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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer


Same here :)

And hey, you're right. Looking back, I can't believe we only lost one match. Every new opponent we faced, I expected the worst and yet here we are, sitting pretty at the top.

Now, after all of those matches, I can finally get arrogant:

we win, you lose, ohhhhhhhh
My same thoughts as well. Tonight was the most nervous ive been so far. Its why i took so long to ready up between matches lol.

Yeah, you guys are the best. I look forward to having an actual conversation with both of you when we record the podcast :)

We need to make as many injokes as possible so as to be forever immortalized in the minds of thousands.

I love the way the last game ended, too. Just me and Pit having an epic swordfight in the courtyard and me winning by a sliver. It felt like the culmination of several weeks of training ^_^
I honestly dont even care about the prizes (even though it wont hurt getting them), but i was looking forward to actually winning, being the champion, and getting on that podcast. Cant wait to talk about the tournament, and whatever else gets brought up.

There will never be a more appropriate time to post this:



Parmesan et Romano
There will never be a more appropriate time to post this:


Heh, I honestly feel bad for all the Rigby's we stepped on to get there. Except those guys that cheated. Poor show from them, but i enjoyed every match we had thusfar.

My same thoughts as well. Tonight was the most nervous ive been so far. Its why i took so long to ready up between matches lol.

I honestly dont even care about the prizes (even though it wont hurt getting them), but i was looking forward to actually winning, being the champion, and getting on that podcast. Cant wait to talk about the tournament, and whatever else gets brought up.

Well shoot, I forgot about the prizes. Just checked it out and we get games for this? Oh man, this just gets better.
Heh, I honestly feel bad for all the Rigby's we stepped on to get there. Except those guys that cheated. Poor show from them, but i enjoyed every match we had thusfar.

Indeed. Heroes were scumbags and amature criminals (plus they had atrocious grammar), but most of the teams were good sports. I actually laughed when Returners stayed in the lobby after it was all over, as if they expected a rematch. You should have fealt my heart during that first match today; right at the end it was beating so fast I thought it'd explode. Good thing we were saved by some extremely nice maneuvres from you guys and the crazy homing that the Great Reaper Palm has. Brilliant.

Well shoot, I forgot about the prizes. Just checked it out and we get games for this? Oh man, this just gets better.

Now begins the real challenge: finding out who gets Mutant Mudds. If either of you wants it, I'm totally cool with that.


Parmesan et Romano
Indeed. Heroes were scumbags and amature criminals (plus they had atrocious grammar), but most of the teams were good sports. I actually laughed when Returners stayed in the lobby after it was all over, as if they expected a rematch. You should have fealt my heart during that first match today; right at the end it was beating so fast I thought it'd explode. Good thing we were saved by some extremely nice maneuvres from you guys and the crazy homing that the Great Reaper Palm has. Brilliant.

Aha yea, the tension was something else. I couldn't keep my right hand still after the first match. It was just that close.
Now begins the real challenge: finding out who gets Mutant Mudds. If either of you wants it, I'm totally cool with that.
I dont even want mutant mudds. Ive got so many games on my backlog that id never even get to it.
Mutant Mudds is awesome. It's a great send up for fans of side-scrollers. It can be kinda hard though. I would want it if I hadn't already enjoyed it to death. :p

Congrats Team IcarusGAF! :D
Appreciate it!


So it looms like the game prizes are:

1 copy of Mutant Mudds from Renegade Kid
2 copies of Pyramids from Enjoy Gaming
5 copies of '90s Pool (DSiWare) from Cinemax
10 copies of Penguin Patrol from Intrinsic Games

I guess ill take 90s pool, and scrafty, you sure you dont want mutant mudds?

I also dont even really want 90s pool, so whoever reads this and wants it, just post here in the ot and ill pm you the code.
So it looms like the game prizes are:

1 copy of Mutant Mudds from Renegade Kid
2 copies of Pyramids from Enjoy Gaming
5 copies of '90s Pool (DSiWare) from Cinemax
10 copies of Penguin Patrol from Intrinsic Games

I guess ill take 90s pool, and scrafty, you sure you dont want mutant mudds?

I also dont even really want 90s pool, so whoever reads this and wants it, just post here in the ot and ill pm you the code.

If neither of you want it, I'll take Mutant Mudds. If it's anything like its fellow retraux shooter-platformer Cave Story then I think I'll enjoy it a great deal.


Parmesan et Romano
I think i'll take Pyramids, since the demo seemed interesting.
and Penguin Patrol. A video of it looks like those minigames in FFXIII-2 that I played. Those were nice.


Penguin Patrol is actually pretty fun. As a connoisseur of both puzzle games and penguins I can definitely say it's worth checking out.
Yea it looked pretty interesting from the video i saw.

Also, neal just informed me all shirts are xl's. I was kind of hoping for medium, but hey, ill still have a cool kid icarus tshirt.


been trying that but those piledriving/weigh throwing enemys destroy pit on 9.0.
Yeah, they are the one sticking point in the otherwise tame level. I always just keep my distance and do a dash-around when they charge. You can tell when they charge by their footsteps which helps a lot in that encounter where you also have to deal with four-ish archers. Could also use Trade off in that encounter since it's right before a Goddess Drink. Or use a high level Playing Dead or two. The boss is quite easy so no need to hold back on powers at that point.
Now wait just a second
*tears through Gaf*
Sorry to keep YOU Waiting Icarus GAF!
Welcome back to my community Scruffy Scrafty, you too Nub and Gospel.
So this little group took down the big bad tourney teams all by themselves, what an accomplishment you should put it on your resume (or CV in my terms).
But the real challenge starts now with me, true master of this games online component....

ehh, just kidding, congratulations Icarus Gaf, the 8 bit versions of you would never have made it this far. I'm proud of you.
good job guys, GAF represent!

Thank you, sir.

You guys won?!

Fuck Yeah!

This calls for a victory song, and I know just the one


*pumps arms up and down*

DJ lazybones knows where it's at!

Now wait just a second
*tears through Gaf*
Sorry to keep YOU Waiting Icarus GAF!
Welcome back to my community Scruffy Scrafty, you too Nub and Gospel.
So this little group took down the big bad tourney teams all by themselves, what an accomplishment you should put it on your resume (or CV in my terms).
But the real challenge starts now with me, true master of this games online component....

ehh, just kidding, congratulations Icarus Gaf, the 8 bit versions of you would never have made it this far. I'm proud of you.

+1000000 bonus points.

And a cookie.

PK Gaming

Hehe I should have expected as much from the best KI:U players. IcarusGaf represent indeed...

Now wait just a second
*tears through Gaf*
Sorry to keep YOU Waiting Icarus GAF!
Welcome back to my community Scruffy Scrafty, you too Nub and Gospel.
So this little group took down the big bad tourney teams all by themselves, what an accomplishment you should put it on your resume (or CV in my terms).
But the real challenge starts now with me, true master of this games online component....

ehh, just kidding, congratulations Icarus Gaf, the 8 bit versions of you would never have made it this far. I'm proud of you.

Wow what a damn good post lmao.


Neo Member
Hey IcarusGAF guys, you played against my team in the grand finals.

Just looking at the bracket and your name, I automatically assumed you guys would head to the finals, and you guys did not disappoint.

I talked to my teammates and I said to them that the worst team we could fight was someone using a Libra Sponge/Aries Armor combo and another guy using Trade-Off while there is a far away zoner keeping the distance. Lo and behold the grand finals we faced off against the ideal team I know would beat us.

Another combination I was thinking while doing armchair Icarus was a team that consists of all of the members having Trade-Off. One person initiates by activating trade-off, and when that power is gone, have another person activate trade-off. Once that runs off, the third member activates trade-off. I'm pretty sure the combined total of all of the trade-off's would last pretty much the entire duration of the LvD match.

You guys had great chemistry and one of you (I think SSJ?) used an interesting Trade-Off/Transparency combo with the Magnus club. Opening game of the 3rd match was an invisible forward dash attack with a magnus club one shotting me out of nowhere. I one shot people all the time in my days playing (even online) but this was the first time someone one shotted me. It was quite amusing actually getting one shotted like that. Bittersweet amusement.

I was usually the carry of the team, rocking a libra sponge/aries armor combo, but you guys kept pinning me down, and I usually have another teammate take the bait in becoming Pit, but the last two games I was killed last and turned into Pit pretty much sealed the deal for you guys since my two teammates were having a support build instead of a carry build.

What my team lacked was teamwork. We all did a Do-Whatever-You-Want tactic and we all treated the game with a free-for-all mentality. What you guys did was use weapons and powers that complemented each other and you guys overall as a team was using a much stronger combination than my team did.

We got outplayed just by the teamwork alone. If I had a a teammate rocking a trade-off power instead of just generic powers then the match would be a bit differently, although since all three of you play the game more than my teammates, you guys would have still won.

I wish to play with you guys more since you guys are really good and I haven't fought against anyone who actually knew what they were doing. Great finals, good job on winning, and enjoy dem t-shirts.

You, sir, are a great sport and a very good player. The first match was really down to the wire, and we were only saved by the cheap homing of my fraudulent Reaper Palm -_-;

I really enjoyed playing against you, and I admit I sometimes actively sought you out just so we could have a duel. The epic swordfight we had in the courtyard in the final game was particularly nail-biting.

I must also ask; who on your team was using Darkness? Whoever it was was using it really well, and succeeded in screwing me over more times then I'd care to mention.

I was the one who was running the Samurai Blade/Ares Armour/Libra Sponge, by the way. It's neat to find someone using and identical set; great minds think alike, I suppose ;)

Overall, you guys played marvelously and definitely gave us the greatest challenge out of any team we fought. If you'd like either of the codes for the eShop games I won, they're yours. You deserve them.

On a final note, my FC is 4167-4489-6962. Anytime you want to play again, just shoot me a PM. I'll be waiting.


Thanks KDJ, your team was awesome! Definitely the best team we played in the tournament. That first game we played was close, you could have sneezed on our angel and he would have died.

I also dont use trade off, i use energy charge. I think it goes well with transparency, it doesnt run out until i get hit, and it recharges when i die so i can use it again.

The reason why i use transparency on my club is because it has -2 shot defense. In that first match we played, i was turning my abilities on and your teammate shot me with his bow. His one charged shot disabled my energy charge and took down 80% of my health. So while my magnus club may deal out insane damage, it is insanely easy to kill me (if im not invisible).


Now wait just a second
*tears through Gaf*
Sorry to keep YOU Waiting Icarus GAF!
Welcome back to my community Scruffy Scrafty, you too Nub and Gospel.
So this little group took down the big bad tourney teams all by themselves, what an accomplishment you should put it on your resume (or CV in my terms).
But the real challenge starts now with me, true master of this games online component....

ehh, just kidding, congratulations Icarus Gaf, the 8 bit versions of you would never have made it this far. I'm proud of you.

Why.. Why did I read this in Hades voice? I hadn't even noticed the joke unitl the third sentence =/

Congrats IcarusGaf! I whish we could see the matches =/.


Neo Member
Ahh so you were the one with the samurai sword! My teammates were saying how damaging your weapon was doing to our team. I can't believe the samurai sword being good, but you changed my perspective on that weapon. Libra Sponge + Aries Armor too good!

The guy using darkness was my friend Tim. He was very good at timing darkness and it really gets to me too when I play him in free-for-alls haha.

I appreciate the offer for the game codes but you definitely earned those games for sure. It was a significant 3-0 wipeout for us so you guys had us pretty solidly lol. Thanks for the offer though, I appreciate the thought.

Thanks for the compliments. Your team was also the best we played (since we lost to you guys and all lol). That first match was a heart breaker since all I had to do was connect one last heart with my viridi palm and it would have been game, but you guys had the last hit at the perfect frame. The other two matches didn't go so well for us haha. Should have stayed with Viridi palm.

Energy Charge and Trade-Off looked so familiar, I was getting confused by the animation. I thought Scrafty's Aries Armor was your Trade-Off animation, so I was purposely avoiding him at all costs, but I made the wrong decision it seems haha. I have to look more closely at the animations, they look so similar! I was getting confused why trade-off was lasting so long, I thought you found a way to activate trade-off more than once. I was literally about to figure out how to activate trade-off more than once after our set was over since that would be incredibly OP.

Your magnus club was remarkable. One shotting me like that, I was itching to repay you the favor but all three of you kept me on lockdown so I wasn't able to do what I wanted to do lol. You guys did a good move on that one. The moment I turned into Pit was the moment I knew our team lost since my other teammates didn't have really good attacks.

I wish to fight all three of you again with my teammates just for kicks one day. This time, winner is whoever goes into TEN wins, and items off! Haha I hate items =P


Id be down for playing you guys again. Not sure when though.

So scrafty, gospel, what day did you guys choose for the podcast? Im leaning towards wednesday maybe.
Wow nice. Ill need to try to go to one of those gamestop events soon. Im just never in town when they happen.

I think May 12th was the last event date. Not sure when they'll be another.

Just to name a few:
Tempura Wizard
Fiend's Cauldron
Eggplant Wizard
Space Pirate
Space Pirate Sniper
Fireworks Cannon
Royal Blade


Parmesan et Romano
Id be down for playing you guys again. Not sure when though.

So scrafty, gospel, what day did you guys choose for the podcast? Im leaning towards wednesday maybe.
Wednesday is cool with me. My problem now is fixing the mic jack on my laptop.


I wish to play with you guys more since you guys are really good and I haven't fought against anyone who actually knew what they were doing. Great finals, good job on winning, and enjoy dem t-shirts.

That hurts man. Anyway, we should try to keep these teams alive. TeamGAF if you guys ever want to play my team is always up for a game. We can do any evening (sans Thursday) and nearly all weekend to play.


That hurts man. Anyway, we should try to keep these teams alive. TeamGAF if you guys ever want to play my team is always up for a game. We can do any evening (sans Thursday) and nearly all weekend to play.
id love to play your team dr. Hadji.

I dont think we have ever actually played together. We need to start having some gaf community nights where we just all get on and run some ffa's or lvd's.


Unconfirmed Member
Alright, I've spent enough time playing random people. I want to taste the GAF experience.


I'll be adding myself to the list on the op, as well as adding the last 5 pages of active members here on my friend list.
Ill add you when i get on tomorrow.

I really want to play some gaf ffa's. It would be a lot of fun.

Yeah, I'd love to do some GAFFA's sometime. I get 15-20 kills in each FFA game I play online, so it would be interesting to see how well I do against some people who have their act together and don't just spam cheap tactics in a feeble attempt to win with their puny weapons and low skill levels, grovelling before my feet and pleading,'"Please don't kill me, Scrafty! You're too skilled and awesome and attractive for me to handle and I don't stand a chance!" while I smite them down with my mighty blade and laughing maniacally as I spread carnage and madness throughout the-

Oh, I seem to have lost my train of thought. Yes, I'm looking forward to some FFA matches.
Alright, I've spent enough time playing random people. I want to taste the GAF experience.


I'll be adding myself to the list on the op, as well as adding the last 5 pages of active members here on my friend list.

I'll add ya back. I did post in the last 5 pages.

And Congrats guys. I knew you had it in you!
Because you guys were so hard when I played against you
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