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Jontron has left Game Grumps


Membero Americo
When you know something but can't say it... don't fucking say you know something. That's just asking for attention.


Some of these YT comments.... my god. Faith in humanity and all that.

"I've been here from day 1! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME"

Isn't the channel pretty new? They started it last year... though I suppose that's a good percentage of the lifetime of most of their fans.
I only started watching Game Grumps a day or two before Jon left. I had thought Jon had made the funnier annoying sound effects so I guess it's a shame he's gone, but the new guy doing GG is just as good. Maybe it's just the games they've done but I found them just as watch-able.

That Hotline Miami Steam Train is horrible though.
Has Totalbiscuit always been a massive twat? I feel like it's happened pretty quickly, but maybe he's been a shitheel from the start.
Look up TotalBiscuit's BANME from SomethingAwful. That was back in 2007. So yes, he's always been a twat, you just don't realize it if you're only watching him quicklook some small indie games.


Yes, he has. It's only people did notice his other outlets besides WTF is.. a few months ago.

My view on that is, hate the player, not the game. I dont care if the guy is an asshole, or not. If the he's doing is good and I like to watch it that's all I need. I dont care if Spoony cry while holding his dog, or if TB is a douche. Most artists I saw in real life events were all dicks and douches. I do not remember seeing a "star" or anybody with a fanbase not being dicky or douchy. Its a part of the thing.
You have so many guys who look out to you, or hate you for no reason that you HAVE to act like you are the king of the world. You are the best. If you dont go with this mindset, you will end up crying every night because the whole world think you are stupid.
So yeah, I do not care what my artists do. I just want to laugh and then go on with my life.
It seems something really did happen.

And check out this recent tgs podcast about 5:00 minute mark

I said this in the other thread, but I call BS on this. If he really did know something, he'd keep his mouth shut and not drop hints about incredibly personal information. If he does know something deeply personal about anything that happened and he's saying stuff like this, it honestly just reflects terribly on him.


provides useful feedback
Yep, Danny is cool. He can stay. That Mario 2 episode had plenty of laughs and yet still showed that he can actually play the games and know the secrets. Though he did admit that Mario 2 and Punch-Out!! are two of his favourite games that he's actually good at, so it's maybe giving a better impression than what he'd be like with something else?

I like NES games, but I hope they'll do more modern stuff. They covered some surprisingly amazing-looking games that provided plenty of hilarity. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes and Chulip are fucking diamonds. Maybe I shouldn't panic, it's only been two episodes, hoho.
I am going to miss the random half-syllables and spontaneous singing.

Jons singing was unbearable. I don't know where people get the idea from that he had some sort of musical talent. Maybe being tone-deaf is a new popular hobby that is sweeping the nation?

Anyways, I really like the new guy. He appears to actually be good at games which makes watching the videos enjoyable plus he seems pretty down to earth. Hopefully this will lead to ego not always having to be the straight-man.


Jons singing was unbearable. I don't know where people get the idea from that he had some sort of musical talent. Maybe being tone-deaf is a new popular hobby that is sweeping the nation?

Anyways, I really like the new guy. He appears to actually be good at games which makes watching the videos enjoyable plus he seems pretty down to earth. Hopefully this will lead to ego not always having to be the straight-man.

Ok you are exaggerating greatly.


JonTron fucking sucks dick at singing. It was pretty annoying how he thinks he has musical talent. Shut the fuck up already.


Low Poly Gynecologist
No, it was the best and he played enough of the game to realize it was shit. Which it is. Extremely disappointing shit. And he explains why exactly it is shit and not the Banjo-Kazooie game we would have gotten had Rare not been purchased by Microsoft.

Of course it was "one-sided". Who do you expect to argue with him? The bird? The bird did try and save him from the game. So you're not gonna get an argument from him.

I've watched the video.

Every single thing he mentions and complains about is within the first 15 minutes of the game. A ton of his complaints are not even representative of the game, because had he played for another 10 minutes he would have realized that what he said wasn't accurate.

He played a 15-20+ hour game and judged the entirety on the first 15 minutes, which is a terrible way to judge anything.

And just because he's alone doesn't mean he can't offer valid rebuttals to the inaccurate points he tried to make.


JonTron fucking sucks dick at singing. It was pretty annoying how he thinks he has musical talent. Shut the fuck up already.

This isn't a youtube page, but you are making youtube-level comments. I think when Jon actually puts time into his musical endeavors, his singing is quite good. On Game Grumps it got quite annoying most of the time though.
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