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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me

I don't usually do reaction vids, but it's been pretty fun watching youtube streamers react to the ending of episode 3.

Also, Geek Remix is on top of this IP. Some fun videos coming from them.

I liked their playthrough. But some of their theory videos are just....wtf. A lot of the theories they post just come from the devs reusing assets.
PSN Sale incoming!


Are you kidding me, I just bought twice -_-

The game's atmosphere is nice, there's a lot of cringey stuff but with the context of adolescent girls, it fits.


Wasn't there an E3 interview/tweet/whatever where someone accidentally leaked the planned release date for EP4 (July 21th)? Maybe I'm imagining things.
PSN Sale incoming!


Hm, might pick this up for PS4. Don't own one yet but will eventually and would like to be able to play something on it besides Tales of Zestiria.

Wasn't there an E3 interview/tweet/whatever where someone accidentally leaked the planned release date for EP4 (July 21th)? Maybe I'm imagining things.

This would be the best birthday present ever lol, hopefully it's true!


Going to start episode 3 soon. It's been quite a ride so far, but I felt bad over the ending of 2.

Life is Strange is my first real exposure to these "walking simulator". Enjoying it more than I thought I would.

Life is Strange is special.

I enjoyed the hell out of its pace , and walking around, enjoying the details in the world and what not. The story and player implications were also very good.

The other walking simulators are insufferable.

The wolf among us was great, I guess Borderlands is not too bad, but anything else from telltale is pure cancer (bttf, jurassic park , game of thrones, walking dead season 2) with the exception of their first season of walking dead.

Where you have nothing to find in the world, where literally 3 choices out of the whole thing have an actual change on the plot, and the realization is just garbage.

I recommend old point and click adventures if you like Life is Strange.


God I hate the term "walking simulator." The only game I'd even think about seriously applying that term to is Dear Esther because there's literally zero interactivity outside of the walking. It really pisses me off when people use it to describe games like Gone Home.

Woah Life is strange ep 1 takes some dark dark turns.

You're saying that about Ep. 1? Oh man are you in for some shit.

Venom Fox

Really enjoyed Ep's 1, 2, 3.
Easily my favourite hidden gem of the year, hope they do a season 2!


Spoiler for Ep3 end!!
I pray to god that Max can return to the real universe, fuck that alternate universe with Chloe in a wheel chair.

Although it does make sense that Max will return things to normal because well, the whole point of the game is to figure out how to save Arcadia Bay / the world, as far as I can tell the alternate universe would have changed the fate of the world.


Woah Life is strange ep 1 takes some dark dark turns.
Oh man, you are on the tip of the darkness sir.
I liked their playthrough. But some of their theory videos are just....wtf. A lot of the theories they post just come from the devs reusing assets.
Yeah, but I guess that's why I like them, since their ideas are so out there. A few though, like one of the more recent ones involving the religion (can't remember the name) are really neat.


God I hate the term "walking simulator." The only game I'd even think about seriously applying that term to is Dear Esther because there's literally zero interactivity outside of the walking. It really pisses me off when people use it to describe games like Gone Home.
I actually like the "walking simulator" term. I guess some people mean it as a nasty joke. I think it's cute. Anyway, walking simulators really are about walking around. Seriously, play Dear Esther, Gone Home, Proteus, etc.

This is more of a visual novel/adventure game hybrid.
You're saying that about Ep. 1? Oh man are you in for some shit.

I guess so !
For me a possible abduction, abusive step-parent, and attempted rape / sexual assault are dark

Episode 1 finished.
I really enjoyed :
- The atmosphere
- Being able to scan a lot of things. The OCD part of me greatly enjoys that.
- The music
- The art direction which saves the technical aspect which is kind of weak, fortunately - especially coming from Arkham Knight which is a beautiful game. I love PS4's share function, so allow me to share my favourite shots of Ep 1 :
I'm a horrible persone because that made me laugh a lot :

Bird on the statue's head, is that a trope ?

Max's monument of narcissism :

Overdisplaying nationalism makes me laugh, but I think that flag looks cool here.

I wish there was a photo mode.

- I feel like the characters are written like actual teenagers.
- The main mechanic of rewinding time. It is funny because it makes Max as omnipotent as the player on a meta level, especially when you use your power to advance through the game, save scumming style
like at one point I didn't know who a famous photograph was, I had to select ALL the answers and rewinding before getting the right one
. I hope there will be some kind of New Game + where you basically are an omnipotent time travelling god with all the information you learnt through the game. Like a golden run with or a golden ending, like Matsuribayashi-hen in the visual novel Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
- The feeling of immunity you have for experimenting with a lot of things of the games, being nosy (like Max said at one point "Boy I feel nosy today")
- The French translation
- The recap at the end with your choices and the rest of the world's. (obviously spoilers)To see if you are some kind of psychopath or not
who the hell are the 3% who looked at the pregnancy test and kept that choice ?
I would have loved if you could filter the results by country / region, just to see.

I didn't like / I wish it had :
- It still feels dichotomial in the choices you can make when you rewind time. It might be technically difficult to propose 3 or 4 choices. But maybe Max should be able to take a third option when she sees both of the previous ones weren't as good as she hoped.
- Language options would've been appreciated.
- The faces' animation could use some work. Not to the point of LA Noire style though, I like the stylized faces.
- The game feels a little stiff movement-wise.
- Puzzles are a little simplistic.

Maybe I'm being a little hard on it, considering it is a 20€ downloadable game
or 40€ depending on your reading skills
, but I really enjoyed this first episode, I had way way more fun with it than the entirety of time I passed with the studio's previous game Remember Me. It just feels like there's a lot of unrealised potential (maybe for a future game ?)

Also I read somewhere (maybe on GAF) that a sentence in the game about vaccination was controversial, maybe this one :

"When I got a flu shot, I actually got the flu. This is bullshit"
At the time it didn't feel like an anti-vaccine thing imho, it's just something a (teenage) patient would say in a similar situation (I had my fair share of patients that thought exactly like this), so it didn't shock me.

"Final Fantasy The Spirits Within is the best SF movie ever" - wishful thinkin Square Enix ?


I actually like the "walking simulator" term. I guess some people mean it as a nasty joke. I think it's cute. Anyway, walking simulators really are about walking around. Seriously, play Dear Esther, Gone Home, Proteus, etc.

This is more of a visual novel/adventure game hybrid.

I do love Proteus; it's just such a lovely, calming game. Gone Home has more depth to it than Proteus or Dear Esther though. People often tend to minimize the fantastic way it tells its story - and I'm not talking about Sam's story either, but the way it subtly reveals background information and lets you put the pieces together yourself. Sam's story is for players who want a clear arc to the plot, but there's so much you can miss and it really rewards multiple playthroughs. Sam's story is almost like a tutorial for piecing together other facets of the family's history. Terrence's story in particular is genius.

Anyway, back to Life Is Strange, Ep. 3 spoilers:
My best guess is that we'll go back to William's life-or-death moment and let him leave. That would be an extremely heartwrenching moment that I could totally see Dontnod doing - you've saved him before, you know you're capable of it, but despite that you have to stand there and let him walk out the door to his death in order to fix the timeline.

@Tribes: Yeah, it's definitely got a number of flaws, and I sometimes feel like it's some kind of cheesy teen drama TV show I'm addicted to - but it's got this dopey charm to it all, and it's interspersed with quite a few legitimately brilliant moments that elevate it above a mere "eh, it's OK" rank for me.


At the time it didn't feel like an anti-vaccine thing imho, it's just something a (teenage) patient would say in a similar situation (I had my fair share of patients that thought exactly like this), so it didn't shock me.

"Final Fantasy The Spirits Within is the best SF movie ever" - wishful thinkin Square Enix ?

Yeah I don't think it as an anti-vaccine thing.
I'm pro-vaccinations, but I don't get the flu shot, because I usually do seem to get sick after getting one, lol


- It still feels dichotomial in the choices you can make when you rewind time. It might be technically difficult to propose 3 or 4 choices. But maybe Max should be able to take a third option when she sees both of the previous ones weren't as good as she hoped.
There is no internal consistency for the rewind powers except in a game/mechanics sense. Sure, I guess it stands out because at times you can rewind 5 minutes and other times going back 2 seconds is about it. It's the only thing that makes the game feel 'gamey' (if we're not counting the lip sync or lack thereof). I don't think it takes me out of the experience but you sorta just learn to roll with it.
Been avoiding this thread, I played Ep 1 on release day but didn't go back.

Just caught up on Ep 2 and 3, all I can say is WOW.

There's some bad dialogue in there, but the amount of HEART in this story is fucking incredible. I haven't fallen in love with a setting and characters like this in a long time, it feels like a TV show I've watched for years, not a game I've spent only hours in.

I am going to be a mess when it ends :(


I bought this when it came out, but decided to not play it at all because I'm familiar with how frustrating it can be to wait for new episodes with Telltale's stuff, and I wanted to wait until all of the episodes were out before diving in.

I decided to start yesterday, though, and now I'm caught up. It's convenient that episode 4's coming out real soon, at least. Life Is Strange is a great game with good characters; Max is a nice protagonist.

Though, (Episode 3 SPOILERS)
she really fucked things up back there. Not too surprising that she'd do what she did—driven by impulse—because of her good nature, but that's probably the one time she really screwed up.
This just in: kids are dumb!
I was 18 at a time too, I never considered doing this, nor I ever considered 18 to still be a kid :p

Ep 2 :
I am at a crossroads now. I'm before the asshole principal, the asshole Nathan, the asshole David and the little less assholish Jefferson. I kind of want to denounce Nathan, but who knows what will happen. Especially since I don't seem to have any more power.

That was a nice subversion though. Made me really tense in the whole Kate suicide thing. Like unique choices in Deus Ex.


Meh 18 year olds now a days are more child like

It always depends on the person. Something like that wouldn't be expected from Max, for example, but would be expected from Chloe, so that's what makes it work to me. Like the game itself demonstrates, 18 year olds don't all act or think the same.
I fully expect a trailer tomorrow, release date on the 14th. Last time the trailer was released 6 days before it came out.

Trailer was day before release last time (Monday morning). Date was announced the week before (Wed or Thur)

And a reminder trailers are spoiler minefields!
Trailer was day before release last time (Monday morning). Date was announced the week before (Wed or Thur)

And a reminder trailers are spoiler minefields!

oh, my bad. Mean the date then, not trailer. It was 6 days before. And yeah, I have never watched a trailer for any of them
Overdisplaying nationalism makes me laugh, but I think that flag looks cool here.

This is a subtle point for non-Americans, but the way the flag is hung is not patriotic. You're supposed to hang the flag with the stars (or the "union") at the top, not the bottom. It's hard to say what the flag means when flown upside down AND vertical, but generally hanging a flag upside down is meant to indicate distress.

I think Chloe just doesn't give a shit about the flag as anything other than drapery, and maybe she's also giving the proverbial finger to David and his military record (hanging the flag wrong intentionally seems like the kind of thing David would hate).
This is a subtle point for non-Americans, but the way the flag is hung is not patriotic. You're supposed to hang the flag with the stars (or the "union") at the top, not the bottom. It's hard to say what the flag means when flown upside down AND vertical, but generally hanging a flag upside down is meant to indicate distress.

I think Chloe just doesn't give a shit about the flag as anything other than drapery, and maybe she's also giving the proverbial finger to David and his military record (hanging the flag wrong intentionally seems like the kind of thing David would hate).

Ho nice thanks, didn't catch that as the flag was vertical, but it would make perfect sense with the caracter (the only example I know of is House of Cards' logo)

Also, MFW I beat Episode 3

I think it is appropriate

The moment (spoilers for Episode 3)
I felt the photo vibrate, I knew Max was going to go back in time to prevent William's death

But then again, "Chaos Theory" being the name and theme of the episode, I knew some kind of tribute had to be paid for William to be alive, and things were about to get awry.

I really appreciated the 3 episodes, even with their defaults.
- As always, two extreme choices. No middle ground ever.
Particularly during Chloé and David's fight at home in front of Joyce. Maybe after witnessing the two outcomes, it would've been nice to
- The whole
two wales dinner scene when you probe around to get everyone to spill their beans, and then rewind everything, being an information god, seeing Nathan freak out at what you know...that was so good.
- Seeing Max dicking around with her power
*spills drink on Frank* "I wanted to see what would happen" *takes the keys* "I'm taking those keys asshole"
- With that said, the power's rules are a little incoherent depending on the situation
At first you think you get back to the past in the physical location you were, but in ep 3, you actually go back in time but stay in the same place...same with items that stay with you, like Frank's keys.
- I really really want
a golden ending route once you beat the game. Or at least the ability to fast forward already read/heard dialogue. I tried to do it with Ep 1 on another file save but it is just so tedious to read and hear everything again.
- We are a shitload of people to have selected Max kissing Chloé. Pervs.

Also I really laughed at the "Hey I know you kissed me and rewinded time now quip from Chloé because this is exactly what I did when I selected the "No kiss" option. I wonder if she says the same thing when you select "No Kiss" first

Is it me or are the episodes longer and longer ? Ep 3 felt longer than 2, and longer than 1. Not that it is a bad thing.

Oh, and is it time for insane theories ?
Rachel is actually Max gone back in time. Why ? WHO CARES.
Max is actually a wizard, and the doe is her future self's patronus guiding her.
Max is a Cyanide and Happiness character
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