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Legend of Korra |OT| - Saturday Mornings Just Got Better

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Everything is coming together. The precedent was set by Iroh developing lightning redirection based off waterbending.


It is also hinted with the White Lotus Society, when Piandao mentions there is already a collective/society of people who see beyond the boundaries of the four nations. Where they are willing to help/teach and share knowledge with those who seek it regardless of what nation they come from.

That was already 80 years ago when they had to be secretive/underground due to the ongoing World War.
I just want to forget that movie.

Ouch. What a trainwreck that was.

Worst movie I have ever seen.

It could have been good. Only things I liked about it were the casting for Iroh, and the casting for Aang, if they had gotten the poor kid an acting coach.

If you ever get a chance, check out the Rifftrax for that movie.

Not watching it though i've been tempted a few times ("how bad can it be?" i've questioned myself)


Checking out some stuff on Nickolodeon currently and they are showing The Last Airbender (aka that live action movie). :O

The most ineptly and laughably made big budget wide release film I've ever seen. It's shockingly amateur considering the experience of the filmmakers involved.

Literally a 1/10, and the 1 is for James Newton Howard and no one else.


I watched it before I watched the series and... honestly, it's just deeply deeply mediocre and flat. There are much worse movies out there.

The most disappointing thing about it is that it's neither good nor so bad it's good. Mediocre is the worst it could be.
When thinking about the live action movie, I always flash back to Ember Island Players. A troupe reenacts the journey Aang takes, and at the end when the gaang is walking out they're all

"That was horrible"
"No kidding"

And then Sokka goes " The effects were decent". Cracks me up everytime.


Sad thing is, the live movie didn't even have decent effects going for it. That whole movie was amateur hour.



The most ineptly and laughably made big budget wide release film I've ever seen. It's shockingly amateur considering the experience of the filmmakers involved.

Literally a 1/10, and the 1 is for James Newton Howard and no one else.
I like to tell myself that James Newton Howard made a nice tribute soundtrack to Avatar: The Last Airbender and that there is no movie.
Sad thing is, the live movie didn't even have decent effects going for it. That whole movie was amateur hour.


Yeah, he hit it right on spot with "decent". Though, a few scenes were pretty good. Remembering Katara's first water orb specifically. Also, the firebending wasn't too bad. Yeah, I don't think they could've done the firebending any better, when I look back on it. Aang's dustbending and the earthbending looked poor though

All that dancing just for a rock that could have easily been thrown by anyone standing around.
Fucking looool. Yeah, the crowd stamping and when Aang was hopping around and cartwheeling for that whirlwind come to mind when I think of the movie's shitty bending.

It's like the fire blasts and tufts of wind and water splashes all came out at the wrong time. Like, the martial arts/element manipulation ratio was way off. But the fire blasts and water orbs themselves were good looking


When I first saw all those benders from the Earth Kingdom Community Theatre doing their little dance, I thought it would unleash something huge. Like completely upturning the ground and flipping it over onto the fire benders.

Then that tiny ass rock floats by on a string...

Yeah, he hit it right on spot with "decent". Though, a few scenes were pretty good. Remembering Katara's first water orb specifically. Also, the firebending wasn't too bad. Yeah, I don't think they could've done the firebending any better, when I look back on it. Aang's dustbending and the earthbending looked poor though

Yeah that very first water orb looked good, the way the water was spilling all over. But all the water effects after that were terribad. There was a scene where Aang is practicing waterbending some columns of water out of a lake and the effects look like they were taken straight out of The Abyss.

Even in the few moments when the effects were at least decent, they were done a huge disservice by the way the bending never matched the bender's movements. Everyone would do a short kata, wait a half sec, then some bending would be tossed out in an unrelated manner.
Even in the few moments when the effects were at least decent, they were done a huge disservice by the way the bending never matched the bender's movements. Everyone would do a short kata, wait a half sec, then some bending would be tossed out in an unrelated manner.

Yeah, exactly what I'm talking about. The bending didn't match up at all to their movements. And none of it was consistent! You'd have the stamping and cartwheeling mentioned before, then during Aang's slow motion segment in the North Pole we saw Aang flying around and doing all of this amazing shit with minimal motion. I was worried it would happen like that before the movie came out...


No Blu-ray, no sale. Then again, I'm UK-based. I don't think the show has even broadcast here yet. <_<

Every time we get screwed on these releases, I come ever more closer to ordering a region free DVD/Blu-ray player and just importing from the US.
Nickelodeon has the worst marketing. They think their fanbase is simply kids, so they'll never offer anything on Blu-ray, yet for some reason they don't even bother making toys. I've never seen a Korra toy, and there were barely any for ATLA (absolutely none for girls) besides the movie tie-ins.
Nickelodeon has the worst marketing. They think their fanbase is simply kids, so they'll never offer anything on Blu-ray, yet for some reason they don't even bother making toys. I've never seen a Korra toy, and there were barely any for ATLA (absolutely none for girls) besides the movie tie-ins.
IIRC I read somewhere that the first Katara toy to be produced was for the movie, which is just asinine. Girls/women make up a big part of the Avatar fandom, it's why the creators decided to make the sequel series about a female avatar.
IIRC I read somewhere that the first Katara toy to be produced was for the movie, which is just asinine. Girls/women make up a big part of the Avatar fandom, it's why the creators decided to make the sequel series about a female avatar.

My daughter and I loved to watch Avatar together (still do). I would have gladly bought her Katara and Toph toys. They never made Halloween costumes, either (I shaved my head and went as Aang). Their ATLA ads were fart jokes. They suck at synergy.


Art book coming!

Sold sold sold sold sold!



Michael Dante DiMartino (W) and Bryan Konietzko (W/Cover)

On sale July 24
FC, 184 pages
HC, 9" x 12"

This handsome hardcover contains hundreds of pieces of never-before-seen artwork created during the development of Season 1 of The Legend of Korra. With captions from Mike and Bryan throughout, this is an intimate look inside the creative process that brought the mystical world of bending and a new generation of heroes to life!
It kind of surprises me that people think that democratizing power and technology cheapens it. Unless you have some nostalgic romantic view on the world, democratization of power and knowledge is what separates our modern world from the shithole that our parents, grandparents and prior generations had to endure.

We live in the best times in human history, there is no denying that. The world of Avatar went through the same transformation. Democratization of knowledge doesn't magically make everyone happy, and creates a whole new slew of conflicts, but at least it gives more people access to determine their own fate rather than having some war mongering elite kaste monopolizing knowledge to themselves exclusively.

Ultimately Zuko, the Earth King were little more than tyrants. Despotic rulers who monopolized knowledge and power to enforce social shisms and segregation.
Ba Sing Se, and the Fire Nation Society expositions were a clear indicator of that. Benevolent or not, the world of Aangs time was ruled by dictators and nobility while the rest of the population lived in servitude and constant insecurity with no legal representation or status.
It's no coincidence that the series started out in a tribal community that served as a juxtaposition to the other nations.

I for one am fascinated how the series creators made the bold move to actually go to such lengths to think about how the world and it's problems would change if bending became democratized. It created a new social kaste that is determined by genetics and with that new conflicts. But instead of people now being unable to advance because of social segregation, the new found liberalism allowed for non benders to develop mechanical weaponry and gadgets that are able to even out the power/potential level between benders and non benders. Tarrlok being a criminal thug, rather than some puritan messiah of the oppressed is a much more believable revelation and shows that the storytelling and world of Avatar has matured beyond a point where characters aren't mere cardboard cut outs that have to fit into established stereotypes and tropes anymore. In some way it reminds me of the cult around Che Guevarra or other murderers like the RFA or the who used their charisma and the pretense of fighting for the masses to legitimize their criminal actions.

Compare Korra to this background, she's a young outgoing girl, but at the same time a relic of a world that no longer really exists. It's not her being the Avatar that makes a difference, it's her becoming a well meaning caring individual that takes responsability for herself and her powers that makes her make a difference. Just like all the other characters in the series like Asami or her father do. I still maintain that Korra is a well developed character, and I absolutely believe that not everything has to be spelled out to be effective story telling.

Anyway, I do agree that the cramped mini series style was an unfortunate decision. It didn't allow for some interesting tangents to be explored and I really hope that the new projects can remedy those aspects.


It kind of surprises me that people think that democratizing power and technology cheapens it. Unless you have some nostalgic romantic view on the world, democratization of power and knowledge is what separates our modern world from the shithole that our parents, grandparents and prior generations had to endure.

If you were referring to my comments on the previous page, I was referring to a writing style, not the economy. In writing it's good to be stingy, that way you can let things out at the right time for maximum impact.

Mako tosses around lightning as if it were nothing -> General Iroh tosses around lightning as if it were nothing -> Mako uses lightning in the final battle = all meaningless.

Mako can't do lighting -> General Iroh teaches lightning to Mako -> Mako uses lightning in the final battle = better story.


In any case, they didn't actually follow up any of thoes admittedly compelling thematic concerns in the show itself. They laid the foundations and then completely wasted them. Antibenders were an ideological excuse for a group of mooks and little else. There were hints of this being explored with things like the police force at the riots being jerks but it puttered out and nothing happened.
In any case, they didn't actually follow up any of thoes admittedly compelling thematic concerns in the show itself. They laid the foundations and then completely wasted them. Antibenders were an ideological excuse for a group of mooks and little else. There were hints of this being explored with things like the police force at the riots being jerks but it puttered out and nothing happened.

I agree. I was pretty disappointed that the whole antibender movement just sort of collapsed after Korra took down the leader :/ I guess there's no chance of expanding on it in book two now...
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