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It’s Time for a New Battletoads


After watching the YouTube vids I remember now that the snake, hover - chessboard, and water pipe levels were all lame... soooo though I love battletoads I would hate to see all that again


What does that have to do with anything? This thread isn't proposing an either-or situation between a remake of Battletoads or SOR. In fact, a remake of SOR would probably be more likely if Battletoads and other older games continue to get the remake treatment.

the tone of your post read "well, i'm older and everyone liked it then!", just showing that I'm an old dude too that didn't care much for it. :)

I've played electronic Simon variants with deeper mechanics

well those tend to use more buttons so
I really don't think I would want this.

Battletoads was a great game, but it was RIDICULOUSLY HARD. My soul is not able to cope with that level of grueling difficulty anymore. I spent months trying to beat this game as a kid until I finally did it. I felt like Rocky after knocking out Apollo.

That game and Ninja Gaidan (which I also beat) were so grueling and demanding, they probably took years off my lifespan. I cannot fathom playing a game like that ever again.
I feel like MS is going to bring tons of old school games back, which is a really good thing and definitely what they should do buld on what they have or haven't used yet.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
btw. anyone knows who owns the rights for this franchise?


there are so many better beat-em-ups than battletoads that are much more deserving of reboots/new installments.

people just love this game because of memes/4chan.

Yeah people also just love mario because he's italian, if it wasn't for that no one would play those games
Only ever played the SNES game (Battletoads in Battlemaniacs?) but i have very fond memories of it.

Most of it, atleast. The bike levels were a nightmare.
Sure. I wasn't saying that games don't exist. I was directly responding to the line: Beat Em ups are a weird genre for this day and age

Because they are. Hybridized beat em ups like Guacamelee or Batman or even the Devil May Cry series expand upon the basic mechanics and give the player more to do than mash buttons.

Meanwhile something like say Scott Pilgrim or the awful XBLA the Warriors Street Brawl show why pure arcadey brawlers just aren't fun anymore.


According to Rare devs that've posted here, BattleToads was pitched multiple times to MS, but was shot down every time, saying that it only had a nostalgia appeal and nothing more.

But with KI3, who knows anymore...




I would love to see another Battletoads. One of my favorite beat-em-ups.
Optional speeder levels or obstacle courses please.

And making the beat-em-up portions more similar to how the SNES Battlemaniacs level 1 was (if only the whole game was like level 1...)
Battletoads would be a perfect fit for Xbox. All that damn green. And speaking of green, it would make me buy an Xbox One, pending that they didn't fuck it up.
I like Battle Toads, but only the first 2 or 3 levels. It was barely a beatem up after a while. I think people are more in love with idea of Battle Toads and not what it really was.

You couldn't be born of this earth if you managed to beat that game.

Love your icon, jinbe!

I beat the game and it is difficult if you don't amass 1-ups in the 2nd level.

The final level is the queen trying to stomp/kick the shit out of you or tornado you to death. Honestly, feels like a masochists' lair the way she looks and tries to hit you..
I like Battle Toads, but only the first 2 or 3 levels. It was barely a beatem up after a while. I think people are more in love with idea of Battle Toads and not what it really was.

You couldn't be born of this earth if you managed to beat that game.

I beat it, but I'll be honest, the Clinger Winger level took me more than a year of on and off gaming to beat.


for THEM but they could farm them out like Killer Instinct.

then why the fuck would MS need Rare anymore, then?
Hell the best thing to happen to their legacy in recent years was the revival of killer instinct, and they weren't even the ones who made it.

don't get me wrong, double helix did a fantastic job, but if i was a long term rare employee, 'bittersweet' isn't even touching the iceberg on that.

that being said, KI matches thee xbox audience to a 't'. it's a great match. i think an 'rc pro am' and 'cobra triangle' might work, but battletoads won't.

it has the aesthetics of the 'mascot era' of gaming, and that style of presentation doesn't do very well on the xbox market. they'd have to drastically change the entire concept of the i.p, and they're going to do that then the might as well just make a new franchise.


Neo Member
They could take the auto scrollers and turn them into mobile phone games. Also do a Kickstarter or something to check for interest.
there are so many better beat-em-ups than battletoads that are much more deserving of reboots/new installments.

people just love this game because of memes/4chan.

Pffft, not even. Battletoads was (and remains!) a great game. Absolutely one of the best games on the NES.

It's not just about being a beat-em-up, there is a huge variety of levels and gameplay styles. It's all incredible solid with good hit detection, responsive controls, and impressive graphics. While I'm defending Battletoads, I'll say that the game has actually aged very well compared to most NES games, and that it really isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. My top 3 NES games are Battletoads, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Super Mario 3. I still play it to this day!

A new Battletoads is actually one of the few things that would get me to seriously consider an Xbone purchase.
I can get behind any beat'em up coming back, as long as it mostly sticks to the original style. Not try to recreate the series...looking at you Golden Axe Beast Rider and the other Final Fights.


Battletoads was such cool, out there game for its time. Nearly every level offered something different from the rest, it wasn't just a by-the-numbers scrolling beat 'em up. I have such fond memories of playing with my buddies back when I was like 10. Battlemaniacs and BT&DD just weren't the same, BM especially seemed crazy rushed, it has less than half the levels of the original, and recycled too many ideas from it as well.

I'd definitely like a new one, 2D o 2.5D only, but i wonder where do the rights of that franchise lie.


I had battletoads as a kid, like many people did, and I futilly tried playing it multiplayer with my friends and family as a kid, like many did. A few times one of us would get to the end boss, but never as a result of playing two player, and always by using warps.

The original NES game was the only battletoads game that was actually good -- IMO. The genesis version had "better graphics" (I guess you could say that?) but don't like how it looked. The double dragon crossovers were cute but they were just double dragon games, really. The SNES version of battletoads, to me, always felt like a phoned in stinker.

Anyway, make a game in the spirit of the original NES game, and I'd buy it. ;) Not sure who holds those rights or whatever, but it seems like the Kickstarter would already have existed if anyone could have gotten ahold of the rights.


I had battletoads as a kid, like many people did, and I futilly tried playing it multiplayer with my friends and family as a kid, like many did. A few times one of us would get to the end boss, but never as a result of playing two player, and always by using warps.

The original NES game was the only battletoads game that was actually good -- IMO. The genesis version had "better graphics" (I guess you could say that?) but don't like how it looked. The double dragon crossovers were cute but they were just double dragon games, really. The SNES version of battletoads, to me, always felt like a phoned in stinker.

Anyway, make a game in the spirit of the original NES game, and I'd buy it. ;) Not sure who holds those rights or whatever, but it seems like the Kickstarter would already have existed if anyone could have gotten ahold of the rights.

Huh? There was only one crossover, and it played exactly like Battletoads. It was pretty much Battletoads 2 with some Double Dragon characters shoved in.
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