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Jaffe on GOW3 - "Looks like a painting come to life"

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templeusox said:
I'm ignorant here, so can someone put 20,000 polygons for one character into some type of next gen (this gen) perspective for me? And I'm sure the polygon count =/= quality per se, but I'm just curious.



real? old?

jett said:
Snake in MGS4 uses between 5k and 10k polys.

I wonder if GOW3 will run at 60fps...probably not.

btw, is Snake really only 10k polygon max? I'd thought it have more. I mean the face looks really high poly and they must have spent a lot of poly to model Snake's ass...


Callibretto said:
btw, is Snake really only 10k polygon max? I'd thought it have more. I mean the face looks really high poly and they must have spent a lot of poly to model Snake's ass...

Most of the detail this gen is given by shaders/normal maps, not raw polygons number.

BTW can't wait =)
It's nice to see the marketing for this title going in parallel with Uncharted 2.
Hopefully new screens and impressions will be enough to be happy.
Elios83 said:
Most of the detail this gen is given by shaders/normal maps, not raw polygons number.

I'm aware with that, but even with shaders and normal maps, Marcus Fenix still use around 15k polys and I honestly think Snake have more detail than Marcus. also, a lot of Snake's model looks like actual polygon.


Callibretto said:
I'm aware with that, but even with shaders and normal maps, Marcus Fenix still use around 15k polys and I honestly think Snake have more detail than Marcus. also, a lot of Snake's model looks like actual polygon.

Well it's what this article says:


Most of the characters that are animated on the console, including the main character, Snake, have been restricted to a data size (including the face model) of about 5,000 to 10,000 polygons. Further, characters are used that have the same polygon resolution in both the game action and the event demos. This means that the game screens and video clips are seamlessly connected, making it easier for players to become emotionally involved.
Neo-Sheperd said:
If it's really paiting quality like Jaffe says, then it will most likely be locked at 30. Just saying though.

How the hell can you work out technical details from a vague description?

That's like saying 'this cake is just like my grandma used to make, he must have baked it at 250C'.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
DevilWillcry said:
It's not gonna be 60FPS guys.
Trailer looked like it could be (even though the trailer was obviously recorded at 30). It's hard to explain, but the way everything was animated suggested to that.
davidjaffe said:
Wow- you have no idea what you are talking about, no offense :)

I never said that is the story I was going to go with. It wasn't. So there :)

Hey, I was just going by all the clues and easter eggs you guys were sending lol. There wouldn't be a GOW without you so I don't disapprove of everything :D. I just like the BIG Greek Gods vs Titans stuff more than Kratos wanting to check up on his bro. But if that idea was scrapped for something else, I take what I said back and truly don't know what I was talking about haha.
I just hope some of those polygons are invested in making sure that his wrist and hands are anotomically correct, and that the chains around his arms (the parts that are actually bound to his flesh) are fully defined (not just some texture).


Ether_Snake said:
5000 to 10000 polygons = 10000 to 20000 triangles. That's really what they meant.

I think you're right because a similar article in Japanese that was translated by someone at Beyond3d says that Snake's character model is 14,000 polys.


FoxSpirit said:
Yeah... that was SUCH a letdown in GoW1. You finish the first level, omgsome bossfight. You are overjoyed. And then you wait. For a long time.

So how many bosses are there really in GoW2?

God of War II got a lot of Boss fights wrong imo and used them as a bullet point feature instead of meaningful encounters, I'm so glad they there are going to be less bosses in God of War III, bring the number closer to God of War I, which had much better boss battles, although fewer of them.


Zen said:
God of War II got a lot of Boss fights wrong imo and used them as a bullet point feature instead of meaningful encounters, I'm so glad they there are going to be less bosses in God of War III, bring the number closer to God of War I, which had much better boss battles, although fewer of them.

This is true, very few of GoW2's bossfights are as epic as the ones in the first game.
jett said:
Uh ok. I'm not tech savvy so I don't even know what's the difference. :p

when we talk about polygon number, we're actually talking about 'faces' which is usually 4 sided making it a square polygon. cut the square diagonally and you get 2 triangles.

lupinko said:
Cory Barlog said it would be 60fps and 1080p, but then again he's no longer at Santa Monica, sooooo...

when did he say that? he may still know a thing or two about GoW3. David Jaffe get a look at it and he's also no longer at Santa Monica


jett said:
This is true, very few of GoW2's bossfights are as epic as the ones in the first game.


GOW 1 Boss Fights:


GOW 2 Boss Fights:

Collossus of Rhodes
Barbarian King
Euryale Medusa
Sisters of Fate

Colossus easily kills Hydra

Sisters of Fate battle was by far the most dynamic and intense boss fight in the game and destroys the Minotaur.

The only boss fight that GOWII failed in was the Zeus fight because of how underwhelming it was compared to Aries.

Oh well, you're entitle to your own opinion, I'll just say I disagree.
DexterXS said:
Is that confirmed? The other 2 games were 60FPS I don't see why GOW 3 wouldn't be. Although, they may be trying to eliminate any screen tearing.
Just trying to keep realistic expectations. I have no idea if the game is 60 or 30 FPS. I'm actually hoping it's 60, but I really wouldn't mind 30.


Callibretto said:
when did he say that? he may still know a thing or two about GoW3. David Jaffe get a look at it and he's also no longer at Santa Monica

Long time ago, and he was quoted too, that was also the same time he revealed the existence of the Dual Shock 3, when he indicated God of War III would have rumble features.
DevilWillcry said:
Just trying to keep realistic expectations.

actually the realistic expectation is to expect it 60 fps since the last 2 games is 60 fps, and the new director already work on the series since GoW1, at least until the developer comes out and state that it will be 30fps, we should all expect it to be 60 fps. we can cry later if they decide to chance it nad hope it's not as impactful to the gameplay. MGS3 go down to 30 fps and it's still an amazing game. do people expect Ninja Gaiden 2 to be 30 fps before it was released?

lupinko said:
Long time ago, and he was quoted too, that was also the same time he revealed the existence of the Dual Shock 3, when he indicated God of War III would have rumble features.

well since he's right about DS3, I think when he said that, he knows what he talks about. but that just mean that the developer start the project with 60fps 1080p target in mind. since then, things could change a lot, but it's good to see the developer aim high when they first start the project.


Ninny Prancer
Raist said:
Wild guess: they're guesting a lot of journalists, so it spans over 2-3 days ?
Just one day, as far as I know.

One of the reasons for embargoes is that it gives multiple outlets time to ready their previews, interviews, and video footage, without having to rush to put together a decent package.


Zen said:
God of War II got a lot of Boss fights wrong imo and used them as a bullet point feature instead of meaningful encounters, I'm so glad they there are going to be less bosses in God of War III, bring the number closer to God of War I, which had much better boss battles, although fewer of them.

I don't know, I felt that
mini-bosses such as Perseus, Theseus, and Rock Minotaur were
fun to fight, and didn't ruin the flow in any manner. In fact, had they replaced these little "bullet points" with longer boss battles, more enemies or puzzles, it would have felt a bit unbalanced, kind of like how GoW1 felt with its sparse amount of mini-boss battles.


AAK said:

GOW 1 Boss Fights:


GoW II Boss Fights:

Collossus of Rhodes
Barbarian King
Euryale Medusa
Sisters of Fate

Colossus easily kills Hydra

Sisters of Fate battle was by far the most dynamic and intense boss fight in the game and destroys the Minotaur.

The only boss fight that GOWII failed in was the Zeus fight because of how underwhelming it was compared to Aries.

Oh well, you're entitle to your own opinion, I'll just say I disagree.

You're forgetting a lot of boss battles in God of War II. You mentioned 5 out of the 12. I'm not counting mini bosses like Minotaur, or the Cerberus you have to kill to get the Golden Fleece (although that one might count).

God of War II Boss fights:

Colossus of Rhodes
The Barbarian King
Daedalus (Sort of)
The Kraken
Lakhesis, Atropos & the Mirrors

Honestly, to me, it takes the best on those list to match Minotaur, and nothing comes close to Ares. Sisters of Fate certainly matched and supassed Ares in raw complexity but it had none of the emotional weight, nor grandeur of the Ares encounter. The thing that made the GoWI boss battles generally better (although Colossus > Hydra) was the much superior pacing and point to them.

In GoWII bosses were just thrown about for the heck of it so we could see Kratos be a 2 dimensional badass. Most of them serve no real thematic purpose to the story that hasn't already been established prior in a much better fashion. The Minotaur was so intense (and better than 99 percent of the boss battles in GoWII) because of how the game was paced to that conflict, not only was it a great fight, but it felt like the most epic thing imaginable at the time because of careful restrain and the sense of 'exploration' that you got from the much better designed Area in God of War I.

Ares is better than every boss battle in GoWII, while being equal to the Sisters of Fate in terms of complexity because of how well woven the narrative was around it (Especially when it came to the section to save your family only to have Artes kill them in front of you).

The low point boss battles in GoWII are so much lower than the Hydra in GoWI. Kraken, Theseus, Barbarian King, they were all just filler for the player to chew through with no weight or meaning to the encounters.

Agree to disagree.
Rindain said:
I guess we'll be hearing really soon whether GOW3 is 60 or 30 fps.
I just dont know what Im going to do if this game runs at "next gen" speeds. It will have to look ungodly jaw droppingly jawsome in order to win me over, because 30fps on a ps3 is complete bullshit unless its because of a style choice.


Gold Member
Pachinko said:
2 scenarios for GOW3's release :

1- Uncharted 2 and Ratchet future 2 are the big holiday games coming out between sept-nov 2009, leaving GOW3 to come out next feb/mar 2010.

2-sept gets ratchet, october gets god of war 3 and november gets uncharted 2

I think scenario 1 is more likely.
Sony have already failed once with the Ratchet/Uncharted double-punch, surely they'd go with something meatier this time?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Zen said:
Agree to disagree.
Ares, the very last boss fight in GoW1? I though that was one of the worse boss fights in the series, and almost seemed like something put together in the short time compared to the complexity and intricacy of other two boss fights in the first game, or some from 2nd game. Not as good as the Minotaur, Colossus, Sisters of Fate or Hydra for example.
If you guys seriously think this is coming out in 2009 then you're in for a shock:lol

March 2010 is my only guess, based off all the other release dates for the GoW series.
Zen said:
You're forgetting a lot of boss battles in God of War II. You mentioned 5 out of the 12. I'm not counting mini bosses like Minotaur, or the Cerberus you have to kill to get the Golden Fleece (although that one might count).

God of War II Boss fights:

Colossus of Rhodes
The Barbarian King
Daedalus (Sort of)
The Kraken
Lakhesis, Atropos & the Mirrors

Honestly, to me, it takes the best on those list to match Minotaur, and nothing comes close to Ares. Sisters of Fate certainly matched and supassed Ares in raw complexity but it had none of the emotional weight, nor grandeur of the Ares encounter. The thing that made the GoWI boss battles generally better (although Colossus > Hydra) was the much superior pacing and point to them.

In GoWII bosses were just thrown about for the heck of it so we could see Kratos be a 2 dimensional badass. Most of them serve no real thematic purpose to the story that hasn't already been established prior in a much better fashion. The Minotaur was so intense (and better than 99 percent of the boss battles in GoWII) because of how the game was paced to that conflict, not only was it a great fight, but it felt like the most epic thing imaginable at the time because of careful restrain and the sense of 'exploration' that you got from the much better designed Area in God of War I.

Ares is better than every boss battle in GoWII, while being equal to the Sisters of Fate in terms of complexity because of how well woven the narrative was around it (Especially when it came to the section to save your family only to have Artes kill them in front of you).

The low point boss battles in GoWII are so much lower than the Hydra in GoWI. Kraken, Theseus, Barbarian King, they were all just filler for the player to chew through with no weight or meaning to the encounters.

Agree to disagree.
Ares was a great fight in terms of drama but mechanically horrible to play. I agree that the Minotaur is amazing (also some of the best music in the first game, <3 Cris Velasco) and an epic moment though. I think that on a mechanical level Euryale is just as complex and intense, though. The Kraken was a pretty decent callback to the Hydra, not quite as fun, but the finisher was 100% worth it on that one. I would agree that the boss battles are somewhat diluted in GoW2, but they're still really fucking good for the most part (I thought Theseus and Perseus were a little bit lame). Also you left out the Last Spartan guy (might as well include him if you're including Daedalus, who I could have sworn was Icarus).


Nothing tops the mecha/zombie minotaur. One of the coolest looking bosses ever. So cool they decided to recycle parts of it in GOWII :D
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