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Japanese tourists stricken by Paris Syndrome

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Guerrillas in the Mist said:
This was the country that conquered huge parts of Asia during WW2?
A lot have changed since then censored porn, loli characters, ero games, etc.


gerg said:
London is the best city in the world.
It's not even the best city in the British Isles. Edinburgh is so much more liveable it's silly.

It's almost de facto because it has the British Museum.
No, London sucks hard. Overcrowded, dirty, overpriced with shitty pubs and bars that offer nothing.

A few isolated pockets of culture do nothing to change the fact that as a city it's awful.


Sir Fragula said:
Overcrowded, dirty, overpriced with shitty pubs and bars that offer nothing.

From which critique Londoners are free to deduce that you are poor, agoraphobic, tasteless, unpopular, and worse.
Sir Fragula said:
It's not even the best city in the British Isles. Edinburgh is so much more liveable it's silly.

No, London sucks hard. Overcrowded, dirty, overpriced with shitty pubs and bars that offer nothing.
This man speaks the truth. Safe, beautiful, great night-life, great shops, great restaurants, great bars, great people. Edinburgh is class, I challenge anybody to come here during festival season and say it is anything other than the most entertaining city in the world. London is an overcrowded, over-expensive, overrated city.

Went to Paris for a French school trip when I was 11. Quite funny really how they didn't mention all the rat shit, driver's complete disregard for traffic lights, hateful fucking people working in shops, and the fact that every street looks grimy and covered in rubbish. Went back for a concert when I was 18 expecting things to have changed.
It was worse

EDIT: Just now realising the inherent pointlessness of saying London is shit to someone who lives in London. Its like when you tell someone, who moves from a small town in Northern Ireland to Belfast, that it is shit. Big City Syndrome I'd call it.


Sir Fragula said:
It's not even the best city in the British Isles. Edinburgh is so much more liveable it's silly.

I'm moving up there in September for uni, so hopefully I'll enjoy my four years as a student.

No, London sucks hard. Overcrowded, dirty, overpriced with shitty pubs and bars that offer nothing.

I don't drink that much, but I guess your mileage does vary.

And I don't find London overcrowded, except on Oxford Street where people forget how to walk quickly. In fact, what I love about London is just how many different people from so many different cultures are there. It's an incredibly vibrant place.

A few isolated pockets of culture do nothing to change the fact that as a city it's awful.

I wouldn't call the culture in London "isolated", given the breadth of its museums, galleries, and especially theatre.

In fact, I wonder what a city would need to have in order to please if the culture in London is, indeed, so isolated.


glaringradio said:
This man speaks the truth. Safe, beautiful, great night-life, great shops, great restaurants, great bars, great people. Edinburgh is class, I challenge anybody to come here during festival season and say it is anything other than the most entertaining city in the world. London is an overcrowded, over-expensive, overrated city.

Went to Paris for a French school trip when I was 11. Quite funny really how they didn't mention all the rat shit, driver's complete disregard for traffic lights, hateful fucking people working in shops, and the fact that every street looks grimy and covered in rubbish. Went back for a concert when I was 18 expecting things to have changed.
It was worse

Sir Fragula said:
Paris sucks, London sucks... most capital cities suck.

No, you guys suck! London is the best city ever.
Visiting France can be rather unpleasent if you don't speak their language. It entirely depends where you are and who you meet tho. I remember a family vacation in the Bretagne where none of us spoke French or English but we had a pretty good time and met many friendly people. Then on the way back we drove through Normandy and a woman in a bakery shop refused to sell my mother a bread.


Salazar said:
From which critique Londoners are free to deduce that you are poor, agoraphobic, tasteless, unpopular, and worse.
Hey, it's from regular experience. The city is dirty. The city is overpriced - you don't have to be poor to know when you're being ripped off.

I don't see how you'd be able to infer agoraphobia or lack of popularity though?

I know so many people who moved 40 miles north to live there and not a one has a better quality of life for having done so.


Sir Fragula said:
I don't see how you'd be able to infer agoraphobia or lack of popularity though?

The crowding is only in areas a reasonable human being would expect to be crowded, and it has never made me uncomfortable or bothered.

I threw in unpopular free of charge.

Mista Koo

I decided to do something similar to the waiter (sans the shouting) but couldn't keep doing this. The only difference is that I'm using our language in our country to talk with immigrants working in retail who don't speak our language!

I think we lack taking pride in our language, I mean a lot of people here prefer talking in English with foreigners and would find it more civilized.

gerg said:
And I don't find London overcrowded, except on Oxford Street where people forget how to walk quickly. In fact, what I love about London is just how many different people from so many different cultures are there. It's an incredibly vibrant place.
From what I saw it was overcrowded and more importantly expensive. But yeah I really loved how multicultural the demography is.
Last time I was in Paris, an old lady shouted at me and my girlfriend because it took us about 10 minutes to decide which panini should we eat. Apart from that French people were much friendlier than I expected.

Salazar said:
This is something I would not abide.
use the Japanese hot-line.


Sir Fragula said:
The city is dirty. The city is overpriced.

Dirty? Depends where you're looking.

Over-priced? Again, depends where you're looking.

London is a fantastic city. You're painting with Art Attack size brush-strokes here.


daviyoung said:
Dirty? Depends where you're looking.

Over-priced? Again, depends where you're looking.

London is a fantastic city. You're painting with Art Attack size brush-strokes here.
To be fair, dirty and over-priced are my two overwhelming impressions of London. I worked there for a year in the late 90's and I still occasionally go down there to see friends and my impression remains the same, dirty & overpriced. It certainly isn't all like that, but enough to make it the over-riding impression.


SmokyDave said:
This is where you & I differ, sir. When in France, speak French.
What kind of fucking bullshit is that? You must first learn the local language before trveling to a foreign country? In all other countries it is accepted to try to communicate in English first, which is the international fallback language. Only the French are fucking arrogant when it comes to foreigners who cannot speak their stupid language.

Neo C.

For a capital city, Paris surely isn't as international as other big cities. The only things I like are the metro system and its Disneyland.

Edit: Like others have said, the Paris syndrome is pretty old.


segasonic said:
What kind of fucking bullshit is that? You must first learn the local language before trveling to a foreign country? In all other countries it is accepted to try to communicate in English first, which is the international fallback language. Only the French are fucking arrogant when it comes to foreigners who cannot speak their stupid language.

I think SmokyDave speaks a generally truth, although I wouldn't put it as strongly - when you go abroad you should definitely try to speak the native language. Doing so is a common courtesy that people all over the world will appreciate.

What's arrogant is expecting people in a foreign country to be able to converse perfectly in a language that isn't their own.


segasonic said:
What kind of fucking bullshit is that? You must first learn the local language before trveling to a foreign country? In all other countries it is accepted to try to communicate in English first, which is the international fallback language. Only the French are fucking arrogant when it comes to foreigners who cannot speak their stupid language.
Yes, you have correctly deduced my opinion. For the optimum experience in a foreign country, any foreign country, you should spend a week or two learning the very basics of their language. You will find your experience far more rewarding and enriching and the people in the country you're visiting will treat you very, very differently. If you consider this 'fucking bullshit' then feel free to carry on with your life, as you were. Judging by your post you're hardly a delight to converse with in any tongue.


I'd be tempted to accept that I'm just being an old man [despite being mid 20s] about this; I like the moderately sized town I live in where I can walk to work, have a large shopping district and can still hop in a car and stop by a gorgeous country pub in ten minutes...

But there *are* big cities that I like so that kind of goes out the window. Edinburgh! Boston! Marseilles!


is now taking requests
So - what does anglosaxon people do when confronted with customers who speaks no english?


Meus Renaissance said:
I need to see an Englishman argue against a Frenchman in Paris and a German man in Berlin. It will be spectacular
I stopped a Frenchman from hitting his daughter for getting knocked up by an Arab. That happened on a campsite just outside Paris. Me & him then proceeded to have a huge stand-up argument about it. No Germans around though.
I've been to Paris twice and many other European cities. The single nicest person I met was in Paris. An old lady, who spoke no English, saw my wife (then girlfriend) and I were lost and led us to the Pantheon. I speak very little French or any non-English languages but I always try to be respectful of the city and nation I'm in. Learn all the greetings and pleasantries, it goes a long way. And try to be as unassuming as possible.

Japanese tourist groups are by far the most annoying people anywhere, if just for how big their groups tend to be but they are so involved in their own little world and don't seem to consider there are others around. Then it's Italians, who are very loud and never stop talking. I don't find Parisians to be much different from New Yorkers or really inhabitants of major cities. Some are nice, some are rude.


My forgetfulness betrays it, but Montpellier is another acceptable candidate for Best City in the World.


jorma said:
So - what does anglosaxon people do when confronted with customers who speaks no english?

Laugh loudly, then walk over and start talking to your colleague in English, all the time looking over and pointing at little Johnny Foreigner.

Once enough mirth has been extracted you can proceed to shoo him out the door. It's a respectable establishment, don't want his kind in here.
London is great for tourists. To live? Unless you're minted.. Pwahahahahha

And yeah, Paris is a shit hole, EXCEPT the area where La Grande Arch is. That place was awesome, so clean, so little people and some great architecture and


In this thread, British men quabble about the best cities in the Isles.

I'm in Sydney so
I honestly couldn't care less, but it shows just how good we are at staying on topic.


London is not the worst city, but people think it's the best city? No no no.

I'm curious, what does london do that makes it the best? Only one thing I can think of is ease of travel to other places (EU, Africa, US, even south America). Other than that, pay more to get less than anywhere else.


Natetan said:
London is not the worst city, but people think it's the best city? No no no.

I'm curious, what does london do that makes it the best?

As I said before, the sheer volume of culture in London is wonderful. Alongside the many galleries and museums there's an incredible amount of theatre, both as part of the West End and with fringe productions.

I also like how multi-ethnic London is, and living in Tokyo has made me appreciate the amount of greenery there is there, too.


I'm always surprised when I read this thing about parisians shouting at people that don't speak french. You'd think in a town that gets more than 15 million international tourists every year the waiters would either get used to it or die of heart attacks, but what do I know.

Then again I'm french and even I don't fancy parisians too much so perhaps it's the truth.


daviyoung said:
The tube (Tokyo subway is better and much cheaper and airconditioned)
The size (tokyo is bigger)
The history (Tokyo has loads of history)
The nightlife (sure maybe london is better)
The ponces (uh, london wins?)
The hipsters (uh london wins?)
The food (ha ha ha!)
Camden Market (camden market is nice, but maybe only in the context of the above)

Alright since we're comparing tourism, and this is for Japanese people.


broadwayrock said:
Off topic, but did you know Art Attack's Neil Buchanan is now a guitarist in a heavy metal band:




Natetan said:
Alright since we're comparing tourism, and this is for Japanese people.

The tube (Tokyo subway is better and much cheaper and airconditioned)
The size (tokyo is bigger)
The history (Tokyo has loads of history)
The nightlife (sure maybe london is better)
The ponces (uh, london wins?)
The hipsters (uh london wins?)
The food (ha ha ha!)
Camden Market (camden market is nice, but maybe only in the context of the above)

The Tokyo subway isn't necessarily cheaper, depending on how much you travel. With an Oyster card, which I believe can be picked up easily for tourists, there is a maximum amount of money that you can spend a day. (I believe that this is the price of a one day travel card.) If you travel a lot on the Tokyo Metro, however, you can easily end up spending two times or three times that limit.

Also, again, the culture in Tokyo is nice, but Tokyo's National Museum doesn't really have much against the British Museum.


I'm pretty sure I've heard of this happening to Americans as well. It's not just a Japanese thing. It's a "romanticizing about Paris" thing.


Natetan said:
Alright since we're comparing tourism, and this is for Japanese people.

To be fair, Tokyo doesn't have that much history. It's a pretty recent city, especially by east asian standards, and doesn't have that much international history, certainly nothing comparable to London. Then again London is also a large step behind Paris in that regard so that doesn't make the poster you responded to right either.
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