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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 4


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Keane what the fuck

Why would you tower dive a team with Ali in it
Last ditch effort. Have to try something. You guys complaining this isn't a real game because of a nontraditional pick that did well are embarrassing me.
It's really bad when you lose a match up and then lose it the exact opposite one.

To be fair to Cris, his team gave him no chance in the Ryze v Lulu game (when he was Ryze), since they got lane swapped on and he was abandoned top on the wrong side of the map, while Seraph was being protected and given farm. Him losing Flash to Double and Aphro was his own fault though.


i think ca just realized they were stomped in pick/ban so they figured "we might at least make it an entertaining one"

Last ditch effort. Have to try something. You guys complaining this isn't a real game because of a nontraditional pick that did well are embarrassing me.

you're losing already, you gotta take risks
Keane is the real deal, and I hope he'll get a season in the LCS. The rest of their team isn't. Saint's the best of them and he's what he always was.
To be fair to Cris, his team gave him no chance in the Ryze v Lulu game (when he was Ryze), since they got lane swapped on and he was abandoned top on the wrong side of the map, while Seraph was being protected and given farm. Him losing Flash to Double and Aphro was his own fault though.

Cris has always been this bad though. I'm never surprised when he loses his lane.

See: every velocity game ever


crs lost because they got shit on in lane and clg didnt do something crazy to lose the lead like they had been doing
i only watched some of the game tho so i dunno if clg threw a lot this game, they were like 5k ahead when i stopped


clg deserved to win but yea, very rough win against the weaker team in promotions

they should prolly kick out some ppl, sadly


Yeah, if they struggled against the weaker challenger team, I'm pretty sure next split is gonna be horrible for them unless HSGG makes some moves.
CLG in the LCS again. Really wanted CA in, but damn. That 3-0 comeback.....=/

Cris's play is subpar. He lost to Ryze when he should have bullied him out of lane.


New picture needed
"Lose two and a half series and almost get relegated just to fuck with the fans"



Keane and Bunny are good enough for LCS, rest of the team I agree is pretty poor.

Bunny's got insane Thresh mechanics, but he wasn't exactly dominating lanes in the challenger series, and he was bullied around by Aphro in this series. That could very well be entirely Impactful's fault - would need to see him with a credible AD carry to compare. But if he can't hold his lane against the best supports then he's not going to make many waves against the likes of Xpecial, Krepo and Aphro.

That said, he'd be better than the weaker LCS supports like Bubbadub and KiwiKid, so I wouldn't mind seeing him.


yeah it's pretty bad

also lasts for like 4 fucking hours wtf

guests leave mid way because no one can take any more than 30 minutes worth of that duo of hosts
Damn, I missed SI yesterday. Looking at all of their predictions, mine are closest to Monte aside from a couple of picks.

I've seen too many people around underestimating NJWS. I think they're almost as good as Blue personally.

And I think the Chinese teams are a bit overrated, especial SHRC.


Have to agree that Cris is clearly the weakest link on CA. Saint continues to provide value by being reasonably acceptable at the professional level as a jungler while also being a shot caller. Keane is clearly pro level on his own. Bunny is hit or miss, but his hits are great. Impactful is mediocre, and can probably also be replaced.

Do we know much about how the expansion teams will be selected? I'd heard that two Korean teams will be challenging for those spots as well.
Have to agree that Cris is clearly the weakest link on CA. Saint continues to provide value by being reasonably acceptable at the professional level as a jungler while also being a shot caller. Keane is clearly pro level on his own. Bunny is hit or miss, but his hits are great. Impactful is mediocre, and can probably also be replaced.

Do we know much about how the expansion teams will be selected? I'd heard that two Korean teams will be challenging for those spots as well.

I don't think we know yet but I think that for sure the teams who lose in the promotional tournament will be in it.

I think that teams will be pulled from the ranked ladder as well but I don't feel like I've heard for sure.

Edit: I don't think that any all-Korean teams could qualify under the new residency requirements
Have to agree that Cris is clearly the weakest link on CA. Saint continues to provide value by being reasonably acceptable at the professional level as a jungler while also being a shot caller. Keane is clearly pro level on his own. Bunny is hit or miss, but his hits are great. Impactful is mediocre, and can probably also be replaced.

Do we know much about how the expansion teams will be selected? I'd heard that two Korean teams will be challenging for those spots as well.

Korean teams won't be able to challenge for the spots. New 3/5th residency rule was instituted, so at most, there can be 2 foreign players.
Do we know much about how the expansion teams will be selected? I'd heard that two Korean teams will be challenging for those spots as well.

I can't remember the exact date, but it will include some teams from the top of the EU and NA ranked ladders at the end of October, plus the six losers from the Promotion Tournament. The new residency requirements (which haven't been specified, but were outlined in the blog post linked above) will mean that there will be no Korean/Chinese teams moving to EU or NA en masse for the tournament. A team could recruit two Koreans to bolster an existing roster, though.



Glad to see them still here

EU LCS Spring Promotion - 7th Place Match

Gambit Gaming vs SK Gaming Prime
Best of Five

Followed by:

NA LCS Spring Promotion - 7th Place Match

Evil Geniuses vs Team Coast
Best of Five
Approximate Start Time: 6:00PM EST


Phreak + Zirene are so damn good.

The puns. The bad jokes. I love it. Probably wouldn't want it for my Worlds Finals, but for the promotion tournament/challenger series?

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