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ITT: We play Steam games *WE NEVER INSTALLED BEFORE* for ~15-30 mins; review them




Cthulhu Saves the World, downloading now and omg at the trailer music.



Wow, WOW. Haha, I haven't laughed so much in that short amount of time for a long time.
Well, its a RPG game from top down perspective like roguelike games and fighting is like in Final Fantasy games, where you see enemies and select actions for your group.
I was and am playing on easy, because I just want to fly thru it at first. When I started, the game told me that there will be like 25 random encounters, so I was prepared and not that frustrated when that happened.
I had opened some chest with gold and with fleece armor, now I'm a rockstar! Yea!

5/5 will play again


needs 2 extra inches
World of Goo
~ 45 minutes played.

I feel like I'm one of the last people on this forum playing this. Decent presentation, visuals and music. The idea of this game felt blah at the beginning, as building goo towers isn't the most enticing concept, but the execution was great. I stuck to playing it until I was introduced different types of goos and contraptions, which really fleshed out the concept and made it enjoyable.

I only have one problem with this product: it's mean to be played on a tablet. And as far as I can tell the iPad version is wholly intact and runs great.

So while the game is fantastic, I don't think I'll be returning to the Steam version.


And with that, I'm done with my first list.

I'll create a new one tomorrow.


I'll post a list to get me motivated enough to play my games.

Geneforge 5
Bit Trip Runner
Thief Deadly Shadows
Your Doodles are Bugged
Ys The Oath in Felghana


The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom

Interesting premise that gets old after a few levels. Different game mechanics added in for a more varied experience, but soon after the 'time travel' concept becomes more of a chore than an innovation.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I'll post a list to get me motivated enough to play my games.

Geneforge 5
Bit Trip Runner
Thief Deadly Shadows
Your Doodles are Bugged
Ys The Oath in Felghana

Played the first 4? Not that it matters much, G5 was my first game of the series too and I immensely enjoyed it.


World of Goo
~ 45 minutes played.

I feel like I'm one of the last people on this forum playing this. Decent presentation, visuals and music. The idea of this game felt blah at the beginning, as building goo towers isn't the most enticing concept, but the execution was great. I stuck to playing it until I was introduced different types of goos and contraptions, which really fleshed out the concept and made it enjoyable.

I only have one problem with this product: it's mean to be played on a tablet. And as far as I can tell the iPad version is wholly intact and runs great.

So while the game is fantastic, I don't think I'll be returning to the Steam version.


And with that, I'm done with my first list.

I'll create a new one tomorrow.

"decent" presentation and music? What the christ man, the soundtrack is one of the absolute best in recent years. Also it's originally a pc game and works perfectly with a mouse, so I'd recommend just continuing on the version you have.


Really busy with work and school right now, but here's my first list:

The Binding of Isaac
Trine 2
Ys: Oath in Felghana

Going to try to launch each of these by the end of the week.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Future Wars

I am not quite sure how somehow managed to make the Advance Wars formula as uncompelling as this. It starts with little things like the combat animations that simply don't feel satisfactory or the overall style not really being interesting to look at. I guess the basic gameplay premise is solid, but they simply didn't manage to make it fun to play. A variety of technical issues I had with the camera in Window mode didn't help either.

I started it up 3 times to give it a serious try, but it simply doesnt get better. Unfortunate.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Really busy with work and school right now, but here's my first list:

The Binding of Isaac
Trine 2
Ys: Oath in Felghana

Going to try to launch each of these by the end of the week.

Woah, fun list. It feels like I only have crap left from my list :p


Neo Member
Dungeons of Dredmor

Playtime: 8.6 hours (...)

I've had this game for a long long while. When I got it (don't really remember how) I remember playing it for about 20mins and enjoying it but I never touched it again. Well, I went back to it on Friday and from my current playtime you can figure out my feelings on the game.
Once you get a handle on the game systems it is FANTASTIC. I'm having a blast playing it. I did a few practice runs with permadeath but I'm playing with it off now and really loving it. The game has a TON of personality and the combat can be very engaging and challenging without feeling cheap.
It's addictive, fun, challenging, has a great sense of humour, I will definitely keep playing it



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Galcon Fusion

15 minutes

Upon playing it I realized that this drag and drop gameplay probably isnt a coincidence and indeed it is a game born on the iOS platform, which funnily enough was my first thought. "Hey, this is kinda fun, but I'd rather play it on my iPad.", is basically the only thing I need to write about it, but for completeness sake:

The basic gameplay revolves around conquering the galaxy. It is a strategy game, dialed back to the lowest imaginable core concepts. You get units from your planets, and send them conquering other planets. Every planet (depending on the size) creates more units to conquer more planets, until you in the end, have conquered all the planets your enemy had, which is also the goal for the game. I need to say that having literally HUNDREDS of those ships flying around feels really satisfying, and the game runs solid, looks nice, and has a diversity of modes to choose from. Due to that I can't be too harsh, but in the end its missing depth. You have a TON of difficulties additionally to the game modes, but all won't last too long.

In my 15 minutes of playtime I basically managed to play completely through the game on the lowest difficulty setting, meaning I played a randomized match in every one of the 8 modes and tried a bit of the highest setting. I know the game offers more difficulty settings and a robust multiplayer option, but thats not what I'd want from it.

My main gripes in a nutshell:
- It doesnt include a single player campaign (like for example Osmos does)
- Since the SP focus is on randomized matches against the AI, why no highscore boards? That might have gotten me to try the other difficulty modes.
- Gameplay is too simple, games over too soon
- I accuse the AI of cheating, since they are able to change the destination of sent ships in midflight, which you are not able to do.

It seems like you can have quite a bit of fun with this game on iOS, on PC it leaves me wanting for more, putting me in the indifferent category.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Dungeons of Dredmor

Playtime: 8.6 hours (...)

I've had this game for a long long while. When I got it (don't really remember how) I remember playing it for about 20mins and enjoying it but I never touched it again. Well, I went back to it on Friday and from my current playtime you can figure out my feelings on the game.
Once you get a handle on the game systems it is FANTASTIC. I'm having a blast playing it. I did a few practice runs with permadeath but I'm playing with it off now and really loving it. The game has a TON of personality and the combat can be very engaging and challenging without feeling cheap.
It's addictive, fun, challenging, has a great sense of humour, I will definitely keep playing it


Great you enjoy it! One of the games I keep recommending to others together with Frozen Synapse, SpaceChem and now Legend of Grimrock. All instant classics for me.


Neo Member
Great you enjoy it! One of the games I keep recommending to others together with Frozen Synapse, SpaceChem and now Legend of Grimrock. All instant classics for me.

I've played quite a bit of Frozen Synapse and it is indeed a great game. SpaceChem didn't grab me though.
I'll get Legend of Grimrock as soon as it goes on sale. I started playing Dungeons of Dredmor because of Grimrock actually! I was checking out some Grimrock videos and it seemed so awesome I had to play something like it to get my mind off of buying it right away, glad I went back to Dungeons of Dredmor!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I've played quite a bit of Frozen Synapse and it is indeed a great game. SpaceChem didn't grab me though.
I'll get Legend of Grimrock as soon as it goes on sale. I started playing Dungeons of Dredmor because of Grimrock actually! I was checking out some Grimrock videos and it seemed so awesome I had to play something like it to get my mind off of buying it right away, glad I went back to Dungeons of Dredmor!

If SpaceChem didnt grab you because of the horrible tutorial, I'd lend you a hand if you need anything explained. The game wasnt too hot in advertising itself right from the start. Just an offer, if you simply didnt like it thats fine of course ;)

Regarding DoD: You got the DLC? It adds 5 new levels and a lot of stuff to the dungeon. Definitely worth it in case you havent bought it yet.


Neo Member
If SpaceChem didnt grab you because of the horrible tutorial, I'd lend you a hand if you need anything explained. The game wasnt too hot in advertising itself right from the start. Just an offer, if you simply didnt like it thats fine of course ;)

Regarding DoD: You got the DLC? It adds 5 new levels and a lot of stuff to the dungeon. Definitely worth it in case you havent bought it yet.

I didn't play much past the tutorial I think. I'm really not into puzzle games like this but i'll give it another shot sometime

I don't have the DoD DLC but I'll pick that one up for sure


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Gratuitous Space Battles
Time played: 70 minutes

Oh. I thought I would try this only for a few minutes and woosh. Time went by. If it werent for Steam tracking my playtime for each game I'd have no idea how long I played it :p

Anyway, Jinfash already made a description of what it is. It is NOT a tactical strategy game, but rather a simulation. You build your ships, consisting of hull types, weapons, defense systems and lots of other stuff, then position them on the map, give them instructions and GO. After the battle, you get a lot (like a LOT) statistics that seem a bit overwhelming at first, which help you planning out your next try better. By winning those battles you gain honor, which you can invest in upgrades.

I really like how in depth that preparation aspect is. Not only can you build the parts of your ships yourself, but you can ALSO give orders, and use a few (though rather basic) programmed orders for your unit to, for example, concentrate on certain enemy types or protect certain ships of your own army.

The graphics aren't overly shiny, but do the job. The missions itself are over rather quickly since you dont need to directly influence them, so you really need to have a knack for tinkering and trying out a lot of stuff to like this game. But if you like it there is quite a bit of content here. 3 different races with different ship designs, and race specific ship upgrades, 10 story missions (for the first race) with 3 difficulty settings. I have 2 problems with it. My main gripe would probably be the lack of highscore tables since the single missions would lend itself very well to optimizing your concepts. My second problem is the lack of proper introduction to the small parts of the game, or rather the strategy.
When would it be more useful to have shield breaking weapons? When do I want to whip out the damage instead? Where and how should I use faster ships instead of the bigger ones? Which kind of formation lends itself to which situation?
If you dont mind figuring stuff like that out yourself, you should enjoy this game. I did so far.

Will I play again? Will definitely tinker around some more, trying to finish the current set of missions.



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I didn't play much past the tutorial I think. I'm really not into puzzle games like this but i'll give it another shot sometime

Sure, no criticism or anything, but there were quite a few people dismissing it at first glance and then hailing it as one of the best games of last year. Its so baffling how some developers simply don't manage to make their games appealing right from the start.

In case anyone wonders, sorry for the double posts, but since I'll link those reviews in the summary posts, I dont want the conversation to be inside those posts I am going to link.


Company of Heroes


I've only played through the tutorial sequences and the first two campaign missions. Like with any RTS, it would take me a long time to get much of an understanding of what counters what and how to deploy units efficiently. I'm in "push one giant ball of units around the map" mode for now, so take any of my comments on the game's mechanics with a mountain of salt.

I'm completely bored by the setting and story, although that's not necessarily the game's fault; WWII has just been done to death and I'm tired of playing D-Day missions. The visuals are surprisingly sharp for a game of its age, though. The screen livens up with explosions, machine gun sprays, parachuting troopers and more to make every battle feel brutal and chaotic.

Compared to, say, a Blizzard RTS game, CoH almost entirely removes economy management in favor of asking for better (and more frequent) micromanaging of units. Even early on, all of my units have multiple abilities, and I'm constantly under pressure to place them in cover and to reposition heavier weapons. Frankly, it's a little intimidating, and I'm worried about my own ability to grasp it.

If I had to rate my level of enjoyment at this moment, it would be a 3/5. Having said that, I can easily see the appeal that a game like this could have for competitive players, and I'm still interested enough to continue with the campaign. I'm not sure that I want to sink too much more time in to getting better at it beyond that, because I just feel more at home with base building games.


Company of Heroes


I've only played through the tutorial sequences and the first two campaign missions. Like with any RTS, it would take me a long time to get much of an understanding of what counters what and how to deploy units efficiently. I'm in "push one giant ball of units around the map" mode for now, so take any of my comments on the game's mechanics with a mountain of salt.

I'm completely bored by the setting and story, although that's not necessarily the game's fault; WWII has just been done to death and I'm tired of playing D-Day missions. The visuals are surprisingly sharp for a game of its age, though. The screen livens up with explosions, machine gun sprays, parachuting troopers and more to make every battle feel brutal and chaotic.

Compared to, say, a Blizzard RTS game, CoH almost entirely removes economy management in favor of asking for better (and more frequent) micromanaging of units. Even early on, all of my units have multiple abilities, and I'm constantly under pressure to place them in cover and to reposition heavier weapons. Frankly, it's a little intimidating, and I'm worried about my own ability to grasp it.

If I had to rate my level of enjoyment at this moment, it would be a 3/5. Having said that, I can easily see the appeal that a game like this could have for competitive players, and I'm still interested enough to continue with the campaign. I'm just not sure that I want to sink too much more time in to getting better at it, because I just feel more at home with base building games.

You really should continue playing. Imo it's the best rts ever and far superior to starcraft, Warcraft and everything else. The campaign is phenomenal. I don't play multiplayer.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
You really should continue playing. Imo it's the best rts ever and far superior to starcraft, Warcraft and everything else. The campaign is phenomenal. I don't play multiplayer.

I had the same problem. I understood its a good game but oh man.. WW2... You cant imagine how fed up I am with WW2.


Bought Containment: The Zombie Puzzler for 4.99 its pretty fun if you like bejeweled but with zombies. My wife loves it and now thinks steam is cool.


I had the same problem. I understood its a good game but oh man.. WW2... You cant imagine how fed up I am with WW2.

Personally i love the setting precisely because it's so fresh and unique in the rts genre (or was when it game out). Instead I'm sick and tired of sci-fi/fantasy :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Bought Containment: The Zombie Puzzler for 4.99 its pretty fun if you like bejeweled but with zombies. My wife loves it and now thinks steam is cool.

Any difference to Bejeweled?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I tried this out for a bit too this week. While I agree to everything you stated, I guess I'm just not in a simulation mood right now.

Totally understandable, guess I wouldnt have played this game that much a few months ago either. My brain and gaming behaviour is sort of in that "sim mode" the last few weeks. But its a nice game if you are willing to put up with that at some point.


needs 2 extra inches
"decent" presentation and music? What the christ man, the soundtrack is one of the absolute best in recent years.
Yeah, upon playing some more I can safely say the soundtrack is awesome, so I'll give you that.

But I'll still stand by my presentation assessment; I'm LTTP, and thanks to the rise of tablet gaming, I guess it doesn't stand out anymore, and feels very, very familiar, imo. If it wasn't released way before the boom of smartphone gaming I'd call it "derivative" even. :p

But in all fairness I can't let any of that discount how awesome of a package this game is, can I?


erotic butter maelstrom
I need to get back to this.

Revamped list:

Crayon Physics
From Dust
EYE: Divine Cybermancy
Iron Grip: Warlord
Prison Tycoon 3

All unplayed, aside from 25 painful minutes with Prison Tycoon. Let's do this shit.


erotic butter maelstrom
Crayon Physics Deluxe

Time played: 18 minutes



Pretty cool. You basically just solve physics-based puzzles by drawing lines and shapes to direct your object to the goal, but the drawing mechanic lets you improvise and get a little creative with it. The aesthetics are charming, appropriate for the whole crayon theme. I don't really have any major complaints against it, but it is something that I'd rather play as a time killer on a portable touchscreen device, rather than something to sit down and focus on at my PC. I'll play it again but not as often as I would if I had it on Iphone or Vita.


Yeah, upon playing some more I can safely say the soundtrack is awesome, so I'll give you that.

But I'll still stand by my presentation assessment; I'm LTTP, and thanks to the rise of tablet gaming, I guess it doesn't stand out anymore, and feels very, very familiar, imo. If it wasn't released way before the boom of smartphone gaming I'd call it "derivative" even. :p

But in all fairness I can't let any of that discount how awesome of a package this game is, can I?

You can, but you shouldn't :)

Joe Molotov

Alien Breed: Impact
Played for an hour

Game is c-tier third-person sci-fi shooter garbage. Not particularly bad in any way, just totally generic in every way. Fighting generic sci-fi bug aliens in generic sci-fi hallways. Made worse by a lot of backtracking. Also things randomly explode and shake the screen around, I started to feel faintly seasick after an hour. It's just not really worth anyone's time.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Greed Corp

Time played: 90 minutes

Another strategy game that narrows its mechanics down to the bare minimum (not unlike Galcon Fusion), since you only have one actual unit to deploy, that only has one attack mode. Unlike Galcon Fusion however, you still have the resource gathering mechanic in the game with a neat underlying present day criticism about unstoppable consumerism and ruthless exploitation. You gather resources (money) by harvesting the land you walk and build on. As soon as the land is too weak, it collapses and vanishes. You also can't stop the process of resource gathering once it started, so inevitably you'll end up destroying land to save your freedom against the other factions.

Despite seemingly simple core concepts, I definitely needed the 1 hour tutorial to get to grips with the building mechanics. Its not easy to exploit the land while still controlling a fight, and I need to say they really managed to pin down the mechanics in that regard, presenting a very coherent gameplay experience. Its not only coherent , but also enjoyable. The carefree 1920's tunes and perfectly fitting sound design make for a very engaging audio experience as well.

At this point I need a paragraph to talk about "coherence" in game design. While playing this, I constantly needed to think of Future Wars. Not because they are terribly similar, but because of the fact that Greed Corp is a game of love and passion. You notice in every little detail that someone had a vision with this game and LOTS of love to go with it. Every element blends magnificently together to create a unique and coherent experience. Future Wars on the other hand,even leaving the blatant Advance Wars ripoff argument aside, simply doesnt come together in an appealing way. Boring animations, unimpressive sound design, uninspired overall graphics. Those aspects arent event similar bad, it just feels like it is a patchwork game thrown together from bits and pieces left over from other projects. I know , the Future Wars guys probably put a lot of effort into their game as well, and actually I dont want to thrash them for it, but between those two games you easily see the difference in talent and compassion, which was such a remarkable difference that I just felt like point it out.

Anyway, back on topic. Game is GOOD. Will play again.


Max Payne

Time played: 50 minutes

Yeah, so I'm more than a little LTTP, but I ended up grabbing this and the sequel a few Steam sales back since I remember the games getting some good reviews when they came out.

Now, I know the game is old, but even something as simple as locational damage would have been appreciated. With the health as sparse as it is, it's really annoying to unload a bunch of shots directly into a guy's face at point-blank range and have him able to still return fire.

The game's biggest issue for me so far is that the bullet time mechanic doesn't seem to be all that well implemented. The slow motion diving+shooting moves seem to be entirely useless, as you can only get a couple pistol shots (or a single shotgun shot) off, then you're stuck picking yourself up off the ground while everybody else is shooting at you. So yeah, it's great if you want to ambush a single enemy, but if that's the case, you can just activate the bullet time and walk around the corner while shooting at him, diving not necessary.

I guess I was expecting something a little more on the casual side of the shooter scale, but even early on the game seems fairly punishing, mostly due to the enemies being bullet sponges, which ends up being more annoying than anything else. I may go back to it some day, but I'm not really itching to go back. Maybe the sequel will solve these issues...
You notice in every little detail that someone had a vision with this game and LOTS of love to go with it. Every element blends magnificently together to create a unique and coherent experience.

The devs clearly spent a lot of time creating their setting. Gatling Gears takes place in the same world despite being a completely different type of game (its a dual stick shooter). Gatling Gears is also quite good IMO, despite having some unfortunate EA DRM attached to it.
Ok, I'll join in - thread seems like a great idea especially as I'm feeling a bit burnt out on my games at the moment.

I will be honest, a few of the games have been installed before but never actually played properly (for example Shank wasn't even played with a mouse, just wanted to check my laptop could run it, and same with a few others/Xmas achievements).

The list below is a fairly manageable section of my Steam library that I reckon I'll be able to get through.


As you can see from the download - Shank is my first choice, so will play that for a little while before I sleep soon and report back.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The devs clearly spent a lot of time creating their setting. Gatling Gears takes place in the same world despite being a completely different type of game (its a dual stick shooter). Gatling Gears is also quite good IMO, despite having some unfortunate EA DRM attached to it.

Thanks for mentioning Gatling Gears. Looks pretty good, on my radar now.


Bought this today, but still doing it.

Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP

Time played: 25 minutes

Yes, it's another indie game with retro graphics. The game is kind of a mix of point and click adventure with some Punch Out style battles. I've only played through the first session, but the world is pretty interesting and great to look at. I can tell I will be jamming the screenshot key quite a bit. The gameplay is somewhat sparse so far, but despite the simplistic graphics the game has already provided some really amazing sights.

Will I keep playing: Yes.
Shank - Around 40 minutes

So I went into this game expecting a by numbers hack and slash...and that's pretty much what I got. Not necessarily a bad thing, as the gameplay itself feels pretty nice, but it's getting repetitive. The player navigates through this 2D pane, with bad guys being thrown at you from all directions (although it hasn't got unmanageable yet).

Enemy variation is getting a bit stale however.

I noticed what appears to be input lag on this also - which didn't really affect me to begin with, but once I'd worked out what it was, it was pretty noticeable unfortunately.

May play again, but it just feels a bit 'generic' at the moment - and given how visually appealing the game is with it's cartoon artstyle, that's a bit disappointing.


Max Payne

Time played: 50 minutes

Yeah, so I'm more than a little LTTP, but I ended up grabbing this and the sequel a few Steam sales back since I remember the games getting some good reviews when they came out.

Now, I know the game is old, but even something as simple as locational damage would have been appreciated. With the health as sparse as it is, it's really annoying to unload a bunch of shots directly into a guy's face at point-blank range and have him able to still return fire.

The game's biggest issue for me so far is that the bullet time mechanic doesn't seem to be all that well implemented. The slow motion diving+shooting moves seem to be entirely useless, as you can only get a couple pistol shots (or a single shotgun shot) off, then you're stuck picking yourself up off the ground while everybody else is shooting at you. So yeah, it's great if you want to ambush a single enemy, but if that's the case, you can just activate the bullet time and walk around the corner while shooting at him, diving not necessary.

I guess I was expecting something a little more on the casual side of the shooter scale, but even early on the game seems fairly punishing, mostly due to the enemies being bullet sponges, which ends up being more annoying than anything else. I may go back to it some day, but I'm not really itching to go back. Maybe the sequel will solve these issues...

I played these games for the first time last year, went through both in three days because they were so amazingly well-paced and compelling. Keep playing and you will agree. Also the diving is extremely useful (indispensable in fact), you just need to get better at not jumping out in front of ten guys in the open :) in the second game (which is a masterpiece and even better than the first one) you can slo-mo without diving, but I never did because diving works just as well and looks cooler. So keep playing, you can streak through both games in just a few days.

Edit: you can slo-mo without diving in the first game as well? Huh. As i said, I only ever used the dive move.
Played a bit short of an hour

Your a pixel-dude running through some retro-landscape, jumping, sliding and kicking through obstacles. And there's chiptunes, of course.

Game is terrible. Graphics are bad, and gameplay is shallow. It's like a rhytm-game shoved inside a shitty trial-and-error flash game. Not recommended to anyone.

Not playing again, ever.


Played: Tropico 3
Duration: 180 mins

What a great little gem. It's much more easier and intuitive than I thought. The economy system is easy to grasp, still leaves enough complexity to dive in (focus on export, tourists, heavy industry etc.). The humor is there and perfectly fits the setting. Graphically it looks very nice, especially when zooming into the island. Really gives you a sense of place and dimensions. The best part about it is that it has very modest hardware requirements. Runs perfectly on my 2 year old iMac. Overall a great game. Would recommend to any fan of non combat heavy strategy games and other city/business bulding games like Sim City.

Will play again: Yes.

Rating: 7/10
So as promised I played more of UPLINK as my first 30 minutes got me just shortly passed the tutorial. As the game progressed it got a lot more complicated and techniques for hacking got more advanced. I retract what I initially said about it being a "glorified hacking mini-game" as the later hacking requires a lot more than that. You are required to cover your tracks as you hack through various computers around the world so you cannot be traced. Also as you get more money, you can purchase upgraded hacking equipment to make parts of the process easier.

Overall I was definitely too hard on the game as it actually is quite a deep little sim. It still isn't my "cup of tea" so I am unsure if I will continue playing until completion, but it is a well done game and I suggest giving it a try too see if it hits the spot.


Tobe's Vertical Adventure

Time Spent - 80 Minutes

Tobe's Vertical Adventure is a pretty basic indie platformer. It has cutesy pixel art, fun chiptunes, and gems to collect. The works. In each level you start at the top of a cavern, and you work your way down to a big chest of treasure. Along the way down there are obstacles, five animals to collect, gems, and smaller chests to open. Once you open the big chest, the cavern starts to fall apart and you are given a set amount of time to make it back to the top. Theres two characters to play as but the levels are all the same just with different player characteristics. Theres a co-op mode I never tried

The game is pretty short, in the 80 minutes I spent with it I got 3/4 of the way into the game with Tobe and 1/2 of the way with Nana. The controls are pretty iffy. The game doesnt play well with a keyboard at all, and even with a controller I found myself at times having issues with the wallrun/ledgehold mechanics. Theres also the odd collision problem where I found myself trapped in tiles but it was rare enough to not impact my experience.

I really enjoyed the game despite its basic trappings. I went for all of the collectibles and found the level design to be pretty engaging. None of the traversal is particularly difficult, and its never mentally taxing but I'm having a lot of fun with it. The Kid Icarus meets Wario Land 4 setup to the levels makes it feel different enough from the bajillion other bogstandard indie platformers and aside from the control issues its pretty well put together.

Will definitely play again to finish it up.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I was wondering if you needed me to edit something, but looks like you found a good workaround that doesn't require OP editing. Danke~

Yeah, one reason why I went for the new layout. Hope I wont reach the character limit quite as fast.


Played: Hard Reset
Duration: 45 mins

Oldschool shooter (think a better Serious Sam), with tight and responsive controls and a very reduced weapon system. You can carry two weapons (one is always an energy weapon, the other some kind of classic bullet based weapon) at any time and you have to switch between them on the go to kill your enemies efficiently. Nice dystopian (Blade Runner-ish) setting presented in a great engine. Love how smooth everything feels and how great it looks.

Superb oldschool shooter.

Will play again: Yes.

Rating: 8/10
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