposition of sanctions, the severing of diplomatic relations collectively through international organisations, or in the absence of consensus, individually by breaking bilateral relations with Israel.

It calls upon All states to fulfill their duty &#8216;to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide&#8217;.

The Full and detailed findings and recommendations of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine can be found at the Russell Tribunal website: www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com

The Tribunal will present its&#8217; findings to the European Parliament today.

EDIT: The full session in video was uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH4aq1p50Vk&list=PLBDtcbghfMdsKkGO9MFG5MPxC3s8gyGES


Good. Seriously fuck Israel. They need to cool their shit and answer for their crimes. These stories, heartbreaking as they are, are only the tip of colossal fucking iceberg.

Found guilty by the Jack Russell tribunal.
Anything wrong with showing the plight of the oppressed peoples of the world and how it conencts to the greater social-economy?
Don't get me started on ken Loach, but there's nothing wrong with that when some semblance of balance is offered. Like the last Stalinist show trial which bore the name Russel, by the sounds of it this event too was little more than an Israel bashing exercise and it's hard to take their claims of empathy seriously when they completely ignore an entire side to the conflict and have clearly passed judgement the moment the idea was conceived. (for the record I'm in favour of a trustworthy third party investigation into war crimes alleged by both sides)
I can tell that not much is going to come out of this. Really, Isreal should be hit with sanctions harder than the ones that Russia is receiving.

The likes of film maker Ken Loach, music legend Roger Waters and internationally renowned lawyers such as Michael Mansfield QC formed a jury – while expert witnesses from Gaza and beyond testified to the atrocities of the 50 day offensive.

Wait, what? I'm all for Israel being tried for their crimes, but doesn't the jury consisting of rock stars and film makers kind of automatically turn these hearings into a bit of a joke? I mean why not include Lil' Wayne and Grimace on the jury as well?

At a certain point, aren't there some people who might be better suited to judge a case with these kind of important international implications?

El Topo

What is the Russell Tribunal? I Googled it and I still don't understand what it does.

The Russel Tribunal on Palestine is a non-goverment organization founded in 2009 that has nothing to do (other than the general idea and structure I guess) with all the other Russell tribunals and is focused on investigating Israel war crimes in Palestine. It's endorsed (to my knowledge) by the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. The original Russell-Sartre Tribunal investigated the war crimes of America during the Vietnam war. Several other tribunals have been held, e.g. the World Tribunal on Iraq.

As you can imagine, most of these tribunals have faced a lot of criticism, not the least because they're always (to some extent) politically motivated. There's always the (maybe unjustified) impression that the result is already established before the "investigation" of these tribunals. Or does anyone here remember the World Tribunal on Iraq? Spoiler Alert: Didn't go too well for the US and UK.

I had to fix my statement about the nature of the tribunal. Also I think the choice of at least one of the people quoted is very unfortunate. Not that anyone at GAF cares about whether they're all reliable.
Wait, what? I'm all for Israel being tried for their crimes, but doesn't the jury consisting of rock stars and film makers kind of automatically turn these hearings into a bit of a joke? I mean why not include Lil' Wayne and Grimace on the jury as well?

At a certain point, aren't there some people who might be better suited to judge a case with these kind of important international implications?
They hate Israel, that's all that is required for such a publicity event.


Israel criticised over blocking UNHRC mission

Israel denies the UN Rapporteur on human rights access to West Bank amid reports that abuses have 'sharply increased'.

Jerusalem - On September 20, Makarim Wibisono was expected to begin his first mission as the newly appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.

However, Wibisono will not be afforded the chance to do so - at least until now - since Israel has not yet granted him access to the occupied Palestinian territory on his first mission. "I deeply regret not having the opportunity to visit the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to speak face-to-face with victims and witnesses of Israel's alleged violations of international humanitarian and human rights law."

As Special Rapporteur, Wibisono acts as an independent, unpaid inquirer, charged with investigating allegations of human rights violations in the blockaded Gaza Strip, occupied West Bank, and annexed East Jerusalem. The Special Rapporteur reports to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) based in Geneva.

Speaking on his new position, Wibisono stressed that it is his "priority to see with [his] own eyes the situation on the ground, to listen and to speak face-to-face with victims and witnesses, and to discuss issues of concern with officials on both sides" of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Instead, Wibisono will travel to Amman and Cairo to meet with NGO and civil society representatives and refugees. He said he hoped to enter Gaza via the Rafah border crossing. This will be confirmed during a press conference due to be held in Cairo at the end of his mission on September 28.

However, Wibisono is not the first Special Rapporteur unable to enter the occupied territories.

His predecessor, Richard Falk, was detained for 20 hours at Ben Gurion Airport and then expelled in 2008, in a move that the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, Navi Pillay, called "unprecedented".
The professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University is a staunch critic of Israeli policies.

According to Husam Zomlot, director and spokesman of the Commission of International Affairs for the Palestinian Authority, Israel's denial of access to multiple human rights organisations has cast doubt on the hope of a just peace.

"This is very common for Israel," Zomlot told Al Jazeera. "They even blocked access to Amnesty International during the last war on Gaza."

MORE @: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middl...locking-unhrc-mission-201492412923169111.html

It is not common for Israel to convict soldiers accused of violations. "Only three were convicted of wrongdoing during hostilities in 2008-2009 [Operation Cast Lead] and it appears that only one Israeli soldier was convicted of unlawfully killing a Palestinian in 2012 or 2013," Van Esveld said. "There is virtual impunity for most abuses by Israeli forces."


Honorary Canadian.
The worst thing to come of this will be the brutal realization that nobody with the power to do anything about it even cares.

Palestinians are just chum to the governments of the west.

No matter how awful this testimony, nothing will change until war from an actual state actor is declared on Israel, and since the US won't do anything and Europe is too scared to do anything that the US won't support, nothing will happen.

I can't even think of any other tragedy to compare it to, because it's just beyond comprehension and comparison at this point.


Unconfirmed Member
If you are an 8 yr old child in Gaza today, you have survived 4 of these onslaughts – 2006, 2008/9, 2012 and 2014. What does this do to a child? To their feeling of safety? To their outlook on the world?



Does Hamas not use people as human shields? I thought that they were notorious for it when planning their rocket launch sites.
Does Hamas not use people as human shields? I thought that they were notorious for it when planning their rocket launch sites.

Hamas formally abandoned using human shields as a tactic a while ago. They do launch rockets from civilian areas, but do not explicitly use actual human beings as shields.

The IDF has been found guilty of using Palestinians as actual human shields/door openers/booby-trap finders, by multiple organizations/investigations.
Fucking sick,I can't believe that we support these assholes. There should be punishment to Israel for these horrible acts. They are the terrorists.


Does Hamas not use people as human shields? I thought that they were notorious for it when planning their rocket launch sites.
Technically they don't. According to international law Human Shields are hostages who are deliberately taken.

Firing from urban areas and using civilian buildings as storage/firebases are two other crimes.


Does Hamas not use people as human shields? I thought that they were notorious for it when planning their rocket launch sites.

Debunked. Is only a myth, debunked by journalists

Jeremy Bowen's Gaza notebook: I saw no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields

But my impression of Hamas is different from Netanyahu’s. I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel’s accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields.


and Humanitarian ONG's

Amnesty International is monitoring and investigating such reports, but does not have evidence at this point that Palestinian civilians have been intentionally used by Hamas or Palestinian armed groups during the current hostilities to “shield” specific locations or military personnel or equipment from Israeli attacks.

Seems like a farcical exercise and a waste of time. Washed up rock stars and movie directors in a completely prejudiced kangaroo court. Uncorroborated accounts with no forensic evidence. They seem desperate to pin the genocide label on Israel but it's not going to stick.
Wait, what? I'm all for Israel being tried for their crimes, but doesn't the jury consisting of rock stars and film makers kind of automatically turn these hearings into a bit of a joke? I mean why not include Lil' Wayne and Grimace on the jury as well?

At a certain point, aren't there some people who might be better suited to judge a case with these kind of important international implications?
That's misleading, here's the full jury. http://www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com/en/about-rtop/jury
Debunked. Is only a myth, debunked by journalists

Jeremy Bowen's Gaza notebook: I saw no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields


and Humanitarian ONG's

Well if Jeremy Bowen didn't see it, from his carefully guarded hotel and while under constant surveillance and threats like all journalists were, then it definitely didn't happen.

Hamas have admitted encouraging civilians to stand on the roofs of buildings. There are public posters praising martyrs who do so. Israel has video evidence. Many Palestinians have alleged that Hamas men threatened them when they tried to leave their homes when Israel issued warnings. Non-Hamas Palestinians have accused Hamas of numerous war crimes including human shields during the conflict.

I'll be happy to provide links when I'm no longer waiting for a flight, but all the above are well documented.

Dead Man

Don't get me started on ken Loach, but there's nothing wrong with that when some semblance of balance is offered. Like the last Stalinist show trial which bore the name Russel, by the sounds of it this event too was little more than an Israel bashing exercise and it's hard to take their claims of empathy seriously when they completely ignore an entire side to the conflict and have clearly passed judgement the moment the idea was conceived. (for the record I'm in favour of a trustworthy third party investigation into war crimes alleged by both sides)

Balance? LOL. All the balance in the world won't change the fact that Israel is guilty of war crimes. You don't try the victim in a murder trial.
Balance? LOL. All the balance in the world won't change the fact that Israel is guilty of war crimes. You don't try the victim in a murder trial.
Right cos the only victims are Palestinian civilians and the only perpetrators are Israeli? Please.
Or as soon as you read Russell Tribunal


Its left leaning academics and celebrities that play court.
I agree though I wouldn't call some of them left-wing. I consider myself leftist and not marching alongside 'we are all hamas/ hizbollah' types is something I consider part of that, rather than ignoring Islamist terrorism just to focus all my hatred on America and her allies.

Dead Man

Right cos the only victims are Palestinian civilians and the only perpetrators are Israeli? Please.

No, you have a separate trial for those issues. You don't roll both sides into one big trial. How the fuck do you think tribunals and trials work? If two people fuck up against each other, it is two separate trials. You don't spend time whining that the other party isn't being prosecuted at the same trial.

The resolution to your concerns is a tribunal on the actions of the PA, not whining about this one.
No, you have a separate trial for those issues. You don't roll both sides into one big trial. How the fuck do you think tribunals and trials work? If two people fuck up against each other, it is two separate trials. You don't spend time whining that the other party isn't being prosecuted at the same trial.

The resolution to your concerns is a tribunal on the actions of the PA, not whining about this one.
You can't have a trial without due process and representation of the accused, plus Hamas is just if not more guilty of a war crimes against Palestinians, leaving out Israeli victims entirely.
No, you have a separate trial for those issues. You don't roll both sides into one big trial. How the fuck do you think tribunals and trials work? If two people fuck up against each other, it is two separate trials. You don't spend time whining that the other party isn't being prosecuted at the same trial.

The resolution to your concerns is a tribunal on the actions of the PA, not whining about this one.

The Russell Tribunal will never ever look at those cases.


Some awful stuff in there....

So how reliable are these testimonies?

I mean, I've read reports of Hamas using children as human shields, hiding bombs in schools and hospitals....I don't know what to believe anymore.
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