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Jeff Green plays Resident Evil HD Remaster - Black Dragon vs reREmake


Jeff the youtube upload ( 2b) is very out of sync later in the episode. Sadly I cant watch live normally but I always check em out on youtube.

Strange, had to turn it off because it made no sense anymore lol :p.

I really hope you restart on easy, its like a medium difficulty. I hadnt played the game in 10 years so I started on that too, much better for someone who isnt good at the controls yet.


Not sure why people insist on him using tank controls but are fine with him switching to an easier difficulty. He seemed to be doing fine before.


Not sure why people insist on him using tank controls but are fine with him switching to an easier difficulty. He seemed to be doing fine before.

Tank controls are made for this game. They are THE way to control it. Easy mode doesnt change much about the game except some enemy placement and supplies.
Not sure why people insist on him using tank controls but are fine with him switching to an easier difficulty. He seemed to be doing fine before.

Requesting Tank controls isn't about making the game more difficult or somehow more sacred. Tank controls are just better when you're dealing with the various camera angles. I could probably argue that the tank controls also make you more intimate with the character.. they're more effective at putting you into their skin.. but that may be subjective.


I've always defended tank controls when people call it an outdated control method, but in this case it just seemed unnecessary when he was doing fine without them.

Either way, looking forward to the next stream Jeff!


Tears in the rain
TBH I thought I'd be using the new controls but they really don't work well. Every camera angle change, resets the controls anew. You always need to completely reassess what you are doing, everytime the camera changes and yet until you let go the the analog/d-pad the controls continue to work as in the last screen/angle. Example: You need to press down to move towards the screen which changes the camera angle. Suddently the screen changes, there's a zombie and while before pressing right moved you to the left of the corridor, now it's the opposite and you get bit by a zombie.

The old controls however work the same in every camera angle, change or not. Once you get them, you can surgically move through the game, dodging enemies and whatever without missing a beat. IE. The controls remain the same the whole game, angles or not. It's perfect.


Everybody shouldn't be so uptight about tank controls. I played all the Resident Evil games since 1997 (europe release RE1^^) ... but Jeff should practice off camera and see what type he prefers.

But when it comes to tank controls. Maybe try the famous "Type E" controls in the menu. They are like steering a car (RT for walking/running forward and Left Stick for "Steering"). It makes it a lot easier for me playing Resident Evil on a controller.

And since you are a PC gamer Jeff. Here is my Button config. This way it's good to control with the keyboard and the way I always played it. Because I never used a controlelr for Resident Evil until the Gamecube versions. And I also had big problems with the analog stick.



I've always defended tank controls when people call it an outdated control method, but in this case it just seemed unnecessary when he was doing fine without them.

Either way, looking forward to the next stream Jeff!

He used the alternate controls in the beginning but he got screwed by the camera angles, he's better off using the originals once he actually learns them. One problem is that he still uses the stick instead of the dpad which makes him wobble all over the place.
I think he said he didn't have any issues with the Grim Fandango tank controls because he was using a keyboard. He should definitely try switching to the keyboard since a controller isn't really necessary.


Jeff, unplug your 360 controller and take it with you. As you go about your daily life, practice the controls and imagine you are in the game. Hold up when you want to move forward, hold left or right when you want to turn. Keep this up for a few days and then get back to the game, it should play better now.

You can even pretend Mila is one of the vicious dogs.


Tank controls are made for this game. They are THE way to control it. Easy mode doesnt change much about the game except some enemy placement and supplies.

Let say I play RE my whole life. Every single game. Also play Remake millin times. All using tank control. But I play using new control for Remaster version. After all those painful year tank control should die.

New control does not make game that easier. Or if people feel it is a lot easier now then problem is with game design. It is like after all those years the game only being hard or scary because of the control not the game itself.
Jeff, I'm really enjoying the stream and I don't want to see you swap to an easier difficulty. I wouldn't mind you restarting on the same difficulty so that you can be more responsible with your items, but you're nowhere near an unwinnable situation yet.

I've seen people play on easier difficulties and they end up with 60 shotgun shells, dozens of health items and the game stops being scary. Part of the fun of Resident Evil is realising you've only got one bullet in that gun and the sense of relief/joy when you find something you really need.

All I'd suggest is that you focus on paying attention to the layout of rooms. Once you start to learn the geography of the mansion and the positions of enemies, navigating them becomes a lot easier. I think the stream chat is distracting you at points so you miss what door you came through or where to expect an enemy to appear.

Also, a dagger is not the combat knife. The Dagger is a defensive item and it sits just to the left of your main inventory. You can carry as many of these as you want and when an enemy grabs you the character will automatically stab the enemy. The dagger will become stuck in them, so each one can only be used once.
The combat knife is just a regular weapon like the handgun and is your last resort when you have no bullets. You still need to hold aim and press fire to attack enemies.

You're making progress, I don't see the need for a restart.

The Foul

I love the part in the first stream where Jeff shits on Barry for being lazy... then Barry saves him from the squash room and Jeffs all "I take it all back, Barry's a hero". Not 30 seconds later he's accusing Barry of sleeping on the job again.
I think he said he didn't have any issues with the Grim Fandango tank controls because he was using a keyboard. He should definitely try switching to the keyboard since a controller isn't really necessary.

I think that's because RE changes camera angles way way more than GF. That and well RE has enemies added to the mix.


I would definitely recommend starting over on the easiest setting. It'll be best for Jeff (still plenty challenging) as well as the stream experience (if you want to watch someone fail, watch darksidephil).

Like you said Jeff, watching someone mash his head against a wall repeatedly gets old fast. You're too experienced to hang on to something ridiculous like "veteran gamer pride" or some bs excuse like that for not playing on easy. C'mon now.

re: tank controls vs alternate - they have both very clear advantages and disadvantages (it boils down to consistency through shifting camera angles vs improved cornering and immediacy). Neither is better than the other, every player has to test which one he prefers.

Grim Fandango is a differently paced game that has very different demands of its controls and should not be compared despite the superficial similarities.
Loving the stream so far Jeff.

Have to admit I'd probably stop watching if you played on easy though. Pretty much the only reason I watch these things is to see you get gradually better and beat the game on the original terms you set without giving in. It really has nothing to do with a pride thing. It's just oddly inspiring to see you go from complete incompetence to beating the game over time, like watching a kid learn how to ice skate or something like that. Your stream of Dark Souls was actually the number one reason I finally decided that I could brave playing it (I'm notoriously mediocre at video games because I tend to panic which has kept me from enjoying many great, but difficult games). Putting it on easy would cheapen that and would take out the actual emotional heart of the experience (as odd as that is to type about a twitch stream).

That being said, I would echo the suggestions of some of the people in this thread and just take some time to get much better at the tank controls off screen (or alternately, start using the steering the car controls someone else suggested with the keyboard, because that honestly seems a lot more intuitive to me) before you start streaming. It's pretty funny watching you die right constantly right now, but it's probably best that you acquire some sort of basic proficiency in the game sooner rather than later or else it'll start to get kind of stale. It seems like 90 percent of your problems are with the controls anyway, so if you get okay at it I think things'll clear up really quick (you'll actually be able to get around zombies you can't fight for instance).

Summary: don't put it on easy, but do go out of your way to get better. I can handle if I don't witness your entire journey to competence, but I can't handle it if you give in. Well, at least until your next stream. Just my two cents.


Loving the stream so far Jeff.

Have to admit I'd probably stop watching if you played on easy though. Pretty much the only reason I watch these things is to see you get gradually better and beat the game on the original terms you set without giving in. It really has nothing to do with a pride thing. It's just oddly inspiring to see you go from complete incompetence to beating the game over time, like watching a kid learn how to ice skate or something like that. Your stream of Dark Souls was actually the number one reason I finally decided that I could brave playing it (I'm notoriously mediocre at video games because I tend to panic which has kept me from enjoying many great, but difficult games). Putting it on easy would cheapen that and would take out the actual emotional heart of the experience (as odd as that is to type about a twitch stream).

That being said, I would echo the suggestions of some of the people in this thread and just take some time to get much better at the tank controls off screen (or alternately, start using the steering the car controls someone else suggested with the keyboard, because that honestly seems a lot more intuitive to me) before you start streaming. It's pretty funny watching you die right constantly right now, but it's probably best that you acquire some sort of basic proficiency in the game sooner rather than later or else it'll start to get kind of stale. It seems like 90 percent of your problems are with the controls anyway, so if you get okay at it I think things'll clear up really quick (you'll actually be able to get around zombies you can't fight for instance).

Summary: don't put it on easy, but do go out of your way to get better. I can handle if I don't witness your entire journey to competence, but I can't handle it if you give in. Well, at least until your next stream. Just my two cents.

Yup don't switch to easy. It wouldn't be a jeff green stream without the occasional shit show. Just remember some areas in dark souls. 3h with no or little progress is a normal day in the office for jeff. I would probably stop watching on very easy/easy


Loving the stream so far Jeff.

Have to admit I'd probably stop watching if you played on easy though. Pretty much the only reason I watch these things is to see you get gradually better and beat the game on the original terms you set without giving in. It really has nothing to do with a pride thing. It's just oddly inspiring to see you go from complete incompetence to beating the game over time, like watching a kid learn how to ice skate or something like that. Putting it on easy would cheapen that and would take out the actual emotional heart of the experience (as odd as that is to type about a twitch stream).
Personally i think he would cheat himself out of a good experience, by keep playing like this (for the reasons i mentioned before) but it's not like the game would become a cake walk for him, even at the middle difficulty setting.
I think Resident Evil is just not a particularly interesting game to push difficulty on, given that many of the obstacles are from stiff controls (regardless of which one you use) and interesting camera angles that though don't lend themselves that well to gameplay.
I love the game, i think it's the best Resident Evil around, but i think its strength lies in its atmosphere more than anything, something that is completely missing when Jeff has to redo the same thing 50 times.
I felt more similar to you when he was playing Dark Souls, to me the struggle to win made more sense there, but in Resident Evil (to a certain degree) it's actually detrimental to the experience, in my opinion.

Yup don't switch to easy. It wouldn't be a jeff green stream without the occasional shit show. Just remember some areas in dark souls. 3h with no or little progress is a normal day in the office for jeff. I would probably stop watching on very easy/easy

And againm this is not Dark Souls.
You can totally end up fucking over yourself in a RE game, unlike Dark Souls where, regardless of how bad you do, you can always replenish and level up.

Many of the harder parts Jeff got over in DkS2 for example were also thanks to the loser clearing.

And i really don't see why you guys would stop watching if he were to switch to normal/easy.
It'd not be a cake walk, it just wouldn't be the hardest possible setting, but the elements would still all be there, such as resource management, avoiding enemies, and such.

Seeing him lose a bunch of time is fun.

Seeing him take an 8 hour game and have it be a 50 hours game because every step has to be repeated 50 times, it isn't. Especially since it doesn't really adds anything significant to the experience, aside from being super punishing.
You can't apply the logic of someone who's obviously a fan of the genre (as i can guess by your avatar :p) to someone who never even tried it.

IT'd be like having someone who never touched an action game, play Ninja Gaiden Black on hard for the first time, because you find it more rewarding, the familiarity just isn't there.
And you can acquire that familiarity while also enjoying the atmosphere and story of the game, instead of head butting against every single obstacle in the game in a game of constant frustration.
Jeff, I'm really enjoying the stream and I don't want to see you swap to an easier difficulty. I wouldn't mind you restarting on the same difficulty so that you can be more responsible with your items, but you're nowhere near an unwinnable situation yet.

I've seen people play on easier difficulties and they end up with 60 shotgun shells, dozens of health items and the game stops being scary. Part of the fun of Resident Evil is realising you've only got one bullet in that gun and the sense of relief/joy when you find something you really need.

Definitely. I love watching the stream and want to see Jeff hone his zombie slaying skills and inventory management. Please don't lower the difficulty setting Jeff.


Jeff, you need to prepare a 2002 slideshow. The version of Resident Evil you're playing originally came out in 2002.

Feel free to use any material from this PowerPoint presentation I've put together.

President - George W. Bush

Best picture - A beautiful mind

Nickelback - How you remind me

Number one TV show - CSI

Brazil won the football World Cup (not sure about cricket)


97.5: The Brodeo
Thanks for all the input, gang. Boy, it's like you all have different opinions or something though--NO ONE AGREES ON ANYTHING. :)

So, here's where it stands now: I spent about an hour today doing the following: Restarting on the middle setting (not the easiest), with tank controls, and practicing using the D-pad only. Result: I easily got back to where I left off the last stream in just this one hour, with health intact and ammo to spare,

1) Using the D-pad, and keeping my hand completely off the right thumb stick, made a lot of difference. My navigational skills are a billion times better. (Though I will still f' it up, don't worry.)

2) Tank controls are the way to go, now that I get it. Sticking with that.

3) The middle difficulty setting definitely drops more ammo, but I don't THINK it has less zombies, at least as to where I am in the game right now.

4) Yes, I finally understand the difference between daggers/knives and what defensive items do. So that helps. :)

5) Barry's still kind of a dick.

With all this in mind, I am willing to restart AGAIN on normal (or is it hard?) difficulty, now that I feel I finally have the controls down. Maybe I'll do that, off stream again, just to see how it goes. If I safely get back to this place without dying 8 gazillion times again, then I think I can resume the stream next weekend at the higher difficulty, with just a better understanding of the controls, inventory, etc.

I'm good with the game being a challenge, and a slog--and I know that's part of the fun of watching me. Playing it on an easier setting this morning felt way better....but my gut tells me I can now safely go back to the higher difficulty and actually make progress and have an enjoyable stream.

But we'll see!


Sounds good, Jeff! Just remember to always save in new slots. There will probably be times when you have to go back to an earlier save because of screwing up ammo management, or whatever, and you wouldn't want to have to start all of the way over (or even start further back then necessary). I know you've already heard and read this a bunch, but I thought a reminder couldn't hurt.
comments, etc...
So glad you were able to experiment on your own and decide for yourself what felt right for you. Nothing worse than reading people's opinions on how you should be playing ("Hardcore difficulty or you're not really playing!!!1!!") when that's naturally going to vary from person to person.


3) The middle difficulty setting definitely drops more ammo, but I don't THINK it has less zombies, at least as to where I am in the game right now.

I'm actually curious about this myself. I started playing on middle difficulty setting, but as Chris instead of Jill. I definitely noticed there were less zombies around in certain rooms compared to what I saw in Jeff's recent live stream. I don't know if it's because of the difficulty or because I'm playing as Chris though.


I'm actually curious about this myself. I started playing on middle difficulty setting, but as Chris instead of Jill. I definitely noticed there were less zombies around in certain rooms compared to what I saw in Jeff's recent live stream. I don't know if it's because of the difficulty or because I'm playing as Chris though.

Middle option (aka easy) definitely has less zombies than normal.

Beth Cyra

Caught up with the stream 2 and am having a great time experiencing the game with Jeff.

Though it's odd he has said he hasn't played Resident Evil before but they had a gfw podcast (maybe it was cgw at the time) when he was talking about playing Resident Evil 4 and Shaun mentioned how much better it looked on Jeff's monitor then on the other releases.

Does he explain the joke in part a? I had to stop a bit in because of the audio sync issues.
Jeff, I just want to say that I love the attitude you displayed in your last post. Your can-do approach and willingness to listen to to outside advice are big parts of what make your streams so fun to watch for me, on top of your sense of humor. Another part of the appeal is the joy of seeing a brilliant game click for a first time player, and how you're giving it an honest try with real dedication is really cool to see. I hope you get the great satisfaction from this game that I and so many others have.

Oh, and a tip I haven't seen mentioned yet: when you're approaching a door, if you hold the button to go through it as you approach you'll go through it as soon as you make contact with it, instead of having to line yourself up then press the button. It's a small thing, but it can really help make navigation smoother. This only works with doors too, nothing else, so you don't need to worry about getting hung up on items and things you can examine in your path as you make your way to the door. Good luck, and have fun.


Jeff post

My man, the difficulties are as follows, top to bottom: Normal (this is the standard difficulty), Easy and Very Easy. Very Easy was added with this HD remaster. Very Easy really takes away the "Resident Evil experience" imo.

Sound like you are getting a hang on it and are using the dpad (finally! :), I won't mind if you play on Easy or Normal, but I feel that you can do Normal if you just nail the controls, pay attention to your surroundings, be aware of the map and manage your items. Never waste ammo on enemies without killing them, either kill them or try to bypass them without shooting. Like, if you have more health items than ammo you might want to consider taking the chance and run by, either you make it or you take some damage but that's fine if you have the extra healing.

Another tip, put your combat knife in the box to save inventory space, it's a death wish using it for an inexperienced player. Also, when you reach a save-room, explore the room fully and do your item management BEFORE you save so that if you die you won't have to go through that every time.

Looking forward to the next stream!

edit - Don't forget that you do the 180 turn with the run button + down on the dpad. Or, just flip the right stick.
Caught up with the stream 2 and am having a great time experiencing the game with Jeff.

Though it's odd he has said he hasn't played Resident Evil before but they had a gfw podcast (maybe it was cgw at the time) when he was talking about playing Resident Evil 4 and Shaun mentioned how much better it looked on Jeff's monitor then on the other releases.

Does he explain the joke in part a? I had to stop a bit in because of the audio sync issues.

Yeah he is probably misremembering it as being from another franchise or something. Maybe he doesn't even remember it at all.


97.5: The Brodeo
Yeah he is probably misremembering it as being from another franchise or something. Maybe he doesn't even remember it at all.

Yeah I totally don't remember. If I did play it , I definitely didn't get very far, nor did it (obviously) make any lasting impression on me. Who knows--maybe i played Resident Evil 1 all the way through back in 1996! Being old and forgetful is fun!


I'm catching up on the first Resident Evil streams. I'm completely new to the franchise as well. As far as entertainment value of the streams go, I'd say it's looking even better than Dark Souls. A lot of hilarious moments in the first two hours alone. I give it three thumbs up.

On a less positive note, Jeff still has that annoying high-pitched buzzing sound every time he streams from his PC. I remember that one time when someone pointed it out to him, he managed to fix it by fiddling with the equipment/cords.
Yeah I totally don't remember. If I did play it , I definitely didn't get very far, nor did it (obviously) make any lasting impression on me. Who knows--maybe i played Resident Evil 1 all the way through back in 1996! Being old and forgetful is fun!

For reference, this is what you played:



And againm this is not Dark Souls.
You can totally end up fucking over yourself in a RE game, unlike Dark Souls where, regardless of how bad you do, you can always replenish and level up.

Not really, honestly, considering the game can be beaten with just the knife and without saving. A first time player will probably end up in a situation where they're out of ammo/ink ribbons a couple of times, but IMO that's totally intended, and generally all that means is you have to evade a couple of zombies until you make some progress, and you'll get to some new rooms with ammo and ink ribbons again.


Not really, honestly, considering the game can be beaten with just the knife and without saving. A first time player will probably end up in a situation where they're out of ammo/ink ribbons a couple of times, but IMO that's totally intended, and generally all that means is you have to evade a couple of zombies until you make some progress, and you'll get to some new rooms with ammo and ink ribbons again.

Obviously i mean a normal player.
No offense (i wouldn't be able to, either), but i really doubt Jeff could finish the game with the knife without saving.
If he did, he wouldn't find himself in that situation in the first place.


You totally did not piss me off, don't worry about it. :) At that point in the stream I was frustrated with myself and the controls, not you or anyone in chat. That said, chat seemed more hostile yesterday in general (not necessarily towards me) than in my Dark Souls streams. The best thing for me in those situations is to just focus on the game and let chat sort itself it in a Lord of the Flies manner.

Regarding starting over from scratch on easy--you guys might have convinced me to do that here, as well as practicing with the controls off stream. The goal here is to actually experience the game to completion, and while I'm totally fine with looking like an incompetent idiot for a little while, that will also get old fast, for everyone. :).

I will ponder this over the next week.

And thanks again to everyone for watching and for your advice!

Starting over is actually a normal thing to do in this kind of game, but you might not even need to bump down the difficulty.

My first RE was Code Veronica, and I restarted that game 3 times as I got the hang of the controls. By the third run I was able to make it further than I had on my first attempt, except instead of tons of ammo/ribbons I hadn't fired a shot or saved. Granted the knife in that game is absurdly strong, so that helped.

I'm glad I did this, as that game has some real nasty bosses that are very tough if you haven't saved some ammo up. I can't remember if REmake is more lenient but it's a fairly difficult game even for series veterans.
My first RE was Code Veronica, and I restarted that game 3 times as I got the hang of the controls. By the third run I was able to make it further than I had on my first attempt, except instead of tons of ammo/ribbons I hadn't fired a shot or saved. Granted the knife in that game is absurdly strong, so that helped.

Yeah, CV knife is basically the rocket launcher of that game.


Maaaaaan, I hope Jeff streams this weekend. Haven't heard anything yet! This one's been especially interesting to me because I never played Resident Evil so for once I can more easily see where he's coming from in regards to some things being confusing, obscure, etc.

Hopefully I didn't get a bunch of peoples' hopes up by bumping the thread.
Maaaaaan, I hope Jeff streams this weekend. Haven't heard anything yet! This one's been especially interesting to me because I never played Resident Evil so for once I can more easily see where he's coming from in regards to some things being confusing, obscure, etc.

Hopefully I didn't get a bunch of peoples' hopes up by bumping the thread.

Hopes dashed.
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