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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Gold Member
To everyone who's posted pics: you all look great, and those of you talking yourselves down, don't. You're always your own worst critic. We all have our flaws, but that's what makes us, well... us. Work on the ones you can fix because self improvement is a good thing, and don't dwell on the ones you can't.

More pics pl0x.



You really look like a teenager. Sorry :/

Don't put yourself down, please. You have a sweet smile. A pair of pretty eyes. Cute nose.

I hate my mouth too lol


One of me at work. I am hideous compared to the all of you :(
Am I initiated now?

No way, thank god you didn't listen to me because you are very handsome.

I've struggled with self-esteem issues for a majority of my life. I still can't look in the mirror myself when I'm getting ready during the morning or when I wash my hands in the restroom. I constantly have to look down or the rest of my day would be ruined. It's an uphill battle for sure. And I still have some stuff that I need to figure out for myself.

I find it helpful when you ask other people how they view you. We are our biggest critics from what I've experienced, and sometimes what you see is not how other people view you. And from me to you, you look great. Just keep telling yourself about the features of yourself you like, and it'll help in the long run.

I definitely have a problem, sorry :(


To everyone who's posted pics: you all look great, and those of you talking yourselves down, don't. You're always your own worst critic. We all have our flaws, but that's what makes us, well... us. Work on the ones you can fix because self improvement is a good thing, and don't dwell on the ones you can't.

More pics pl0x.

Good top of the page post, Parn. Oh, and you look great too!

Bolded: Yes Please!


So starting Wednesday I'm probably not going to be posting at all since I'm going to be traveling for the next three weeks.

I do have a twitter handle now at least so if you like to see me babble there's that. (Quote this post to see it) I can't really browse NeoGAF on the road because the browser tears through my Phone's battery in about three hours.


One of me at work. I am hideous compared to the all of you :(
Am I initiated now?

You look fine. I wish I had your complexion. I pretty much look like a corpse with acne.


Gold Member
I won't be satisfied until I look as hot as my FFXIV character.


I need abs like those. And since I'm being wishful, a boyfriend too, haha.


I definitely have a problem, sorry :(
It's okay to have problems. We all have them, there's no need to apologize for it. The first step to being happy with yourself is shifting your mentality from: "Why am I so ugly?" to "What can I do so that I can feel better about the way I look?." I only started to get better when I realized this, and it takes time, but you should always look forward to your happiness at the end of the road.


I typically don't post pictures of myself. Not having a camera worth anything doesn't help. Almost participated in a RPJ once, but the only picture I could use was old and unflattering. I'll stick with the anonymity.

I won't be satisfied until I look as hot as my FFXIV character.

I need abs like those. And since I'm being wishful, a boyfriend too, haha.

I'd post pictures of my Vindictus character, but I'm pretty sure they'd be NSFW.


No way, thank god you didn't listen to me because you are very handsome.

You look fine. I wish I had your complexion. I pretty much look like a corpse with acne.

you're a bunch of lying flatterers
but thanks for the ego stroke <3

Glad you're all as nice as I'd hoped you'd be, since every other time I thought about popping in and saying hi the conversations seemed rather heavy and not a very appropriate time to introduce myself.


you're a bunch of lying flatterers
but thanks for the ego stroke <3

Glad you're all as nice as I'd hoped you'd be, since every other time I thought about popping in and saying hi the conversations seemed rather heavy and not a very appropriate time to introduce myself.

We're not nice, we're just thristy

oh god i did this when i was 13 X___X ow ow ow ow ow

13? WTF?

My ideal body for me
and my man


That looks nice tbh


I won't be satisfied until I look as hot as my FFXIV character.
I need abs like those. And since I'm being wishful, a boyfriend too, haha.

Man, I really wish I could play around with FFXIV's character creator.

I'm too much of a filthy cheapskate to pay for a month.

I followed :)


Sweet Jeebus. Ow.

(nasty thing inside)
and Sanitizers like that are probably really bad for it either way because of the symbiotic bacteria living in the colon.

you're a bunch of lying flatterers
but thanks for the ego stroke <3

Glad you're all as nice as I'd hoped you'd be, since every other time I thought about popping in and saying hi the conversations seemed rather heavy and not a very appropriate time to introduce myself.

Nah seriously brah, you look fine. If I didn't think so I wouldn't have said anything.

And we're a smidge temperamental, but we're there for each other for the most part.

but thanks for the ego stroke <3



Aw yiss, top 30. Somehow.

*revs up best dota unit voice* Selemene commands!

Obvs Luna has a little bit of a hatefuck thing going on with Mirana, but who does she like in men? These are the big questions.
Not sure, but I'd go for Magina if I were her.


Small tip: in tumblr picture URLs replace the numbers before .jpg with 1280 and you'll see a higher res version if available. That has worked up to 1200x1920 for me.

I think the sizes are 250-400-500-1280.

I know, I make it smaller on purpose hehe


I know, I make it smaller on purpose hehe

Yeah, can probably overwhelm some :p

I remember when Naked Snake found a flickr library with hot men playing on the beach in so high of a resolution you could clearly see the sand particles on the wet skin....


Gold Member
Well, shit. Thanks!
It's worth noting that the creator doesn't have as many options as many Korean MMOs do. But the game also prevents you from making obnoxious looking characters which tends to be a problem with MMOs that give you a buttload of sliders to mess with.

Honestly, the flexibility of character customization hits more with clothing options. Male characters can run around in nothing but skivvies. You can create some really neat combinations.


NIce New thread new Avi!
Here's a selfie of me eating candy :3
Lol nah here is a pic of me in my car from a few months back :p
You are cute! Your avi too. :3

Now that everyone is doing it, I'm sharing this selfie that I took about two weeks ago while my older sister was on a visit.


I turned 30 three months ago and even tough I live in a city with quite a healthy gay scene, I haven't really had relationship yet, so I could say I'm quite inexperienced, mostly because I'm not an outgoing or social person. I'd rather be at home than on the street.

I work helping my mother with the family business since my father died about 8 years ago, I also live with her and does a good job of pretending I'm not gay since I came out to her like five years ago. At least she doesn't ask me why I'm not dating any girls anymore and that was my main motivation for coming out then, so, mission acomplished I guess.

I've been posting really sporadically in the lgbt threads since becoming a member but I tought I might introduce myself again now that there is a new thread.

By the way, while I was searching for the selfie above I remembered that I made this post to the NSFW gaf tumblr when it was just starting and I was a lurker. Oh, to be 25 (and healthier and thinner) again. If nothing else, thing of me as a cautionary tale and don't waste your 20's like I did. :p
You look great. Jealous of your tan.

I share the pains of having no all to active LGBTAQI community in my city. Maybe I should really move to the capital city of my country (Vienna), they have a quite of pride events there.
Now that everyone is doing it, I'm sharing this selfie that I took about two weeks ago while my older sister was on a visit.


I turned 30 three months ago and even tough I live in a city with quite a healthy gay scene, I haven't really had relationship yet, so I could say I'm quite inexperienced, mostly because I'm not an outgoing or social person. I'd rather be at home than on the street.

I work helping my mother with the family business since my father died about 8 years ago, I also live with her and does a good job of pretending I'm not gay since I came out to her like five years ago. At least she doesn't ask me why I'm not dating any girls anymore and that was my main motivation for coming out then, so, mission acomplished I guess.

I've been posting really sporadically in the lgbt threads since becoming a member but I tought I might introduce myself again now that there is a new thread.

By the way, while I was searching for the selfie above I remembered that I made this post to the NSFW gaf tumblr when it was just starting and I was a lurker. Oh, to be 25 (and healthier and thinner) again. If nothing else, thing of me as a cautionary tale and don't waste your 20's like I did. :p


I'll be honest the acronym is kind of insane.

Anyway yay new thread.
If you make a song out of it, similar to Spongebob's FUN song like I did in my head after reading it, it suddenly becomes much more tolerable. (Not that I had any problem with it before)


Now I just have to write the lyrics... :D

L stands for....
G stands for...
B stands for...
T stands for...
Q stands for...
I stands for...
A stands for...


If you make a song out of it, similar to Spongebob's FUN song like I did in my head after reading it, it suddenly becomes much more tolerable. (Not that I had any problem with it before)


Now I just have to write the lyrics... :D

L stands for....
G stands for...
B stands for...
T stands for...
Q stands for...
I stands for...
A stands for...



Here's a few selfies I took on the trip! Last one is with the boyfriend.

Wow, so many selfies, I can't. You all look great, by the way. Someday I'll upload one, I'm not in the mood to do so. Actually, not in the mood for anything. I'll just sit in the ground and crumble. :(
If you make a song out of it, similar to Spongebob's FUN song like I did in my head after reading it, it suddenly becomes much more tolerable. (Not that I had any problem with it before)

Now I just have to write the lyrics... :D

L stands for....
G stands for...
B stands for...
T stands for...
Q stands for...
I stands for...
A stands for...
L stands for "Lava" to burn down the whole thread,
G stands for "gas", to smother all.
B stands for "blowing up bomb".
T stands for "tickles" to torture the whole thread,
Q stands for "Quicksand" to drown your foes.
I stands for "Irreversible" destruction,
And A stands for "always" watching you, here in the deep blue thread.

It's difficult with so many new and different letters while simultaneously trying to extend such a short, repetitive melody for a longer song.
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