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Kotaku: Mass Effect on hiatus, most BioWare Montreal staff now at Motive, still on MP



I dropped it in 25ish hours and ME2 is still number one on my top ten games of all time. Largely dissappointing is 100% on the mark.

This would have been a totally serviceable video game without the ME name attached to it, and the baggage that comes with succeeding one of the "best" video game trilogies ever.

Mass Effect is absolutely my favourite videogame franchise ever. For example, I've done something like 33 complete playthroughs of ME2 alone (including gimmick stuff like insanity runs where I didn't fire guns ever; 100% talent use only). Across the whole original trilogy, it tots up to something over 70 playthroughs. So, I really, *really* gave ME:A a chance. I've about 80 hours logged with the game, but in the end, I just couldn't bring myself to finish it.

By far, ME:A is the most profoundly disappointed I've been by a game ever.


I kinda expect that. I just hope this doesn't affect directly Dragon Age.

I didn't. If all parties involved were in agreement with ME going into much larger semi-open sandbox you'd think there would've been some leeway to figure out the kinks, especially with a new team heading the project. A swift boot seems harsh.


semen stains the mountaintops
How do you fuck up Mass Effect so badly that you kill the franchise, at least for a really long time, and get turned into a support studio?


Good. Series should have been left to rest after 3, at least for a longer period of time than they did. They'll come back to it again, no doubts there, but after a long slumber.


This is what should have happened after the fiasco that was 3.

Hopefully Walters has been demoted back to just character writing for whatever.


Just sounds like Montreal will only be working on patches for a while for ME:A and the future of ME is on hold while they finish patching ME:A and decide on the team that will work on the next ME.


It's stupid because they have everything now to make the sequel, the assets, the engine, they know what to do or not etc... it's a missed opportunity and a good reminder for everyone to not let EA approach your studio in any form possible, the next victim will be titanfall.

Yeah blame EA because Bioware made a mediocre game. Maybe they should have had a more competent team developing such a high praised franchise. Maybe they should have delayed the game, they had full approval to do so. But sure, blame EA because a game they financed got shat on by critics and didn't sell as well as it should have. You do realize without EA there would be no Mass Effect, right? Be thankful for what you got and don't blame it on stuff you don't understand.

Good. Series should have been left to rest after 3, at least for a longer period of time than they did. They'll come back to it again, no doubts there, but after a long slumber.

Should have been left to rest? So now 5 years between games is too short? Do you have a time travelling machine or something and fast forward time
It's stupid because they have everything now to make the sequel, the assets, the engine, they know what to do or not etc... it's a missed opportunity and a good reminder for everyone to not let EA approach your studio in any form possible, the next victim will be titanfall.

Unlike ME:A Titanfall isn't damaging the brand.
Has an EA game on hiatus ever returned?

Can we compile a list?

The times I can remember are:

NBA Live
Dungeon Keeper (mobile)

That's not a good track record...


Like Dante's Inferno and Dead Space hiatus? Son of a bitch...

"I wouldn't say it's [Dead Space franchise] cancelled at all," Söderlund said. "Dead Space remains a brand that is close to Electronic Arts' heart. It's been a great brand for us done by a very passionate team. "Is that team working on a Dead Space game today? No they're not."

"Right now, a great portion of the core of the Fight Night team are actually the team that are building UFC," EA Sports executive vice president Andrew Wilson told IGN. "Do I see a future for Fight Night? You know, sure. But right now, UFC is where our fighting focus is."

"We've decided to take the time to build the game we really want to build in the next fiscal year. Looking at where the racing market now is, and looking at the Need for Speed brand, we see a pretty clear strategy of what we need to achieve. And to achieve that, we need time."

EA COO Peter Moore said that "the game was solid but the focus on combat authenticity did not resonate with consumers. Critics were polarized and gave the game scores which were, frankly, lower than it deserved."
"This one is behind us now. We are taking Medal of Honor out of the rotation, and have a plan to bring year-over-year continuity to our shooter offerings," he said. With Danger Close's FPS tabled, it appears EA is placing even more weight behind the Battlefield franchise.

"Actually, just to clarify, we're just putting Guitar Hero on hiatus, we're not ending it," Winters explained. "We're releasing products out of the vault - we'll continue to sustain the channel, the brand won't go away. We're just not making a new one for next year, that's all."

Development of Mirror's Edge 2 has been "stopped" by EA.

A team at DICE showed EA a prototype that was "declined", according to a Eurogamer Sweden translation of a Press 2 Play TV report.

"Patrick [Soderlund - EA driving and shooting game boss] acknowledges that Mirror's Edge didn't match up to their expectations regarding sales, and that has stopped the sequel that has been in development," declared the report, published originally in December.

"EA was shown a prototype, but declined with askance. The project has been stopped - involved parties at DICE are working on something else now. Patrick himself seems to have Mirror's Edge near his heart, but they are not in the business of charity."

Well, we got Mirror's Edge eventually (though EA really gutted it of what made the original brilliant...)

Still, EA's song and dance is getting a little repetitive.


This new ip better really deliver or that played-out cartoon is going to become fact.

I feel like its 50/50 that new ip gets canceled and we never get a new bioware game again.
I guess bioware management team is to blame here considering they oked the launch of the game despite all the issues. While there was a lot of hyperbole through out the launch of the game, the mass efdeft franchise certainly far deserved better team to work on it. That's coming from someone who enjoyed the game very much, it just fell short in a lot of places where the original trilogy did very well. Now this basically killer the series for now. It's very sad we won't know what will happen next in the games.


Fuck that, one mediocre game should not be enough to put a good series on hold but that's how the industry works while Call of Duty, Fifa and Madden to sequels for the next 10 years and beyond.

AAA games are too expensive to underperform these days.It doesn't matter if it is mediocre or buggy as long as it sells. As someone pointed out, Bethesda games are traditionally broken as fuck but they sell really well so...


Not too surprising. Years of development, and the fan base was not enamored with the final product. Comments about "internet rage" seem beside the point - anybody that cared enough to make GIFs of bad animations only did so because they hoped for better from the franchise. There is also the fact that if you look at any of Nirolak's recent threads, games like Mass Effect seem to be way outside of the typical manner in which EA makes money now. You can't squeeze them out annually, and any aggressive attempts at trying to extract money outside of the typical DLC would just fan the flames on it being an unfinished release. It makes you wonder if the memebase image is that far off base, as far as the sorts of games people have come to expect from Bioware.


How do you fuck up Mass Effect so badly that you kill the franchise, at least for a really long time, and get turned into a support studio?
They were a support studio to begin with. Andromeda was their big shot at making their own game, and you saw the results. Going back to being a support studio is probably for the best.


So, yesterday they said that it didn't meet expectations, but in one of the blog posts they mentioned "millions of players arround the world".

By how much did they not meet the expectations here? Sales must have been catastrophic, in order to make that decision for a huge franchise after 50 days, no?
That sucks. Andromeda has it's faults but I still really loved it
Hopefully it isn't for too long.. :/

quarian ark
(endgame spoilers)

Ah shit yeah, this probably means no DLC too which really sucks

I do think the word of mouth online for this game has been pretty hyperbolic - I get that gaf doesn't like it (gaf also doesn't like half of modern biowares games tbf) & you're obviously entitled to not like it but it isn't an awful game by any means. I do think more people should try it for themselves really, at it's core it's a solid ME game - just focus on the main & character related missions if you get bored of the side content (of which there is too much filler I agree, but it's like 99% optional)
I don't think you can entirely blame the Montreal studio for Andromeda's problems. The game is structured in a similar way to Inquisition so that was obviously an approach mandated from on high. And that also happens to be one of the game's biggest problems. There's one game featuring missions and characters which is ok, and then there's this other game featuring an open world, which totally sucks balls.

Of course, even aside from that, the entire premise is bone-headed, the main characters are piss poor, and most of the companions are uninteresting.

I don't know who you blame that on, but again, the bad writing was on the wall with Inquisition too.
... a good reminder for everyone to not let EA approach your studio in any form possible, the next victim will be titanfall.


I didn't hold much hope for them expanding gay male romances in the game, and now it definitely isn't happening. Here's hoping the next Dragon Age won't get screwed in that regard. I guess I'll get around to the single player eventually after I finish The Witcher 3.


Bums me out that the few interesting threads in Andromeda were basically setup for the next entry. Same with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. A cautionary tale for less sequel/DLC bait in favor of self-contained narratives when the future is not assured, though that's not going to stop most developers who are focused on building a franchise.
It's funny how people think this is EA's fault

Bioware fucked up. Badly. EA can't fix a ton of the core flaws with the game.

There's certainly things EA could have done differently (not give their flagship series to a C-team, for one) but yeah, I think EA decided to actually not be EA for once- give the team a fair amount of time, not fuck over the game by demanding important content be cut out as DLC, etc etc- but then the years went on and on and the game was still a dumpster fire, and EA finally had to put their foot down and force them to ship the game.
I'm not surprised, I don't find it to be a good game at all and no where meets the standards of the previous games. Unfortunately Andromeda is enough to damage the brand.

Bioware needs to take a good look at itself and get their shit together.
Mass Effect, Burnout, Dragon Age, Dead Space, Army of Two, and Mirrors Edge all on hiatus.

EA is gonna stick to Battlefield, FIFA, Madden, and Star Wars games it seems,
I'm saddened by this news, it may have been the worst ME game but it was still a pretty damn good ME game. Internet pile-on culture is just great.
Mass Effect, Burnout, Dragon Age, Dead Space, Army of Two, and Mirrors Edge all on hiatus.

EA is gonna stick to Battlefield, FIFA, Madden, and Star Wars games it seems,
At this point I really hope the franchises in development all do poorly so that EA dies. They have done enough damage to the gaming industry.
Mass Effect, Burnout, Dragon Age, Dead Space, Army of Two, and Mirrors Edge all on hiatus.

EA is gonna stick to Battlefield, FIFA, Madden, and Star Wars games it seems,
The next Dragon Age is in development internally at BioWare Edmonton (their main office) and has been for at least a year and a half, alongside the new IP.

It's not officially confirmed, but it's hardly a secret anymore.
AAA games are too expensive to underperform these days.It doesn't matter if it is mediocre or buggy as long as it sells. As someone pointed out, Bethesda games are traditionally broken as fuck but they sell really well so...

Bud, I already said amen to that. You late to the party, mate.

The industry as whole needs to rollback these insane budgets and make smaller more dedicated projects which is why we have seen the advent of shared world shooters and MP only games this gen, at the same time people who play these games need to rollback expectations a bit. Least of all let's not forget there needs to be a focus on POLISHING up a project and not shipping out your beta phase.


Sounds like a hiatus. When it does return (ME is their marquee franchise - it's gonna come back eventually), it'll for sure be from a different in house studio/team.

To be clear, the article states that it's going on hiatus for a while to wrap up other projects. They are NOT ending Mass Effect.

You don't put a popular AAA franchise that sells well on hiatus, especially if you are EA. Considering how long it takes to make games of this nature (MEA took 5 years), if it doesn't get started soon we probably won't see ME return until next decade, at best.


As an outsider looking in (since I never really got into Mass Effect as a whole) it is unfortunate to see this happen. I don't want to think that the game was so bad that Mass Effect as a series is dead and buried, but a lot was riding on this to succeed when it was... Ehh...

But seriously though, I'm losing my trust in EA at this point. Not just for Mass Effect, but it feels like they either mishandle their games, or really do focus all of their attention on "EA Sports" more than the non-sports games. I know that for Star Wars Battlefront 2, there is zero confidence in thinking that they can deliver it. Would like to be proven wrong of course, but I can't bring myself to give EA any benefit of doubts anymore with how things have played out for them as of late with Star Wars Battlefront, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, and now Mass Effect.
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