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Let's be honest guys, FFXIII is a solid 7.5/10 (RTTP)


Yeah, this. It's a solid 7.5/10 game for me. Nothing special, but I don't get why anyone would hate it.

The hate of XIII is more likely because of Square keep shoving sequels down people's throat and then have the gall to say people have been 'glamoring' for it when sales clearly shown otherwise. It also shows that Toriyama cannot write to save his life and his obsession with Lightning is extremely creepy and the main reason for my disdain of her.
Look at the guy, he looks like a dirty old man. This disfigured ogre must be slain by the CEO, but his fetish of Lightning is too strong and apparently there must be some contractual issues to prevent his destruction.

Your review provided some insight as to how you view it, but this last bit was unnecessary. Looks are never a testament to someone's potential or ability to be good at something.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Eight Point Eight, in my book. I had a lot of fun.
The only REAL issue is the fact that you get locked into 2-char parties for half the game.


Gameplay alone was a 6/10. It was along the lines of Kotor, but less interesting, and KOTOR's combat system wasn't great.


I want more control over my characters in FF13. I want to be able to specifically tell them what I want to do, not generally tell them what to do because of a role I assign them.

I think it's a 6/10, probably closer to 5.5 or even just 5. Far too linear, far too long for the game to give me all elements of the battle system, not enough control over my party members.

I think the battle system is really good, and probably shines on high level enemies, but I wanted to quit by the time I got to the point where I was running around Pulse.


Gameplay: 5/10
Graphics: 10/10
Music: 7/10
Story & Characters: 4/10


is what I would personally score it. Great graphics (of course) terrible everything else.

I would probably give it an even lower score of 5 or something. Ugh... XIII.


Solid 1/10 in MY book.

Points breakdown:

Graphics 4/10 (nice in 2006, outdated in 2010)
Music 1/10 (worst OST in the series)
Gameplay 0/10 (just awful)
Story and characters -1/10 (no comment)


Definitely a solid entry into the series. I'd probably rate it even higher. But OP's points are valid. Don't know why people have issues with the story. Similar statements are made about FFVIII because of the time paradox plot. I think as years go by gamers have shorter and shorter attention spans and can't comprehend more involved plots. That doesn't make them bad. XIII had an involved plot. I've said before every FF game has odd/quirky/annoying/pointless characters but for some reason they are forgiven (Red XIII, Selphie, Cait Sith, Quina,Umaro, Riku, etc...) But no, Vanille is enough to throw the game in the trash? Come again? Imagine if Selphie and Quina were made in a time with voice acting. And the ending to XIII was very well done. Tied up all the loose ends, was happy, and no need for any future stories (tho I still enjoyed XIII-2 and LR was eh).

Salty Hippo

Gameplay: 10/10
Music: 10/10

FFXIII was probably my biggest disappointment with a game ever, but I totally agree with that. It's nearly perfect in terms of visuals, music and combat system. I'd take -2 points for story and characters, -1 for linearity combined with lack of towns/world variety.

Solid 7/10. It's ultimately still a good game, but I was expecting the second coming of FFVII.
Run in a straight line mashing x until credits roll. Optional: grind to fight turtles. Optional: read data logs for chance to understand ridiculous plot.




Definitely a solid entry into the series. I'd probably rate it even higher. But OP's points are valid. Don't know why people have issues with the story. Similar statements are made about FFVIII because of the time paradox plot. I think as years go by gamers have shorter and shorter attention spans and can't comprehend more involved plots. That doesn't make them bad. XIII had an involved plot. I've said before every FF game has odd/quirky/annoying/pointless characters but for some reason they are forgiven (Red XIII, Selphie, Cait Sith, Quina,Umaro, Riku, etc...) But no, Vanille is enough to throw the game in the trash? Come again? Imagine if Selphie and Quina were made in a time with voice acting. And the ending to XIII was very well done. Tied up all the loose ends, was happy, and no need for any future stories (tho I still enjoyed XIII-2 and LR was eh).

Whoa! Red XIII is a fantastic character. I can't see why you threw that name in there.


It was bad, confined, and wayyyy up its own ass. Its characters were terrible, and the art design was all over the fucking place. Its pacing is abysmal and its story doesn't make up for it.

FF13 was bad and those who made it should feel bad.


FF13 was a solid 10 to me, I enjoyed every moment. It enthralled me. That is my subjective opinion, and I won't be dissuaded.

For the record, Doom is the best game ever, Chrono Trigger is the best JRPG ever, and FF13 and FF7 are the only FF games I've truly loved.
I'd give it a 7 personally. other than that, it may not have been the final fantasy game I thought it would be, but I still think for what it was, it was alright.


Junior Member
The only really good things about Final Fantasy XIII are its battle system, music, and the software upscaling of the PS3 version. Everything else about it was mediocre. Gameplay-wise the problem is there really isn't much of anything to do other than walk in a straight line and fight.
Couldn't stand the gameplay, couldn't stand the story, couldn't stand the characters, couldn't stand the world, couldn't stand the level design.
At least the music was good.
Your review provided some insight as to how you view it, but this last bit was unnecessary. Looks are never a testament to someone's potential or ability to be good at something.

No shit, I wasn't being serious about that part. But I do still hate that man for what he had done to the franchise.


Junior Member
Solid 8/8.5 in my book. Best JRPG of last gen. Had its faults but it was a great experience IMO. Biggest offense was the horribly-written finale.
Game is a 5/10 maybe a 6 if I'm feeling really generous. THe only thing going for it is the art looks really nice at times, the music is sublime (which is honestly how I managed through that game) and the battle system is mediocre after about 20 hours.


Neo Member
Gameplay : 3/10 (not fun, but it worked as intended so I'll give it that)
Graphics : 8/10 (good, but nothing amazing for the time)
Music : 2/10 (definitely one of the worst in the series)
Story & characters: 1/10 (the worst part of the whole experience IMO, and I hated most characters)


There is way to much grinding in it. Just way more than any other FF I have experienced. A major complaint I always had was that there is no towns, and no people to interact with. The shop system is just bland and annoying to work. No one really mentions this, but the "open world" has plenty of hallways in it too.


Wow. What a review.

"Combat in this other game was press x, select attack, press x, select attack...not too bad, but boring overall. And yes, I realize I'm inadvertently condemning almost every menu oriented JRPG combat system out there, and simplifying things in the worst possible way, but whatever. Now, let me show how, by comparison, this game's battle system was awesome."

"Yes, this game was linear. But guess what? So was this other game, except with more open spaces and some towns! Whatever. -.5 points, I suppose!"

"Characters weren't great. Doesn't matter, I didn't like them in this other game, either. Whatever, -.5 points."

"There were no towns. Uhm, I guess I'll deduct some points for this, but towns are kinda stupid, anyway."

Seriously, I expected a "in retrospect, XIII wasn't that bad, was it?" post, and I was prepared to be sympathetic to that opinion. But I've never read a more skewed attempt to to show a game is basically okay. :p


FF13 was a solid 10 to me, I enjoyed every moment. It enthralled me. That is my subjective opinion, and I won't be dissuaded.

For the record, Doom is the best game ever, Chrono Trigger is the best JRPG ever, and FF13 and FF7 are the only FF games I've truly loved.

I am so conflicted on these opinions. How does one see the light of Chrono but unable to see the darkness of XIII?


i don't hate FFXIII per se. i just hate how it embodies everything that went wrong he franchise: nonsensical storytelling, anime tropes, streamlined gameplay. it's an amalgam of brought the franchise down, all wrapped in a neat little bow. and then it got two direct sequels to add insult to injury

but is the game itself that bad? no

Draikin 2

I never quite understood why some considered the sequels to be better than the first game. I thought they were worse, especially in the case of FF XIII-3. The first game was decent. Out of the three FF-XIII games, it had the better story (not particularly difficult), better graphics (though this had a lot to do with the linear design) and as far as I'm concerned even the better combat system.
You guys are generous with your review scores.

Even if you gave it a 5/10, you could still say you enjoyed it.

I didn't though. I'd probably give it a 4/10. It was flashy and empty. The story was stupid and the cast unbearable.. It could be played and there was some rhythm in the gameplay that almost turns into a solid, fun, mechanic.. but, eh, not really... and there's not much else.

Some visual elements were neat, but like I said, mostly flashy and nonsensical.
The music was sometimes great, and I'd say yes, that's the best thing about it.

As an installation in a legendary game series, it's a huge disappointment.


It wasn't the level of quality I expected from FF but it wasn't THAT bad either.

I'd give it a 6.5-7.0 out of 10. Nice graphics and solid music is about the only truly good thing I can say about this game. The story was crap, most characters were annoying, the gameplay was lacking, it was incredibly linear with no towns or NPC's.

And come on. It basically has no level design (just a straight line), a boring loot system and a battle system that takes forever to open up (you can seriously win for the first 10 hours or so by just mashing X), calling the gameplay in FFXIII a 10/10 is an insult to RPG's


Couldn't stand the gameplay, couldn't stand the story, couldn't stand the characters, couldn't stand the world, couldn't stand the level design

I don't think I've ever picked up a game that I "couldn't stand" through and through. I know my tastes better than that. Plus modern game making has become so perfected that I'm not so sure there are really any truly terrible games anymore where I'd go so far as to say I couldn't stand every aspect.
No you can't declare that. Even it's good points have caveats. Fun battle system is still very limited in it's options. High fidelity graphics have a schizophrenic and often unattractive art style.

People value different things and I can't stand annoying characters, cringe worthy dialogue, or it's auto-pilot field map. So to me FFXIII is a BAD game not a 7.5.


I enjoyed the game but admit I put it down for almost a year after the first 30 hours. When I resumed it I enjoyed the second half of the game much more.

Id give it a 7/10, but thats because I expect more from Final Fantasy than other JRPGs. Overall last gen wasnt the greatest for JRPG. I long for the PS1 days when amazing games were coming out left and right.

Lightning is a cool character. Fang was cool. I don't think there was a great enemy though. FFX had great enemies that you remember for a long time. FF7 had sephiroth. FF13 I can't remember the main enemy's name.

My fav JRPG of last gen? Probably The Lost Odyssey. Ill admit I'm still waiting to start my run of Xenoblade so that is certainly subject to change.
There's actually a solid monster hunting game in FFXIII, set in a visually and aurally stunning environment. Unfortunately it's only accessible by slogging through corridors filled with largely mindless battles and incomprehensible cutscenes for 15-20 hours. There's no serious attempt at building a sense of place, as there was in FFX, and no stat or equipment upgrade systems worth the name.

Hamauzu's music though. Magnificent.


hide your water-based mammals
Let's be clear here, in PC graphics or high-resolution visuals and better loading times are not going to make this game infinitely better. The inertia of this announcement for 13 coming out on PC doesn't really change the consensus and certainly doesn't change my own opinion on the game and I have been very critical of the 13 saga.

One thing I will say, is that I have not thoroughly played 13-2 and lightning returns. I am pretty much going to be buying the entire trilogy on PC and getting through it and maybe upon completion of the entirety of the saga, my overall opinion might change a little bit on the whole.

So to that end, I'm excited mainly because of the new higher resolution visuals in load times. I am also looking forward to the pricing structure which is more than fair given Square Enix's pricing structure in the past. And we know how that's gone it's been less than favorable. So a little bit of credit given to square for handling this right so far and for bringing these games to PC. I just don't want to get in an uproar and all of a sudden think that these games are magically better just because they're on PC now.


I hated the main characters and the combat i just couldn't continue playing it, lighting is like squall but 3 times worse, vanille is so annoying that i muted the game everytime there was a cutscene with her in it and hope jesus christ. Sazh was the only genuine character of them all.
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