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Kojima's new game will be published by Sony, is also coming to PC, not Silent Hill



First to PS4 literally means PS4 gets it first and any other platform stands a chance of getting it at a later date. How exactly is that in any way bullshit?

It's not vague, but I guess the poster is pissed they are not stating whether it WILL go to PC or not. KojiPro is saying it will, but post release...which is good because they can take time to do a good port and GZ and TPP on PC were decent ports, I think.

SE aren't talking about VIIR on PC...but they have said no plans at this time, so they're not really being vague either. I suspect they are better off getting VIIR done, into a healthy production pipeline, then think about a PC release. I think they'd also gauge any potential release of XV as to whether they go another round.


So many possibilities, he needs to try and rein in some of his story telling aspects but if he does so it could be quite the great game.
This thread holds the best news in the year of dreams and here we are arguing over console v pc? I hate this place so much.

Same sentiments. I'm mostly on gaf for the OT boards. This side has a lot more teenagers thinking their pc has been the largest investment in their life so far and it probably is. As a pc gamer, this is but a drop in the bucket for any adult gaffers. The superiority complex is so annoying.
Strange that Sony supports the PC better than Microsoft.

Not strange at all. It's an additional revenue that doesn't eat into their own pie. Sony knows that PC market and console market are complementary. You're talking to two different audiences.

It's just that Microsoft doesn't know how PC market works lol. Instead of bringing the best of Windows to Xbox, they're bringing the worst of Xbox to Windows.


It's not vague, but I guess the poster is pissed they are not stating whether it WILL go to PC or not. KojiPro is saying it will, but post release...which is good because they can take time to do a good port and GZ and TPP on PC were decent ports, I think.

SE aren't talking about VIIR on PC...but they have said no plans at this time, so they're not really being vague either. I suspect they are better off getting VIIR done, into a healthy production pipeline, then think about a PC release. I think they'd also gauge any potential release of XV as to whether they go another round.
Right. SE is probably concentrating on the PS4 version at the moment and will talk about what other platform it'll be on once they're ready. Hardly seems like something to be pissed off about imo.


Pretty surprising it's coming to PC. Is this the first time a Sony-published AAA game is coming out on PC too? I mean, it's Kojima so I'm guessing it's AAA


Yeah, pretty much this.

Sony doesn't "support" PC as much as it's cheaper to buy timed exclusivity than to buy full exclusivity.

I would argue that they encourage PC,and have a good relationship with valve, and indie developers.

If they didn't then there wouldn't have been such a shit storm in the beginning of this gen with Microsoft's policy's.

Add in that they are allowing cross platform play for a lot of titles like rocket league, Street fighter V to name a few.


So there you go, Xbox-only people. PC is the Switzerland of consolewarz. Just get a PC if you want to play it. I'm not being cocky here, I like this new cobsole exclusive + PC trend. More options for everyone.
How is the exclusive thing result in more options for everyone? You are being cocky despite your statement.


Please be adventure game.

Something like Quantic Dream games but not necessary the same.

Like mgs 5 prologue


Just checked rofl, they are quite something.

He probably doesn't care and is fine eating crow in this situation. That one tweet about exclusives is pure gold though.

I'm not sure what I'm missing; surely he still isn't wrong in saying exclusives "regardless of platform" is a loss to many, which it undoubtedly is to the folks that can't play it. That's the stance he has always had for exclusivity iirc


Knew it, just wasn't expecting this early. If the Konami cockblock only lasted to early December, that would have been a massive PSX mic drop.
i wonder when it comes to pc how the xbox one controller buttons mapped out will display on pc.

will my screen say press triangle or Y?

Any PC game nowadays worth its salt, that supports controllers, should have Xbox One + DS4 button icons by default, imo. I guess look to GZ/TPP? If Sony were that stingy they'd never let MS still publish Minecraft on their systems.



Hoping KojiPro does great things and is very successful, and brings us many great games.

Also, hoping Konami bleeds money and goes belly up while watching KojiPro thrive and prosper.


I'm not sure what I'm missing; surely he still isn't wrong in saying exclusives "regardless of platform" is a loss to many, which it undoubtedly is to the folks that can't play it. That's the stance he has always had for exclusivity iirc

I meant about it not coming to PC.

I fully agree with his stance on exclusives and have demonstrated so in my posts in this and the other thread.

Sorry if I worded it wrong.


To expand on this, of the thousands of multiplatform games released over the past decade I can't think of more than a handful (or even that) which weren't (sometimes eventually, after HW improvements and community fixes) definitive on PC.

Can you?

Sadly a lot of people of gaf don't want to understand what pc gaming is.
You can come up with the best examples and facts but some of them still bash pc gaming because in their mind you can't play on pc with controller or a TV.

It's either bait or trolling at this point.


So fucking exciting. Especially since there is a PC release. Now, if only Sony could make a complete official DS4 driver.
You will most likely have a choice between xb and ps button prompts.

Any PC game nowadays worth its salt, that supports controllers, should have Xbox One + DS4 button icons by default, imo. I guess look to GZ/TPP? If Sony were that stingy they'd never let MS still publish Minecraft on their systems.
yeah, that would be ideal. i love my ds4.

question: if you guys or anyone have it on PC, does MGSV native allow DS4 and/or have ps button prompts?


Wait, the pc community was melting down over this before today?! Wasn't this pretty obvious already? Man, so many drama queens out there
Kojima and SCE have a wonderful relationship. Playstation would never be the same without MGS games. I hope it lasts forever.



Does his best thinking in the flying car
So relieved the thread moved into the previously unexplored territory of the relative merits of various platforms. Maybe someone should make two or four new threads, "In light of the recent Kojima decision, how do you feel about choosing [platform]?" What good is news if it can't recontextualize platform debates, thereby rendering them evergreen?

This is gold, lmao

I'm still hoping it's a horror game.

Del Toro changing his tone in the last month or so about never doing video games again and Norman Reedus saying the Del Toro+Kojima+Him team dynamic "Needs to happen" in the last month as well gives me hope, that and this springing AS SOON as his contract expired.

Me too!
Cool to see Sony acknowledging PC recently. Between this, Helldivers, and the upcoming software allowing for streaming to PC, this is a big step up for them.

If I could play Bloodborne at a consistent framerate, I might actually be playing the DLC right now. Console gamers can be as offended as they want, but console exclusives aren't benefitting anyone but the big three.

And this has absolutely no relevance to what I'm trying to say.
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