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ITT: we talk about awesome vg music (no remixes)

Agent Ironside said:

Amon Tobin nailed that soundtrack, mad eit my favourite splinter cell game, as well as OST ever!.

Plus i liked the Song to the bonus circus top round in the game "A Bug's Life"


ctlance@Gir:~$ cd /tmp
ctlance@Gir:/tmp$ wget http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=201278
17:54:45 (163.55 KB/s) - »showthread.php?t=201278« saved [231717]
ctlance@Gir:/tmp$ cat showthread.php\?t\=201278 | grep Rez -c



Dear neogaf,
how could you ignore Rez? Especially the last level features one of the most awesome music ever. I'm sure it was just a little oversight, but please fix the error and do not let me down again.

Hugs and kisses,

Disclaimer: I bought a 360 for the upcoming Rez port


--The Silver/Nickel Samurai theme in Phoenix Wright rules!

--aside from the ultra popular ending theme, I also really like the ambient music in Portal. reminds me of Pan Sonic or Microstoria. I kind of wish some of the tracks lasted longer.

--Project Justice has a few great tracks

--I didn't like Persona 3's music at first but now it really grows on me...especially the school theme and the battle theme (when the "oooh yeah! dunna duh duh.." kicks in :D )

--the TV room theme in Killer 7 is pretty amazing. Gives me chills just thinking about it.


Thread fails without any mentioning of Clash/Battle on the Big Bridge.


Ship battle from Shining Force 1
Evil Town Theme (Circus battle) Shining Force 1
Water's Flow, Moon's Light -- Shining Force 3
Mass Destruction -- Persona 3
Time's Scar -- Chrono Cross
Well my YouTube Channel is all about my favorite VG musics sooo yeah. I'd say some of my top favorites are:

Metroid Prime - Phendrana Deep Lake: http://youtube.com/watch?v=P8oefrmJrWk
Castlevania CoD - Garibaldi Courtyard: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y5HHYuQi7cQ
Anything Earthbound.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=hSZhcvtHGK0 or http://youtube.com/watch?v=eYgWyWaLf5A
And also anything Wild Arms - http://youtube.com/watch?v=6MQRL7xws7w or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBEvtA4Uuwk

But it's too damn hard to choose, anything in the channel is awesome to me.


Too much to list here, but i'll name some ones that haven't been listed in this thread yet. Couldn't find original material for some songs, so substituted a remix instead.

Castlevania 64 - Intro Music
Chrono Cross - Dream of the shore
Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time, Secret of the Forest , World Revolution
Donkey Kong Country - Fear Factory
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Red Hot Ride
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Battle
Final Fantasy V - Clash at the Big Bridge
Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad, Ending Theme
Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand
Goemon's Great Adventure - Underworld Castle
Grandia 2 - Fight v3
Madara - Main Theme
Mario Kart 64 - Ending Credits
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Parasprinter
Outrun - Magical Sound Shower
Panzer Dragoon - Flight
Secret of Mana - Ice Castle
Seiken Densetsu 3 - Sacrifice Part 3
Street Fighter III: Third Strike - Ken
Super Mario 64 - Dire Dire Docks
Super Metroid - Brinstar Green Vegetation


Not Wario
While the entire soundtracks from most of the games I'm about to list are quite good, I'm only going to pick one specific song from each.

Most recently, Half-Life 2: Episode's 2 asskicking Vortal Combat is totally amazing.

Also fairly recent, Bioshock's soundtrack is one of the more beautiful soundtracks I think I've ever heard in gaming. The Main Theme, in particular, exemplifies this.

I'm sure it's been mentioned, but Chrono Cross's Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World cannot get enough recommendations.

Everyone knows Castlevania's music is mind-numbingly good, so I'll recommend one of the lesser known tracks out there, A Toccata into Blood Soaked Darkness (The whole performance is great, but the piece I'm talking about in particular starts off at 3:17; give it a listen)

That's all for now, but there are plenty more pieces out there that deserve a mention. (The SotC soundtrack for example.)
I think the Zelda series has the best music in the whole. The music from OoT always makes me emotional. I do believe it is the most beautiful soundtrack from a game ever. Zelda's theme in particular is guilty of doing this to me as well as one other title that escapes my mind. I liked Wind Waker's track as well. The Celtic feeling was very well captured especially with Medori's Prayer and Dragon Roost Island.

My favorite single song though comes from Mother. Bein' Friends is my favorite game song ever. Too bad the vocal version stinks. My other contender for personal top song is Lazy Afternoons from KH2.

I always felt the FFVII, VIII, IX, and X soundtracks are on another level altogether. I don't personally care for it as much as Zelda, Mother, or Kingdom Hearts but I can appreciate they definitely fit the moods and grandeur of the games.


StarEye said:
And it'll serve as a fantastic nostalgia trip to those who own or DID own an Amiga.
I didn't.
However, I'm a sucker for chip tunes and Amiga/C64-age music. Thanks for the nice muhzak. I hadn't realized there was a #2 out there. OMNOMNOMNOM. :D However, I'm more partial to demo/intro-style music like Romeo Knights' Beat to the pulp.

Is it wrong to say I'd shun some of the orchestrated OSTs nowadays for some oldschool-style tracked music? Maybe even SID tunes? Good ones do away with all that useless fluff and concentrate on a melody, while still mixing it up considerably. It's a very pure experience.

Sine/sawtooth/square wave(s) + Filters + prowess = awesomeness.


The Amiga Brotherhood
CTLance said:
Good ones do away with all that useless fluff and concentrate on a melody, while still mixing it up considerably. It's a very pure experience.

That pretty much is the difference between good music and superb music. A lot of the OST composers today are completely overdoing the music, and somehow thinks that the more fluff, the better music.


Sega Genesis Shinobi III - really cool use of a recurring theme.

Super Metroid - Fantastic music, but the ambient stuff also helped.

Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 - Really, really catchy stuff.

Viewpoint Neo Geo - Hearing quality voice samples in the soundtrack was always awesome in the early nineties, but Viewpoint holds up.

Streets of Rage 1 2 3 Sega Genesis - all of Yuzo Koshiro's Scores were awesome on the MD/Genesis

Space Channel 5 - really catchy 60s style shit.

Daytona USA - awful and amazing all at the same time

Jet Set Radio / Future - both amazing soundtracks

Castlevania SotN - obviously

Batman NES - best NES soundtrack ever.

Rayforce / Storm on Saturn - Zuntata at its best.

Shenmue 1/2 - good atmosphere music and the main theme is nice. Koshiro did some work on this as well, though Im not too sure to what extent

SF2 (and version by the SNES one as it sounds like shit) is awesome. FM Synth for the win.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 - really, really cool stuff. Different from the tired themes used over and over again in SFA1 and 2.

MGS3 - Snake Eater. The music during the stairs boss was awesome.

Secret of Mana - really memorable stuff.
Oh Boy, here we go.
:D Are tracks I can go nuts for...

Persona 3:
Main Battle Theme :D
1st Dorm Theme
2nd School Theme
Tartarus Boss Battle Theme :D

Persona 2 Innocent Sin:
Mt Katatsumori :D
Velvet Room
Satomi Tadashi Shop
Kuzunoha :D
Rosa Candida

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment:
Padparcha :D
Tony's Shop
Monad Mandala

Bust a Move:
2 Bad
Transform :D
I Luv Hamburgers :D
Chemical Love
The Natural Playboy

Bust a Move 2:
The Heat is On
Got to be Happy
Moon Light Party :D
Allegreto Break :D

Castlevania SOTN:
Dance of Gold
Dance of Illusions
Dance of Pales :D
Rainbow Cemetary
Nocturne :D

Cool Cool Toon:
Dancing Gravestone
Lovely Panda :D
Fiesta de Raggae
African Drunk :D
Shine Bright

Clockwork Knight:
Salsa de Pepperouchau
A Lulluby

Sonic R:
Can You Feel the Sunshine
Living in the City :D
Work it Out
Super Sonic Racing :D

Street Fighter III:
Player Select
Jazzy NYC
Beats in my Head :D
You Blow my Mind :D

Um Jammer Lammy:
Fire Fire!
Fright Flight!
Taste of Teriyaki :D

Parappa the Rapper:
Instructor Mooselini's Rap
Prince Fleaswallow's Rap
Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken's Rap :D
Romantic Love :D
Big :D
Hair Scare
Come a Long Way

I know I'm forgetting stuff...


Lately, I've been obsessed with You Are Not Alone from Final Fantasy. This may sound strange, but it's kind of like a good Seinfeld episode with seemingly unrelated melodies that weave together at the end.

The Neverhood soundtrack is also one of my all time favs, especially Oxen Free.

And if I can take a few moments for some shameless self promotion, I've recently thrown my hat into the VGmusic arena. Maybe I can get thoughts on some of my favorite creations?

Cowboy Theme

King's Theme

Pirate's Theme
Philip Glass Eats a Mysterious Loaf of Bread

Thanks! (Please don't kill me!)

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
FFX-2's contribution to society is having the greatest game song ever. Eternity - Memory of Lightwaves


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp


RiZ III said:
Absolutely addicted to the FF7:CC ost for the past week.
Same here, even though I don't like what they did to the Shinra theme. It was fine before, they didn't need to add so much... stuff.

Oh, Soul Calibur 3 had some pretty good tracks, mainly because they fit the stages so well (best looking stages so far) that remembering one bring up the other in my mind.

- Hour of Destiny
- Ephemeral Dream
- The Blade Seeker
- Through Molten Caves
- Healing Wind (can't decide between the regular one and the Reprise version)

Night Terror <- Hopefully the two swords stay the hell away from each other from now on.
this is one thing I like about gaf, every few weeks there is a VG music thread and there is always good stuff to be heard.

and I always say Bloody Tears from SOTN Saturn version, today is no different.


the Ginza theme from SMT Nocturne is funky shiz. now the bass line will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.


Chaos Theory by Amon Tobin is great, probably the best videogame score I've ever heard. My favourites are Lighthouse, Displaced and El Cargo.

The Jade Empire soundtrack is fantastic too. Especially the main theme, the town themes and Sky's theme.

The Halo series features some great tracks:

Under Cover of Night

Because it reminds me of my favourite sequence of battles in my favourite Halo level (Two Betrayals).

Delta Halo Suite (Leonidas + its Halo 3 mix = simply epic), Earth City, A Walk In The Woods + Remixes (Halo 3 mix is the best one IMO), On A Pale Horse (Halo 3 mix = ... *explodes*) and last but not least Pursuit of Truth.


Almost forgot the Fable soundtrack, it's probably the best fantasy videogame soundtrack out there.


Here are some more good game soundtracks, and samples where I could find them:

Ace Combat 4: Megalith
Ace Combat 5: First Flight
Ace Combat Zero: Prologue, Diapason, Avalon, Zero (starts at around 0:36 of this)
Baten Kaitos II: Le ali deli principio
Brave Fencer Musashiden: Far into the Sky (at 2:30 of this)
Gothic 3: Vista Point, From Silden to Trelis
Headhunter: Jack's Theme, Ramirez at Bay, Aquadome, End Credits (samples at Amazon)
Kessen II: Prelude to Battle, Battle ~ Liu Bei's Decision, Liu Bei, Field Battle-Onaka
Oblivion: Wings of Kynareth (sample at http://www.directsong.com/)
Onimusha: Rising-Sun 1st Movement
Shadow Hearts from the New World: From the New World
Soul Calibur III: Pure Breeze, The New Legend, Beyond the Horizon (samples at http://www.altpop.com/stc/reviews/soulcal3ost.htm)
Supreme Commander: Clash of the Champions (sample at http://www.directsong.com/)


Brandson said:



While this one isn't the best quality version of it (with all the audiophile lingo to describe a HQ track), it's good enough. Hell even the chatter during that mission was great. I think the other track that plays during it is Heaven's Gate, though I have to check.


From the beginning, for those that want it. I always make sure to bring this one up in either: epic boss fights or music for said battles.
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