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Killzone 2 Public Beta email recieved

Tom Penny said:
Me too :D but then again I play on CS Source server were noobs get 25 pts when they kill me and I get 2 for killing them so it's not always so good . I've started off 10-1 or better and lost points :lol

I really want them to limit such things. I want the game to be as accessible as possible. (regardless of whether I like killing noobs) :lol


mr_nothin said:
I think KZ2 has it balanced REALLY well because sometimes I go back to the regular soldier just so I can use a certain type of weapon. Not every class can use every weapon. It's all about how you want to play. It's not really like some guy that's at the top rank has this super advantage over you and you just cant win against him.

Yeah, from the little I got to play I agree. Obviously a guy above you has an advantage, but it's definitely not so large that a player with decent skill can't overcome it. The nicest thing about most of the class skills is that they tend to be more team-centric instead of just beefing up your individual character. With a few exceptions(cloak, etc.).


EschatonDX said:
Yeah, from the little I got to play I agree. Obviously a guy above you has an advantage, but it's definitely not so large that a player with decent skill can't overcome it. The nicest thing about most of the class skills is that they tend to be more team-centric instead of just beefing up your individual character. With a few exceptions(cloak, etc.).
I've been killed plenty of times while cloaked though XD
If a player happens to put their crosshair on you while you're cloaked then they can see your name in red and they'll know that somebody is there and they'll start shooting. Also if there's another scout on the other team then they can just spot/mark you by scanning and it finds you even if you are cloaked.

Every class has its own advantage and disadvantage and every class doesnt have the same disadvantage. For example, the assault class has 2 lifebars (double life) AND the boost pill which allows you to run super fast and regenerate your health. Sounds like a MAJOR advantage huh? Well the sniper has this grenade launcher that takes 2 direct hits to kill a person. It's really hard to get alot of kills like that. That class isnt for me, unless we're doing search and destroy and I need to pick up the propoganda speakers and place them really fast. (I LOVE DOING THAT, *zip zip zip* right past them all).


FFObsessed what a squad we make xD i respawn near and you snipe me xD i hope theres at least like 2 seconds invenciblility on respawn when the game releases


Melfice7 said:
FFObsessed what a squad we make xD i respawn near and you snipe me xD i hope theres at least like 2 seconds invenciblility on respawn when the game releases

Haha! I couldn't stop laughing.

I was aiming up a perfect headshot with my sniper on this guy that kept killing me and BAM! Team Kill! Noooooooooooooooooooo000000ooooooooo!


Kittonwy said:
Would I be a rather critical source of PS3 games?
Yeah , but first of all tell us that how the hell did you get that damn KEY!'!!
Has there been any explanation about how the ranking up process will work when playing offline w/bots? Will you still rank up or no?

Right now most of my friends have 360s while relatively few have PS3s. I greatly prefer playing with friends than random people, so it could turn out that I end up playing KZ2 offline more than online.
stuburns said:
We have.

He was wrong, couldn't provide a single example that stood up whatsoever.

Complaining about the texture quality in KZ2 is just...wrong.

What's so amazing in KZ2 is that it's in the first person perspective, yet nothing looks noticeably blurry or out of place. Games like Uncharted and GoW have the benefit of a third person perspective where you won't notice the texture quality up close like in a FPS. KZ2 has a very cohesive look, and there's LOTS of texture detail used appropriately for the stylistic choice they decided to use.

The game doesn't try and add shiny surfaces just for the sake of doing so like in some other unmentionable games; it is used appropriately.

The textures are razor sharp and, better yet, diverse. There's so many Helghan lettering decals all over the world and it looks very good.

Specifically, the ground textures look great. Highly detailed, and when you shoot, you get a nice bump mapping effect from the muzzle flash. Anyone saying the textures are average or not as good as anywhere else is a 'tard.
Callibretto said:
Well, Eurogamer basically said that the multiplayer maybe a little bit too harrdcore for the casual invested market. it kinda match the opinion of the other beta preview posted here where he said the online is harsh on newbies because other guys have been using perks etc.

so, any one who played the beta can comment about this?

I'm not a good online competitive player. I'd be lucky if I can get 1:1 ratio, that said, I usually don't care about my stat because when I do kill someone ( and I will eventually), it feel so rewarding knowing that you manage to kill a real life player and not bot.

by the way, I'm really concerned with this comment, 'if you stray into somebody's sights, chances are you're going down. Equally, get someone in your sights, even from a distance, and chances are you'll be able to take them down with little more than a quick volley of shots.'

this is one of the reason I don't like CoD4 online very much. it's too quick to die and kill in that game, that it feels like lucks that I manage to spot someone from the back and kill them. it didn't feel like I actually deserve that kill. is Killzone something like that?

Killzone 2 is all about effectively using your class system as a team to accomplish mission objectives. While yes, you can die quickly (which is realistic), the game isn't necessarily just about K/D ratio; it's about playing intelligently and ELEVATING your fellow team mates to a higher level of play.

What I mean by that is the class system allows your team to truly dominate. This is where a lot of the skill comes into play. You shouldn't get frustrated just because you're dying frequently, because if you're a tactician and you place an air support turret in a crucual choke point, or you throw a spawn grenade right by a mission objective (allowing your team mates to spawn close to the action), then you are helping your team. It is not just a case of how many kills you are getting.

The reward in KZ2 isn't the off hand kill; players don't go into an elaborate dance like they do in Halo or Gears because it takes so many shots to kill them. The reward is in destroying their base in a search and destroy objective (which can be quite difficult and require a lot of strategy) or capturing and holding vital areas. KZ2 is one of the first games that has retained an intimate feeling that you're helping your team, yet supports lots of players.
Fizzle said:
It's a pretty valid remark tbh. Although I see it as motivating factor myself, Alot of n00bs will steer away from this. I gathered alot of people here hate this in COD4.

What fixes this is matchmaking, they should restrict server list's for new-comers so they only join people with matching skills.

There already is that option, BTW. Turned 'on' by default when you're searching for lobbies.
I didn't agree with parts of Eurogamer's impressions. I'm hardly a hardcore FPS player, but I'm currently addicted to the beta. I'm the type of FPS player that dies a lot, and usually avoids MP in favor of SP, yet I'm playing KZ2 just about every day.


I'd be in the dick
Private Hoffman said:
Killzone 2 is all about effectively using your class system as a team to accomplish mission objectives. While yes, you can die quickly (which is realistic), the game isn't necessarily just about K/D ratio; it's about playing intelligently and ELEVATING your fellow team mates to a higher level of play.

What I mean by that is the class system allows your team to truly dominate. This is where a lot of the skill comes into play. You shouldn't get frustrated just because you're dying frequently, because if you're a tactician and you place an air support turret in a crucual choke point, or you throw a spawn grenade right by a mission objective (allowing your team mates to spawn close to the action), then you are helping your team. It is not just a case of how many kills you are getting.

The reward in KZ2 isn't the off hand kill; players don't go into an elaborate dance like they do in Halo or Gears because it takes so many shots to kill them. The reward is in destroying their base in a search and destroy objective (which can be quite difficult and require a lot of strategy) or capturing and holding vital areas. KZ2 is one of the first games that has retained an intimate feeling that you're helping your team, yet supports lots of players.
This is exactly what I liked about Warhawk. Even though I didn't get the most kills I felt like I was truly helping my team, especially when I was providing air support. If it can feel as rewarding as Warhawk did then it'll be a real treat online.


First of all I only decide to right long impressions on a game when I feel I have been blown away. Second I would like to start off my impressions by saying, don't fall for anything negative you read about this game. I mean it. I've read through this thread and most of the negative comments are coming from people that haven't even seen the game in motion, nor have they seen it running on a nice HDTV. Those that are spewing any minor to irrelevent nicks and nacks, is trying very hard to find something bad about the game, and it shows off their hidden agenda. Which is, don't raise any PS3 AAA title too high.

With that said, I would like to say, for a game that has three to 4 months left in development, I am very impressed. I am happy that connectivity is very fluint. From the time I loaded up the multiplayer demo, I'm autimatically thrust online within seconds (I have optimum online with boost.) Connecting and finding a match is instantaneous. Though, I did experiance 1 or 2 network drops. Fortunately for me, it wasn't a big deal, because I've played many matches without any problems. There were also some laggy players, but you can instantly see that its due to their connection. There is slight slow down when there is like 6 or 8 players in a door way shooting and flanking, but it isn't terriblely distracting.

Multiplayer is done very well. I really enjoyed all the matches I've played so far. I enjoyed playing on all the maps. There are many corridors, stairwells, tunnels, underground paths, high rise sniper spots, open fields, and alley ways. There are many angles you can take approaching the enemy. I didn't have any frustrating matches, whether I was getting owned are I was a bad ass. It's just fun. Playing as the ISA against the Helgan is fun, especially when you see a group of helgans with the red goggles coming after you, it sends a quick chill down your spine. I also like playing as the Helgan, cause you just feel like a badass, when you pop out and you see your opponent litterly start spinning because they are frightened. Helgans are not the only one that has a distinctive light such as the red goggles, but the ISA has a blue light on their sholders. So you can see them coming too. Unfortunately, the ISA are not as scary as the Helgans.

Aiming and shooting are done very well. I never felt like the aiming was are is inaccuratetly unfunctional. As long as you can aim, you will pretty much hit your target. Recoil is slightly realistic, and it never renders your shooting abilities useless. With that said, you can expect to be taken out if you plan on just sitting in one spot too long. You gotta keep it moving, are else your gonna get dropped by your opponent from the next building. I love the weight of the caracters, and the camera movement when your moving about. It just feels smooth and realistic.

Leveling up is done very well, they kept it simple, but rewarding at the same time. The overall game seem to get more difficult when upraged to a higher class. I noticed as a beginner most of the turrets(bots) where broken, but as I leveled up to Sargent 2nd Class, those turrets were operational, and there were also flying UMV with guns. Which look really fucking cool. Most of the weapons, if not all are very cool, and usefull. So far, I've unlocked the M82g assult rifle, STA52sg Assult Rigle, M13 Shotgun, and the STA11 sub Machine GUn. I've also tried the sniper and rocket launcher though, I haven't unlocked it yet. Luckily some pure sap left one on the battefield after getting blasted.

The different mission objectives during a match are very cool, and fun. Though none are unique, they are done very well. I especially like defending your comrades when he/she is picked for assination. I love all the modes, defend and destroy, capture radio propoganda and so forth, the all are fun, and make the matches long and intense. Teamwork is essential in some of the mission objective except for when your just killing hellgans/ISA. When defending a base it is essential to have each others back, because the enemies will be coming, and they'll be coming full force.

Graphics are amazing. I can only imagine what the single player is going to look like. The art direction is awesome and very unique. Everything is very consistent, with the overall look of the planet. The Sky is just as impressive as the rest of the level. Its sometimes frightning but also intriguing to look up. Textures are sharp, and extremely hi res. Framerate is very smooth and stable. Destructible environment is equally as impressive, with colums and certain part of walls falling, and crumbling from gunfire. Characters are well design, and different classes are very distinguishable. Character Animation and reload animation are smooth, and ragdolls look believeable. I must say, Gears of War 2 looks awesome, Killzone 2 looks freakishly unbelievably awesome.

Sound effects are top notch. Not surprising, because most PS3 games sound incredible. But the sound design in this game takes it a notch higher. Foot steps, wind blowing, lightning strikes, explosions, and gun fire keeps you immersed into the game forgeting that your actually not inside of it. Sound track fits the atmosphere to a "T" Making for some intense moments. I especially like it in the 32 player matches when you have 8 players in a corridor, or a doorway, and gunfire and flanks going on it just sound like real war.

I can't wait to pick this up. I don't need to read any reviews. From what I've played in the beta, this is day one. Just Like MGS4 was, Just like Uncharted was, just Like LBP was. This game is amazing.


Fuck the Eurogamer preview. From the little I played of the beta, I was immediately hooked and I don't even like FPS games (save for HL2 and Resistance SP).
thuway said:
Fuck the Eurogamer preview. From the little I played of the beta, I was immediately hooked and I don't even like FPS games (save for HL2 and Resistance SP).

The Eurogamer previews were very positive in general, but the one in particular comment bothers me greatly.

"Killzone 2's multiplayer certainly impresses with its technical stability and stark, oppressive atmosphere. Where it perhaps struggles a tad is in its adherence to a savage style of play that has come to seem old fashioned in recent years. This is an online game that demands much from the player, but seemingly will only offer its rewards grudgingly and in small increments. However, there are many who will relish this back-to-basics approach, and for those dedicated players the lack of surprising new twists on the deathmatch formula won't matter one little bit."

There is NOTHING old fashioned about its style of play. It is realistic, gritty, and no, it doesn't necessarily reward people playing 'defensively'. It rewards people playing INTELLIGENTLY, making sure they are now standing out in the open, making sure to be running at all times when you're not in the act of shooting, and generally taking intelligent routes to objectives. If all you do is camp, you're not going to win objectives. That statement about it feeling outdated is just plain wrong.

The savage play style is the biggest draw, IMHO.

I also don't agree with the comment of seeing rewards in small increments. If you kill someone, you feel immediately rewarded by that highly addictive 'chirping' noise that tells you that you had a kill. Placing a sentry turret or air support is satisfying. Reviving a team mate is satisfying. The little things are satisfying, and accomplishing overarching goals is VERY satisfying....and when you complete a game and your team wins, the points you are awarded to get perks is satisfying.

In other words: KZ2 is satisfying at the micro and macro level, and Eurogamer's impressions regarding that point are way off base.


Private Hoffman said:
I also don't agree with the comment of seeing rewards in small increments. If you kill someone, you feel immediately rewarded by that highly addictive 'chirping' noise that tells you that you had a kill. Placing a sentry turret or air support is satisfying. Reviving a team mate is satisfying. The little things are satisfying, and accomplishing overarching goals is VERY satisfying....and when you complete a game and your team wins, the points you are awarded to get perks is satisfying.

In other words: KZ2 is satisfying at the micro and macro level, and Eurogamer's impressions regarding that point are way off base.

I totally agree with you. How they came up with the statement that it feels old, and not rewarding is beyond me. I sometimes wonder if there is a hidden agenda, when I play games and then read someones opinion and it seams so far off that it boggles me.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So tech wise... K2 is hot as Eva Green making out with Rachel Weisz?
zeloe326 said:
I can't wait to pick this up. I don't need to read any reviews. From what I've played in the beta, this is day one. Just Like MGS4 was, Just like Uncharted was, just Like LBP was. This game is amazing.

That was a fun read man. Thanks for posting your impressions.


makingmusic476 said:
That player is an idiot. There's one point where he's unloading on a guy and runs out of ammo. He starts to reload without sidestepping or anything, giving the guy ample time to turn around and take him down. :lol

Lol, yeah. I'd just bust out the pistol and go at it. I'm actually quite fond it now that I've realized that headshots are 1 shot kills. :D Also, I noticed a Gaffer in the video. :0 How many can you find?!



chubigans said:
We need a new thread for this impending media blowout. STAT!
Who's got the official thread? Maybe putting it up early wouldn't be so bad. I don't think the SP preview embargo is up for a while though is it?


y'all should be ashamed
stuburns said:
Who's got the official thread? Maybe putting it up early wouldn't be so bad. I don't think the SP preview embargo is up for a while though is it?
Wayyyyyyy too early. It would get locked.
I have no idea what they are really talking about but:
Digital Foundry, a company that makes video capture hardware, has had their experts look at the graphics in the Killzone 2 multiplayer beta and has declared them an "undisputed winner."



From the Eurogamer MP beta hands-on:

Eurogamer said:
While other first person shooters have been busy tweaking and remixing their multiplayer components, Killzone 2 seems to be taking it back to the old school with a deliberate focus on tense, brutal action with the minimum of distracting frills. In fact, for all the talk of Halo 3, Resistance 2 and Call of Duty, the game it bears most resemblance to is the original PC version of Rainbow Six, the gritted-teeth centrepiece of so many LAN parties ten years ago.

This is promising. Very promising.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Blader5489 said:
Has this guy ever played an FPS before?

Oh come on now. That was probably his first or second run with the beta. He didn't even know where to place the charge.
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