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Killzone 3 has over 70 minutes of cut-scenes


So, does this refer to the footage the ratings board got or does it refer to the cutscene runtime?

Riddick said:
Sounds great. The only thing I didn't like in Killzone 2 was the weak story.
What does that have to do with anything?

Story quality is not proportional to the amount of cutscenes. If anything, it's the other way around *cough MGS4*.
Haunted said:
What does that have to do with anything?

There's no correlation between story quality and amount of cutscenes. If anything, it's the other way around *cough MGS4*.

Well if we look at this information and combine it with statements from the developers and then throw in the KZ3 story trailer to boot. . .I think it can only be a positive thing. The KZ backstory is fantastic and I really like the way we'll be seeing a struggle for power between two Helghast Generals. After KZ2 I did think they'd need to up the number/length of cutscenes to get across more of the politics/homelife of the Helghans.


The Killzone universe, the Helghast background, the politics behind the invasion and counter-invasion and all is IMO really good. The in-game stories so far aren´t. To make things worse, all the cool stuff has to be searched for on their website and is nowhere seen in the game, not even as readable documents a la Resistance one. Damn, I loved those.

Done well a more story-focused Killzone would be fantastic. But Rico and the gang is in, so I´m only carefully optimistic about KZ3´s story :p

PS: I´d be totally down for a Killzone WRPG/shooter-hybrid.


Haunted said:
So, does this refer to the footage the ratings board got or does it refer to the cutscene runtime?

What does that have to do with anything?

Story quality is not proportional to the amount of cutscenes. If anything, it's the other way around *cough MGS4*.

The cutscene trailer was perfect so I want to see more of that. And MGS4 has a good story but many useless bits with hours of cutscenes that weren't needed. 70 minutes sounds great though.


Hmmm judging from uncharted maybe it should have had a little more then. Uncharted 2 is my standard for presentation this generation.


Always-honest said:
Why do devs think this ads immersion? Cause it DOESN't..

Wrong, try again. There was probably around 5 minutes (give or take) of cutscenes in the preview build Sony sent over a few weeks ago, and the level itself was probably about 45 minutes the first time through. That's a fair ratio, and in that time, I went from being the usual Rico hater to sympathizing with him slightly to thinking Sev was a goddamn beast to literally jumping out of my chair and whooping as the final cutscene played.

Awesome, awesome stuff happens in the Killzone 3 cutscenes. It not only expands the characters and their interactions, but there's a much bigger story this time around than "Space Nazis Must Die".

Basically what I'm saying is you're wrong, and there's a Start Button with your name alllll over it.


Gold Member
SamBishop said:
Wrong, try again. There was probably around 5 minutes (give or take) of cutscenes in the preview build Sony sent over a few weeks ago, and the level itself was probably about 45 minutes the first time through. That's a fair ratio, and in that time, I went from being the usual Rico hater to sympathizing with him slightly to thinking Sev was a goddamn beast to literally jumping out of my chair and whooping as the final cutscene played.

Awesome, awesome stuff happens in the Killzone 3 cutscenes. It not only expands the characters and their interactions, but there's a much bigger story this time around than "Space Nazis Must Die".

Basically what I'm saying is you're wrong, and there's a Start Button with your name alllll over it.
LOL come on


Gold Member
Brashnir said:
After playing Killzone 2 -- the more time spent NOT playing Killzone, the better, so I say go for it.
Is this sort of blatant trolling allowed over any other franchise


SamBishop said:
Wrong, try again. There was probably around 5 minutes (give or take) of cutscenes in the preview build Sony sent over a few weeks ago, and the level itself was probably about 45 minutes the first time through. That's a fair ratio, and in that time, I went from being the usual Rico hater to sympathizing with him slightly to thinking Sev was a goddamn beast to literally jumping out of my chair and whooping as the final cutscene played.

Awesome, awesome stuff happens in the Killzone 3 cutscenes. It not only expands the characters and their interactions, but there's a much bigger story this time around than "Space Nazis Must Die".

Basically what I'm saying is you're wrong, and there's a Start Button with your name alllll over it.

9/10 for the Surf Nazis Must Die reference.
SamBishop said:
Wrong, try again. There was probably around 5 minutes (give or take) of cutscenes in the preview build Sony sent over a few weeks ago, and the level itself was probably about 45 minutes the first time through. That's a fair ratio, and in that time, I went from being the usual Rico hater to sympathizing with him slightly to thinking Sev was a goddamn beast to literally jumping out of my chair and whooping as the final cutscene played.

Awesome, awesome stuff happens in the Killzone 3 cutscenes. It not only expands the characters and their interactions, but there's a much bigger story this time around than "Space Nazis Must Die".

Basically what I'm saying is you're wrong, and there's a Start Button with your name alllll over it.

Depends where the cutscenes are placed. They can really get you out of the action/ moment.
This was the case in MGS4, this was not so much the case in Uncharted2..

I can enjoy a good cutscene, but only if it's well timed. I remember a segment in MGS4 where i went in to a cutscene, then i could walk for 2 feet, jumped in to a hole and there was Another longass cutscene.

As long as they are in the beginning or at the end of a level, it's usually okay. But if it breaks up gam,eplay i think it's kinda anoying..

But i'm sure Guerilla can make cutscenes look great.


Yoboman said:
LOL come on

No joke. I can't really explain it without spoiling, but there's a great sense of overcoming a massive obstacle that the game delivers. I went from "yeaaaahhh!" to "awwwww!" when it just kicked back to the title screen after the final cutscene of that build.

I am fully, completely, 100% on board for Killzone 3's story. The stuff I've seen and played so far has been great. It's a big dumb action movie you can play, and I'm not so jaded that I can't admit that after almost 15 years of doing this I can get caught up in a rousing speech and mounting momentum.

Always-honest said:
Depends where the cutscenes are placed. They can really get you out of the action/ moment.
This was the case in MGS4, this was not so much the case in Uncharted2..

I can enjoy a good cutscene, but only if it's well timed. I remember a segment in MGS4 where i went in to a cutscene, then i could walk for 2 feet, jumped in to a hole and there was Another longass cutscene.

As long as they are in the beginning or at the end of a level, it's usually okay. But if it breaks up gam,eplay i think it's kinda anoying..

But i'm sure Guerilla can make cutscenes look great.

So far it's definitely been punctuation of key scenes, not just pulling you out of the action for the sake of it. It's used to bookend levels or sections of a bigger level (and I think to hide loading too, but I'm not sure), and not only do the cutscenes look great, they're just the right mix of gung-ho action and light character interaction. Plenty has changed since Killzone 2, and Guerrilla is clearly keen to explain what's happened in the interim, to say nothing of the political bickering and Helghan landscape.


Psychotext said:
That doesn't sound like Rico is killed or tortured...

/do not want

Nope, better: he's no longer your constant tag-along. He's got his own squad to command and/or get killed. I suppose that's some small comfort? Eh, maybe not. I definitely don't hate the dude as much as before, at least.

And I hated Rico. Stupid dickbag got good guys killed because he had to be all RRARRRRGH PEW PEW BOOM FUCK HIGS BLAAAAHHHHH. Sev's a nice voice of reason this time around.
SamBishop said:
So far it's definitely been punctuation of key scenes, not just pulling you out of the action for the sake of it. It's used to bookend levels or sections of a bigger level (and I think to hide loading too, but I'm not sure), and not only do the cutscenes look great, they're just the right mix of gung-ho action and light character interaction. Plenty has changed since Killzone 2, and Guerrilla is clearly keen to explain what's happened in the interim, to say nothing of the political bickering and Helghan landscape.
okay.. fuck. i think this has to be my most wanted game.
Haunted said:
So, does this refer to the footage the ratings board got or does it refer to the cutscene runtime?

What does that have to do with anything?

Story quality is not proportional to the amount of cutscenes. If anything, it's the other way around *cough MGS4*.

It sure can be indicative. KZ2 was very light on the cutscenes and most of them were just filled with action sequences. This time around it's clear they are putting more time and effort into making a full fledged story. If the cutscene length was exactly the same as KZ2, we'd have very little reason to believe the story telling has gotten any better. I'd say this is a good thing.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sounds good to me. I'm hoping they actually use it to weave an interesting tale 'cuz the story was pretty lacking in the original. At the very least, we'll be treated to some very high quality realtime cutscenes here.
I'm actually excited about the prospect of Killzone getting a proper single player mode, being I'm never much into MP with randoms in any game. The one in KZ2 was alright, but not great. I did rank up in KZ2 but got completely tired of the online after I hit the top and didn't bother playing it again after SP was done or even after they extended the level cap.

I mostly bought KZ2 because I was impressed by the tech. I haven't been following KZ3 that much, but what I've seen in the beta it was mostly the same looking. If it was going to be equally MP centric I probably would have passed. The SP improvements along the promise of hopefully having a new proper "hardcore" move experience sold me.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Good. I have been enjoying these trailers put out because of the incredible graphics so I'm fine watching an hour or so more of that. I certainly enjoyed the break from the shotting in 2 when the game occasionally gave you one.


Hopefully they are much better than KZ2. Especially if there will be over an hour of them...what stood out in KZ2 for me was the cutscenes, just how terrible they were.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I would of normally moaned about 70 mins of cut scenes in a shooter but after watching the latest story trailer I can't wait.
I just beat Killzone 2 and really enjoyed it but the story was a missed oppurtunity. Despite some highlights KZ2's story felt really rushed in ideas and execution. The new trailer looked like a big step up in that department. If they can make the story better than I'm all for watching more cutscenes.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Galvanise_ said:
9hrs; 5 mins; 47 secs
That was just ridiculous. I don't mind long cutscenes from time to time. MGS3 had plenty and it left a great impression. MGS4, though? The entire second half of the game was basically a long cutscene with bits of gameplay tossed in. A damn shame.


Good, to me the most interesting part of Killzone is the Helghast, so this probably means we get to see much more of them rather than just shooting them in the face. Helps that during those 70 minutes you'll be in visual bliss.
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