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L.A. Noire Main Story Takes ’25-30 Hours’ to Complete


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
During a closed-door PAX East demonstration for members of the press, Rockstar showed off the majority of one homicide case entitled, The Red Lipstick Murder. Along with playing through almost the entirety of one of the game’s 23 main “assigned cases”, a rep for Rockstar revealed that it will take roughly 25-30 hours to complete the main story. On top of the main story, there are “unassigned cases” that help build the backstory of secondary characters. These side stories will freeze the main story until they are completed. Additionally, the game will support DLC cases, some of which have already been announced as pre-order exclusives to retailers — all of which will eventually be made available to everyone via the PlayStation Store.

Very Nice!


Worships the porcelain goddess
NHale said:
So in reality it's going to take around 15-20 hours to complete. Thanks for the info, Rockstar.

Yep. Probably more like like 10.

This is a rental for me. No PC version, DLC everywhere and I've been fooled by hype twice by these guys this gen. Not again.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
Oh my God!

Well I'm so getting a PS3 again. This will be the game of the generation for me, I'm so hyped :D

When is it coming out?


I always take these claims of game length with fair old large pinch of salt, but seems like a good and reasonable length.


Kintaro said:
Yep. Probably more like like 10.

This is a rental for me. No PC version, DLC everywhere and I've been fooled by hype twice by these guys this gen. Not again.

Yeah that Red Dead Redemption was such a scam


Good. Considering it's long development cycle and it's heavy focus on storytelling and presentation, it makes sense that it would be longer than the average game without a tacked on multiplayer mode.


I seriously doubt this claim. Games this generation have been getting shorter and shorter, in part due to the increased production costs (such as VA). I doubt they can gather enough audiovisual content to fill out those 30 hours. I assume 10 hours would be a more rational number.


I'm not sure how that compares to GTA4 and RDR, I feel like RDR is longer than GTA4, but I'm not sure.

I have no doubt the cup will runneth over with content though.
I am very hyped for this game. Since it's not developed by Rockstar I hope it doesn't have that GTAIV/RDR control lag, dudes locked in animations or general clunkyness.

I mean even Bioware can make 3rd person shooting right so why is Rockstar always given a free pass?


Deffo buying on release. Rockstar quoted completion times have been pretty good, for me anyway. GTAIV took me about 24hrs to finish and a further few hours of side-missions and what not.


I was on the fence to rent this but I bought RDR last summer and didn't regret it. I'll probably do that same with this. 25-30 hours is plenty.


Misterinenja said:
I am very hyped for this game. Since it's not developed by Rockstar I hope it doesn't have that GTAIV/RDR control lag, dudes locked in animations or general clunkyness.

I mean even Bioware can make 3rd person shooting right so why is Rockstar always given a free pass?

ME has passable shooting at best. GTAIV's shooting controls were cool. RDR was a massive refinement.


I'm glad for the length personally. I hope each case will be interesting and more creative because of it. RDR and GTA4 were in desperate need of an editor as I felt long stretches of those games dragged.


of course you can complete stuff like gta iv and rdr in half that time, but you will have to rush through and forget about the side quests or actually soaking in the experience, i dont even call that playing a game.


From someone who just beat gt4 it took me 25 hours, and I was just doing the story missions. RDR took about the same maybe a little less. 25 hours seems about right for a Rockstar game.


Saty said:
My first reaction was that 23 cases are a bit on the short side.
If GTA4 was just 23 missions, all the quality of Three Leaf Clover it would have been the greatest game ever made.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Who beat GTA4 in 10 hours in their first play through? I've poured more than 30 into that game and I still never beat it.
My REPLAY took like 27 hours AND I used a taxi to get everywhere o_o


I always get the feeling that when gamers complain about the length they usually play in an easier difficulty and ignore all the extra the game has to offer (side missions, extras and so on).

Many of the games some reviewers and gamers feel as short I feel as a good lenght. Like Dead Space 2 for example.


PetriP-TNT said:
My REPLAY took like 27 hours AND I used a taxi to get everywhere o_o

My replayed was 29, no taxi, all missions though.

10 hours is absolutely mind boggling.
Dabanton said:
ME has passable shooting at best. GTAIV's shooting controls were cool. RDR was a massive refinement.

Have you ever got stuck in an animation while trying to get out of cover while enemies make swiss cheese of your cowboy ass in RDR? I bet you have. Mass Effect 2 has great shooter controls in comparison.
Saty said:
My first reaction was that 23 cases are a bit on the short side.

Let's say that each case takes you half an hour, ballpark. That's a bare minimum of about 12 hours. And that's not taking into account any extra exploration stuff and secrets and whatnot. 20 hours sounds entirely possible.


Worships the porcelain goddess
squicken said:
Yeah that Red Dead Redemption was such a scam

Ended up hating that game. From halfway through the first act (when you become errand boy for three idiots), up until the end it was a non-stop shitfest of shitty characters. Yeah, there was a bunch of "shit to do" but that's all it was to me. A bunch of shit to do with little substance.


Great, just a question now over wherever the mechanics of the game are good enough and deep enough to hold my attention for that long.
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