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Legend of Korra Book 3: Change |OT| SCHEDULEBENDING

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Well the first trailer seems pretty hype, but it adds to my worry this season will also leave me disappointed.

This is it, guys. Get ready to not hate this show any longer.

I wouldn't call it hate. It's disappointment in the direction the show has taken since the end of ATLA. There's also a dash of indifference to the characters and plot.


I don't hate it now, maybe this will cross in to love territory for me like the first show.

I doubt LoK could ever turn into what AtLA was for me. I just want some swag bending and interesting developments. And a not terrible ending, although I actually liked the Korrazord fight even if it made no sense.


This is it, guys. Get ready to not hate this show any longer.

the pattern seems to be ooh and ahh as it airs and then running and screaming and then bitching until the next episode/season airs (when the trailers start the ooh and ahh again).
I guess I must be in the minority because I've been enjoying Legend of Korra for both seasons. I'm excited about book 3 but wow did it come up quickly.


Is this show as good as the Last Airbender?

I watched the first 2 episodes of season 1, but stopped watching it.

Naw, if TLA is a 10, this show would vary between 6-8.

But still, I think its worth a watch, and I've enjoyed both seasons. Two episodes that are a MUST WATCH are Beginnings Part 1 & Part 2. I really enjoyed them.


Three episode premiere?? Isn't that...a bad sign or something?

they usually do a 1hr premiere of the first two episodes, but since the show is going to go on a hiatus IMMEDIATELY for the 4th of july weekend, they're showing the third episode as well.

i don't know anything more about the consistency of the schedule after that. last season, an episode would sometimes come earlier or later than its regularly scheduled time.


they usually do a 1hr premiere of the first two episodes, but since the show is going to go on a hiatus IMMEDIATELY for the 4th of july weekend, they're showing the third episode as well.

i don't know anything more about the consistency of the schedule after that. last season, an episode would sometimes come earlier or later than its regularly scheduled time.

I see, thanks for that. I wonder if the finale is gonna go down the same way as last season.


So everyone what sort of ratings do you think Book 3 will launch to on Friday?
Its the same timeslot Book 2 launched at
For comparison Book 2 premiere received 2.6 million viewers and a 0.8 in the 18-49 Demo rating and ended the season with 2.09 Million viewers 0.5 Demo rating

I'm thinking maybe around 2.4 million viewers 0.6 considering Nick announced the air date out of nowhere and i'm not sure if Spongebob is the lead in again or not


but i bet you wont watch this season (envy)

No lies detected.

it was a tough decision, but i thought it'd be best to not put off the people that like the show :p
Aw man, but it's like the show set it up for us! All we had to do was knock it down!

Oh well, hopefully this book delivers. The previews look alright, and what I've seen of the leaked episodes seems pretty watchable.


Here for another season of Avatar-Gaf tearing itself apart trying to answer the question "How bad is Korra really?"

Book 2 was doo-doo butter outside a few bright spots, but I recently did a rewatch of TLA, so I'm in an Avatar state of mind. Count me in.


No point even comparing it to ATLA because ATLA had a plan from the getgo. I definitely think they didn't plan anything long term with this series and just floating around. At this point it's whatever I guess, good to see alot of cameos and possibly some ATLA season 2 plot points and locations


I approve of this OP.

It's weird thinking back to how excited I was for Korra when it was first announced and my opinion of it now.
The excitement is palpable.

My niece is crazy for the show, she keeps messaging me on whatsapp about how hyped she is. When I told her it was premiering next week I think she had a fit.
I like the show. It's not ATLA-level, but I think it creates an interesting world on its own, with a few misses. It's a great family show.

It is just like Nickelodeon to dump this out with little fanfare. I guess some episodes leaked?; I don't see why that means you have to rush a premiere. Those who downloaded it will either watch a season opener again or wouldn't have watched it unpirated in the first place. Not that I mind seeing it early and I've come to expect poor marketing from Nickelodeon.

It looks like the animation has improved, at least. That's where my biggest disappointment with Korra lies. I love the obvious painted look of the backgrounds, but in the 2nd season it seemed like they used as little facial detail as possible.


But Korrasami

We can only dream.

Honestly, I would totally be okay with the protagonist NOT having a romance by the end of the show. I actually think too many shows force this into the plot. I just can't imagine the writers of Korra doing that though. They've pretty much been writing directly to their audience (this show is more aimed at teens and young adults). So it's very unlikely.

We already know her and Mako are done. I just can't imagine them introducing a new character this late into the game for her. So Bolin is really the only viable option at this point.
Janet Varney the voice actor has also talked about her wishing Korra was with Bolin when asked who she thought Korra should end up with. She's just a voice actor and that doesn't mean shit. But sometimes voice actors will say things knowing the general idea of where things are going.

Plus, I just have no faith in these writers when it comes to romance. They have done everything awful. Here is my prediction: Asami and Mako will get back together (but Asami is going to play hard to get after Mako has been such a fuck up). They will eventually get back together. Bolin will get a love interest. Korra will start to get jealous slowly realizing she's always liked Bolin. THE NEW LOVE TRIANGLE..into Book 4 yaddy yada. *puke*

I hope I'm wrong. That's terrible writing. But it's just what my gut is telling me they will do.
Why even make an OT OP? Such a disgrace of a show. It's barely any better than the attempt at a movie.

I supposed we can all hate watch this together.



I would be shocked if they brought that shit back. You really think they will sink that low? I know the show can get awful, and the writing is beyond incompetent at times. But damn. I don't think I could facepalm hard enough if they wasted our time with 2 seasons with a forced romance that never made sense or had chemistry, only to drag it back on for a third after ending it. LMAO
Third time is the charm, right?

Right? :(

Either way, hatewatching this show is really fun. But I hope I can enjoy this season as much as I loved the Wan 2 parter. That was definitely some of the best Avatar episodes ever, which coincidentally had very minimal Korra and her shitty friends.
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