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Israel Tried For War Crimes in Russel Tribunal

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Dead Man

You can't have a trial without due process and representation of the accused, plus Hamas is just if not more guilty of a war crimes against Palestinians, leaving out Israeli victims entirely.

It's like you almost get the point, but then you run off the cliff again. Each group needs a separate process. You can't have one trial for both sides. It's not that complicated. "HAMAS did it too' is not a defence against war crimes committed by Israel.

The Russell Tribunal will never ever look at those cases.

Then that is what needs to be agitated for, not letting Israel off the hook.
No, you have a separate trial for those issues. You don't roll both sides into one big trial. How the fuck do you think tribunals and trials work? If two people fuck up against each other, it is two separate trials. You don't spend time whining that the other party isn't being prosecuted at the same trial.

The resolution to your concerns is a tribunal on the actions of the PA, not whining about this one.

I look forward to the Russell Tribunal holding a separate trial for crimes by Hamas and Islamic Jihad then since all these apply to those parties:

Willful killing

Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population and civilian objects

Attacks against buildings dedicated to religion and education

Employing weapons, projectiles, and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering which are inherently indiscriminate

The use of violence to spread terror among the civilian population

Extra judicial execution of civilians

Dead Man

I look forward to the Russell Tribunal holding a separate trial for crimes by Hamas and Islamic Jihad then since all these apply to those parties:

Willful killing

Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population and civilian objects

Attacks against buildings dedicated to religion and education

Employing weapons, projectiles, and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering which are inherently indiscriminate

The use of violence to spread terror among the civilian population

Extra judicial execution of civilians

Again, agitate for more hearings and investigations, not less.


Oh, lol. I read Russian tribunal, and my reactions were 1) Holy shit and 2) Russia has tribunals?

A bunch of rockstars and celebrities don't mean anything. And frankly while I'm sure atrocities were committed, I think people here are being stupid to believe every single one listed in the OP, where is the proof for each of those events outside of this alleged form of justice?

Omg at those stories. I didnt know they were that blatant!

I didn't (and don't) know that they're true. Again, where is the proof of all those claims outside this washed up celeb kangaroo court?


Some rotten people in this thread... 'but mooom billy did it too'/I don't believe the victims
shame on you

Because looking for objective data is a bad thing. I'm not Disbelieving the victims, I just want to know what the real truth from better sources is and I don't think a band of egghead celebrities determines that. Not believing everything you read wholesale doesn't make you rotten, I don't believe.

Shaming people into believing this wholesale is bullshit. Give me adequate proof, and I will. Objectivity, how does it work?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Because looking for objective data is a bad thing. I'm not Disbelieving the victims, I just want to know what the real truth from better sources is and I don't think a band of egghead celebrities determines that. Not believing everything you read wholesale doesn't make you rotten, I don't believe.

Shaming people into believing this wholesale is bullshit. Give me adequate proof, and I will. Objectivity, how does it work?

So what sources do you think qualify as "better sources"? Name them, I am genuinely curious.

After all, it is not exactly a secret or a "subjective" thing that right now Gaza is the place where massive human rights violations took place. I don't see why you seem so agitated towards the effort in bringing those situation come to more light... Why? Because the "victim" right now is Israel?


A bunch of rockstars and celebrities don't mean anything. And frankly while I'm sure atrocities were committed, I think people here are being stupid to believe every single one listed in the OP, where is the proof for each of those events outside of this alleged form of justice?

Aside from Roger Waters, what other rockstar and celebrity you see here:




I didn't (and don't) know that they're true. Again, where is the proof of all those claims outside this washed up celeb kangaroo court?

Oh, so these people who where attending hundreds of victims and documenting everything don't count?

Damn, I didn't know it was this bad.

I'm glad that this is happening to them, they need to be brought to justice for allowing these things to happen.


So what sources do you think qualify as "better sources"? Name them, I am genuinely curious.

After all, it is not exactly a secret or a "subjective" thing that right now Gaza is the place where massive human rights violations took place. I don't see why you seem so agitated towards the effort in bringing those situation come to more light... Why? Because the "victim" right now is Israel?

I dunno, Amnesty International, the BBC, the UN...Not some place I've never heard of until now. I'll admit I didn't know it wasn't all celebs in it.

I'm not agitated that Israel is being shit on - if this stuff is true, shit away. I'm agitated that someone (Stephan) tried to shame people into believing it wholesale instead of asking questions.

I'll repeat myself since people tend to talk past each other on this topic - I don't care who you're crapping on, I just want to see highly reputable data about it.

You both happy with that?

In related news, Gilmour was the only one writing music worth a crap after the separation.
Again, agitate for more hearings and investigations, not less.

People have with this "tribunal," it doesn't want to hear it. If the ICC wants to investigate I'd have a much better time believing the stuff and thinking it was actually an investigation.

A quote from Staughton Lynd-

Lynd wrote that "in conversation with the emissary who proffered the invitation, I urged that the alleged war crimes of any party to the conflict should come before the Tribunal. After all, I argued, a "crime" is an action that is wrong no matter who does it. Pressing my case, I asked, "What if it were shown that the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam tortures unarmed prisoners?" The answer, as I understood it, was, "Anything is justified that drives the imperialist aggressor into the sea." I declined the invitation to be a member of the Tribunal

Richard Goldstone, has written disparagingly of them as well.

This isn't a court, tribunal or anything of the sort its academics and celebrities getting in a room hearing testimony not verified by anyone but the "witnesses" themselves and then laying a verdict they decided on before they stepped foot in the room there is no counter arguments, not forensic evidence, no cross examination, not anything but what these people want to be shown which is that Israel is the world's greatest villain. I shouldnt agitate for anything, I should ignore these people beside the fact that their propaganda is used by so many.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I dunno, Amnesty International, the BBC, the UN...Not some place I've never heard of until now. I'll admit I didn't know it wasn't all celebs in it.

I'm not agitated that Israel is being shit on - if this stuff is true, shit away. I'm agitated that someone (Stephan) tried to shame people into believing it wholesale instead of asking questions.

I'll repeat myself since people tend to talk past each other on this topic - I don't care who you're crapping on, I just want to see highly reputable data about it.

You both happy with that?

In related news, Gilmour was the only one writing music worth a crap after the separation.

It's not exactly hard to just google it if you are really interested in it.

Just one example:


Amnesty International has also documented many reports regarding this issue, again: it is something that even an elementary school kid can easily google to find:

Just an example:


Or the Guardian:


Or the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child (reported by Reuters)


Again, not saying that HAMAS is free from fault as well, but this "WELL WHAT ABOUT THEM" deflections sure is interesting to see.
Again, not saying that HAMAS is free from fault as well, but this "WELL WHAT ABOUT THEM" deflections sure is interesting to see.

Its not a deflection, its a response to the fact that so many portray one cause as the be all and end all. That one side controls the entire conflict and can be blamed for EVERYTHING, that actions of the other side are infantilized as just instinctual responses they can't be blamed for.

Its a conflict with many parties, if one seeks to end it it would make sense to include all not just one. But by focusing on one it seems that the intent isn't to fix anything or bring an account of justice but to tar and feather one side, the one they disagree with. There isn't even the excuse of "its too dangerous" or "Hamas is threating us" "we can't investigate" its just a basic "we don't give a crap, we want to focus on Israel". There are plenty of people willing to testify against them. Why are they preemptively excluded?
They literally include everyone but palestine from the people they might invetigate:

It will thus examine the various responsibilities that lead to the continued occupation of the Palestinian Territories by Israel and the non-application of the United Nations resolutions, from Resolution 181 of the 29th of November 1947, on the partition of Palestine, to Resolution ES-10/15 of the 20th of July 2004, that acknowledges the Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – of the 9th of July 2004 – on the construction of the Wall by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and requests all the UN Member States to acquit themselves of their legal obligations as defined by the ICJ Opinion. The responsibilities of Israel and also of other states, particularly the United States and the Member States of the European Union, the Arab States and the international organisations concerned (United Nations, the European Union, the Arab League) will be scrutinised.

Its all well and good to criticize Israel. They do a lot of stuff I find horrible and disgusting (pretty much every body saying this and other "tribunals" are shams admits as much) but what is the goal if its to place one side on the stand (in absentia) and let the other side wonder around still comitting their crimes while using the 'verdict' to justify them.
APKmetsfan and others:

Please ask your governments in the US or elsewhere to be more partial on their stance in this conflict if you truly want balance. Otherwise, you're all just blowing a lot of hot air or have a horse in the race.

Regardless of the balance and objectivity of any organization, what matters is what the governments of the US and other Israeli allies, who also happen to be powerful military and economical powerhouses, think.

In every thread about Israel, you guys come in saying "What about this/that" yet you don't raise the same concerns in the threads where the US government or French politicians or members of the UK parliament or the Canadian parliament make comments that basically portrays Israel as a saint and the Palestinians as nothing more than barbarians. All this call for equality from you guys seems utterly disingenuous.
APKmetsfan and others:

Please ask your governments in the US or elsewhere to be more partial on their stance in this conflict if you truly want balance. Otherwise, you're all just blowing a lot of hot air or have a horse in the race.

Regardless of the balance and objectivity of any organization, what matters is what the governments of the US and other Israeli allies, who also happen to be powerful military and economical powerhouses, think.

In every thread about Israel, you guys come in saying "What about this/that" yet you don't raise the same concerns in the threads where the US government or French politicians or members of the UK parliament or the Canadian parliament make comments that basically portrays Israel as a saint and the Palestinians as nothing more than barbarians. All this call for equality from you guys seems utterly disingenuous.

And I really don't think my government is too bad, its politicians (more to do with voters than their personal views, aka democracy) can be but actual policy from the state department? I'm not too opposed. We've done more for a two-state solution than any other nation (save for the two parties themselves) I can imagine, laugh all you want but Camp David, Camp David II, Madrid Conference, Annapolis, funding of PA, Many peace talks, under the table pressure on Israel for numerous things all have the US's fingerprints all over it, etc etc. What has BDS done to build a Palestinian state?

When things get boiled down to things like VETO, FUNDING OF WEAPONS, JEWISH MEDIA!!! As if the cause and only reason was the US's support. The actors themselves aren't important, "My government" is (this hits on something that was in the other thread, Israel is sometimes proxy for hatred of ones own government and their foreign policy rather than any deep understanding or perspective on the forces important to the Israeli or Palestinian people, it must be framed in the West-first perspective) Perspective is lost on where things were 50, 40, 30 years ago. And I'm sure you can frame that in a way there hasn't been progress (there still isn't a Palestinian state, thousands keep dying, etc). I'd love for there to have been a two state solution in 1947, but its not going to materialize out of thin air in some magical act of divine or "international law justice", the stakeholders must change.

Where is the future leading to? What kind of solution is imaged or wanted? How are your actions going to get you there? Those are the real questions of justice.

Or are we just doing the score card?


Again, not saying that HAMAS is free from fault as well, but this "WELL WHAT ABOUT THEM" deflections sure is interesting to see.

I thank you for the sources. And I don't know if you meant me or in general with the last bit, but I never made such deflections. They're both shitty, sure, but that's no excuse.


So basically the retort boils down to ad hominem attacks and whataboutism from the usual suspects.

The atrocities that emerge change but the response always remains the same.

And I really don't think my government is too bad, its politicians (more to do with voters than their personal views, aka democracy) can be but actual policy from the state department? I'm not too opposed. We've done more for a two-state solution than any other nation (save for the two parties themselves) I can imagine, laugh all you want but Camp David, Camp David II, Madrid Conference, Annapolis, funding of PA, Many peace talks, under the table pressure on Israel for numerous things all have the US's fingerprints all over it, etc etc. What has BDS done to build a Palestinian state?

When things get boiled down to things like VETO, FUNDING OF WEAPONS, JEWISH MEDIA!!! As if the cause and only reason was the US's support. The actors themselves aren't important, "My government" is (this hits on something that was in the other thread, Israel is sometimes proxy for hatred of ones own government and their foreign policy rather than any deep understanding or perspective on the forces important to the Israeli or Palestinian people, it must be framed in the West-first perspective) Perspective is lost on where things were 50, 40, 30 years ago. And I'm sure you can frame that in a way there hasn't been progress (there still isn't a Palestinian state, thousands keep dying, etc). I'd love for there to have been a two state solution in 1947, but its not going to materialize out of thin air in some magical act of divine or "international law justice", the stakeholders must change.

Where is the future leading to? What kind of solution is imaged or wanted? How are your actions going to get you there? Those are the real questions of justice.

Or are we just doing the score card?


You seriously believe the US to be an honest broker? The US only ends up stalling the process. It never forces Israel to make any compromises or concessions. Let's not even go too far back. Let's look at the recent massacre in Gaza. Israel kills thousands of civilians including women and children, displaces tens to hundreds of thousands others, destroys Palestinian infrastructure, destroys UN buildings, hospitals, and schools, uses illegal weapons on a civilian population, and the US does not say a peep? Yes, the US is the beacon of impartiality.

The idea behind BDS is the same thing that led to the downfall of South African apartheid. There's a reason one of the biggest supporters in the world of the BDS movement happen to be South African groups.

You seriously believe the US to be an honest broker? The US only ends up stalling the process. It never forces Israel to make any compromises or concessions. Let's not even go too far back. Let's look at the recent massacre in Gaza. Israel kills thousands of civilians including women and children, displaces tens to hundreds of thousands others, destroys Palestinian infrastructure, destroys UN buildings, hospitals, and schools, uses illegal weapons on a civilian population, and the US does not say a peep? Yes, the US is the beacon of impartiality.

The idea behind BDS is the same thing that led to the downfall of South African apartheid. There's a reason one of the biggest supporters in the world of the BDS movement happen to be South African groups.
I never said that. You're not even reading what I'm posting. I never said: honest broker, impartial or anything of the sort.

I said the US has done more for a two state solution and future independent Palestinian state than any nation besides Israel and Palestine.

And your not responding to my critique of BDS, I accused them of not doing anything to actually build a future state for the Palestinians. What do they see as "justice?" If you're on the side of justice, what do you seek? How do your actions get you there. Only the vague scaring or economically forcing Israel from the land (which land is a undecided question) which hasn't yet materialized.


I never said that. You're not even reading what I'm posting. I never said: honest broker, impartial or anything of the sort.

I said the US has done more for a two state solution and future independent Palestinian state than any nation besides Israel and Palestine.

And your not responding to my critique of BDS, I accused them of not doing anything to actually build a future state for the Palestinians. What do they see as "justice?" If you're on the side of justice, what do you seek? How do your actions get you there. Only the vague scaring or economically forcing Israel from the land (which land is a undecided question) which hasn't yet materialized.

The U.S. has had moments where they have been the best chance for a two state solution but in-between those moments in history the U.S. has been consistently one sided and acted as a shield from international recourse for the atrocities israel has and continues to commit.

More often then not we have been a dishonest broker and played a role antithetical to finding a solution to the Palestenian situation.


So basically the retort boils down to ad hominem attacks and whataboutism from the usual suspects.

The atrocities that emerge change but the response always remains the same.

Yup. Basically the same Hasbara. I'm surprised the same tired retoric bullshit keep being spewed by the same people, i thought by now their new script had been delivered.

I said the US has done more for a two state solution and future independent Palestinian state than any nation besides Israel and Palestine.

Yeah, by arming one side and shuning and condemning the other. You can't be the sponsor and the drug dealer of your junkie.
Yeah, by arming one side and shuning and condemning the other. You can't be the sponsor and the drug dealer of your junkie.

The U.S. has had moments where they have been the best chance for a two state solution but in-between those moments in history the U.S. has been consistently one sided and acted as a shield from international recourse for the atrocities israel has and continues to commit.

More often then not we have been a dishonest broker and played a role antithetical to finding a solution to the Palestenian situation.

Which nations (besides Israel and Palestine) have done more for a two-state solution?


To some people Israel could wipe out the rest of the world and they would still find justification for their actions.

I have no words on how to describe these people.


They hate Israel, that's all that is required for such a publicity event.

It's hard not to when you learn more about the settlement building process, and how armed religious fundamentalist nutters force unarmed palestinians from their homes, by contaminating water, killings and beating, and then their illegal outposts become government subsidised colonies.


Are there any pictures or videos of these "atrocities" being committed by Israel? I mean, in our media age, if it's this bad, there have to be some, I assume. I'm not talking about casualties of war, but actual tortures as being alleged.
Which nations (besides Israel and Palestine) have done more for a two-state solution?

How about all those countries that have recognized Palestine as a nation? Or those that voted to make it a non-member observer state in the UN? The US has put on a nice dog and pony show, to seem like they give a shit, but they clearly don't since Obama signed a check for Israel to rearm its missile systems.
Are there any pictures or videos of these "atrocities" being committed by Israel? I mean, in our media age, if it's this bad, there have to be some, I assume. I'm not talking about casualties of war, but actual tortures as being alleged.

For some reason Hamas made sure no one was out filming the actual fighting, only the aftermath of that fighting was shown.


Are there any pictures or videos of these "atrocities" being committed by Israel? I mean, in our media age, if it's this bad, there have to be some, I assume. I'm not talking about casualties of war, but actual tortures as being alleged.
I enjoy the presumption of innocence in this post. Ignore the fact we have just endured a campaign of destruction that amounted to collective punishment where numerous internationally recognized facilities were targeted and scores of civilians were killed. Where one of the trigger points was the recorded video of a innocent palestenian teen that was gunned down by an Israeli soldier. Or that just after the aftermath the right wing government that denies the right of a palestenian state in the West Bank expanded settlements into the area which flies in the face of their assertion to the world that if the West Bank would become more peaceful they would roll back settlements and work toward peace. Or after a not insignificant number of israeli intelligence soldiers have vowed to boycott their service due to the systemic culture and atrocious behavior they have witnessed within the ranks of the Israeli service.

But of course, how could israel possibly do the things asserted in the OP after they have shown such humility and restraint toward the Palestinians. Of course the claims being asserted may in fact be overblown but we have already had independent sources report on what appeared to be executions in the targeted Ones of Gaza and at least one of the accounts In The OP seems to mirror that report.

Russel brand should be on the next trial. He's anti Israel as well.

Cute that being against israeli policies and the the current right wing government, which is the focus of Brands criticism, which has enacted policies that have led to the death of countless men, woman and children in gaza makes you anti-israel.

It's the ignorant equivalent of equating anti-bush or Obama policy to anti-Americanism.


Which nations (besides Israel and Palestine) have done more for a two-state solution?
This cuts both ways. What country outside of Israel or Palestine has perverted the process of international justice or stood in the way of movement to force a two state solution or palestenian autonomy more so then the United States?

The U.S. Has at times been the best chance and the largest hindrance toward resolving this conflict. But outside of narrow windows mostly during the Clinton administration and the Carter administrations the U.S. Has been a roadblock more so then an ally in finding a solution.

El Topo

Some awful stuff in there....

So how reliable are these testimonies?

I only know of the German, but after some of his comments this year (for which he was highly criticized) I personally wouldn't believe anything he says regarding this.
That doesn't mean that what he's saying is necessarily wrong, but I'm not willing to give him in particular the benefit of the doubt. Even then due to the nature of this conflict you have to be careful with testimonies like that, especially at a "trial" like this.

Are there any pictures or videos of these "atrocities" being committed by Israel? I mean, in our media age, if it's this bad, there have to be some, I assume. I'm not talking about casualties of war, but actual tortures as being alleged.

I know that many pictures and videos that appeared during the conflict on social media were faked or taken out of context, it's very hard to trust them. It's not as if only Israel employs propaganda. That said I vaguely remember reading that Israel demanded the media (videos, photos) from (certain?) journalists*, so maybe some of the incriminating stuff just disappeared? Again, no source for this, it's just something I think I remember.

*I think maybe those that were allowed to travel with the Israeli army? In that case it would be a common procedure though.


That Canadian guy wasn't wrong when he said Israel was on the frontlines of terrorism, he just got the sides swapped round.


How about all those countries that have recognized Palestine as a nation? Or those that voted to make it a non-member observer state in the UN? The US has put on a nice dog and pony show, to seem like they give a shit, but they clearly don't since Obama signed a check for Israel to rearm its missile systems.

I don't see the problem with that. The missile systems in question is the Iron Dome, U.S have a great interest in the system since it will highlight where to go with missile-defense.

At any rate, I will take this tribunal with a punch of salt, as many are going to.


The worst thing to come of this will be the brutal realization that nobody with the power to do anything about it even cares.

Palestinians are just chum to the governments of the west.

No matter how awful this testimony, nothing will change until war from an actual state actor is declared on Israel, and since the US won't do anything and Europe is too scared to do anything that the US won't support, nothing will happen.

I can't even think of any other tragedy to compare it to, because it's just beyond comprehension and comparison at this point.

That won't change anything since there is no actor in the immediate vicinity that can challenge Israel, any actor would be put down. Their neighbors know this.
I know that many pictures and videos that appeared during the conflict on social media were faked or taken out of context, it's very hard to trust them. It's not as if only Israel employs propaganda. That said I vaguely remember reading that Israel demanded the media (videos, photos) from (certain?) journalists*, so maybe some of the incriminating stuff just disappeared? Again, no source for this, it's just something I think I remember.

*I think maybe those that were allowed to travel with the Israeli army? In that case it would be a common procedure though.

The IDF/Israeli government is notorious for blocking journalist access to their "areas of operation".

How is it misleading?

It's pretty much a show trial using left-wing "very important people" to judge on left wing causes. It's not a trial that consists of a broad range of actors across the political spectrum.

Regardless, I know better than to stick around in this thread. I'm not one to deal in the personal insults that are eventually going to be forthcoming from posters. That's how it is in any Israel-Palestine thread.


This will accomplish nothing except getting the Israel defence force's panties in a bunch. And that's ok too.
Definitely Israel needs to be held accountable for many of the things it has done in Palestine, including killing civilians, occupying land and building illegal settlements, but I'd also want to see some independent verification for some of those claims, like the one about people gathering at a mosque and being surrounded and tortured or killed. I feel like that would be difficult to cover up and I don't recall ever seeing or hearing about it.
Some of these testimonies are even more horrible that what I thought/expected. I'm more and more worried by the direction the Israelian society seems to be taking these days, and the complete lack of collective remorse.
How is it misleading?

It's pretty much a show trial using left-wing "very important people" to judge on left wing causes. It's not a trial that consists of a broad range of actors across the political spectrum.

Regardless, I know better than to stick around in this thread. I'm not one to deal in the personal insults that are eventually going to be forthcoming from posters. That's how it is in any Israel-Palestine thread.

Definitely Israel needs to be held accountable for many of the things it has done in Palestine, including killing civilians, occupying land and building illegal settlements, but I'd also want to see some independent verification for some of those claims, like the one about people gathering at a mosque and being surrounded and tortured or killed. I feel like that would be difficult to cover up and I don't recall ever seeing or hearing about it.

It's a shame that everyone is latching onto the fact that this isn't a "real" trial instead of the actual issue at hand: IDF war crimes in Gaza/Palestine.

This is not the first time the IDF has been accused or found guilty of war crimes.

In numerous cases, Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position, "effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk," the group said.
"Intentionally using civilians to shield a military objective, often referred to as using 'human shields' is a war crime," Amnesty said.
One Palestinian was quoted as saying Israeli troops forced him to go into a house to check whether gunmen holed up inside were still alive. They were, and threatened to kill him if he returned. The soldiers later forced him to check on the fighters two more times.
The report said it found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings.

"Wilful killings of unarmed civilians are war crimes," Amnesty said.
It said Israel's use of white phosphorus shells was also a clear breach of international law.

White phosphorus is not illegal if used as a smokescreen in open areas "but it should not be used in a densely populated area as it was used here," said Donatella Rovera, who led an Amnesty mission to Gaza and southern Israel.

A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields.

Palestinian children in the Gaza and the West Bank, captured by Israel in the 1967 war, are routinely denied registration of their birth and access to health care, decent schools and clean water, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child said.

"Palestinian children arrested by (Israeli) military and police are systematically subject to degrading treatment, and often to acts of torture, are interrogated in Hebrew, a language they did not understand, and sign confessions in Hebrew in order to be released," it said in a report.

I am not saying that Hamas is innocent--many of these same reports find that Hamas's actions of firing from civilian sectors are illegal as well.

During the conflict earlier this year, Netanyahu asked the US for help in avoiding war crime charges.

I mean, shit, the UN even stated multiple times in the Gaza conflict that the IDF had violated international law. Naturally, the international community only responded with "don't do that, please".

And in case you didn't know, the UN Human Rights Committee actually IS investigating Israel for war crimes. Israel is trying to look accountable through its own investigation, which has drawn heavy criticism from the UN as it is, by definition, not balanced.
Good. Seriously fuck Israel. They need to cool their shit and answer for their crimes. These stories, heartbreaking as they are, are only the tip of colossal fucking iceberg.

Definitely. Fuck every last man, woman, and child within that pre-defined geographical territory.
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