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Kotaku: In Japan, Sony Still Believes In The PS Vita


There's so many Japan exclusive visual novels / relationship sims / dungeon crawler so it's not that surprising. Wish they'd localize more of them though to the west.

PvZ is already on Vita.


The FPS certainly isn't on Vita. And the classic game was at one point on Vita but was removed years ago.
It's not splitting hairs.

If you followed the Nintendo consoles from their efforts to interconnect the Gamecube to the GBA all the way up to the introduction of the Wii U, you'll catch the trend. The foundation and blueprint for the Switch had long been set even before the Vita was created, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

Switch wasnt created in a Nintendo vacuum bro

They had several interviews where they cited competitors and the mobile space when coming up the switch concept

PSP and Vita also have a history of chasing console experience on the go and that relationship is sound and not some kind of stretch

But yeah of course they iterated of their own hardware as well


I wonder if Minecraft on the Switch will steal a bit of the thunder.

I don't see Sony releasing a new portable, they really don't seem to care enough to support it.

Has this been announced? And if so, is it the Nintendo version that the Wii U got?


Sony shouldn't waste their time and resources on the PSP vita imo, they just need to find ways getting more Japanese gamers back into consoles.

The playstation brand is not as dominant as in Europe or US, that's why I think Sony need to be worried about Nintendo in Japan. Supporting two gaming devices can be distracting and we saw how Sony mismanaged the PS3/PSP.
Yup people love to shitpost on Vita because it didn't do well on the market... and of course anything that doesn't do well is free to get shat on here on GAF.

Like you said, Vita has so many cool things going for it... trophies, remote play, cloud saves, cross play, cross buy, etc. I'd pay good money for a Vita 2.

Have zero issue with the vita, we had three in our household. I don't personally give a shit about how well something does in the market. I still stand by what I said though. The GameCube concept of popping in those gameboy games is closer to the switch concept imo as you could play them on tv or the go.
Switch wasnt created in a Nintendo vacuum bro

They had several interviews where they cited competitors and the mobile space when coming up the switch concept

PSP and Vita also have a history of chasing console experience on the go and that relationship is sound and not some kind of stretch

But yeah of course they iterated of their own hardware as well

Nothing in technology is created in a vacuum, and I'm sure Nintendo looked at the Vita at some point and gleaned some ideas from it but to say that the Switch is more influenced by it than by its own predecessors and the Wii U with which it has more in common is a reach.

Have zero issue with the vita, we had three in our household. I don't personally give a shit about how well something does in the market. I still stand by what I said though. The GameCube concept of popping in those gameboy games is closer to the switch concept imo as you could play them on tv or the go.

This, too.


Nothing in technology is created in a vacuum, and I'm sure Nintendo looked at the Vita at some point and gleaned some ideas from it but to say that the Switch is more influenced by it than by its own predecessors and the Wii U with which it has more in common is a reach.

Except the WiiU's main gimmick was just PSP/Vita's remote play. Playing a handheld's games on TV with a controller? Vita did that too with PSTV.
Nothing in technology is created in a vacuum, and I'm sure Nintendo looked at the Vita at some point and gleaned some ideas from it but to say that the Switch is more influenced by it than by its own predecessors and the Wii U with which it has more in common is a reach.

This, too.

I didnt say definitively that Nintendo built of the back of Vita. Im saying its an iteration of the concept

They are very closely related regardless of what means Nintendo used to develop it.

The goals of both systems line up in many ways


PSP outlived DS also outside of Japan (thanks to developing markets). PS1 greatly outlived N64, PS2 outlived Gamecube by huge amount, PS3 outlived both Wii and WiiU (crazy). This is first time that any Nintendo console is going to outlive its same gen Sony competitor. It's unprecedented.
There are explanations for every one of these, every situation is different. I mean you even have one of the explanations for the PSP, developing markets. And what does 'outlived' mean anyway? It looks like the final DS game was released later than the final PSP game.

PS3 lived longer simply because Sony and Microsoft dragged their feet on successors to try and make up for some of their massive losses at the start of the generation (then released the most boring ever successors, so many people stuck with PS360 for a while longer). PS1 and PS2 were simply winning consoles, which with the sole exception of the Wii always last for a long time because they have a huge third party support tail , of which Nintendo also had two that lasted a decade+ each, the Famicom and Super Famicom. The original Game Boy lasted ten years too.
Except the WiiU's main gimmick was just PSP/Vita's remote play. Playing a handheld's games on TV with a controller? Vita did that too with PSTV.

It was kind of similar to the GBA connectivity they already toyed with on the GameCube tbh. GameCube also let you take handheld games out of your handheld and play them on the tv with a controller. Some games allowed you the option to hook up your gba and it functioned as a second screen.

That four swords zelda game actually.
Except the WiiU's main gimmick was just PSP/Vita's remote play. Playing a handheld's games on TV with a controller? Vita did that too with PSTV.

Devkit Vitas had TV out lol

So bizarre that they never considered keeping that feature available and made a separate product instead

Fucking morons. I blame Sony entirely for ruining the potential of Vita


Nah. The asymmetric, multi screen gameplay which Wii U was intended to do was explored like once on PSP remote play and multiple times prior on GBA/GC link cable gameplay.

The main gimmick was the remote play.

The multi-screen gameplay was a separate gimmick, and a complete failure by the look of things.

Devkit Vitas had TV out lol

So bizarre that they never considered keeping that feature available and made a separate product instead

Fucking morons. I blame Sony entirely for ruining the potential of Vita

Yup, they come up with such a great piece of tech and then throw it under the bus.
Switch is the evolution of Wii U, which was the evolution of GBA to GCN functionality. I'm sure they looked at their competitors as well, but PSP and Vita had very little to do with Nintendo's direction.


The main gimmick was the remote play.

The multi-screen gameplay was a separate gimmick, and a complete failure by the look of things.

I disagree. The main gimmick did end up being remote play, but only because the Wii U wasn't successful enough to warrant games that directly took advantage of the multi screen capabilities as Nintendo intended it to. The whole pitch of the Wii U was to make it a local assymetric multiplayer machine, and you can see that in early releases like Nintendo Land and ZombiU, when there was hope that the system might have success. For some reason, this even continued into Star Fox Zero.

Even were remote play the main force behind the Wii U, I'd argue that the PSP/PS3 connection was simply a natural evolution of the GBA/GC connection...which itself was a natural evolution of the very limited DC/NGP connection.
Switch is the evolution of Wii U, which was the evolution of GBA to GCN functionality. I'm sure they looked at their competitors as well, but PSP and Vita had very little to do with Nintendo's direction.

ok lets drop the "inspired by" argument

Vita and Switch share many parallels

does that appease you guys better?
I know the Vita wasn't a super ultra smash hit, but has it hit a point where Sony isn't losing money on it? I always thought that it could end up winning via attrition if they opened it up a lot to indie devs and kept finding ways of making it cheaper and cheaper.

Calm Mind

Kotaku says a lot of things. The biggest take away from all this is that people actually believe what they say when there is clear evidence that points in the opposite direction. Now if Kotaku had said a few niche Japanese publishers or Namco Bandai maybe this blog piece would hold water. Reality, Sony only thinks of the Vita in a way that vulture picks at dead carcass to feed it's young (PS4).


Just booted up mine after weeks of not using it to play some Spelunky and Dragons Crown. Pretty amazing that this is device is already five years old, but that's probably simply because the 3DS feels so ancient in comparison.
What does tha have to do with anything? The arrogance of Nintendo fans...

Its like they cant see that Switch and Vita are cut from the same cloth of ideas

They share a kinship of sorts by chasing some of the same goals

Nintendo is just doing it better than Sony did.. well not everything but clearly not making the same mistakes Sony did with Vita and having the full brand power and support behind it


Kotaku says a lot of things. The biggest take away from all this is that people actually believe what they say when there is clear evidence that points in the opposite direction. Now if Kotaku had said a few niche Japanese publishers or Namco Bandai maybe this blog piece would hold water. Reality, Sony only thinks of the Vita in a way that vulture picks at dead carcass to feed it's young (PS4).

Vita means life (sustenance for PS4)

Sony gave up on Vita long ago. It will just stay a zombie for as long as it can because there will never be a successor, and might as well get whatever royalties come in from the gal game market.
Vita means life (sustenance for PS4)

Sony gave up on Vita long ago. It will just stay a zombie for as long as it can because there will never be a successor, and might as well get whatever royalties come in from the gal game market.


Switch is basically the spiritual successor and i dont see Sony challenging them with all the investment they have into Ps4, VR, and 4k

probably for the best. Especially since they didnt bother course correcting properly with the Vita 2000.

it bad enough that Nintendo made some weird choices with Switch as it is.

Either way im glad Vita existed. Gave me lots of hours of great gaming and now switch is here to take up the mantle

..... for the love of God Nintendo get Switch up to speed on the features front.

Not Spaceghost

I adore my Vita, it's still getting support from so many devs. I swear like it gets a biggish release almost every month. Sony in the west just pretends it doesn't exist.



"You know, for kids!"


Are they actually saying that this new IP targeting children is for the Vita in the original article? The article they source is not Vita-specific and my Google Translate skillz do not lead me to that conclusion.
What does tha have to do with anything? The arrogance of Nintendo fans...

You're acting like I brought it up in the first place. The statement "paved the way" is nonsense. Sharing similar ideals is hardly paving the way. I'm not even all that big a ninty fan. I owned a Snes, a 64, and a Wii U (only because I got it cheap years later), so take that nonsense right out of here. My wife, son, and me all owned vitas, it's a great system, I just thought that statement was bogus. Hardly arrogance or any sort.

I actually traded that 64 in at funcoland towards a PlayStation because ninty wanted $60 bucks for Resident Evil 2. To hell with that lol.

Its like they cant see that Switch and Vita are cut from the same cloth of ideas

They share a kinship of sorts by chasing some of the same goals

Nintendo is just doing it better than Sony did.. well not everything but clearly not making the same mistakes Sony did with Vita and having the full brand power and support behind it

I can see similarities sure, you said it paved the way and I disagreed, it's really just a guy disagreeing with someone else, rather than some conspiracy against a console (the vita) that I have a ton of games on and enjoyed for years.

It'd be awesome if I could come on gaf and disagree with someone without people trying to paint me into some corner as a fanboy of whatever. When I criticize Nintendo, other knuckleheads act like I've got it out for Nintendo. It's getting old and some of you need to chill with that.


Nice to see them do well. Part of me hopes this doesn't make them consider a new one. I want them to focus on one platform at this moment.

Man we can't have a positive Vita thread? They literally say it's doing well and people are all LALALA DEAD DEAD.
Feels like gamefaqs lite at times.
You're acting like I brought it up in the first place. The statement "paved the way" is nonsense. Sharing similar ideals is hardly paving the way. I'm not even all that big a ninty fan. I owned a Snes, a 64, and a Wii U (only because I got it cheap years later), so take that nonsense right out of here. My wife, son, and me all owned vitas, it's a great system, I just thought that statement was bogus. Hardly arrogance or any sort.

I can see similarities sure, you said it paved the way and I disagreed, it's really just a guy disagreeing with someone else, rather than some conspiracy against a console (the vita) that I have a ton of games on and enjoyed for years.

It'd be awesome if I could come on gaf and disagree with someone without people trying to paint me into some corner as a fanboy of whatever. When I criticize Nintendo, other knuckleheads act like I've got it out for Nintendo. It's getting old and some of you need to chill with that.

i have corrected my wording so hopefully we can move the discussion forward lol
i have corrected my wording so hopefully we can move the discussion forward lol

I was fine with your earlier statement just saying they were similar tbh. It's really not that big a deal to me, I just responded as someone tried to call me out. Vita was great, I've done my fair share of port begging for it on twitter too lol.


hell yes!

im collecting vita titles for my kids as we speak. admittedly id like to see more kids games on there as there really isnt all that much so this is great news!


it would actually be really smart for Sony to release another handheld while Nintendo is distracted w/ Switch, imo.
it would actually be really smart for Sony to release another handheld while Nintendo is distracted w/ Switch, imo.

I'd love for them to give it another shot, but I don't see them bothering at this point. Maybe a vita pro?

Sadly, I think that's wishful thinking.
Well yeah, in the sense that they're both single-screen devices with decent specs. So, Switch will get a lot of indies like Vita did.

The idea that you can play console games on the Go was one of the main thing about the Vita. And the Switch is taking cues from it.

Even Nintendo admit it.

Funnily enough it was also a major complaint regarding Vita games.

"I don't want to play console games on an handheld" etc.


I'd love for them to give it another shot, but I don't see them bothering at this point. Maybe a vita pro?

Sadly, I think that's wishful thinking.

I think we're more likely to see a portable PS4 in 5+ years, that's the only hope I have anyway.

I still love my Vita, play it almost daily. It deserved better.
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