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Kickstarter Thread | List of gaming kickstarts

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Hmm...no traction with pledges yet other than initial ones...thanks for those atleast guys, working on some updates...

Also, what's going on with that makey majey project?


This might me interesting to some: A Kickstarter for a Video Series called "Tropes vs. Women in Video Games":

For reference, the previous video series about such tropes in other media by the same person (which I thought was pretty well done):
Tropes vs. Women: #1 The Manic Pixie Dream Girl
Tropes vs. Women: #2 Women in Refrigerators
Tropes vs. Women: #3 The Smurfette Principle
Tropes vs. Women: #4 The Evil Demon Seductress
Tropes vs. Women: #5 The Mystical Pregnancy
Tropes vs. Women: #6 The Straw Feminist

lol what a horrible series , i watched the women in refrigerators and can't believe how wrong the examples they use are.


After Al Lowe and Jane Jensen kickstarter success I've created an image for Vivendi, Activision and everybody else that thought Sierra was dead.....


We only need Corey and Lori Ann Cole Kickstarter to complete the cycle*

* because Roberta Williams is retired and Daryl Gates is no longer with us
lol what a horrible series , i watched the women in refrigerators and can't believe how wrong the examples they use are.

Care to explain why you think that?

Because WIF is pretty damn accurate of every case ever in comics.

In Stephanie Brown's case, they even managed to kill three birds with one stone: hatred of women, killing women via rape, plus WIF.


Care to explain why you think that?

Because WIF is pretty damn accurate of every case ever in comics.

In Stephanie Brown's case, they even managed to kill three birds with one stone: hatred of women, killing women via rape, plus WIF.

I think they make a lot of good points, but also ignore some certain very important parts of the story. Like with Women in Refrigerators. They treat women apearing in those comics as equals to male characters, which is ridiculous when using examples of series with male leads. A side character will never be treated equally to main one and just because the side character is a woman shouldn't changethat
I think they make a lot of good points, but also ignore some certain very important parts of the story. Like with Women in Refrigerators. They treat women apearing in those comics as equals to male characters, which is ridiculous when using examples of series with male leads. A side character will never be treated equally to main one and just because the side character is a woman shouldn't changethat

Eh, shitty writing is still shitty writing regardless of context.


Neo Member
Hey guys, was just curious if anyone knew the feasibility of some (or all) of these projects being funded. If the consensus says it's legally possible, I may use some media contacts and reach out to the respective founders:

Westwood - Nox 2 (please tell me other people loved the original?)
PocketWatch Games - Dinosauria
Fractiv / Offset - Project Offset (IP now owned by Intel, but with the right funding...)
A proper Trophy Bass sequel (Ok, I know I'm alone on this one. But I need a realistic fishing game.)

Hey guys, was just curious if anyone knew the feasibility of some (or all) of these projects being funded. If the consensus says it's legally possible, I may use some media contacts and reach out to the respective founders:

Westwood - Nox 2 (please tell me other people loved the original?)
PocketWatch Games - Dinosauria
Fractiv / Offset - Project Offset (IP now owned by Intel, but with the right funding...)
A proper Trophy Bass sequel (Ok, I know I'm alone on this one. But I need a realistic fishing game.)


It all depends on who owns the IP.

Also, not to be a Debbie Downer, but if they aren't already trying to make these games, I doubt they will be swayed just because some dude gets another dude to e-mail them telling them some people would buy it.
Hey guys, was just curious if anyone knew the feasibility of some (or all) of these projects being funded. If the consensus says it's legally possible, I may use some media contacts and reach out to the respective founders:

Westwood - Nox 2 (please tell me other people loved the original?)
PocketWatch Games - Dinosauria
Fractiv / Offset - Project Offset (IP now owned by Intel, but with the right funding...)
A proper Trophy Bass sequel (Ok, I know I'm alone on this one. But I need a realistic fishing game.)


I would definitely back a Nox sequel.


Hey guys, was just curious if anyone knew the feasibility of some (or all) of these projects being funded. If the consensus says it's legally possible, I may use some media contacts and reach out to the respective founders:

Westwood - Nox 2 (please tell me other people loved the original?)
PocketWatch Games - Dinosauria
Fractiv / Offset - Project Offset (IP now owned by Intel, but with the right funding...)
A proper Trophy Bass sequel (Ok, I know I'm alone on this one. But I need a realistic fishing game.)


Good luck getting EA on board for a Nox sequel. Does Activision have another non-Diablo fantasy rpg in the works? That might sway them.


Eh, shitty writing is still shitty writing regardless of context.
Yes, but not having a wounded woman recover completely isn't necessary shitty writting. In fact, in that particular case (batgirl) it would have been shitty writting to let her recover.
In fact, in that particular case (batgirl) it would have been shitty writting to let her recover.

And yet here we are today...

Moving on, the Skyjacker project is being cancelled and relaunched. In their 8th update, they outlined the new reward tiers for the project, which look reasonable. The previous controversy with expansion packs has been solved. It also looks like they might get some media coverage when the relaunch happens.

More details can be founded here:


@jrDev - How does the UI change on the PC/Mac versions of Reap?


And yet here we are today...

Moving on, the Skyjacker project is being cancelled and relaunched. In their 8th update, they outlined the new reward tiers for the project, which look reasonable. The previous controversy with expansion packs has been solved. It also looks like they might get some media coverage when the relaunch happens.

More details can be founded here:


@jrDev - How does the UI change on the PC/Mac versions of Reap?
There will be no onscreen buttons of course. I have an update coming this week showing redone UI and also gameplay feature to show off. I have a new announcement too.


Funded. I loved that original illustration and knowing that Chan is working as a lead on the game made it a no brainer for my first $50 fund.

Also: Drifter is LESS than 1000 dollars away from it's goal with 6 days left.

Get on that guys!


Neo Member
Funded. I loved that original illustration and knowing that Chan is working as a lead on the game made it a no brainer for my first $50 fund.

Also: Drifter is LESS than 1000 dollars away from it's goal with 6 days left.

Get on that guys!

FALSE! Drifter is fully funded with over 11 days left ;)

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks to those who've backed and/or mentioned the project!
Made another update to my list on page 15:


-Legends of Eisenwald completed funding with $83,577
-Atari 2600 Star Castle successfully finished with $23,946
-Alcarys Complex barely scraped by with a budget of $4,864.

-Diamond Trust of London Has 45 hours to go and passed their funding goal.
-Cloudberry Kingdom still needs to earn less than $3000.00 in 49 hours.
-Battle of the Bulge past its funding goal with 4 days left to go.
-Drifter Just hit $50k with 11 days left.


-Legend of the Time Star sadly didn't even come close to its funding.
Funded. I loved that original illustration and knowing that Chan is working as a lead on the game made it a no brainer for my first $50 fund.

My first $50 (also, my first Kickstarter $50 in general) went to Wasteland 2, since I want those production meeting videos inside of me.

I wasted $35 on an RPG that, while still being worked on, has been in dev since July 2011, with no real date for completion set.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
How so? I'm not hot on it either, but I want to hear your take.

-The video: Pretentious is the first thing that comes to mind. Massive Black is an art outsourcing company and they act extremely cocky during the length of the video. barely telling you anything about them or why you should trust them with your money. Thats a matter of presentation that I can forgive even if it bothers me.

-The game: The game they are selling sounds massive and they basically tell you straight out that you will not get the full game if they reach their goal, matter of fact they dont call it a goal, they call it a tier! Thats incredibly disingenuous and shady. Sounds like they really want to guarantee their money by having the "fundraising target" be 100k eventhough they admit "the game" is a 2 million dollar game. That bothers the living shit out of me. Theyre selling it as a fps/rpg hybrid? From a company that hasnt made a game before? they have no idea what theyre talking about.

Theyre saying if the game is funded at a 100k all you get is an alpha version of the game. and plaster all over the page their plans for when they exceed the target? Cocky, cocky, cocky and I hope that blows up in their face. Othe rkickstarters had a sense of humility about them and at least promised a coherent experience. here, the target pays for a very unfinished product.

-The art: This screams vaporware. This is like if 8-4 (a translation house) told you they were making a game. What? Yes. Massive Black does art, and only art, so how is this game gonna get made? Who are they going to outsource design, coding, marketing, sound and q/a to? They dont even tackle the issue so at least you would asume the art would be good and plentiful, right?


The original Jason Chan piece is great. I was a fan of it when I saw it online years ago, thats before he even worked for MB. The character illustrations look nice, but those two images that are being sold as game concepts? Are you fucking kidding me? Those are PHOTOS with characters painted on them,, and they looked rushed as fuck.

I mean look at this shit:

-3 different perspectives, lightsources and artstyles that I can count
-you can find those zombies from a Google search. Look at them and then at the kids! I didnt know turning into a zombie gave you realistic proportions and made you black and white.

Im not being overly harsh here either, these guys pride themselves on being "the best" production art house in the world. They hold massive conferences, publish artbooks and are not shy about shoving it in your face. This is embarrassing.

So, why do I hate it? because its disingenuous, shady, cocky and ugly. I really hope Im wrong about all of it, I really am.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I agree. I got an instant bad feeling in my stomach when I saw they were re-using that old Left 4 Dead fanart piece. Didn't even bother watching the video.

I didn't notice how bad the rest of the concept arts were though.
I also kinda thought you were upset because it was ZOMG KIDS KILLING THINGS or something, glad to be wrong. :p

The tier crap is unforgivable though, easily worse than Republique's initial "arrogance."
I dunno, I'm no visual artist but I kinda liked that image. It's supposed to be portraying a child's imagination and I liked how it exaggerated things accordingly, with the nerf gun shooting lasers and the wooden sword being on fire. The concept is a genuinely unique take on a genre that has been pretty thoroughly traversed by now. It might not be your cup of tea but I'm not seeing the seething hate.


I dont like the sound of the zombie kickstarter at all, all the reward tiers sound like non-micro micro transactions, with all the bits and pieces of cosmetic shit. If i were to pay $100 i'd be wanting some physical stuff, not some glow in the dark badge that puts the price $50 above the "collectors edition".

Edit: mis-read, the fucking badge doesn't even glow in the dark. Fuck that!
I agree. I got an instant bad feeling in my stomach when I saw they were re-using that old Left 4 Dead fanart piece.

That's his artwork. He drew it.

-The game: The game they are selling sounds massive

It's just one big level.

and they basically tell you straight out that you will not get the full game if they reach their goal, matter of fact they dont call it a goal, they call it a tier! Thats incredibly disingenuous and shady. Sounds like they really want to guarantee their money by having the "fundraising target" be 100k eventhough they admit "the game" is a 2 million dollar game. That bothers the living shit out of me. Theyre selling it as a fps/rpg hybrid? From a company that hasnt made a game before? they have no idea what theyre talking about.

I agree that the goal is extremely lame once you realize it is not really the goal. I really would have liked them to have actually put $2M upfront, just because everyone (including Brian Fargo) seems to have been afraid to test those waters so far.

Othe rkickstarters had a sense of humility about them

Well, not really.

We're just now starting to see that, because people are realizing Kickstarter is not Free Money.


Only 26 hours left for Kinetic Void. Hopefully they get a big push in the final day as they are only at 37 of 60k right now.


I know it's been seen by now If anyone had dismissed the Portal Reborn Kickstarter, I'd recommend reading the 'setup & atmosphere' as it completely turned my opinion around from not giving a crap to a feeling of dread if this doesn't get made.

I've really not been so excited by a pitch since Double Fine kicked this whole thing off for me, despite never being aware of the IP and being a huge Larry, Gabriel Knight and Tex Murphy fan.

On the other hand, the Two Guys from Andromeda are really losing me.


I know it's been seen by now If anyone had dismissed the Portal Reborn Kickstarter, I'd recommend reading the 'setup & atmosphere' as it completely turned my opinion around from not giving a crap to a feeling of dread if this doesn't get made.

I've really not been so excited by a pitch since Double Fine kicked this whole thing off for me, despite never being aware of the IP and being a huge Larry, Gabriel Knight and Tex Murphy fan.

On the other hand, the Two Guys from Andromeda are really losing me.

Oh yeah, I think it's always been a very interesting project.

However, I think they just want way too much money - more than Tex Murphy or the SpaceQuest guys, and apparently it's going to be created by a studio that mostly seems to have done licensed games - Speed Racer on the DS, Beowulf on the PSP, The Price is Right on PS3, The Family Feud on iOS and so forth.


Can a company like that take a complex design like this seems to be and successfully translate it into a game? I'm sure they'd do their best, but this would be more complicated than anything they've done previously, as near as I can tell.


Haunts: The Manse Macabre - This turn-based horror game allows you to take the role of a group of people exploring a haunted mansion or whatever's haunting it. It immediately made me think of Illbleed, mostly because I always envisioned that a follow-up to Illbleed should have some form of multi-player in which you set various traps for other players.
Just decided to back this. Looks pretty dope.
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