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It’s Time for a New Battletoads

Battletoads was a very popular game when it came out. I remember that me and my friends loved the weird humor of the game with the giant limbs.

If you want to be amazed, check out youtube footage of the arcade Battletoad game. It somehow came out years after the nes game and was incredibly violent (for its time).

It's strange as FUCK but the graphics are really bad-ass.


I played this a couple of weeks ago and it's a really shitty game. It looks more fun than it really is.


I would love a new Battletoads, I still haven't beaten any of the games but think they are great. It wasn't until 10 years later that I could finally beat that hoverbike stage.

Why would you want current Rare to reboot anything?

Because KI 2013 is god-like, you don't need Rare to make it, just have another great team make it. Double Helix proved that you don't need Rare to revive their old series, in fact KI was a better game for not using Rare. Rare lost so much of their talent even before the move to MS and in the years following.


I still fail to see your point. The game rocks.


I probably have nostalgia goggles, but I really want this new game. I didn't even know there were memes about it (although, that is pretty awesome). There is so much crap that gets remakes, reboots, etc, and I just don't understand how some of these things get made, while classics like Double Dragon, Battletoads, to some extend Megaman, etc sit idle collecting dust. Finally DD is making a comeback, so I think it's the perfect time to bring back the toads.


Jet Force Gemini is still the RARE revival that makes more sense, but I am always up for a new Beat em' Up

But a new Blast Corps would really show how the XboxOne can do particles and stuffs like that



I probably have nostalgia goggles, but I really want this new game. I didn't even know there were memes about it (although, that is pretty awesome). There is so much crap that gets remakes, reboots, etc, and I just don't understand how some of these things get made, while classics like Double Dragon, Battletoads, to some extend Megaman, etc sit idle collecting dust. Finally DD is making a comeback, so I think it's the perfect time to bring back the toads.

Battletoads is a legit good game even without nostalgia. The only reason I ever plug in my NES anymore is to fire up Battletoads. It is one of the few games I feel is hard without the crutch of RNG and monster hell like I feel Ninja Gaiden played out. It is just a hard but fair game.


I would absolutely love a new Battletoads game, but I'm not sure a Game that hard would actually sell now. If it lost that level of difficulty, I don't think it would be very fun anymore.
If it's anything like the original, it would certainly drive new controller sales.

I would absolutely love a new Battletoads game, but I'm not sure a Game that hard would actually sell now. If it lost that level of difficulty, I don't think it would be very fun anymore.

Just add save points. That would transform the nature of the game. A lot of the frustration is having to start over.
Man an HD Remake of Battletoads would be awesome. As frustratingly hard as this game was to play it was a blast at the same time. As long as they don't dumb it down for the masses I am totally on board for a remake


I don't think the original Battletoads is that great but Battletoads and Double Dragon was an actualy good beat 'em up. It wasn't as completely frustrating as the first one on NES and actually beatable when I was a kid.
I think should factor in it's age when passing judgement.

I mean it does everything it should do for an arcade 90's classic beatumup, but I grown to really dislike these quarter suckers. I love TMNT, The simpsons, X-Men arcade and the like but they are horribly imbalanced games that are just unfair to the player. Games like AvP and Sunset Riders do it right. Maybe this is getting a little too off topic. Let the battletoads love continue.

PK Gaming

There's insidious glitch in one of the later levels where player 2's character won't respond to button presses, making it impossible to complete the game without a continue.
Also if we where to remake battletoads could we fix some of the stupid flaws of it. Like actually being able to beat the game in single player and getting rid of the ability to hurt player 2.
They'd probably do a gritty reboot as a third person cover shooter, where the Battletoads carry gory-ass weapons reminiscent of Turok 2's cerebral bore.

Actually, I would play the shit out of that


Woah! That arcade version was crazy! I wish the NES and SNES versions were as reasonable as that one appeared.

Zitz and Rash took claws and drills right to the faces of their downed enemies! And the dying voices after being chomped by that snake will haunt me.

Them tongues though…


Gold Member
no it does not need a reboot/remake. it wont sell nearly as well as you imagine nor as well as a well-made Adventure Time beat 'em up.

some things in the past just need to stay in the past. not every old character works in the modern day.


I mean it does everything it should do for an arcade 90's classic beatumup, but I grown to really dislike these quarter suckers. I love TMNT, The simpsons, X-Men arcade and the like but they are horribly imbalanced games that are just unfair to the player. Games like AvP and Sunset Riders do it right. Maybe this is getting a little too off topic. Let the battletoads love continue.

Beatemups at the arcade were all irritatingly designed that way. They turned skill required way down, and basically made it so you were required to take damage in order to deal it (specifically against bosses). This guarantees your death so you can drop more quarters in. That's why I prefer the console TMNT/Battletoads games. I don't count the XBLA Simpson/X-Men games as 'console' versions, since they maintained the arcade mechanics.
I like Battle Toads, but only the first 2 or 3 levels. It was barely a beatem up after a while. I think people are more in love with idea of Battle Toads and not what it really was.

You couldn't be born of this earth if you managed to beat that game.


In all honesty though, I think Beat Em ups are a weird genre for this day and age. They were designed to part you with as many quarters as possible, which you would think would make them good for mobile, but they require better input than tapping.

I just can't see any studio devoting decent resources to a game that won't sell at standard retail prices.
They'd probably do a gritty reboot as a third person cover shooter, where the Battletoads carry gory-ass weapons reminiscent of Turok 2's cerebral bore.

Actually, I would play the shit out of that

Ha! Yeah, I would too. A Battletoads reboot could be pretty much any kind of game possible since it's a reboot.


I mean it does everything it should do for an arcade 90's classic beatumup, but I grown to really dislike these quarter suckers. I love TMNT, The simpsons, X-Men arcade and the like but they are horribly imbalanced games that are just unfair to the player.

Well Simpsons and X-Men are just bad fucking games.



In all honesty though, I think Beat Em ups are a weird genre for this day and age. They were designed to part you with as many quarters as possible, which you would think would make them good for mobile, but they require better input than tapping.

I just can't see any studio devoting decent resources to a game that won't sell at standard retail prices.

The Arkham games are basically the new generation of beatemups. Imagine if similar mechanics were added to a sidescrolling version?

PK Gaming

I found Contra to be more difficult/annoying. The SNES Battletoads game with multiplayer was much more relaxed and fun. Perhaps I was having so much of a good time that I didn't realize how difficult the game was. That's how multiplayer games should be.

Friendly fire isn't even close to the worst thing about two-player. Moving the screen too far up, or not jumping down at exactly the same time when there's a chasm you have to fall into with OHKO spikes on both sides and an icicle that makes you bounce upwards if it hits you, causing you to pull up the screen and kill your partner? If one of you runs out of lives, you're both kicked to the Game Over screen immediately, but the surviving player only keeps the lives they had? Two-player mode is just unbearable.
Battletoads had some of the worst co-op to ever grace gaming

people just love this game because of memes/4chan

Maybe I'm showing my age, but when the game was new everyone I knew who played it liked it. It was a great multiplayer game (for the first few levels) at sleep overs, had amazing graphics by NES standards and pretty great music. It fit in perfectly with all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shows at the time, and had silly stuff like Space Invaders aliens stealing your energy.

Yea, it was a fun, if not infuriating game...but in retrospect, it wasn't very good at all.

Infuriating? Yes. A bad game? Hardly. The only real problem was a lack of continues and/or a password system. Instead they put in warps that most people didn't know about, which left most replaying the first three stages endlessly, and maybe the snake stage if we got lucky (and soon died).

I like Battle Toads, but only the first 2 or 3 levels

The snake, ice, and water levels are all really interesting though. They bucked many of the trends of other games of the day, and were very well designed. Like I said above the main problem was nobody was really good enough to get to them consistently or simply never saw them.

i know nothing about this series and would much rather have Rare bring back Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Conker, Viva Piñata, or Kameo before working on this.

Those seem more likely, but the nostalgia for Killer Instinct is prompting them to rethink this.

Battletoads was basically the video game equivalent of Street Sharks. :p

There were lots of TMNT rip offs back then, because TMNT was so insanely popular. Biker Mice from Mars also comes to mind. The Battletoads characters were no different but I think the gameplay is what made it stand out to players back then, not the similarities to TMNT.

Battletoads had some of the worst co-op to ever grace gaming

Two-player simultaneous games were pretty rare on the NES. Most of them suffered from horrible slow down, but Battletoads didn't despite its large characters and such. Sure, friendly-fire caused many unnecessary deaths but that was part of the fun in a simpler time when videogames weren't so serious.

Who the hell doesn't like the X-Men Arcade game? I've never heard such insanity.

As impressive as it was to see in the arcades, the actual game itself has aged very poorly. I tried to watch the Giant Bomb quick look of it when it was released on XBLA and PSN and it was just so boring and repetitious even by beat-em-up standards. At least The Simpsons game has some wackiness to it and weird anomalies in character designs and such that make it a curiosity.
I came back to Battletoads (NES) as a gorpy teenager, at the height of my twitchy finger skills. I'd never played the later levels before, but it was destined to be a Day of Glory, my brothers. Channeling a Wachowski wet dream, my fingers danced over that hard little controller. My Toads were angry that day, my friends, and I could feel the pulse of the Pause Theme in my blood. I whizzed past the speeder bike walls. I hopped all over the tunnel snakes. I was down to my last life, but as the sun began to set through my bedroom window the game gave herself up to me. All my fears fell away, and I touched the very face of Heaven. It was sublime.

In ecstasy, I turned off my Stone Temple Pilots CD, rubbed my hand sweat on my super long jam shorts, and slipped in some Pearl Jam. I took a long pull from my Caprisun, smiled, and fired up PunchOut to take on Tyson.

One shining moment...


Also as long as it doesnt have some strange cheap art style ala Double Dragon Neon (I like the game, but know Wayforward could've done much better).

EDIT: Jet Force Gemini would've been perfect for the 360 considering how popular shooters of any type were last gen.

I toured Way Forward a few years back with my Community College Computer Science club. The way they work is they make bids (against other companies) of how cheap they can do the game. The company offering the game for development has a certain amount of time for development in mind. Way Forward can only make games as great as the budget allows them to. Since them and other companies are competing for cheaper development costs, some games don't end up living up to their full potential.

Given more time Double Dragon Neon would have been much better.


Maybe I'm showing my age, but when the game was new everyone I knew who played it liked it. It was a great multiplayer game (for the first few levels) at sleep overs, had amazing graphics by NES standards and pretty great music. It fit in perfectly with all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shows at the time, and had silly stuff like Space Invaders aliens stealing your energy.

I got Battletoads and Streets of Rage both for Christmas of '91. Guess which one I played more.


There were lots of TMNT rip offs back then, because TMNT was so insanely popular. Biker Mice from Mars also comes to mind. The Battletoads characters were no different but I think the gameplay is what made it stand out to players back then, not the similarities to TMNT.

LOL! Guilty pleasure: I loved that show, and I loved the SNES game.
I got Battletoads and Streets of Rage both for Christmas of '91. Guess which one I played more.

What does that have to do with anything? This thread isn't proposing an either-or situation between a remake of Battletoads or SOR. In fact, a remake of SOR would probably be more likely if Battletoads and other older games continue to get the remake treatment.


What does that have to do with anything? This thread isn't proposing an either-or situation between a remake of Battletoads or SOR. In fact, a remake of SOR would probably be more likely if Battletoads and other older games continue to get the remake treatment.

I hope both get remade XD
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