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Little Known Facts About Celebrities

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Errol Flynn used to amuse his guests by using his huge penis to play the piano

Spike Jones used his to play the Xylophone

There's more than a few interviews about him lamenting the fact that he's probably going to die alone. It's quite sad :(
If Nicholson would stop dating 20-year-olds, he'd have no problem finding a woman to grow old with him. Seeing him with an age-appropriate wife in About Schmidt was strange.


Before Home Improvement, Tim Allen was once a drug smuggler and avoided life in prison by snitching on 20 other people involved in the operation.

Dont know if thats well known or not, but it was def news to me when I read it days ago.


Before Home Improvement, Tim Allen was once a drug smuggler and avoided life in prison by snitching on 20 other people involved in the operation.

Dont know if thats well known or not, but it was def news to me when I read it days ago.


Not the biggest celebrity, but the guy who played the main henchman in Die Hard:


Was a ballet dancer:


Don't mess with ballet dancers.
Was reading a fascinating article on Jack Nicholson on uproxx.com when I came upon this little tidbit that I was completely unaware of:


What other interesting, yet not well known, facts about celebrities are there?

This was pretty common back in the day, when kids born out of wedlock were incredibly frowned upon. I think the exact same thing happened to my Mum's aunt.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Saoirse Ronan was born in New York City and moved to Ireland when she was 3.

Related lesser-known fact: She moved to London last year. John Crowley (director of Brooklyn) said in an interview that she moved into her own place across the pond between signing on to the film and production starting, likening it somewhat to the journey that her character goes through.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Related lesser-known fact: She moved to London last year. John Crowley (director of Brooklyn) said in an interview that she moved into her own place across the pond between signing on to the film and production starting, likening it somewhat to the journey that her character goes through.

She also cried a lot and talked to her mum everyday.
And is a dual citizen like, myself. So there JaseC!


Mariah Carey's sister is an HIV+ prostitute (has been arrested multiple times) who claims she starting having sex with men for money to help fund Mariah's singing career when first starting off, only to then have Mariah completely abandon her when she became famous.....


Mariah Carey's sister is an HIV+ prostitute (has been arrested multiple times) who claims she starting having sex with men for money to help fund Mariah's singing career when first starting off, only to then have Mariah completely abandon her when she became famous.....



God damn.


Reese Witherspoon's brother is an attempted rapist (crawled through a woman's window at 2am and tried to rape her whilst she was sleeping)...





In the late ’90s, Titanic had just made Leonardo DiCaprio the most lusted-after heartthrob in the world, and he was enjoying all the rewards of his newfound fame and fortune. DiCaprio kept a close-knit group of guy friends that called themselves “the pussy posse,” named after their love of chasing girls and partying. They became New York City nightlife fixtures, with bad-boy behaviors like getting into fights, setting off stink bombs in nightclubs, and worst of all, being notoriously bad tippers to waitstaff.

A 1998 New York magazine article, “Leo, Prince of the City,” details the rumors of the posse’s exploits. It’s full of amazing moments, like Elizabeth Berkeley’s boyfriend trying to beat up one posse member who kept calling Berkeley and asking her to dinner and a quote by Sen. John McCain saying “Leonardo DiCaprio … is an androgynous wimp.” The article gets really crazy when the writer convinces a Leo look-alike to drive around Times Square in a limo, sending teen girls into a frenzy.

The posse was made up mostly of child actors who got to know one another growing up in L.A. and seeing each other at the same auditions — DiCaprio himself was a child actor before he hit it big. (The close male friendships stoked the fires of rumor that he was gay or bisexual for years, though it seems it was all just a bromance.)

The posse appears to have remained tight to this day, core members going to Lakers games and red carpets together. Several posse members keep popping up in DiCaprio’s films or working behind the scenes for his production company.


Madonna's (who's worth over a BILLION dollars) homeless brother...

"The truth is Madonna doesn't care if i'm dead. I doubt she'd even recognize me" - Anthony Ciccone



Madonna's (who's worth over a BILLION dollars) homeless brother...

"The truth is Madonna doesn't care if i'm dead. I doubt she'd even recognize me" - Anthony Ciccone
Who refused a job offer that would require him to go back to rehab, that lapsed out of the rehab she paid for, ...
I don't get this idea people have to support their family members. Not all families actually like each other.


Thought every knows that penn beat Madonna.

I still "Bob Sagat raped and killed a girl" joke from Gottfried.

And is that David blame in the pic with Leo and Toby?


Madonna is an unapologetic racist.

In Spin's January 1996 issue, the seductive entertainer revealed she never expressed her controversial opinion before, but she thought the way Black men treated her was a reflection of their culture.

Madonna, who was once involved in a highly publicized relationship with colorful, controversial basketball star Dennis Rodman of the Chicago Bulls, went on to say, "I think Black men have just been s--- on for so long, that, in a way, Black women are maybe more willing to accept rage from a Black man, because they see what's happened to them."

She said many Black men grow up without fathers or strong male figures, and they are used to seeing men disrespect women.

In the exclusive interview, Madonna noted she thought she appealed to Blacks because she's a female, therefore in a minority group also. But she said she later realized that the Black community does not support her.

That's not racist. That's a truth that applies to american "blacks".
Divorce, single parent, imprisonment and domestic abuse rates are considerably high for the american "black" minority.
So she drew reasonable conclusions.


Who refused a job offer that would require him to go back to rehab, that lapsed out of the rehab she paid for, ...
I don't get this idea people have to support their family members. Not all families actually like each other.
Yea, I don't think I would fund a drug addict either even if he/she was my close relative and I had hundreds of millions to spare.
That's not racist. That's a truth that applies to american "blacks".
Divorce, single parent, imprisonment and domestic abuse rates are considerably high for the american "black" minority.
So she drew reasonable conclusions.
Her statement boils down to, "Dennis Rodman treated me like shit because black men are predisposed to being shitty."

I doubt she blamed white people as a collective mass when Sean Penn didn't work out.

She might not be racist, but it's a racist thing to say.


Gold Member
Related lesser-known fact: She moved to London last year. John Crowley (director of Brooklyn) said in an interview that she moved into her own place across the pond between signing on to the film and production starting, likening it somewhat to the journey that her character goes through.

She also bought a home in Howth (just outside Dublin) last year I think

Mr Git

Sean Connery turned down the role of Gandalf for the LOTR films.

Jimi Hendrix played the ukulele before progressing to the guitar.

Saint Nicholas was Turkish.
That's not racist. That's a truth that applies to american "blacks".
Divorce, single parent, imprisonment and domestic abuse rates are considerably high for the american "black" minority.
So she drew reasonable conclusions.
Oh. So the conclusion she came to, that black men treat women poorly is correct because of that? Would it also be fair to conclude that it's therefore fine as well to profile those black men? Deny them jobs? Deny them...love? Because some people do X in a group, that means all people in that group should be treated the same? Not on a character by character basis? Sean Penn beat the crap out of her, she went on to later defend his character. Yet somehow she was fine throwing ALL black men under the bus? American equality at its finest.
Errol Flynn used to amuse his guests by using his huge penis to play the piano

And in the Robin Hood films he had to have it taped up because otherwise it just hung down the leg of his tights. Back when we used matches instead of lighters when someone asked for a match I'd always reply with "Not since Errol Flynn died"........ you had to be there....


That's not racist. That's a truth that applies to american "blacks".
Divorce, single parent, imprisonment and domestic abuse rates are considerably high for the american "black" minority.
So she drew reasonable conclusions.

So you're ignoring the part where she generalises all black men as treating women badly?
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