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Legend of Korra Book 3: Change |OT| SCHEDULEBENDING

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Liked the episode, but there's two things that bother me.

1. Tenzin didn't kick Zaheer's ass as badly as he should have in a 1v1, which I don't find acceptable, and 2. even Kya might be a healer, I don't believe for a second Katara didn't teach her to fight, so I expected her to put up a much better fight if not outright win against someone who just got out of prison after 13 years.

Fuck it. Meelo would have soloed.

I agree about your points. I think Tenzin should have had more licks in on Zaheer I mean Zaheer has only been an airbender for about a month right while Tenzin's been one his whole life, but they have to play the villain up, I personally wouldn't have done that, but I think Kya was outclassed. Also yeah Meelo or Jinora would've put up a better fight than Bumi, but of course he wouldn't put his children at risk,

Glad to finally see Tenzin whoopin ass.
I'm so confident he's not dead from this scene that if Team Demise is right I'll take the avatar challenge.

I've seen too much tv, both in the west and anime, to recognize death flags.
I'm so confident he's not dead from this scene that if Team Demise is right I'll take the avatar challenge.

I've seen too much tv, both in the west and anime, to recognize death flags.

His family would've seen his final moments or something. Or Korra, or his siblings...getting killed when no one can witness it doesn't really happen often.
i hate hashtags so I'm not voting.

Principals. I stand by my no hashtag stance.

His family would've seen his final moments or something. Or Korra, or his siblings...getting killed when no one can witness it doesn't really happen often.

I've seen it happen in one recent anime I love that could show it off screen-ish, but they made it explicitly clear he was going to die by every dialogue and action choice. And then the next episode they discuss it and all acknowledge it.


Bolins just a 1 trick pony, all he does is make jokes and half of them aren't funny. Sokka had a lot of character moments where he was being super serious, or sad and you got the sense that there was more to him then just the jokes.

I'm gonna go with #TeamDemise for the hell of it.

Edit: What if Korra finds Tenzin dieing and absorbs his energy like Piccolo and nails.



damn, Tenzin was kicking some serious ass this episode.

I'm really, really liking this season more and more. It's still no ATLA but at times, it comes close.


Maybe GRRM cowrote the episode, did any of you think of that? Huh?



Definitely TeamAlive here.

I'm gonna go with #TeamDemise for the hell of it.

Stand and be counted! Did Tenzin live, or die?

#TeamAlive: Trey, Satch, Mariolee, Admiral Woofington, Hamlet, zulux21, anihawk, Phoenician_Viking, -Deimos, effingvic, icyflamez96, Lord_Byron28, zeemumu, Blades64, zdravkelja, Chariot, DreamDrop, Verelios, mjontrix, munchie64, Neoxon, Violet_0, Tuck, Zapages, LAUGHTREY, The Silver, m_shortpants, Omikaru, kyledk05, CreeperBlocks, naw, Unbounded, Shaanyboi, Kangi, MagnitudePopPop, Joeytj, unknownstranger, coolasj19, crisdecuba, Ryan_, darkazcura

#TeamDemise: Htown, Spring-Loaded, Order, LX_Theo, NR1, Dreadnought, Tomohawk
i think it's horribly organized, terrible layout, and has a confusing reply mechanism. I have no idea how it got so popular.

And the incessant hashtagging is annoying. So sue me, but I'd rather read a Facebook meme for the millionth time than to ever see a twitter hashtag again.
Isn't Bumi a military general? I didn't like how he didn't even try to throw a single punch or airbend at the guy. He just kept running away (minus the jumping on the back part)

Tenzin was pretty badass in this episode, but he's a major character in the show. No way he'd be killed off, at least not with another season to go


Edit: Saw that Episode 12 clip. That's why I hate Bolin, even Sokka knew when to shut up and be serious


Isn't Bumi a military general? I didn't like how he didn't even try to throw a single punch or airbend at the guy. He just kept running away (minus the jumping on the back part)

I think he held up well considering he's only been an Airbender for a couple of weeks. But that's always been part of Bumi's shtick ever since he was introduced where he does dumb stuff that somehow ends up working out for him such as inadvertently causing the dark spirits to help him save Korra and the Gang in Book 2.
Not this time though.


An army general is not necessary the best fieldfighter, even in Korra. There are other qualities that are more important, like charisma. Bumi has shown that he can lead people, this ability is just lost with the heroes. I think he can rally the airbenders und strike when the time has come - if not all of the Red Lotus are near Tenzin to free him for example.


Tenzin is alive, for now. I do think there is a chance he might die next week, though, so I guess I'm...


As for Bolin, his lack of dimension in character is one of the symptoms of shorter seasons. With more time, there would be more depth, or at least the chance for more depth.

What I'd like to see is some sort of moment where Bolin has to drop the goofiness and push himself, even more than the sniper shot on the concussion bender, a moment where he says, with discernible determination how important someone or something is to him, and he steps up.

I'm not holding my breath, though.


Just saw it, wanted to cry. Tenzin stepped up and that ending was so beautiful.

Too hype for the next one, how many left?




Several people on Facebook were speculating that Zuko's date from Avatar is actually the grandmother. Unfortunately, the young girl was JIN and the grandma is YIN. Would have been a cool throwback if they were the same though. Just a missed opportunity.

Back to the #TeamAlive debate, I think Tenzin's death would carry more weight if nobody saw it and if the Red Lotus just outright killed him rather than playing hostage games. Zaheer has flat out said that he is tired of chasing Korra. He isn't messing around now. I imagine that Kai will meet up with the airship before they arrive at the Northern Air Temple and tell Korra and gang what happened-- Tenzin and his siblings fought back, while the air benders tried to escape. He was the only one to actually get away, so everyone is still trapped. They arrive, and the Red Lotus tell Korra that Tenzin foolishly wasted his life trying to save the air benders. They fight... So on and so forth... and the season ends with his funeral and Jinora's rise as air master. Perhaps at some point in this, Jinora or Korra speak with Tenzin in the Spirit World.

::EDIT:: Here is an idea- Korra goes back into the Spirit World to try to talk with Zaheer again, but finds Tenzin instead! That is how she finds out what happened!


Episode 11:

Why are Aang and Katara's children always so outmatched? Bumi I can understand, but Kya and Tenzin have bended their entire lives under the tutelage of masters (I would think).


I really have an issue with Jinora becoming a supposed Airbender "Master". To me, she has done nothing to prove so, and has just been a person for Kai to save this entire season. Kai...the guy who's supposed to be a NEW airbender, inexperienced as heck, is the one saving the master airbender that is Jinora.

Nah...I just can't buy it, unless she actually does something in the last two episodes to prove it. And none of that spirit projection crap either. Wanna see some actual airbending action from her.


Episode 11:

Why are Aang and Katara's children always so outmatched? Bumi I can understand, but Kya and Tenzin have bended their entire lives under the tutelage of masters (I would think).

Well Tenzin was doing great until he got smacked by a mental firebender, lavabender and messed up waterbender. So I don't see how he could have gotten out of that one, even Aang wouldn't have been able to do that if he wasn't the all might avatar.

Kya was pretty great as well but it's clear she was outskilled by someone who just had freakish powers, she still held her ground. There are waterbenders clearly stronger than Katara, just look at Amon.
I really enjoyed the second half of this episode and I love how they showed that Tenzin is better than Zaheer at airbending, teamwork is OP.
Also count me in for #teamalive because I don't think they would kill Tenzin without an audience.


Well Tenzin was doing great until he got smacked by a mental firebender, lavabender and messed up waterbender. So I don't see how he could have gotten out of that one, even Aang wouldn't have been able to do that if he wasn't the all might avatar.

Kya was pretty great as well but it's clear she was outskilled by someone who just had freakish powers, she still held her ground. There are waterbenders clearly stronger than Katara, just look at Amon.

I'm really puzzled more with the entire season than the recent episode.

Kya is decent, yet constantly gets her butt handed to her. Tenzin puts up a fight but many times it's as though he 'just' happens to inch ahead of opposition, instead of outright dominating them. Perhaps I'm remembering this season wrong?

When I watch their fights it feels as though they're nerfed just for the sake of progressing the story.


I'm really puzzled more with the entire season than the recent episode.

Kya is decent, yet constantly gets her butt handed to her. Tenzin puts up a fight but many times it's as though he 'just' happens to inch ahead of opposition, instead of outright dominating them. Perhaps I'm remembering this season wrong?

When I watch their fights it feels as though they're nerfed just for the sake of progressing the story.

I haven't really liked any of the fights this season. Just don't feel natural.


Wow. And here I am feeling like the fights this season are some of the best action set pieces we've seen from the avatarverse.
Yeah the fight in the metal city against the Red Lotus was so rad. And for that matter every fight with them.
I love that they are strong, but not so overly powerful that the just squash everyone. They have to work to win.


Wow. And here I am feeling like the fights this season are some of the best action set pieces we've seen from the avatarverse.

I mean, they're all right. I just feel some people are exaggerating S3's quality because of the trainwreck that was S2.
I mean, they're all right. I just feel some people are exaggerating S3's quality because of the trainwreck that was S2.

I never saw much wrong with S2, sound like peple love to jump on hate bandwagons. Now I know some really bad stuff out there, but that doesn't even come close to Homeboys in Outerspace levels.
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