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League of Legends |OT11| going


Yeah man you'll not last long with that attitude here. From reading this thread today it's very clear you weren't being attacked nor was anyone trying to assert their dominance over you via their ranking or whatever. There is a lot you can learn from this community and you should be more open to those who are offering advice to you.

Eh I was talking about the whole debate in the OT.

I was just making fun of heavy no worries


Wtf. New queue is great but I didn't even get to play a game tonight. I spent over 20 minutes from dodge to dodge before giving up. I ran out of time. Went to play dragons dogma.

Normals did not used to be this bad.
Wtf. New queue is great but I didn't even get to play a game tonight. I spent over 20 minutes from dodge to dodge before giving up. I ran out of time. Went to play dragons dogma.

Normals did not used to be this bad.
Normal draft has always been this bad lol

But I wanna imagine most of these dodges are due to people not locking in
Oh ok


Wait what
Lol i mean ezreal support, i always shorten his name to ez.

Wtf. New queue is great but I didn't even get to play a game tonight. I spent over 20 minutes from dodge to dodge before giving up. I ran out of time. Went to play dragons dogma.

Normals did not used to be this bad.
So today all of my friends where in a skype call while we were playing league, 3 of them where trying to play ranked together and i was leveling my smurf. Basically i got through 2 full games while they only got through 2 game, because i was just doing normal draft, not the new draft.
Wtf. New queue is great but I didn't even get to play a game tonight. I spent over 20 minutes from dodge to dodge before giving up. I ran out of time. Went to play dragons dogma.

Normals did not used to be this bad.

Same. It ended up being 20 + minutes for one game.
Draft has always been this bad lol

Not for me. Usually it's 30sesconds to 1 minute to find a game and at most 2-3 dodges in a row.

Only plus is I actually get my role.


We've all been at the point where we're learning the game and playing ranked in silver division.

Let's not pretend you know what's going on though. It's obvious you don't from your earlier statements.

You'll learn with experience.
noot the wise

yeah people took me a bit literal which was a bit silly. Of course support does more then stare at the adc and watch the enemy team. But it was also a bit ridiculous people just assumed I misunderstood the role or some nonsense. How long have I been posting in this thread now?
long enough i wouldn't expect dumb posts about how other ppl are losers that have nothing to do all day because they're higher rank than you. that's very much uncalled for and you're not tricking anyone by saying "i envy ppl that have the time to dedicate myself to the game" or whatever, that's just saying ppl don't have a life lol

anyways, i also don't think the posts you got were too inappropriate considering that ur initial comment was pretty bad and that u made no efforts to correct it. ppl maybe jumped at u for being low elo too quick but tbh u kept laying on the bad opinions that it's hard to blame em

supports are some of the biggest playmakers in the game, with some of the best and most interesting kits, often capable of things that no other champion can do. supports can decide more lanes than just bot and they have to do everything on like government aid and with barely any combat items.

u can find supports boring despite all that, maybe you don't like the kits or you don't like playing the vision game (tho the more elo u have the more you're forced to participate like it or not) or whatever, but i really don't see ur argument for the contrary, specially basing it on like things streamers said (which streamers? under which circumstances?) and popularity with made up numbers :T

i dunno dude, feels like u just had a bad opinion and pushed it further than you should've :/
Support is just like any other role in that it can be boring or fun depending on the champ and your personal enjoyment of the way they play.

Personally I know Janna is a great support ... I find her to be a bit boring but I can and have actually carried games to victory with her (it's amazing when you're stringing along a group of 3 enemies on a wild goose chase, staying just out of reach as you toss tornado poofs at them. They only realize that it was all according to Keikaku when they get ganked by your whole team or when everyone is finally back after a bad team fight. Also fun disrupting team fights with your Q and R). Starting to get better at Nami ... landing my Q and using the W are proving to be useful skills in small fights and ganks. (Started leaving lane once the first tower is down or when I hit level 6)

Poppy Support hasn't gone too well. I think it's mostly bad luck with team members. For me to be as effective as I can be we're gonna have to be on the same page for the most part. If I can land the stun my partner is gonna have to know that they need to follow up on it or else I'm gonna get caved in on as they sit there farming CS. So I need to not only get better with her but also tell the ADC that I intend to go ham early and that they need to be in a decent position to help with the play.

I REALLY think LuLu support is appealing. It's like the troll of all troll supports. All the slows, the speed buffs, shuting down enemy attacks by turning them into cute animals, turning people huge ... give them all the tilt and become number 1 on their shit list late game.


People say you will learn through experience. I feel I haven't learnt all that, for quite sometime.

Sick of dying way too much! Don't know how can I just play careful at all!
I posted in the old thread about the Teambuilder Queue that I guess is locked behind ranked matches now. Do they plan to bring it back to normal/unranked matches? It was the only way picking a hero/role has ever been bearable.


People say you will learn through experience. I feel I haven't learnt all that, for quite sometime.

Sick of dying way too much! Don't know how can I just play careful at all!

Always make sure you're aware of where enemy players are by keeping an eye on the minimap. Even other lanes. It goes a long way and will definitely reduce deaths.

I posted in the old thread about the Teambuilder Queue that I guess is locked behind ranked matches now. Do they plan to bring it back to normal/unranked matches? It was the only way picking a hero/role has ever been bearable.

It's in normal draft as well.
Time to add that to the list of "things that shouldn't work but work anyways"

Wax on, wax off
Lol, yeah if you dont win early game in lane, and you team doesnt have the much cc it is very very tough to win.

On the whole support thing. I totally respect supports and think that it is a tougher role but by in a different way. I got out of silver by playing support, basically me and my brother who mains adc would both go bot. But before this i never really played support unless i had too, i usually went mid jg or top. Now playing support i saw how different you have to play while being a support. I can totally understand why people dont like playing support, to me it is kinda like jungle. You have to always be looking around checking on lanes trying to set up plays and then trying to make those plays. You have to learn how to ward, how to peal and protect your carries. I carried my brother in lane when playing supports like threash or blitz, and after giving him like 2 kills he would just be able to snowball and win.
I posted in the old thread about the Teambuilder Queue that I guess is locked behind ranked matches now. Do they plan to bring it back to normal/unranked matches? It was the only way picking a hero/role has ever been bearable.
There's still normal draft with role selection


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world


People say you will learn through experience. I feel I haven't learnt all that, for quite sometime.

Sick of dying way too much! Don't know how can I just play careful at all!

While I find knowing when you can kill people still pretty hard, I think I've learned when to get away somewhat, resulting in low death rates (and with lower ones as mage supports). Something I've also learned to an extent when to disregard my own safety and do all in my power to prevent enemies from finishing our carries, but that's still harder to do since it's harder to guess when the sacrifice is worth it and actually warranted.


Always make sure you're aware of where enemy players are by keeping an eye on the minimap. Even other lanes. It goes a long way and will definitely reduce deaths.

I am actually OK knowing where they are and can read the map fairly OK, since I tend to help the Jungler quite a bit when he/she is in a pickle. Its just when I get engaged, 1v1, TF and situations where I am facing the enemies is where I die the most.

The worse thing about it, is that, I am actually fairly good during laneing phases, and in some games, have 0 deaths untill one of the two turrets falls.

When I die once, is where it all starts. So I just repeatedly from mid-game onwards.

I main supp btw


Sigh, still no teambuilder queue for Oceanic. I want to start up ranked again but really want to wait for the new queue system, looks like a billion steps up from the current setup.


While I find knowing when you can kill people still pretty hard, I think I've learned when to get away somewhat, resulting in low death rates (and with lower ones as mage supports). Something I've also learned to an extent when to disregard my own safety and do all in my power to prevent enemies from finishing our carries, but that's still harder to do since it's harder to guess when the sacrifice is worth it and actually warranted.

Definitely part of the problem. I can't gauge how much dmg I am taking at all. I Know I have to be aware of Itemisations, Powerspikes, Burst dmg Vs poke on various Champs, CC effects, but once you put all of these together, its just seems a daunting thing to play safe against. There are cases where I am just surprised how I died, and another cases surprised how I survived.

Need to learn how to gauge situations and and as you said, When a sacrifice is worth and when its not.
People say you will learn through experience. I feel I haven't learnt all that, for quite sometime.

Sick of dying way too much! Don't know how can I just play careful at all!
Try not to tunnel super hard on your lane and keep and eye on where people are. During the mid and late game you want to becareful and watch the map alot, because you dont want to get caught out alone.


WTF does Ez support even bring to lane, though? Casting W through you when you all-in? Like, at least Vel'Koz does a lot of base damage. ADCs are literally designed to be the worst possible supports!
Always make sure you're aware of where enemy players are by keeping an eye on the minimap. Even other lanes. It goes a long way and will definitely reduce deaths.

It's in normal draft as well.

There's still normal draft with role selection


This is the new standard draft style. Its better for role distribution. If you choose this instead of blind pick you will not have people calling roles.

Ok got it thanks guys. I still have to pick two roles. I guess I need to get good with a top or mid.


I'm pretty sure League is coded to not allow me into gold or something

I've been in my gold v promos like 4 times this season, and it's always the same. I have a really easy time getting to promos then have a terrible streak, lose them, rinse and repeat. Maybe next season will be easier.


I REALLY think LuLu support is appealing. It's like the troll of all troll supports. All the slows, the speed buffs, shuting down enemy attacks by turning them into cute animals, turning people huge ... give them all the tilt and become number 1 on their shit list late game.

Leraning how to combo with Lulu will make you terrifying, because her kit has so much flexibility and the creative ways to just engage enemies is always fun to experiemnet with,

The best thing is to AA - Q - AA, move close while Attacking and then Ult for knock-up and AA - Q - AA again, while support your adc and doing your WE in all those.

She is really fun!

Try not to tunnel super hard on your lane and keep and eye on where people are. During the mid and late game you want to becareful and watch the map alot, because you dont want to get caught out alone.

Yeah, i have learnt that in watching so many High ELO games, I tend to support the jungler alot when he gets in trouble in Jungle but roaming to mid is s bit more challenging.

But yeah, the main problem I am having is during TF and Late games.


Definitely part of the problem. I can't gauge how much dmg I am taking at all. I Know I have to be aware of Itemisations, Powerspikes, Burst dmg Vs poke on various Champs, CC effects, but once you put all of these together, its just seems a daunting thing to play safe against. There are cases where I am just surprised how I died, and another cases surprised how I survived.

Need to learn how to gauge situations and and as you said, When a sacrifice is worth and when its not.

I'm actually awful at remembering power spikes and items, but I mostly keep track of how fast my health's dropping and which relevant abilities of each champion are on cooldown (although I don't track how long each of them takes). I tend to be a little more careles when using Nautilus for example, since his W allows me to walk up to people without worrying too much about taking too much damage by the time I get to them.

I've played a couple games with Blitz after a while of not using it, and I'd agree that it makes for a decent champion to learn tanking, but only if you're okay with how linear its kit is (QER for days). The biggest thing it's got going is that you can Q over walls, and if you land it then your opponent will be in for a pretty bad time as your whole team focuses them with impunity. Naut, on the other hand, is more fun in general since he doesn't rely that much on a single ability of his to be useful.


I'm pretty League is coded to not allow me into gold or something

I've been in my gold v promos like 4 times this season, and it's always the same. I have a really easy time getting to promos then have a terrible streak, lose them, rinse and repeat. Maybe next season will be easier.

Promos are just crazy hard. I'm not sure if they are built that way or not but I've done the same thing with my plat promos.

My game 5s have been either long epic games or the biggest troll fests possible so they've all been fun. No complaints i guess


I'm actually awful at remembering power spikes and items, but I mostly keep track of how fast my health's dropping and which relevant abilities of each champion are on cooldown (although I don't track how long each of them takes). I tend to be a little more careles when using Nautilus for example, since his W allows me to walk up to people without worrying too much about taking too much damage by the time I get to them.

I've played a couple games with Blitz after a while of not using it, and I'd agree that it makes for a decent champion to learn tanking, but only if you're okay with how linear its kit is (QER for days). The biggest thing it's got going is that you can Q over walls, and if you land it then your opponent will be in for a pretty bad time as your whole team focuses them with impunity. Naut, on the other hand, is more fun in general since he doesn't rely that much on a single ability of his to be useful.

Hmm, maybe playing worth simpler champs such as Blitz will teach me a thing or two about tanking champions, but I am having hard time with champs such Naut and
don't get angry, Maokai
when I try to play a tanky champs. and Of course there is Sona.

You know what, I'll start playing as Blitz and see where that takes me. Don't mind a boring kit of a champ starts teaching me the basics.


OK this is a really petty complaint but there should be like a chime or something when it is your turn to ban in dynamic queue. There's been a couple times now when i've been browsing gaf and not realized it was my turn to ban until the last couple seconds.


Hmm, maybe playing worth simpler champs such as Blitz will teach me a thing or two about tanking champions, but I am having hard time with champs such Naut and
don't get angry, Maokai
when I try to play a tanky champs. and Of course there is Sona.

You know what, I'll start playing as Blitz and see where that takes me. Don't mind a boring kit of a champ starts teaching me the basics.

Blitz is very peculiar because reliably landing your skillshots is what makes or breaks its performance. Get them often and you'll be getting your team fed while the enemy team can rarely do anything to save their grabbed teammate, but miss them often and they could very well ignore you and enjoy playing some sweet 5v4 league.

You'll have to really watch out when facing Morgana and/or Sivir, whose their anti-cc shields make them laugh at your grapple. Blitz' kit is so weak without its Q that you'll often become an absolute non-issue to them. I once picked him first when the rest of the team encouraged me to go blitz in a ranked match, but then the opposing team just went and picked those two, and the only reason I had relatively few deaths by the end was because they could flat out ignore me while they feasted on my ADC.


OK this is a really petty complaint but there should be like a chime or something when it is your turn to ban in dynamic queue. There's been a couple times now when i've been browsing gaf and not realized it was my turn to ban until the last couple seconds.
it's pretty likely they'll tweak that stuff in the next patches

u asked -__-

Yea Zky, that's exactly what I meant.
we're so in tune darth eddie

that's why we're both in the dark side


Normal draft has always been this bad lol

But I wanna imagine most of these dodges are due to people not locking in

No way. Not this bad. I pretty much play a single normal draft game every night. Sometimes duo with Achtius. I log on around 7 and I'm in the game playing by 710. On a typical day. Today I logged on at 7 and by 725 I gave up. Last night it was almost as bad. I went through 5 dodges before getting a game. It was around 15 min. I don't understand what is hard about this queue or why people aren't willing to play. You get your role or at least one of your two favorite.

There was a big ass pop up that said you needed to lock in. Maybe people are just stupid and don't read. Dunno.
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