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Let's be honest guys, FFXIII is a solid 7.5/10 (RTTP)


I absolutely hated FFXIII.

The graphics are beautiful, and I like the artstyle, but everything else I couldn't stand.

Didn't enjoy the battle system, hated whenever the music turned into another flat-out remix of the entire theme tune (as opposed to a motif) and the lack of any legacy tracks that makes FF what it is, and the characters and story are god awful.

One of the very few games that summons bile for me.
But if other like it, fine. Just wish they hadn't sunk so much time or money into making the one game into it's own franchise.


Neo Member
10/10 for gameplay on ff13 ?????? maybe a 5/10 imo it was the worst gameplay of all FF games, I cant think of one FF game that actually comes close to how bad the FF13 gameplay was.


I mean... no.

We all pretty much hated it the second it came out. It getting good-ish reviews was a strange thing to a lot of us.

You did not everyone.

Some people really do like the game or think its adequate as evident in this thread.

The sequels were a mess.


I'd give it a 9 out of ten. Really enjoyable game despite many obvious problems.

The battle system is incredibly fun and tension filled. It does seem like that for every battle the pace of it can change at a moment's notice. All the jobs are actually useful and there's plenty of strategy in it's ideas. It's a very involved game if you actually do go with the speed the game wants you to go. I've never had doom cast on me and did'nt know it was a thing.

Story has some cool ideas. The entire conflict of destiny and twist on the crystal mythos is interesting. There's a lot more grounded drama and characters though little thrill with them. I enjoyed aspects of the story. It's not perfect(though I honestly don't see how the dialogue is any worse then other games). It does fall a part in the end and much of it is under cooked.

Graphically it's an amazing looking game. Technically and art wise. I love FF because of how imaginative and different it looks compared to other games and XIII didn't disappoint.

The music was mostly good as well.

So I'd rate XIII pretty solidly. Great visuals, some of the most frenetic and exciting battles, and a story with decent ideas, but sloppy execution. Very enjoyable though.

Chris R

It's a solid 8.

The stuff BEFORE chapter 11 goes on too long and is too restricted. Chapter 11 onward is nice though.


I'd probably give it that, maybe an 8. The graphics and music is nice. But I didn't like how you are forced to use certain characters at different times. The other thing I didn't like was the difficult bosses, and that stupid doom counter if you take to long to kill a boss. XIII-2 gets a 9.5, love that game. LR though was lots of steps backwards and gets a 5.5 or 6 from me.


75 is about where I would put it.

Fucking brilliant combat design. The bosses kept you on your toes and even regular battles were a challenge -- and you could immediately go and retry a battle if you died, which was convenient.

Couldn't care about the story or characters much so the first third of the game with its slow set-up was a serious drag to an otherwise fun game. It's also a looker.


Yeah I guess 7/10 would be my rating aswell.

Gameplay was okay, I actually like that they tried this system out and as I saw in XIII-2 it isn't bad at all but they screwed up with how easy the game is at first, leading to the common critique point that the game is "auto battle" the whole time. (which it really isn't later in the game, the gameplay is more about the formations than what spells to use though)

I liked the soundtrack there are no really exceptionally good ones like "one winged angel" or "Man with the machinegun" but they were decent and some of them are catchy enough that I can remember them within the first few second.

Story is sketchy and probably the wort part about the game for me, I liked the premise of the split worlds Cocoon and Grand Pulse but not really much else sadly.

I really think the game is "solid", nothing more nothing less.


Barely a 7 for me, if that. I liked the look of the game and the music but that was mostly it. I didn't like the combat system a whole lot personally, as I prefer the fully turn based battle system, and the whole gambit switching crap I found more annoying than fun. The story was hot garbage. It was the first FF game I barely finished, and I only did so because I was hoping at some point it would deliver, which it never did.
These high scores you people give this actually upsets me. You are the reason games like FFVI and FFIX will never happen again. Its a shame.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You did not everyone.

Some people really do like the game or think its adequate as evident in this thread.

The sequels were a mess.

It had a strong hate train well before the sequels came. It would have been harshly polarizing even if there was only one. It is hilarious that they felt forced to triple down on one of their least loved entries because they had to recoup dev costs. Forced to damage their own brand.
75/100 is a sold C. Doesn't help when the other games are at least A-

It does when you realize that the other games were not that much better either.

You did not everyone.

Some people really do like the game or think its adequate as evident in this thread.

The sequels were a mess.
People were complaining and calling SE the worst company EVAR before the sequel was announced. When FF13-2 was announce and no versus yet in sight? People complained ever more. People have been dogging on the game for years. Because it is the popular and cool thing to do. FF13 was not a bad game, it is just that a lot of final fantasy are nostalgia fueled with no other major RPG to play so they focus on the former star in their eyes.



Took me almost 6months to finish because the game was so bad that I didn't feel like continuing the story.


1/10 or 11/10(for not wasting my time)

Wow...I got the LE and the first 2hrs were so bad I stopped playing it. I heard FF13-2 story didn't really matter in the end so I saved a lot of time by avoiding it.
Should I play it? Or should I just grade it a 1/10 from my 2hrs experience?



This is my favorite out of the trilogy. I love the combat and equipment system, and the best part, you can finish everything in 10hrs!
Story? Average, but a 10hrs campaign mean that you don't have to suffer through it.
This is going to be one of those games that Internet opinion turns around on, just you wait. Like Wind Waker or even FFXII, in seven years time people are going to be talking about how great this game is

I guarantee you
Gameplay wise it's probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a game that I've bought. Lifeless levels with barely anything to interact with, the handful of NPCs are probably best described as signposts. Once you get through the hours of totally linear gameplay you arrive at an area which almost feels like a test location, some nice scenery and some markers that trigger certain battles.

Because the game is so linear there's no real choice in your progression, at point X you will nearly always be level Y so you'll have to do the same thing as everyone else to get past point X.


This is going to be one of those games that Internet opinion turns around on, just you wait. Like Wind Waker or even FFXII, in seven years time people are going to be talking about how great this game is

I guarantee you

People hated WW cause of superficial bullshit, and I still hate FFXII.

I don't see general opinion changing with FFXIII
7.5 is way too high

the game is a complete piece of shit.

awful story
awful characters
non sense dialogue
boring battles
shitty difficulty spikes
lame dungeons
minimal exploration

by far the worst final fantasy game i have ever played. it pretty much killed the ff brand for me


This is going to be one of those games that Internet opinion turns around on, just you wait. Like Wind Waker or even FFXII, in seven years time people are going to be talking about how great this game is

I guarantee you

Still doesn't change the fact that it's by far the most linear game of the series, though.
This is going to be one of those games that Internet opinion turns around on, just you wait. Like Wind Waker or even FFXII, in seven years time people are going to be talking about how great this game is

I guarantee you

Uh, no. Wind Waker and FFXII both did some things a lot better than the other games in their respective series that helped them stand out (the main plot in the wind waker is great, for example) and gain a fan following who didn't mind the flaws. FFXIII doesn't have anything like that.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
It does when you realize that the other games were not that much better either.

Except they are? They were at least more fun. And plenty of them had stories and characters that, while not great, were ones I'd definitely rather spend 30+ hours with.


When FF13-2 was announce and no versus yet in sight? People complained ever more. .

That's exactly what I'm trying to say.

The announcment of a sequel to XIII while purposefully ignoring VERSUS which garnered much of the fans' attention cemented the negative opinions on the game.

XIII-3's announcement kinda pissed off a lot of people..For the same reasons but to an even greater extent.
People hated WW cause of superficial bullshit, and I still hate FFXII.

I don't see general opinion changing with FFXIII

I said general Internet opinion, not YOUR internet opinion. Seriously, the launches of WW and FFXII had some fucking vitriol around them that you don't see today, it's kind of amazing

Still doesn't change the fact that it's by far the most linear game of the series, though.

That's actually completely irrelevant!

Uh, no. Wind Waker and FFXII both did some things a lot better than the other games in their respective series that helped them stand out (the main plot in the wind waker is great, for example) and FFXIII doesn't have anything like that.

Once again, find any forum talking about either of those games at launch and you will be amazed

Ya'll are gonna come back in 7 years and feel like fools


Here's my Final Fantasy XIII score, OP


Congratulations on getting 5 of 5 trash points.


Look at the guy, he looks like a dirty old man. This disfigured ogre must be slain by the CEO, but his fetish of Lightning is too strong and apparently there must be some contractual issues to prevent his destruction.

You know.. you can make fun of the man's work and whatnot but this is clearly crossing a line. Anyone ever teach you a thing about respect?
Once again, find any forum talking about either of those games at launch and you will be amazed

Ya'll are gonna come back in 7 years and feel like fools

....that doesn't contradict what I said at all.

once again, I said that there were specific aspects of WW and FF12 that were done better/markedly different from other games in order to get that fan following.

What does FF13 have that makes it stand out and attract that fan following that WW and FF12 have? WW and FF12 don't have fan followings like that for no reason; not every game that is controversial on release is remembered fondly, you know.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I said general Internet opinion, not YOUR internet opinion. Seriously, the launches of WW and FFXII had some fucking vitriol around them that you don't see today, it's kind of amazing

That's actually completely irrelevant!

Once again, find any forum talking about either of those games at launch and you will be amazed

Ya'll are gonna come back in 7 years and feel like fools

The only way this happens is if the next few FFs are even more garbage that make XIII look good in comparison.


....that doesn't contradict what I said at all.

once again, I said that there were specific aspects of WW and FF12 that were done better/markedly different from other games in order to get that fan following.

What does FF13 have that makes it stand out and attract that fan following that WW and FF12 have? WW and FF12 don't have fan followings like that for no reason; not every game that is controversial on release is remembered fondly, you know.

Judging by this thread, the combat system alone answers your question.

In many ways the game is a strict anti-FFXII, which has its pros.
That's it.

The first game would have been normally viewed had they stopped there and then ,but SE dug way far into the the ground.

This is how I feel as well. It probably would have still been looked down upon somewhat, but over time, it probably would have gotten to "Eh, it was alright, I guess"-quality from people. But the sequels really just made people sick of the series in general.

Anyway, I had fun with XIII, but it has tons of issues that are hard to overlook. I'm not exactly sure what I'd rate it. I'm glad I played all three games, but looking back, I wish they had just stopped after XIII and used that dev time to make something else entirely.


Started it twice. Stopped both times after 4-7 hours in depending on playthrough. Only time this has ever happened with a Final Fantasy title. The characters were terrible. Even a bad story you can stomach if you have interesting characters.

That's my story. I can't even gather up the drive to put it in the system again to attempt playing it again. The most I'd give it is a 6.5, likely much lower simply because I didn't find the gameplay itself that fun. All the graphics in the world couldn't make me raise that score.

It was a decent game, but it's also one of the few games I've ever regretted buying. I really should have done a whole lot more research on it.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I'll give you a 7.5. It wasn't super memorable, but for what it is, I wouldn't say it's less. Certainly was gorgeous.

And it had Sazh, which is one of the best character's Square Enix has created in a long while. Too bad it's like he doesn't exist anymore to them.

FF12 I felt was far more memorable.
I actually got very frustrated with 12 at one point and put it aside... came back to it after a few months, passed the part I was stuck at, finished it and loved it. Got really into the vast world and lore.

Didn't really feel the same of 13.
Beat it and thought, 'okay cool... that game was a little out there, but glad I played it and time to move on' and really have thought of it much since. Skipped the sequels.

Still, Sazh has been my favorite FF character since Balthier.
Probably still the case.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Judging by this thread, the combat system alone answers your question.

In many ways the game is a strict anti-FFXII, which has its pros.

The combat system is a lamer, more restrictive X-2 aka the greatest ATB combat system in a JRPG.


Solid 1/10 in MY book.

Points breakdown:

Graphics 4/10 (nice in 2006, outdated in 2010)
Music 1/10 (worst OST in the series)
Gameplay 0/10 (just awful)
Story and characters -1/10 (no comment)

This post is a solid 1/10 in my book.

Substance 2/10
Nuanced Opinions 0/10 (just awful)
Details to back up opinions and help readers undestand them 1/10
Significant contribution to a larger conversation 0/10 (no comment)
It does when you realize that the other games were not that much better either.

People were complaining and calling SE the worst company EVAR before the sequel was announced. When FF13-2 was announce and no versus yet in sight? People complained ever more. People have been dogging on the game for years. Because it is the popular and cool thing to do. FF13 was not a bad game, it is just that a lot of final fantasy are nostalgia fueled with no other major RPG to play so they focus on the former star in their eyes.
Just as a side note, I know people do this, but this is a terrible way to view ratings. That means (according to most school grade systems), everything 6.5 and under is an F. 5-6 shouldn't be "terrible" or an "F," they should be average.

On topic, I think a 7.5-8 is right around the mark. I think the game gets a lot of hate for it's linearity and a little bit unfairly. It's linear, but so are many FFs. I think the issue is people expecting 13 to be something it wasn't ever trying to be. If anything was damaging, it was the unlikeable nature of many characters. Still, I personally enjoyed it, and the sequels are pretty solid as well. I've even called it one of my favorite JRPGs of last-gen and I stand by that to this day. The true MVP of the series as a whole is the music actually (even though they committed the grave sin of not using the prelude).


This is going to be one of those games that Internet opinion turns around on, just you wait. Like Wind Waker or even FFXII, in seven years time people are going to be talking about how great this game is

I guarantee you

This isn't the first time I've heard this claim, but I doubt it's true. The arc for fan reaction to FF13 started as excitement based on the rather vague pre-release media. Once the game came out, most of us tried to keep an open mind in the face of a shallow, beautiful game--to which I attribute the unrealistically positive critical reception. By the time the dust settled, we were pretty disappointed with the actual game. That disappointment led to frustration when Square decided to make FF13 the cornerstone of its entire generation of software. The anger will fade over time, but the rehabilitated image of FF13 won't be overly positive. It's just not a good game, even if it's not actively ruining the series anymore.


It wasn't good then, and it's still not good now.

-largely unremarkable cast with terrible and forgettable "antagonists"
-complete mess of a story filled with plot holes and inconsistent nonsense, including a betrayal that wasn't at all foreshadowed, yet Lightning somehow predicted in spite of not observing anything that would've led her to expect it either
-a world that's nothing more than pretty wallpaper rather than anything properly realized that actually makes you care about saving it (yeah, there's more of a point to towns than the ridiculously reductionist notion that they only serve as places to restock)
-completely railroaded progression and exploration leaving you with absolutely nothing to do but fight, as much of a tube as it's been derided for being
-treats you like such an idiot that it won't even let you choose your own party until Ch. 9 out of 13
-Eidolon battles with illogical solutions, with the arrivals of said Eidolons making even less sense within the context of the story
-the point in Ch. 11 where the game supposedly "gets good" is just more of the same, minus the tube, taking 20+ hours to introduce an area that had an equivalent (down to the same initials) that was more competently realized and introduced in less than five in Xenoblade
-constantly directing players to a bloated database for the context and exposition that the game's narrative was too rushed and lazy to weave in properly, with the summary for the start of Ch. 12 being completely at odds with what was actually shown to you
-ADHD-addled combat system that starts out as something not too bad, then gets dull and repetitive as it revolves around getting enemies to stagger as quickly as possible while toggling between paradigms without any real sense of control of the party as you're basically just "coaching" them, all with the completely preposterous condition of Game Over upon death of the leader that's at no point rationalized, said combat system faring even worse thanks to sticking you with only two party members for more than half of the game when it was clearly designed for three
-terrible final boss that relies on not getting one-shot by a lucky instant death attack if you don't want to start it all over again, which you can't protect your leader from fully anyway

There was decent music, but the OST overall wasn't something that left the same impression on me as Uematsu's work, all while continuing the trend of Toriyama being allergic to including the FF victory fanfare in anything he directs (something that the equally unconventional yet actually good FFXII and even a side-game like Type-0 managed to get right). It was pretty, yes, but what of it? As said, it was wallpaper rather than anything that gave the impression of a world that lived and breathed. The best section of the game for me in respect to atmosphere and implementation was (late game spoilers)
the ruins of Oerba
, which also had what I considered one of the best tracks in the game accompanying it.

It was not a game that removed the "padding" of an RPG (especially not if you're actually playing it for its combat, which means you're going to be doing a lot of grinding anyway before it opens up), it was a game that removed the substance expected to be in one. In every way the antithesis of FFXII.


Graphics 9/10 - looks pretty good, has its moments of beauty.
Music N/A - I don't remember any of it.
Gameplay 6/10 - didn't like the battle system, but it's functional. All hallways until the last stretch.
Story 3/10 - worst characters of the entire series except Sazh...Fang was okay, too.

I've completed every mainline FF except XIII. I just couldn't take it any more after 40 hours. Pretty sure I was near the end, but just didn't give a shit.


10/10 just for the battle system. I swear most people who complain about it never bothered to tackle the tougher bonus boss fights. Getting an 5-star rank against bosses like Adamantoise and Vercigetorix was insane. Most of the hidden depths were at full display there.


You know.. you can make fun of the man's work and whatnot but this is clearly crossing a line. Anyone ever teach you a thing about respect?

I agree completely. What a disgusting post to make.

Anyway, XIII is a solid A (90). It's not an uber masterpiece but it's a graphical joy and so fun to play.
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