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Legend of Korra |OT| - Saturday Mornings Just Got Better

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You caught the mention in The Spirit of Competition right? Cuz that was f'in hilarious.

I did! When I heard it, I did a double-take and went back immediately and listened again. That's such a great subtle jab to put in like that.

I watched the episode Sunday night and I was very happy with it. It wasn't the meatiest episode as far as plot goes, but it was a great episode for deepening character relationships and it was hilarious.


I like Pro-bending in the same way I liked the Karate in Karate Kid - as a sport. I really want to see some fucking raw-ass fight scenes.

Does anybody remember Iroh running into some soccerbending kids in Tales of Ba Sing Se? Now there's a sport I want to see! Get the pay-per-hear rights, United Nations Radio!

Bolin's hands as he is running away is the greatest

Yes, I just about died laughing.


Dunno how far you are in TLA, but I remember watching it when it first started and losing interest, then I caught reruns of later episodes and found it great, so I went back and rewatched from the start. The entire first book is the least interesting to me.

I'm actually still in book one which I've heard is the weakest of the bunch, but I am eager to watch more. I was telling a friend that the reason I seem to like LoK more right now may be because the charatcers are older.

Finally, this thread made me feel like i'm the only one who loves pro-bending. And I also agree that it was good that the plot took a Bit of a backseat. You need a connection to the characters which can't happen if you only have episodes like the last few

I LOVE pro-bending! While I wouldn't want it in every episode this tournament has been exciting :D

Well, consider the fact that they're constantly teasing their fans with stuff like "TEAM Makorra or TEAM Masami?!" on twitter, and when taking into account the nature of this episode, I think it's safe to say that they were intentionally trolling the shippers (shipping was HUGE in TLA).

I tried searching Twitter but couldn't find an official Twitter account. Do you have the name or something?


I'm actually still in book one which I've heard is the weakest of the bunch, but I am eager to watch more. I was telling a friend that the reason I seem to like LoK more right now may be because the charatcers are older.

Book One is the best at establishing the characters. It has a lot of "filler" episodes because of it. But still, those filler episodes really flesh out the characters. My advice is to just suck it up and watch them (though feel free to skip Episode 11 - The Great Divide, since it contributes nothing to any of the show's plots or subplots), because the show really kicks off from Book 1 Episode 18. I'd actually put the last 3 episodes of ATLA Book One as amongst the best in the series, but they'd be nothing without the 16 (I'm not including episode 11) that come before it.

And then you have the masterpiece that is Book 2. Savour it, because it's sublime. Though that's not to say Book 3 is necessarily worse, since I find it hard to compare each season individually as they all fulfil a unique role in the larger narrative, but the show worked best for me during Book 2.

As for preferring LoK because of the older characters... I kind of agree. I can certainly relate to them more than I could the cast of ATLA. My teenage years were pretty interesting, and I think they've captured that feeling for me so far. I certainly felt Bolin's pain during Saturday's episode.

Oh, and whilst I haven't seen any Twitter trolls, Bryan Konietzko has certainly been trolling on Tumblr, which is where most of the shippers congregate.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Bolin's hands as he is running away is the greatest

I was laughing for quite a bit, even though my boy got his heart broken.

I hope Bolin gets his girl eventually. I mean, they said he's a ladies man.. WHERE ARE THEY?!


I really like Bolin but I do not understand his character. They make him out to be this really confident ladies man but then he always turns into a whimpering coward. He even runs like a girl. It seems a bit contradictory.


I really like Bolin but I do not understand his character. They make him out to be this really confident ladies man but then he always turns into a whimpering coward. He even runs like a girl. It seems a bit contradictory.
Ladies man =/= manly man

He's confident, funny, handsome apparently, and very complimentary. I imagine lots of girls would like that.
He's interested in both of them, but Asami clearly seems out of the loop. It's not even about the kiss really, Asami likes him and they publicly act like they're a couple already even if it isn't 'official'. Being jealous at Bolin asking out Korra while in the same room as him, yet continuing to lead Asami on regardless, shows a really shitty character trait.

Even if he puts it behind him, it still happened and he should still atleast LET HER KNOW.

She only seems "out of the loop" because she's basically only ever seen as Mako's accessory at this point. I don't believe she is but I really wouldn't be shocked if she's the female chi-blocker that attacked Korra ... she's never seen in the same room with the only character that could ID her (Naga via smell). I really don't like her lack of characterization.

And it's only "leading her on" if he knows full well that he's not interested in making it official at some point. And PDA surely isn't a sign that someone doesn't know that they're not official, but it's a good sign that they want to be official though.
I tried searching Twitter but couldn't find an official Twitter account. Do you have the name or something?

It wasn't twitter actually but their facebook page and before the episode aired they had a similar question on the Korra Nation tumblr page

As for Mako his main mistake was letting Korra hanging with is brother affect him that much since it provided an opening that Korra took extreme advantage of and opened a can of worms in regards to his emotions.

As for the "forget" scene i would chock it up to one of those situations where its so fucking arkward/one off that its just dropped like nothing happened (though situations like that can linger even if the people invovled would like to forget it...). If it continues though and he still does the same thing (not letting Asami know)then you guys will have my sword.

I really don't like her lack of characterization.

Yea i hope they flesh her out soon.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I really like Bolin but I do not understand his character. They make him out to be this really confident ladies man but then he always turns into a whimpering coward. He even runs like a girl. It seems a bit contradictory.

Where was he a coward? Just because he's not a stoic "manly" man like his brother? Because he cries?
I really like Bolin but I do not understand his character. They make him out to be this really confident ladies man but then he always turns into a whimpering coward. He even runs like a girl. It seems a bit contradictory.

Imagine what Sokka would've been like if they didn't make every age appropriate girl fall into his lap.
I heard latest ep was bad, I wanted to not believe. Oh man it was bad in a bad teen soap way, ugh. These kind of things never seem to come across to well I feel. The whole exchange of feelings and confession felt...um super awkward to watch but I guess that was the whole point at hand. Need next episode to wash this from the mind.


Eh, wasn't a fan of the episode. I get that they needed a cool off episode after last week but it seems way too early for a relationship episode. The characters aren't developed enough for me yet so it felt forced.

The probending side didn't work for me either since it pales in comparison to the beautiful choreographed fight scenes. There aren't any long shots with each element with their unique movements and it just looks like each person chucking their element, doing their own thing like dodgeball. The scene in TLA where they see Toph in the wrestling match was more what I was expecting.

It's only the fifth episode but it seems like the show is all over the place without a solid goal.


I did! When I heard it, I did a double-take and went back immediately and listened again. That's such a great subtle jab to put in like that.
I rewatched and didn't notice anything lol, can someone give me a hint at what scene it's in?

The main reason I prefer season 2 and 3 of Last Airbender over 1 is mostly because Toff hasn't been added to the group, and she rules.


Eh, wasn't a fan of the episode. I get that they needed a cool off episode after last week but it seems way too early for a relationship episode. The characters aren't developed enough for me yet so it felt forced.

The probending side didn't work for me either since it pales in comparison to the beautiful choreographed fight scenes. There aren't any long shots with each element with their unique movements and it just looks like each person chucking their element, doing their own thing like dodgeball. The scene in TLA where they see Toph in the wrestling match was more what I was expecting.

It's only the fifth episode but it seems like the show is all over the place without a solid goal.
I see it the other way around. Having the relationship episode that early was the best thing they could do. Now that is out of the way and we can continue with the "main" plot. And it was also used as a great tool to establish a better connection between the charactes of the Krew, as well as us getting to know them better. Like somebody said in this thread, if they would have kept the pace, it would have felt disconnected since we never really have any room to breathe.

I also disagree that the show is all over the place. There are three main goals right now: Korra learning airbending, dealing with the Amon threat and the pro-bending tournament. Each and every episode had at least one of these as a central theme.


Or they could have just not had a relationship episode.

But hey did. And looking at the fandom it was probably a good decision to clear up things early so they can set that aside for now. Plus it was nicely intergated into the pro-bending tournament. Besides the Avatar stuff, it's also a show about a teenage girl who never made any real world experiences untill now, aimed at kids and young teens.

I loved this episode and still think it was better than 4 as a whole.


I wasn't expecting an immediate follow up to the confrontation with Amon, but Korra flat out saying we're meant for each other? Teenagers
blocked off the from the world for most of their life
are going to being teenagers and all but bleh. It doesn't help I'm tired of the will they wont they teasing/love triangle because we all know what will happen. Bolin really needs to stop being such a pathetic joke too.

I know they needed to cool off, but a character episode doesn't need to be a relationship epsiode. But yea, maybe they just busted their shipping load early to get it out of the way.

As for the goals, there are three of them. Amon and air bending link up as part of the Avatar's duties, but probending just seems...insignificant compared to the other two. I know they established it helps Korra train but that just seems incidental. TLA had the Fire Nation as a pressure for the crew, but Korra is off probending while the city really needs the Avatar?

But I guess this is one episode out of 20+ so I can't really say much.
I wasn't expecting an immediate follow up to the confrontation with Amon, but Korra flat out saying we're meant for each other? Teenagers
blocked off the from the world for most of their life
are going to being teenagers and all but bleh. It doesn't help I'm tired of the will they wont they teasing/love triangle because we all know what will happen. Bolin really needs to stop being such a pathetic joke too.

I know they needed to cool off, but a character episode doesn't need to be a relationship epsiode. But yea, maybe they just busted their shipping load early to get it out of the way.

As for the goals, there are three of them. Amon and air bending link up as part of the Avatar's duties, but probending just seems...insignificant compared to the other two. I know they established it helps Korra train but that just seems incidental. TLA had the Fire Nation as a pressure for the crew, but Korra is off probending while the city really needs the Avatar?

But I guess this is one episode out of 20+ so I can't really say much.

Actually probending serves as one of the links to the brothers as well plus i can don't mind the ep being relationship focused since they are teenagers and its been a white elephant in the room for a while now.

With this played out
and more likely whats gonna happen the next episode
it can be placed on the backburner for a bit.

Also In TLA the fire nation was actually doing something but (for now) Republic City's main threat isn't doing anything....yet.


I've never watched any of the Avatar shows or movies, including the apparently god awful live action one. I know nothing at all about it.

I'm interested in watching the cartoon as it seems to be getting high praise. My cartoon tolerance at this point is Batman TAS (the older one before all the anime inspired one's after it). Anything lower on the target age audience and I would probably cringe. My anime tolerance is pretty low right now. I can't stand the "moe" & "kawaii" aspect of most anime any more. Even my favorite anime of all time which my username is partly based on is hardly tolerable to me in the beginning anymore (but it becomes so awesome once it starts discarding that later on).

Will I be able to watch Avatar or is it too kid focused or too "moe"/"kawaii" for me to handle?

*EDIT - I can also handle cartoon shows like Tail Spin, Darkwing Duck and Duck Tales but that's due to amazing nostalgia as those shows were so awesome in my childhood.

Give the show a try. Its great. Though don't just watch the first two episodes. Give the show a chance to build the characters up a bit.

As others have said, there is no live action movie.


They all need to step their game up.

Team Avatar from TLA could style all over them.

Also, I wonder if Korra has ever been in the Avatar state yet. You'd think Amon getting close to her would trigger it.
They all need to step their game up.

Team Avatar from TLA could style all over them.

Also, I wonder if Korra has ever been in the Avatar state yet. You'd think Amon getting close to her would trigger it.

Yea they really need to step up their bending game since its pretty pathetic tbh (while being owned by footsoldiers is pretty fucking awesome to see its also sad as well).

Its a good chance she hasn't since she's not spiritually inclined currently and to be fair she wasn't physically being harmed.


Yea they really need to step up their bending game since its pretty pathetic tbh (while being owned by footsoldiers is pretty fucking awesome to see its also sad as well).

Its a good chance she hasn't since she's not spiritually inclined currently and to be fair she wasn't physically being harmed.

The more I think about it, the only REAL bender vs bender fight has been Korra's test in the very beginning, which was also the most impressive bending we've seen so far on the show I think. After that, it was only against those Triple Threat chumps and an few chi blocker fights, which had to establish how much of a threat the blockers are.

I still hope that they all learn how to deal with chi blockers and not just fight them in close range which is obviously where that particular style shines the most.


Yeah, seeing as Korra has already mastered three elements, you think she would be pulling out some season 2 Aang level bending. And I know she has only ever really sparred, but still. You'd think we'd see some flashiness from someone so hotheaded.


aang fighting style was at least interesting right from the start imo

from the first episode only to make it fair(well part 2 of the first two part episode)






his like little air bender Jackie chan evading and fighting with humor

is this too many gifs?

I think aang did a lot more with only 1 element.
To be fair though that's because Aang had mastered the best element.

Korra's fighting style seems to be very fire bender orientated. It does fit her personality but you would think a girl from a water tribe would be bending more water.


To be fair though that's because Aang had mastered the best element.

Korra's fighting style seems to be very fire bender orientated. It does fit her personality but you would think a girl from a water tribe would be bending more water.
To be fair she hasn't been aroud a large enough amount of water where skillful waterbending was appropriate.
To be fair though that's because Aang had mastered the best element.

Korra's fighting style seems to be very fire bender orientated. It does fit her personality but you would think a girl from a water tribe would be bending more water.

To be fair, most avatars start with only one element and don't even realize they can use the others, so they grow attatched to their first. Korra started with all 3, so she doesn't have such biases and probably only rolls with fire the most because it gels with her personality.
The more I think about it, the only REAL bender vs bender fight has been Korra's test in the very beginning, which was also the most impressive bending we've seen so far on the show I think. After that, it was only against those Triple Threat chumps and an few chi blocker fights, which had to establish how much of a threat the blockers are.

I still hope that they all learn how to deal with chi blockers and not just fight them in close range which is obviously where that particular style shines the most.

Sorry i forgot to reply.

Yea i hope they do learn to deal with the chi blockers and the Lieutenant and i wonder if
Asami will be the one to teach them since its said she had the best defense training money can buy (and imo chi blocking would be the best bet since she could defend herself from kidnapping by lets say the Triple Triads or something).
Should be interesting to see how it plays out.

I think Korra's response to that nose-rubbing not even 5 minutes in the episode summed up my reactions.

Seriously though, that was fucked up on Korra's part. But that's enough about that subject from me. Episode was pretty good, ESPECIALLY the Bolin tiebreaker.

Korra went in hard as fuck to the point i could see her doing it Jinora's way and it would fucking work.



After 5 episodes, I've decided that I hate the announcer's voice and the old-timey intro short videos. They look terribly out of place and weird in that world.

Also, and this is a general gripe, I don't like that everyone already knows how to bend really well. I like that everyone had something to learn in the original series.


After 5 episodes, I've decided that I hate the announcer's voice and the old-timey intro short videos. They look terribly out of place and weird in that world.

Yeah, I think they could do without all that. I still absolutely love the show and will keep watching. Episode 5 was just fine, especially with the Flamio reference. I find that I enjoy it more when I'm not following online discussion or reading wild theories.
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