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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D -- The Yellow Debate

The Lamp

These screenshots further cement my undying need for a Majora's Mask revisit. Castle Town looks fantastic.

I want my upgraded Termina :<


Yup. This game is going to force me to get a 3DS.

I wanted to wait for a revision... any obvious flaws in the current design?

The Lamp

Varna said:
Yup. This game is going to force me to get a 3DS.

I wanted to wait for a revision... any obvious flaws in the current design?

Battery life....otherwise the only thing you would hold out for is it getting skinnier...
Jocchan said:
Yes. It was extremely inconsistent.

Actually, thinking again, even the rotating prerendered backgrounds *could* be done in 3D using prerendered 3D videos. In OoT's case, though, having everything in real time makes much more sense.

That's why I said 'static' panoramas ;) I had the video solution in mind, but I think real time is a much better idea anyway.


The Lamp said:
These screenshots further cement my undying need for a Majora's Mask revisit. Castle Town looks fantastic.

I want my upgraded Termina :<

but do you really want an upgraded moon? It'll penetrate your dreams. sleepless nights FOREVER.

But yeah, majora's mask HD would be wank worthy to the extreme.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Graphics Horse said:
That's why I said 'static' panoramas ;) I had the video solution in mind, but I think real time is a much better idea anyway.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Prime Blue said:
That water doesn't look very good at all. Something about the Temple looks off to me as well. I like the flowers, though. I don't know about the new bright colour palette in some areas. I hope it doesn't take away from the original atmosphere in certain areas (ie: the dungeons).

But the boss attack mode sounds so enticing! Definitely glad I bought a 3DS for this.

I hope we get a Majora's Mask remake too done in the same style, though. <3 Majora's Mask.
When you go into 3D doesn't the polarisation cause the screen to become slightly darker. As a result they might be making the 2D image oversaturated to avoid under-saturated 3D...

That said it does feel too bright and fuck the radioactive water.

Also to me it seems to be going for higher contrast which possibly is due to make stuff easier to make out (whats obvious on a big TV isn't the same as a smaller handheld).


Starwolf_UK said:
When you go into 3D doesn't the polarisation cause the screen to become slightly darker.

I own a 3DS. That statement is not true, and the belief that it is darker is bollocks.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Starwolf_UK said:
When you go into 3D doesn't the polarisation cause the screen to become slightly darker.
No. The backlight gets stronger to compensate, so you end up with brighter images and more vibrant colors with 3D on.


Jocchan said:
No. The backlight gets stronger to compensate, so you end up with brighter images and more vibrant colors with 3D on.

I was wondering what was up with that. With 3D off, there is little bit of an yellow/orange tint, but it disappears with the 3D on. The bottom screen always has it though. And that's without power saving on.
richisawesome said:
I own a 3DS. That statement is not true, and the belief that it is darker is bollocks.

Jocchan said:
No. The backlight gets stronger to compensate, so you end up with brighter images and more vibrant colors with 3D on.

Aw snap I got it the wrong way round...and I played a 3DS not two weeks ago as well.

radioheadrule83 said:
Slightly tweaked the saturation, and changed the water and it looks better... Grezzo, if you're reading, fix the water!

Aw great now I have more reason to be upset...


radioheadrule83 said:
Slightly tweaked the saturation, and changed the water and it looks better... Grezzo, if you're reading, fix the water!

<image snip>
Awesome job with this.

Whilst I'm glad there's no pre-rendered backgrounds this time, I was kind of hoping we'd be losing the static camera angles in places that had previously used them. Unfortunately this latest batch of shots suggests they're still there for the sake of preserving the feel of the original.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
radioheadrule83 said:
Slightly tweaked the saturation, and changed the water and it looks better... Grezzo, if you're reading, fix the water!

Absolutely better.

It's like Grezzo went nuts on the saturation there. It's like someone threw an inanimate carbon rod in the water and it got all radioactive and gaudy. But I'm nitpicking here. I'm sure I'll get over the colours, though.


No additional functions
Dark Schala said:
That water doesn't look very good at all. Something about the Temple looks off to me as well. I like the flowers, though. I don't know about the new bright colour palette in some areas. I hope it doesn't take away from the original atmosphere in certain areas (ie: the dungeons).

But the boss attack mode sounds so enticing! Definitely glad I bought a 3DS for this.

I hope we get a Majora's Mask remake too done in the same style, though. <3 Majora's Mask.
The foreground is very bright and unrealistic which fits with the visual theme. The background looks too dark, gloomy and realistic. They clash imo. Funny, I always thought that was one of the best looking areas of the original game.

Edit: Fixing the water seemed to help.


Completely late to the party, but I was reading the OP's linked impressions and saw this gem:
Though it should be noted I did encounter one instance of some extensive slowdown lasting for around 20 seconds, there’s still time for this to be fixed before release.
You're everything Jeff Green and Shawn Elliot mocked!


Dark Schala said:
Absolutely better.

It's like Grezzo went nuts on the saturation there. It's like someone threw an inanimate carbon rod in the water and it got all radioactive and gaudy. But I'm nitpicking here. I'm sure I'll get over the colours, though.
An "inanimate carbon rod" isn't what you think it is. Really I'm actually surprised that anyone could actually fall for The Simpsons' bullshit technobabble and actually use it outside of a quoting context.


Luigiv said:
An "inanimate carbon rod" isn't what you think it is. Really I'm actually surprised that anyone could actually fall for The Simpsons' bullshit technobabble and actually use it outside of a quoting context.

I may be wrong, but I think he was using what we tend to refer to as 'a joke'.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Luigiv said:
An "inanimate carbon rod" isn't what you think it is. Really I'm actually surprised that anyone could actually fall for The Simpsons' bullshit technobabble and actually use it outside of a quoting context.
richisawesome said:
I may be wrong, but I think she was using what we tend to refer to as 'a joke'.


We can look at screens and judge them all we want but I can tell this thing is going to look awesome in motion.


richisawesome said:
I may be wrong, but I think he was using what we tend to refer to as 'a joke'.
I call that watching too much The Simpsons. In actuality using the term actually degrades the joke as it's pure nonsense to anyone unfamiliar with the show and insulting to the intelligence of anyone over the age 10. Would it really be so hard for her to have used something that's actually radioactive? The joke would have made about a million times more sense then*.

Radioactive materials do not actually glow but obviously you'd have to be excessively anal to nitpick over that in such a context.


Luigiv said:
I call that watching too much The Simpsons. In actuality using the term actually degrades the joke as it's pure nonsense to anyone unfamiliar with the show and insulting to the intelligence of anyone over the age 10. Would it really be so hard for her to have used something that's actually radioactive? The joke would have made about a million times more sense then*.

Radioactive materials do not actually glow but obviously you'd have to be excessively anal to nitpick over that in such a context.

edit: Gender fixed.

Dude, what the fuck.


Luigiv said:
I call that watching too much The Simpsons. In actuality using the term actually degrades the joke as it's pure nonsense to anyone unfamiliar with the show and insulting to the intelligence of anyone over the age 10. Would it really be so hard for her to have used something that's actually radioactive? The joke would have made about a million times more sense then*.

Radioactive materials do not actually glow but obviously you'd have to be excessively anal to nitpick over that in such a context.

. . .
In the original OoT I couldn't even tell those ponds in front of the Cathedral are supposed to be ponds. I thought it was just two parking lots made of concrete or something.
The original backgrounds were terrible and blurry.


Yeah some of the colors in those screens look super saturated but who knows how that will translate into the actual game. I have a hard time believing they will ship a game with colors that saturated where everything hurts your eyes.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
richisawesome said:
Oops, apologies. heh
Eh, it's not a big deal for me since in the grand scheme of things, it truly doesn't matter. I just couldn't resist this time. No hard feelings, yeah? :)

Luigiv said:
Would you have rather me say something like... "it's like someone threw some NaI(Tl) in there and laid an X-Ray source over it!" It was just a
badly attempted
joke. Chill.

Anyway on-topic, this'll likely look good in motion. I remember looking at the screens and not thinking of much of it. But then when I saw some footage, it looked fluid and nice. The saturated colours in a lot of areas seem to be improvements. It's just the Temple of Time area that's weirding me out.


Damn... will probably need to pick up a 3DS for this. Even when OoT was new, it was a muddy, blurry, dull mess. Still, I played the hell out of it. I like the vibrant look, and particularly all the prerendered junk that is now fully 3D... bet the water will look fine on the 3DS' screen too.
The inside of the shop looks great. The extra detail makes it looks so much more like an actual shop. It's great. I can't say I care for the changes in the town though. The cartoonyness of it seems a little off...


TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
So that water was from over-saturated pics?

I thought they were lily pads with algae and moss or something that Nintendo added in for detail!
I thought the same. It just looks like shallow standing water, the kind of ponds green with algae you see at many a church. But whatevs. :)
I'm sure the architecture of the Temple isn't much different, I bet it pans up when you get closer to it or something so you see higher up it.


Conrad Link said:
I'm sure the architecture of the Temple isn't much different, I bet it pans up when you get closer to it or something so you see higher up it.

Yep, exactly like on the N64 version. There's two angles - one which we've seen above, and another like you described.


StevieP said:
Those screens are oversaturated. They don't look like that on a real console.

For example, here's the map screen from A Link to the Past in bsnes (the most accurate SNES emulator) with "NTSC gamma ramp simulation" disabled:


There's a big difference between pleasingly vibrant colors and unnecessary oversaturation.


Big One said:
Only the ALttP screen has darker colors, the other ones are spot on with what they look like
They look more like this on my TV:


But it's hard to say with NES games, because the color space of the system was in NTSC rather than RGB, so games could look pretty different depending on the TV you used, and there's no way to emulate the colors exactly in an RGB color space.

Anyway the point is, the colors in those screenshots that StevieP posted were a lot more saturated than they should have been, so they can't be used to try to prove some precedent in older Zelda games of oversaturated colors. If you want to go down that route, though, it's probably only been in Majora's Mask that we've seen colors oversaturated throughout the whole game like they are in OoT3D.


there is joy in sucking dick
Seems whoever is developing this game has uncalibrated monitors :smug

The colors are definitely to saturated for my taste.


Loved the city screenshots ... i always saw the child link city as too dark ... so when it went with adult link it became considerably less dark by comparisson.

So now the post apocalyptic stuff will be even better simply because you will be like "Omfg where are all the pretty colors ??? =O"


People still want smeared low-res stretched pre-rendered backgrounds than the newly 3d engine rendered places... geez nostlagia can sometimes be an unfortunate thing


Semi-off-topic, but I've been basking in the glow of these new screens like the rest of you, and it got me thinking: Majora's Mask aside, what other N64 games would benefit from a Grezzo-style 3DS remake/enhanced port? Off-hand I can only think of Rare candidates, since when it comes to things like Wave Race it'd make more sense to simply make another game (which yes, should be done for all Nintendo's franchises, but you know what I mean). :)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Neiteio said:
Semi-off-topic, but I've been basking in the glow of these new screens like the rest of you, and it got me thinking: Majora's Mask aside, what other N64 games would benefit from a Grezzo-style 3DS remake/enhanced port? Off-hand I can only think of Rare candidates, since when it comes to things like Wave Race it'd make more sense to simply make another game (which yes, should be done for all Nintendo's franchises, but you know what I mean). :)

Jet Force Gemini is fucking uuuuuglyyyy.

Goldeneye already got a remake.

Star Fox is already getting a much needed upgrade.

Dunno what else, maybe Blastcorps?


Medalion said:
People still want smeared low-res stretched pre-rendered backgrounds than the newly 3d engine rendered places... geez nostlagia can sometimes be an unfortunate thing
the old ones give a different mood to the new ones. that's what ultimately matters, i think.
Neiteio said:
Semi-off-topic, but I've been basking in the glow of these new screens like the rest of you, and it got me thinking: Majora's Mask aside, what other N64 games would benefit from a Grezzo-style 3DS remake/enhanced port? Off-hand I can only think of Rare candidates, since when it comes to things like Wave Race it'd make more sense to simply make another game (which yes, should be done for all Nintendo's franchises, but you know what I mean). :)
Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64 would be good candidates, as would banjo, although granted not gonna happen specially when it comes to the rare IP's. Also Rocket Robot on Wheels and F-Zero X, I guess.

But I'd rather see a new F-Zero.

Speaking of which, when I played OoT 3D demo I really thought Wind Waker would have been a more suitable port to do, some GC retooling could look very, very good on this console. I'd love to see the Wind Waker engine ported to it (I know TP uses a modified WW engine, but I'm being specific here, I want WW graphics :p) and games looking like it on a portable, not necessarily just Zelda.


Raging Spaniard said:
Jet Force Gemini is fucking uuuuuglyyyy.

Goldeneye already got a remake.

Star Fox is already getting a much needed upgrade.

Dunno what else, maybe Blastcorps?

I don't think Star Fox 64 needed a remake. IMO it's aged better than other N64 games.
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