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Kwame Armah on Black Brit/African American tension, Idris Elba, leaving UK for US

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It's funny how they probably skim over the real issue: labor laws are different for UK actors in the United States.

Nope, let's chalk it up to classlessness and racism.

Edit: it's not just British Black people, more and more British X are being used as well. The hot thing today is British people. They probably work for way cheaper. Well, foreigners in general probably due since a lot of Hollywood leads nowadays aren't, well, American.
Hard to keep reading when his first quote is some bs about Americans thinking of themselves as a classless society. Then going on to think he's giving us a little known nugget of truth like many people conflate race and class.

You really believe the average American realizes this?
ive always thought the opposite. met a black brit my age once and started laughing when he talked. he tried talking slang and sounded corny as hell. id rather keep my urban accent lol.


Maturity, bitches.
So if they are from the UK it is ok to use the phrase black, but if they are from the States you have to say African American?


Just occasionally one gets a sense that a certain kind of white American feels slightly inferior to an RP British accent, but feels slightly superior to the African American. So when I speak they don't know what the fuck to think. They stare at my mouth for a long time.

lol, well he's generalizing obviously but... It's true, some Americans see the well enunciated, proper Brit accent as a marker of intelligence. It's kinda like leveling up "well spoken" . Didn't Madonna start speaking with a brit accent at one point?

A buddy of mine is Indian by way of the UK, with the same accent, and I'll be damned if he and his wife dont sound just a bit smarter no matter what they say.


Maturity, bitches.
It's funny how the toff accent is considered smart in the States whereas in Britain we also associate it with the bumbling buffoon. 1. because we like to see someone posh look a fool 2. many posh folk have more money then sense. 3. Boris Johnson


I think Americans generally love accents. Our media here isn't very diverse, so it's fun and exciting when you meet someone with a non-American based accent. I have no doubt that racism plays a part in the reactions he receives, but for the record, some of us just act like giddy idiots around accents, generally. (For those of us, we're staring at your mouth, while trying to think of something else to say, to keep you talking forever...if you're me, this means you're often unsuccessful and after an awkwardly long pause you just blurt out "I LOVE YOUR ACCENT").
Black culture in Britain is pretty different to the US since we had very few black slaves here (relative to the USA). Black people tend to be relatively recent immigrants from Jamaica or from Nigeria and other ex-British colonies due to our encouragement of immigration in the 1960's.
Ironically, this seems to mean that people are less bothered about trying to link their identity to 'Africa'. Their immigration is recent enough that they can use the actual country rather than the continent.

I think black is favoured because it's a direct description, whereas 'African' smacks of colonialism by ignoring the wide cultural mix within Africa (c.f. Oriental being frowned upon as a catch-all term to describe eastern cultures from Mongolian to Japanese).
I've always though African-American sounds a bit wierd, since no-one would call George Bush a European-American. It sounds a bit too much like shorthand for 'not-a-real-American', even if it's not intended to be used this way.

Anyway, before I dig myself into a pit of awkwardness in attempting to describe cultures I have little direct experience of...

As a soil scientist, I often have to talk about searching for a favourable pedoclimate. That this word lacks an 'a' is fucking important!


Black culture in Britain is pretty different to the US since we had very few black slaves here (relative to the USA). Black people tend to be relatively recent immigrants from Jamaica or from Nigeria and other ex-British colonies due to our encouragement of immigration in the 1960's.
Ironically, this seems to mean that people are less bothered about trying to link their identity to 'Africa'. Their immigration is recent enough that they can use the actual country rather than the continent.

I think black is favoured because it's a direct description, whereas 'African' smacks of colonialism by ignoring the wide cultural mix within Africa (c.f. Oriental being frowned upon as a catch-all term to describe eastern cultures from Mongolian to Japanese).
I've always though African-American sounds a bit wierd, since no-one would call George Bush a European-American. It sounds a bit too much like shorthand for 'not-a-real-American', even if it's not intended to be used this way.

Anyway, before I dig myself into a pit of awkwardness in attempting to describe cultures I have little direct experience of...

As a soil scientist, I often have to talk about searching for a favourable pedoclimate. That this word lacks an 'a' is fucking important!

I don't think its a different as you say. Looking at what constitutes as black culture over(especially in big cities) I say native black English culture is pretty close to the culture black Americans have created.

The music seems to fall under hiphop/or its various incarnations.
The styles of dress are very similar
Sport is the same with street football looking just like the street hoops inncer cities youths play.
The general distrust of police is there.

They are very similiar. The true difference you seem to be noting is the difference between Black brits of West Indian(who have been around for generations) and more recent African descent, and that same difference totally exists over here too between Recent African immigrants, and the Black Americans who have been around for generations.


You really believe the average American realizes this?
You don't? All the things looked at as being bad, low brow, or poor because they are black;The black part of town, the black mall, the black movie theater, etc. Yeah I believe the average American realizes this. I don't think the average non black American realizes what a big deal it is but I do think they realize it.
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