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Killzone 2 Public Beta email recieved

Rapping Granny said:
How the hell did Kitton get a key?


I read somewhere in this page or last about an embargo at 4PST, what's that about?

The process of just checking my email every 5 min hoping for something is just getting depressing.


AranhaHunter said:
SOCOM IV by Zipper + Syphon Filter IV by Sony Bend = Everyone happy

Syphon Filter PS3

Make it happen, Sony! I want the awesomeness that was Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow to carry over to PS3.


stuburns said:
I think the point was that even Crysis, which is insane techwise, is something very unique from the PC. There is this strange misconception that everything on PC looks similar, at least a lot better than anything on PS360. Where as very little looks even close KZ2 on PC, let alone Crysis.

Left4Dead for example, graphically it's below par for PS360.

Yep, that's basically what I was trying to say.

Although I don't include a game like L4D in the equation because it is a multiplat game and therefore we can probably assume that the concept might have been hindered or edited simply because it's also available on the 360.
BruceLeeRoy said:
The process of just checking my email every 5 min hoping for something is just getting depressing.

Since this is my most anticipated game, I thought I would be a lot more upset and jealous about not being in the beta. However, I'm playing LBP and FROM2 enough to keep my busy. These two game should hold me over until this games gets released. I'll be ready to be blown away then. :D


anonymousAversa said:
Really? Can we a get a source on this?

That would be sweet!

4pm PST West Coast = 7pm East Coast time = 6pm central = 5pm mountain

Influx of .gif's tonight confirmed :D

i really hope this is true, i want to splurge all over with info for this so far incredible game i've been playing
DeadGzuz said:
But remember the source, this guy has been notoriously pro-360 anti-PS3. He hangs out at B3D and all his PS3 related comments are negative.
Ehhh... I think some in this thread are just too sensitive. It's been mentioned several times here that the the media has it out for this game, but in reality, the majority of the coverage has been overwhelmingly positive.

If any preview talks about how amazing the game is and then lists a few nitpicks, people think the game is being unfairly trashed. The truth is, that's how previews (and reviews) are written. You'd be hard pressed to find any that don't list some negatives or shortcomings.

And some even seem to feel insulted if anyone dares to suggest the game isn't far beyond every other title in existence in every single category.

The article that's currently being pointed out for a negative slant also includes the following statements:

"Killzone 2 is clear generational leap for Guerilla Games; the wonderful eye for graphical detail and superb post-processing you would expect is there, but the great news is that this time the gameplay is excellent too."

"...the entire range of techniques used in Killzone 2 combines to create a look and feel that is entirely its own, deeply immersive, and - in the heat of battle - brutal, visceral and quite unlike any other game."

"Stuff that impressed me the most: firstly, that it’s running the full 32-player experience, and it does so beautifully. Secondly, the way that multiple game-types run one after the other in the same map is also a great innovation."

"Killzone 2 is looking very promising indeed. It offers some interesting ideas in the multiplayer arena, and while the actual graphics themselves aren’t really a generation beyond anything we’ve seen recently in terms of geometry or textures, I think it’s the handling of those visuals that makes it truly stand out. The motion blur, the post-processing, the lighting, the shadows, the animation of your player’s movements… all of it is geared towards a closer emulation of reality. That, combined with the absolutely brutal action, bodes well for the final game and I have really high hopes for the single-player campaign where the full power of this engine can really be unleashed."

I mean, come on, the guy is raving about the game, but people get caught up in little nitpicks about its current state in beta form.

The game looks amazing and most seem to realize that, but we shouldn't be overly sensitive to minor criticism.
Rapping Granny said:
Eurogamer Impressions is already up.


This is the first time I am ever going to read the full thing instead of skimming throught it.

Oh, word! Thanks man. Their final paragraph is pretty interesting...

EuroGamer said:
Killzone 2's multiplayer certainly impresses with its technical stability and stark, oppressive atmosphere. Where it perhaps struggles a tad is in its adherence to a savage style of play that has come to seem old fashioned in recent years. This is an online game that demands much from the player, but seemingly will only offer its rewards grudgingly and in small increments. However, there are many who will relish this back-to-basics approach, and for those dedicated players the lack of surprising new twists on the deathmatch formula won't matter one little bit.


Eurogamers write up was a nice read, they highlighted the thing that most stood out for me when I played it, "oppressive atmosphere", it is the most oppressive environment I've seen a game set in.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Rapping Granny said:
There is none since this is a PS3 exclusive and it's Eurogamer.

The closing paragraph is him trying too hard to downlplay this game.

Indeed. Was quite surprised he compares this with Rainbox Six (the 10 years ago version), basically saying there is nothing innovative. BTW, which other games offer the missions progression adopted in the Warzone mode? EG says this is nothing new.
Rapping Granny said:
There is none since this is a PS3 exclusive and it's Eurogamer.

Here is a better preview.


Wow yeah they really liked it:

Let's get one thing straight right off the bat: Sony's 32-player FPS Killzone 2 is the best-looking
game on the PS3. And that's going by a multiplayer beta of a game that's not even finished. The graphics
are, in places, almost too good to be true. Salamun Market, a large, war-torn above ground area that is
one of three playable maps in the beta, grabbed my jaw, slammed it onto the floor and gun bucked it into
Your average Killzone 2 multiplayer match is a frenetic, intense experience, but as you make
your way towards the chaos from your spawn point, you'll be compelled to stop, pan the camera around
and gawp. The skyline in Salamun Market, blood red with distant explosions, frightening clouds and
billowing smoke, is a wonder to behold. In Radec Academy the indoor structures, overturned vehicles and
the textures of mere handrails and steps are all hugely impressive. We'll be honest, many developers
have struggled so far to make the most of the PS3's undoubted graphical potential. Sony-owned Guerilla
games is not one of them.


Seems like Guerrilla's server decided to stop saving my stats...can't go beyond Sargeant, that is, unless I keep playing forever nonstop. :p


aka andydumi
TTP said:
Indeed. Was quite surprised he compares this with Rainbox Six (the 10 years ago version), basically saying there is nothing innovative. BTW, which other games offer the missions progression adopted in the Warzone mode? EG says this is nothing new.

This is what they said:
All of these modes can be mixed up in Warzone mode, which allows the host to serve up a conveyor belt of challenges all on the same map without having to dip in and out of the lobby between game types. While not particularly innovative, it's still a thoughtful addition and one that keeps the gameplay moving and reasonably varied without spoiling the flow.

In my opinion, outside of Socom, there has been nothing like Rainbow Six in a decade. And god knows that was awesome. But then UT and CS came along and we all moved to the hyperspeed gaming.

That said, I am not aware of a game that does the rolling games on the same map... outside of maybe R2 and its dynamic goals.

Tom Penny

Will it be a better competitive shooter than Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat and Call of Duty: World at War? Only time will tell. So far, though, so very good.

COD4 is a competitive shooter? I think not. Unless competitive means easy and lack skill needed. It's still fun though but far from competetive IMO.
Well, Eurogamer basically said that the multiplayer maybe a little bit too harrdcore for the casual invested market. it kinda match the opinion of the other beta preview posted here where he said the online is harsh on newbies because other guys have been using perks etc.

so, any one who played the beta can comment about this?

I'm not a good online competitive player. I'd be lucky if I can get 1:1 ratio, that said, I usually don't care about my stat because when I do kill someone ( and I will eventually), it feel so rewarding knowing that you manage to kill a real life player and not bot.

by the way, I'm really concerned with this comment, 'if you stray into somebody's sights, chances are you're going down. Equally, get someone in your sights, even from a distance, and chances are you'll be able to take them down with little more than a quick volley of shots.'

this is one of the reason I don't like CoD4 online very much. it's too quick to die and kill in that game, that it feels like lucks that I manage to spot someone from the back and kill them. it didn't feel like I actually deserve that kill. is Killzone something like that?


n fact, for all the talk of Halo 3, Resistance 2 and Call of Duty, the game it bears most resemblance to is the original PC version of Rainbow Six,


Is it just me, or did a great deal of that Eurogamer writeup just criticize KZ2 for requiring actual strategy and skill?

They also didn't mention destructibility ;/.


Fenderputty said:
They liked LBP just fine and gave RFOM2 decent marks as well. Plus ... I like to hear something from what I would consider to be a rather critical source of PS3 games. If they like the game, it has to be freakin' awesome.

Would I be a rather critical source of PS3 games?


Callibretto said:
this is one of the reason I don't like CoD4 online very much. it's too quick to die and kill in that game, that it feels like lucks that I manage to spot someone from the back and kill them. it didn't feel like I actually deserve that kill. is Killzone something like that?

That's why I like Call of Duty 4.


Callibretto said:
Well, Eurogamer basically said that the multiplayer maybe a little bit too harrdcore for the casual invested market. it kinda match the opinion of the other beta preview posted here where he said the online is harsh on newbies because other guys have been using perks etc.

so, any one who played the beta can comment about this?

I'm not a good online competitive player. I'd be lucky if I can get 1:1 ratio, that said, I usually don't care about my stat because when I do kill someone ( and I will eventually), it feel so rewarding knowing that you manage to kill a real life player and not bot.

by the way, I'm really concerned with this comment, 'if you stray into somebody's sights, chances are you're going down. Equally, get someone in your sights, even from a distance, and chances are you'll be able to take them down with little more than a quick volley of shots.'

this is one of the reason I don't like CoD4 online very much. it's too quick to die and kill in that game, that it feels like lucks that I manage to spot someone from the back and kill them. it didn't feel like I actually deserve that kill. is Killzone something like that?

It's a pretty valid remark tbh. Although I see it as motivating factor myself, Alot of n00bs will steer away from this. I gathered alot of people here hate this in COD4.

What fixes this is matchmaking, they should restrict server list's for new-comers so they only join people with matching skills.


The game is very hardcore. It's quick to die, but likewise you can squeeze off a few shots and quickly down another player.

I honestly think that Medic and Assault classes should be unlocked from the beginning. Being completely without badges is too limiting when you start out. You have to grind quite a bit.

I personally played COD4 hardcore only :lol so this game is perfect for me :)

Edit: Just fix the fucking spawn camping.


I'd be in the dick
Fizzle said:
It's a pretty valid remark tbh. Although I see it as motivating factor myself, Alot of n00bs will steer away from this. I gathered alot of people here hate this in COD4.

What fixes this is matchmaking, they should restrict server list's for new-comers so they only join people with matching skills.
Stuff like that motivates me too. I'm not the biggest online gamer but when I do go online and see someone running around with some godly weapon or costume the usual reaction from me is I WANT THAT. I like games where it's quick to kill and have a more methodical pace. They tend to work out for me better. It seems like between R2's co-op and KZ2's competitive I'll be online a lot more than before.


I'm always glad I sleep through the system war screen shot comparison crap :)

Hope some more movies surface today for us beta less people.


KTallguy said:
The game is very hardcore. It's quick to die, but likewise you can squeeze off a few shots and quickly down another player.

I honestly think that Medic and Assault classes should be unlocked from the beginning. Being completely without badges is too limiting when you start out. You have to grind quite a bit.

I personally played COD4 hardcore only :lol so this game is perfect for me :)

Edit: Just fix the fucking spawn camping.

Instead of that, i think it'd be better if they had more weapons unlocked from the start. I do agree that some form of balancing needs to be done.. Like the damn rockets. And the nerfed(apparently) SMG.


RoboPlato said:
Stuff like that motivates me too. I'm not the biggest online gamer but when I do go online and see someone running around with some godly weapon or costume the usual reaction from me is I WANT THAT. I like games where it's quick to kill and have a more methodical pace. They tend to work out for me better. It seems like between R2's co-op and KZ2's competitive I'll be online a lot more than before.

Right, it's what kept me drilling away at R6V day after day. COD4 initially rewards you for progress, but it's major problem is that so much of what you unlock is just downright irrelevant. Which makes me wonder, is it even possible to substantially reward the player AND maintain game balance at the same time? I don't think you can reach an exact happy medium between the two.


EschatonDX said:
Right, it's what kept me drilling away at R6V day after day. COD4 initially rewards you for progress, but it's major problem is that so much of what you unlock is just downright irrelevant. Which makes me wonder, is it even possible to substantially reward the player AND maintain game balance at the same time? I don't think you can reach an exact happy medium between the two.

Yeah, I don't think it's possible. I think that's why the default search settings is for your own rank - that way you're playing with people with the same gear and no one is overpowered/underpowered.


Core407 said:
Yeah, I don't think it's possible. I think that's why the default search settings is for your own rank - that way you're playing with people with the same gear and no one is overpowered/underpowered.

I actually think you can do it if you think about the progression in a certain way. Instead of unlocking more powerful strategies/weapons/abilities, you could unlock content that is AS powerful(or perhaps a liiittle bit more) as what you had before, but fundamentally different from what you previously had. I think CoD4 attempts this, but fails due to mediocre balancing.


AranhaHunter said:
SOCOM IV by Zipper + Syphon Filter IV by Sony Bend = Everyone happy
Yes:D :D :D Sony Bend for the 1st time on PS3.
I hope Syphon Filter 4 and The Legends of Dragoon 2 get announced next year.
Callibretto said:
Well, Eurogamer basically said that the multiplayer maybe a little bit too harrdcore for the casual invested market. it kinda match the opinion of the other beta preview posted here where he said the online is harsh on newbies because other guys have been using perks etc.

so, any one who played the beta can comment about this?

I'm not a good online competitive player. I'd be lucky if I can get 1:1 ratio, that said, I usually don't care about my stat because when I do kill someone ( and I will eventually), it feel so rewarding knowing that you manage to kill a real life player and not bot.

by the way, I'm really concerned with this comment, 'if you stray into somebody's sights, chances are you're going down. Equally, get someone in your sights, even from a distance, and chances are you'll be able to take them down with little more than a quick volley of shots.'

this is one of the reason I don't like CoD4 online very much. it's too quick to die and kill in that game, that it feels like lucks that I manage to spot someone from the back and kill them. it didn't feel like I actually deserve that kill. is Killzone something like that?

I'm not good at online shooters either, my K/D ratio is usually .7 or so and my K2 stats is around that so it's not any harder or easier than anything else IMO. And from my experience it takes the right amount of shots to kill someone and there's no martyrdom like in CoD4 which is very good.

Tom Penny

Core407 said:
Yeah, I don't think it's possible. I think that's why the default search settings is for your own rank - that way you're playing with people with the same gear and no one is overpowered/underpowered.

Is that how they do it? That's a pretty good idea actually. That way people can't complain they are getting owned but can higher ranking people just go in a noob server and crush everyone? I'm assuming you would gain less rank.
Tom Penny said:
Is that how they do it? That's a pretty good idea actually. That way people can't complain they are getting owned but can higher ranking people just go in a noob server and crush everyone? I'm assuming you would gain less rank.

I would hope they would impliment something that would prevent that. Then again, I like to crush noobs every now and then in my FPS. :D


AranhaHunter said:
I'm not good at online shooters either, my K/D ratio is usually .7 or so and my K2 stats is around that so it's not any harder or easier than anything else IMO. And from my experience it takes the right amount of shots to kill someone and there's no martyrdom like in CoD4 which is very good.


Tom Penny

Fenderputty said:
I would hope they would impliment something that would prevent that. Then again, I like to crush noobs every now and then in my FPS. :D

Me too :D but then again I play on CS Source server were noobs get 25 pts when they kill me and I get 2 for killing them so it's not always so good . I've started off 10-1 or better and lost points :lol


Callibretto said:
Well, Eurogamer basically said that the multiplayer maybe a little bit too harrdcore for the casual invested market. it kinda match the opinion of the other beta preview posted here where he said the online is harsh on newbies because other guys have been using perks etc.

so, any one who played the beta can comment about this?

I'm not a good online competitive player. I'd be lucky if I can get 1:1 ratio, that said, I usually don't care about my stat because when I do kill someone ( and I will eventually), it feel so rewarding knowing that you manage to kill a real life player and not bot.

by the way, I'm really concerned with this comment, 'if you stray into somebody's sights, chances are you're going down. Equally, get someone in your sights, even from a distance, and chances are you'll be able to take them down with little more than a quick volley of shots.'

this is one of the reason I don't like CoD4 online very much. it's too quick to die and kill in that game, that it feels like lucks that I manage to spot someone from the back and kill them. it didn't feel like I actually deserve that kill. is Killzone something like that?
Ummm...just turn on the option that says "MY RANK ONLY" to YES.
There you have it, you're playing with people on the same level as you and you can experiece it like all the top players did. You don't have to be the only noob on the server with no perks.

KTallguy said:
The game is very hardcore. It's quick to die, but likewise you can squeeze off a few shots and quickly down another player.

I honestly think that Medic and Assault classes should be unlocked from the beginning. Being completely without badges is too limiting when you start out. You have to grind quite a bit.

I personally played COD4 hardcore only :lol so this game is perfect for me :)

Edit: Just fix the fucking spawn camping.
I think starting out as a regular soldier and just running around shooting stuff is a way to learn the core mechanics. It gets you used to the shooting and then you start to unlock the classes and it adds another dimension of gameplay to learn. It's not like you're trying to learn everything at once. I love the way it's setup personally. When I 1st got to medic and when a couple of other people did too...it completely changed the way the game was being played. It also changed the way the match played out too. It created choke points that weren't there before. It made certain areas like "push and pull"...like tug of war.

Also, they already fixed the spawn camping, just not for the beta.

EschatonDX said:
Right, it's what kept me drilling away at R6V day after day. COD4 initially rewards you for progress, but it's major problem is that so much of what you unlock is just downright irrelevant. Which makes me wonder, is it even possible to substantially reward the player AND maintain game balance at the same time? I don't think you can reach an exact happy medium between the two.
I think KZ2 has it balanced REALLY well because sometimes I go back to the regular soldier just so I can use a certain type of weapon. Not every class can use every weapon. It's all about how you want to play. It's not really like some guy that's at the top rank has this super advantage over you and you just cant win against him.


i don't get why there's this issue of "more powerful" weapons and stuff. It's great that you have to unlock things that you see other people are doing, but the fact is, 1 headshot is still 1 headshot, doesn't matter if it's your starting rifle (which is plenty powerful) or with a rocket launcher. Also there's factors that affect the balancing of a rocket launcher wielder compared to the assault rifle or sniper guy. Medics aren't defenseless at all either.

Regarding harsh learning curve online? Its mainly about knowing the map and working with teammates, again, it's pretty easy to die if you just rush out in the open areas, just use your brains and then learning the map and getting better should come naturally.

If you can't tell i like kz2 multiplayer :p
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