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Kinect now recognizes upper torso while sitting. Lower torso, not so much.


Just lower the price off kinetic to 99 and include dance central with it or your shape. Games made perfect for and only kinect. I mean you can't really use the plastic instruments in music games for anything else. (well you could, but why the fuck)

I guess it was a mistake to promote kinteic as a device to play all types of games.
If they had promoted it as a device to play certain kinds of game, I think it would be fine.

"play dance games like never before with kinect! only 99.99"

trying too hard to get past just niche.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:

Damnit if these people can sit, I wanna sit as well.

That's what I want, Virtual Reality! Motion control can sod off! :D


Rated-Rsuperstar said:

Damnit if these people can sit, I wanna sit as well.
Yeah but we're not in Zion, jacked into a mini-Matrix...Kinect can't do that...YET. And we don't hit Virtual flaoting screens in a 3D space right in front of our face off a tv screen.


Vinci said:
Out of curiosity, is the hardware actually capable of doing this as it is? I mean, that one video when they first announced it showed a boy scan in his skateboard, but... does it actually do that, or was that just a case of Disneyland magic?

I'm really curious. 'Cause if it can do that, it's pretty nifty.

it can do that. you didn't really need natal to be able to do that, it just makes it potentially easier.

does any product do this? probably not at the moment.


y'all should be ashamed
Vinci said:
Out of curiosity, is the hardware actually capable of doing this as it is? I mean, that one video when they first announced it showed a boy scan in his skateboard, but... does it actually do that, or was that just a case of Disneyland magic?

I'm really curious. 'Cause if it can do that, it's pretty nifty.
Yeah, I've always wondered about that. Logically it would seem to solve a lot of the problems that have been mentioned...but I haven't heard anything about scanning stuff since last year.


Ramirez said:
I thought the whole point of the thing was to get you off your couch and exercise!

That's cool if all you want to play is fitness and party games. I for one, still had some hope that a real game would be made at some point. Or integration with a game played on a couch using a controller as the primary control method.
skulpt said:
I said it as soon as Natal was announced. This product will make or break the 360 momentum this gen and the transition into the next gen for them. I'm not saying one way or another if it will sell like hotcakes or bomb. But they will lose serious momentum into the next cycle if this fails. Far more so than if they had just focused on the hardcore and XBL and let Nintendo and Sony duke it out.

I don't buy the momentum argument. How much momentum did Nintendo have after GC? They only had momentum after they showed their new console. It's the XBox 720 unveiling that will determine if they have momentum going into the next generation.

As for this one? It's pretty much set. A failed Eyetoy experiment isn't going to hurt their core consumer.


you can't put a price on sparks
racist gaming devices? oh, what will they think of next.

sangreal said:
That's cool if all you want to play is fitness and party games. I for one, still had some hope that a real game would be made at some point. Or integration with a game played on a couch using a controller as the primary control method.

"real game"? what do you expect those games to be? fake games?

you're not going to be playing super hardcore rpgs with the camera. Hell you're probably not gonna be shooting a hooker in GTA either. I'd be very surprised if they let you use it for anything obscenely violent or all together roundabout when its easier to just use a controller for half the things you may do. you have to remember there's no tactile part to the kinect.

some soccer mom is going to be morally offended and go on a crusade when she sees her 5 year old son shooting homies in GTA with his hands.


KevinCow said:
This whole thing sounds to me like they realize they've got a crappy product, but they're hoping they can still sell it by misrepresenting it, lying about it, and most importantly, spending lots of money on it.

Nintendo and Sony both had genuinely live demonstrations of their hardware, complete with minor flaws.
Microsoft on the other hand went with pre-recorded, faked and choreographed "live" demonstrations.
That does not speak of confidence to me.
That being said, there are still plenty of people who ate it up and are oblivious.


Hey, MS just announced the theme song for Kinect with the help of EMINEM..... :lol

"May I have your attention please?
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here.."


3kuSaS said:
Just as bad as the Zelda stage demo, amiriiiiiiite? j/k but seriously, Im sure this wont be a problem by the time it comes out. And its not like pretty much all the top selling wii titles arent games that you play standing up anyways so whats the fuss?

Um... that it appears they may have purposely deceived everyone as to the utility of their product?
Kinect has taken a major hit with me.

The voice commands don't interest me much. Honestly, just because we can shout "Pause!" at our televisions doesn't mean we should. Especially in group settings. The pause button on the TV remote has worked for decades and voice command isn't the type of gee-whiz features that will push product.

The (widely) rumored $149 price is also a deal breaker (for me). Microsoft said it would treat Natal's launch like a new console. Well, where's the killer app? A game that makes someone say... "I must have that!" There isn't one, and Kinect launches in just five months.

Now, this? No sitting while playing? This eliminates the possibility of controller-based but Kinect-enhanced games.

So, this conference has delivered an over-priced peripheral with no killer software and severe technical limitations. Bravo, Microsoft. I went into this conference prepared and willing to spend $50 - $100 on the Kinect experience. Now, I'm pretty much turned off by it.

Hey, at least the 360 redesign is sexy as hell (and I mean it).
soco said:
how exactly are they trying to deceive people? all of the demos they've shown have been with people standing up.

ask your girlfriend if she thinks it's lying even though you never told her.
Hex said:
Nintendo and Sony both had genuinely live demonstrations of their hardware, complete with minor flaws.
Microsoft on the other hand went with pre-recorded, faked and choreographed "live" demonstrations.
That does not speak of confidence to me.

I have to agree. I'm genuinely disappointed about this. I had high hopes.


Replicant said:
Err, haven't you been watching some of the commercials? They show people sitting around rewinding things, playing games, etc. That's deceptive application of advertising.

it's pretty irrelevant, because the lawsuits still wouldn't hold up.


Unconfirmed Member
sangreal said:
That's cool if all you want to play is fitness and party games. I for one, still had some hope that a real game would be made at some point. Or integration with a game played on a couch using a controller as the primary control method.

MS says core games are coming out eventually. Do people dont think they are gonna make a Halo/Fable game where you have to stand up the entire time? C'mon! This will be a non issue come launch time.


Microsoft is briefing studios making games for Kinect said the company has specifically advised developers to not make games that would involve the player's sitting down.

Wow. That says it all right there. Kinect maybe able to work with sitting down after some extra calibration and work but it clearly has issues with it.


3kuSaS said:
Just as bad as the Zelda stage demo, amiriiiiiiite? j/k but seriously, Im sure this wont be a problem by the time it comes out. And its not like pretty much all the top selling wii titles arent games that you play standing up anyways so whats the fuss?

you played nsmbw standing up?
3kuSaS said:
MS says core games are coming out eventually. Do people dont think they are gonna make a Halo/Fable game where you have to stand up the entire time? C'mon! This will be a non issue come launch time.

I can't wait for Gears 3 were I have to hide behind my couch for cover. Hell Yeah!


Well if Kinect flops it's not like I'm just going to stop playing Xbox. In fact releasing now is probably the best idea. If it fucking bombs they can forget about even promoting for Xbox 720.


soco said:
it's pretty irrelevant, because the lawsuits still wouldn't hold up.

It'd be if people starts buying it not knowing the limitation of the product. Or if they continue with deceptive advertising like they have been doing so far.

Microsoft is briefing studios making games for Kinect said the company has specifically advised developers to not make games that would involve the player's sitting down.

Oh wow. Talk about being caught red-handed.
3kuSaS said:
MS says core games are coming out eventually. Do people dont think they are gonna make a Halo/Fable game where you have to stand up the entire time? C'mon! This will be a non issue come launch time.

Even if they fixed this today the timelines for core games is now fucked. However, since it is still an issue makes me think there will never be a good solution.

Now I understand why we didn't see any Fable 3 demos using Kinect. The fucking thing can't be used sitting now.


Replicant said:
It'd be if people starts buying it not knowing the limitation of the product. Or if they continue with deceptive advertising like they have been doing so far.

oh. there's your problem. you're speaking as if this is fact and this is shipping already!


Junior Member
32X 2 the return.

Seriously, what are MS thinking? I guess thats why Fable 3's Natal features never came to anything. You don't stand when playing most types of game so the system will be limited to dance/party/fitness games.

If this thing bombs then MS are gonna look really fucking stupid, they should have concentrated on the 360s strengths and built up theire own first party games. This thing failing will seriously impact theire next gen momentum.


3kuSaS said:
MS says core games are coming out eventually. Do people dont think they are gonna make a Halo/Fable game where you have to stand up the entire time? C'mon! This will be a non issue come launch time.

Again: You're making this far simpler than it actually is.

In one scenario: Microsoft never imagined people wanting to use Kinect while sitting (which should be patently false considering they showed people doing so in a number of different 'concept' videos). This would make them completely careless and negligent towards the needs and wants of its supposed audience.

In another: Microsoft has been working on fixing this problem for a year or more, and upon the technology's greatest public unveiling since its announcement, has yet to correct it.

So no, it's possibly not a 'non issue.'
soco said:
it's pretty irrelevant, because the lawsuits still wouldn't hold up.

I'm sure that you're correct, the MS legal team know what they're doing. The E3 2009 concept video has a disclaimer right up front ("Product vision: Thing we actually make is likely to be vastly less cool than everything you're about to see").


soco said:
oh. there's your problem. you're speaking as if this is fact and this is shipping already!

And there's your problem, assuming that it'd work in the future when it's not working NOW when they're telling people that it's working the way it's supposed to.


I think the clearest sign that this is a big problem right now is that if it actually worked - even if it was somewhat buggy - Microsoft would have the power to quell the storm right now.

All they'd need to do is take one journalist, and let him navigate menus or play a game sitting. Even if it was a little buggy, at least you have an independent observer saying that it does work somewhat.

The fact that they haven't done that is telling.


i dont really get why people care about the menu navigation so much in movies. After 30 seconds and/or after you show your friends you will NEVER use it again.


3kuSaS said:
MS says core games are coming out eventually. Do people dont think they are gonna make a Halo/Fable game where you have to stand up the entire time? C'mon! This will be a non issue come launch time.

The quote in the post right below yours says Microsoft is telling developers not to make games involving sitting down. Even if this issue is "fixed" (for menu navigation) by the November launch, this may have already doomed "core" development. Developers can't create 360 games out of thin air; they require a lot of time, investment and planning - if this has not been solved as of this minute, so that an exec. could greenlight a "core" Kinect title today, I am beginning to doubt we will ever see a "core" intensive game as we understand it with Kinect, at least this generation.

This is not a tech. problem, but I also think a problem with Microsoft's E3 conference was that developers and publishers were looking to Microsoft to signal to them what to expect from the system - what sort of environment and support they would be getting in developing for it. Microsoft told them they would share space almost exclusively with casual games. That's the problem with the response of "this E3 conference wasn't for you" - for a brand new "reboot" that hasn't launched yet, it's as much a show for developers and publishers as it is for gamers. That cannot be encouraging for "core" game creators to see an almost exclusively "casual" lineup.
Microsoft is briefing studios making games for Kinect said the company has specifically advised developers to not make games that would involve the player's sitting down.
Yikes. I can't believe how much negative press/impressions Kinect is getting. The thing seems doomed to fail, and tbqh if it's as shoddy a product as it seems to be, it deserves to.


Junior Member
gcubed said:
i dont really get why people care about the menu navigation so much in movies. After 30 seconds and/or after you show your friends you will NEVER use it again.

Yea most likely right. It will still be quicker to use a remote.


Unconfirmed Member
Vinci said:
Um... that it appears they may have purposely deceived everyone as to the utility of their product?

They showed promo videos where people played games sitting and standing...as of now all of the games are made to be played standing up. where exactly is the deception?

Mael said:
you played nsmbw standing up?

Out of the top 5 selling wii games

Wii Sports (63.46 million)[2]
Wii Play (27.38 million)[2]
Wii Fit (22.61 million)[2]
Mario Kart Wii (22.55 million)[2]
Wii Sports Resort (16.14 million)[2]

Only ONE of them is a game that you would play sitting down. Like I said, right now they are going after the market that Nintendo has owned so far this gen, and since those games, in theory can be played better on Kinect its pretty much a win in the making.

Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I can't wait for Gears 3 were I have to hide behind my couch for cover. Hell Yeah!

That would be awesome! My apartment is too small to pull off the diving roll move though :-(


davepoobond said:
"real game"? what do you expect those games to be? fake games?

you're not going to be playing super hardcore rpgs with the camera. Hell you're probably not gonna be shooting a hooker in GTA either. I'd be very surprised if they let you use it for anything obscenely violent or all together roundabout when its easier to just use a controller for half the things you may do. you have to remember there's no tactile part to the kinect.

some soccer mom is going to be morally offended and go on a crusade when she sees her 5 year old son shooting homies in GTA with his hands.

Geeze, did I touch a nerve or something? I think its pretty clear what I meant by real game.


gcubed said:
i dont really get why people care about the menu navigation so much in movies. After 30 seconds and/or after you show your friends you will NEVER use it again.

Because the whole concept of Natal / Kinect was using the console without a controller?
ScrabbleBanshee said:
Has there been any GOOD press about Kinect since E3? Just wondering...

There's been some positive stuff about general tracking responsiveness on Twitter, and some of the games a fun if rather simplistic. People are just seizing on the negative news - which is kind of inevitable after the E3 2009 Holodeck video, Cirque-de-frickin-Solei and their light-up ponchos, and endless MS talk about revolutionary technologies.


gcubed said:
i dont really get why people care about the menu navigation so much in movies. After 30 seconds and/or after you show your friends you will NEVER use it again.

It's just a massive waste of time, the whole navigation and voice control thing, nothing but a gimmick. Pressing a button > "XBOX. PAUSE."

Dave Long

If Microsoft had been intelligent about motion controls from the start, they would've just avoided them entirely and refocused their machine around traditional gaming controls and traditional types of games. Just be the "hardcore" system exclusively and actively push that fact.

At the very least you consolidate your position as the place to go when you want to put on the monocle and smoking jacket, light the pipe and game.

Instead they have this appeal to all thing rippling through the message and half-assed products coming out yearly to attempt to support it. Everyone has already forgotten Lips and You're in the Movies. The last two attempts at being the family machine. Apparently we're heading for Kinect being the next doodad to throw on the clearance rack in a year.
3kuSaS said:
Just as bad as the Zelda stage demo, amiriiiiiiite? j/k but seriously, Im sure this wont be a problem by the time it comes out. And its not like pretty much all the top selling wii titles arent games that you play standing up anyways so whats the fuss?

The Zelda demo worked perfectly two minutes after the conference.

Do you play NSMB Wii standing up? Or Mario Kart Wii? Or either of the Super Mario Galaxies? In fact the only huge games designed to play standing up is Wii Sports / Wii Sports Resort. And they still work sitting down, anyway.


If this is true, that's quite a spectacular pile of fail. It limits the Kinect to being the party mini-game enabler that cynics suspected it would be.

I don't see it affecting the 360's overall 'momentum' at all, especially not through next gen. So far as I can tell the 360 is built on it's online community and their constant thirst for achievements. Most of those people couldn't give a shit whether Kinect fails or not. It's not going to do MS any favours if this thing bombs but I think they've come too far to worry about one peripheral causing irreparable damage to the brand.


Uh....I think one of the supposed main selling points on KINECT is that you have to get up & move. But yeah, this can't be good for the product.
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