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Launching a Kickstarter campaign on an E3 press conference


Go Google it yourself. Look up all the big money failed Kickstarter projects that blew through millions of dollars with nothing to show for it.

And as far as Sony having them on stage? They still proudly associate with Ubisoft and EA, two companies that love to fuck consumers at every turn.

And there are dozens more that have made great games. FAR more than the ones that went bust. The most notable failure was made starring frigging Youtubers.

If KS had such a poor rep we wouldn't be having a game that just broke like all of the records with the IGAvania.


Happy about Shenmue.....good to see the title promoted....but if $2 million is all it took to get this project going, Sony (or MS or even Nintendo) could throw that money at it and not even blink an eye. It just feel a little strange/off to me....
I'm glad that the kickstarter is happening but I did not like at all announcing it during the press conference. Bad precedent.

I really disagree. I can't see why anyone would care. It gives the game amazing exposure and obviously some money is coming from Sony.


I'm with you OP, but I imagine most people won't care because Shenmue III. That sounds snarky, but it's not meant to be. If they had announced a Legend of Dragoon 2 kickstarter I would have been donating so fast.


I don't understand this thread.

The game needed a huge platform. It got a huge platform. They wanted to ensure the game gets the funding they want. What is so sneaky about this?

If Shenmue needed a huge platform the Kickstarter should've launched two months ago when there was no real video game news because this would've dominated every news outlet for a week. Instead you're getting this in the middle of a pile of Sony news, not even aimed at what would necessarily be the key Shenmue demographic.

I just don't buy this argument at all.
If people dislike it, the easiest thing to do is not support it? Im fine with it, and will support it. Its really as simple as that.

The problem isn't with the Kickstarter campaign itself. It's the implications going forward where publishers start to push more of their own responsibilities to the fans. It's an exchange between being able to get what you want and having to actually be financially culpable if development goes south.
Sony is the type of company that wouldn't stay quiet if they were involved. I also feel that if they had any involvement, it wouldn't be on the PC. Sony have a lot of great things about them, but being humble isn't one of them. You have to imagine they'd jump on the opportunity to say, "And to get the ball rolling, we're donating $1,000,000!"

Launching the Kickstarter at the Sony conference was a great marketing move, but it also makes people associate the Shenmue III game with Sony. It's great for the team developing the game, but it's better for Sony. They're going to sell systems because they're the company that brought back Shenmue, when that doesn't seem to be the case.
Don't really care. Do it anyway you need to. They needed to get the word out on this. People are happy. Stop being so damn cynical about everything.


I don't see what was wrong with it tbh... being able to show it on a stage that massive... O_O

They even crashed Kickstarter!


Preorders are good but it's pretty shady to sell some of the high-tier rewards when it's clear they have other sources of funding.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
It sets such a bad precedent

While I'm happy people are getting their game... kickstarter has absolutely no place on an E3 main stage... EVER


For you.
If Shenmue needed a huge platform the Kickstarter should've launched two months ago when there was no real video game news because this would've dominated every news outlet for a week. Instead you're getting this in the middle of a pile of Sony news, not even aimed at what would necessarily be the key Shenmue demographic.

I just don't buy this argument at all.

Exposition from being a major announcement at E3 conference is way bigger than exposition to just launching a Kickstarter and announcing it on twitter.


Going by Suzuki's previous statements, and the wish to bring the "true Shenmue experience" means that there is way more money needed than the kickstarter.

What this kickstarter is imo, is a marketing stunt, and also a barometer of interest in the game, on which will depend how much funds Sony pours into the project.


If Shenmue needed a huge platform the Kickstarter should've launched two months ago when there was no real video game news because this would've dominated every news outlet for a week. Instead you're getting this in the middle of a pile of Sony news, not even aimed at what would necessarily be the key Shenmue demographic.

I just don't buy this argument at all.

Yet it's already at about half its goal in less then 3 hours.

It's working.
Shenmue is a risky, ambitious title that likely lost Sega a decent chunk of change making it.

I think the only way something like this actually gets made is through a huge kickstarter campaign + publisher backing.

Very little publishers are going to go it alone for something that's bound to cost so much on a title that has a very niche, but devoted following.

Let's just be happy that avenues like Kickstarter exist so we can see stuff like this come to fruition.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this whatsoever. It's such a special game with a unique set of circumstances that I don't think this will happen again for a long time so I wouldn't be worried.


So not worth it
Is there an Xbox One version?


Not even as a stretch goal?

Then you know Sony is putting in funds into this game. The KS is probably due to not wanting to sell the rights of Shenmue to Sony completely. (speculating here, ofc.)
In someways I can understand the Kickstarter. Neither game made back what was invested into it and they became cult classics. Gamers clamor for many games to happen and when pubs put money into and gamers still don't come and buy I can understand a pubs trepidation. Why Shenmue when you can make a shooter and make a billion dollars?

This is the time gamers. You want Shenmue? Put up or shut up.
Sony is the type of company that wouldn't stay quiet if they were involved. I also feel that if they had any involvement, it wouldn't be on the PC. Sony have a lot of great things about them, but being humble isn't one of them. You have to imagine they'd jump on the opportunity to say, "And to get the ball rolling, we're donating $1,000,000!"

Launching the Kickstarter at the Sony conference was a great marketing move, but it also makes people associate the Shenmue III game with Sony. It's great for the team developing the game, but it's better for Sony. They're going to sell systems because they're the company that brought back Shenmue, when that doesn't seem to be the case.

You mean they wouldn't stay quiet about a huge project they are helping with funding before the biggest video game conference in the world.?

And you realize that Sony is funding SFV, which is for PS4 and PC, right?

You are trying really hard to paint this evil narrative and it just ain't working.


The problem is that if Sony is going to treat it like their product, then they should be fully responsible for the development of that product.

Best answer to that is

In someways I can understand the Kickstarter. Neither game made back what was invested into it and they became cult classics. Gamers clamor for many games to happen and when pubs put money into and gamers still don't come and buy I can understand a pubs trepidation. Why Shenmue when you can make a shooter and make a billion dollars?

This is the time gamers. You want Shenmue? Put up or shut up.

Games are expensive. Especially a cult classic from the Dreamcast era. If gamers show they want the game and get a copy in the process via Kickstarter, then Sony takes care of the rest. Everyone wins.


Just posted on the Shenmue 3 KS thread, but I will repeat what I feel about it here:

I'm glad this exists, somehow. If Kickstarter is what it needed to exist, so be it. Still, what doesn't sit well to me is that Sony made it feel like it was their project, when it really isn't. If they can guarantee so many exclusives (first to beta, first to some DLC, console debut this, first to whatever), they can make Shenmue 3 happen without going through crowd-funding. Also, the KS page is surprisingly lacking in many ways, especially on being completely dismissive of any Xbox mentions without any kind of explanations.


I didn't see much of an issue at first, but now that you bring it up, Salsa, it does seem kinda weird. I guess part of me thinks that this will likely end up being an isolated case. If it's successful though, it can easily become a trend and where will that leave us? These companies know how expensive making games has become and they haven't been shy about doing whatever they can to squeeze fans dry.
Does anyone actually think the game will cost only 2MM to make? Think for second why the kickstarter page makes mention of ps4 and PC only, and why they're only asking for 2MM for an ambitious sequel. Think real hard. I have a thought: maybe, just maybe, Sony may have forked over some cash to get the project going. This kick starter is PR and a chance to gauge interest.
I just want more info

- is Sony more involved?

I think a Mr. Mark Cerny was involved behind the scenes in making this happen. It's pretty obvious given the friendship that he has with Yu Suzuki. In return Yu gave them console exclusivity for giving him a boost on their press conference.


I didn't see much of an issue at first, but now that you bring it up, Salsa, it does seem kinda weird. I guess part of me thinks that this will likely end up being an isolated case. If it's successful though, it can easily become a trend and where will that leave us? These companies know how expensive making games has become and they haven't been shy about doing whatever they can to squeeze fans dry.
I don't get this. If you only pledge what you would have paid for the game anyway, how is it bleeding you dry?


Just posted on the Shenmue 3 KS thread, but I will repeat what I feel about it here:

I'm glad this exists, somehow. If Kickstarter is what it needed to exist, so be it. Still, what doesn't sit well to me is that Sony made it feel like it was their project, when it really isn't. If they can guarantee so many exclusives (first to beta, first to some DLC, console debut this, first to whatever), they can make Shenmue 3 happen without going through crowd-funding. Also, the KS page is surprisingly lacking in many ways, especially on being completely dismissive of any Xbox mentions without any kind of explanations.

It seems very, very shady. If Sony is backing the horse 100% they shouldn't need KS. I feel like $2mil is nowhere near enough to make a game like this.

Hell, look at Bloodstained. That ended up at $5mil plus and that's a 2D Igavania game, not a full blown 3D adventure.
To be fair, I'm not necessarily concerned about what Sony will do, but rather what other publishers will do with this with precedent.


It was good to publicise this kickstarter, but..

it is confusing for Sony to announce this without being clear on what is Sony commitment to it, you are correct op, to call this out.


I think Sony has enough credibility to get away with it or make it less suspect.

there's no real "getting away" with tho, and it's not really sony's credibility as much as it's just fucking Shenmue. People already saying "SONY MADE IT 3/3!!" (about ff7 remake last guardian and this) and we have no idea in what way they are actually involved with Shenmue or what they're doing at all
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