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LittleBigPlanet Official Thread: Live in your world, play in ours.

Everyone think that torch is done by balloons well it not :lol

this was made by in the beta

Sackboy Tells a Bad Joke (Survival)
by jump_button

Don't get booed of the sage keep on the mic for more points.
just a bit of fun and im sorry if you are unluck and get hit by somthing big at the start XD

I hope you enjoy it and thanx to cromazonic who was a help in the beta with this

Ranger X said:
So how is it made? (you can spoiler or PM me)
A loooong rod and a wheel in the sky out of view?


Pistons on some glass and a grab switch ^^, pistons set to the right wickness so it wightless grab switch set so when you let go it pull it down

ps you can make it so you can do a super jump with it

Dr. Chaos

I had almost forgotten how fun this game was. I tend to play it in short bursts off and on every other month or so and started picking the controller back up today to take the new water levels out for a spin and the game still feels as lively as ever with alot of buried treasure to rummage through.

Whenever I'm bored with nothing else to play, sure enough, it seems like this damn game will always be there.

It's hard to imagine owning a PS3 without it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ranger X said:
When the level starts, there's a message telling you to turn your prize collecting option on ...

I didn't see it, unless it's in the level description. Odd. I'll replay it later.


gofreak said:
There's apparently tricks you can use to build out into layers beyond the standard ones, build out into the background.

A couple more pics from jump_button's level:



I took some others but LBP's low resolution on screens and the stripping out of lighting etc. make them shadows of what you actually see on screen :(

Any idea how it's done?


I know it has probably been discussed, but I too would like a mine walkthrough of making that 3D glitch.

And jump_button: I've finally brushed the dust of my copy of LBP, and I started off by playing some of your levels. Great stuff, though perhaps I'd enjoy them more if you exchanged the old checkpoints with the infinity ones. But by God, you're a great creator.
Now, to read through the other thread to find more good levels. (Submarine Sabotage was awesome too!)
LittleBigPlanet (psp) The Sack That Time Forgot Level Pack (£2.39/€2.99) cant see any pics of what we get anywhere :/

as for backgrounds its what know as the "Bakscratch's 50 Layers glitch" take alittle geting use too it is a glitch but good if you want to make you own BG


Ok, I normally don't rage playing games but I got around to trying the Pirates pack and the final level is a piece of shit. You are in that little tiny compartment and the cannonballs just drop down and roll around and I swear it's absolutely random luck whether you die or not. Also doesn't help that the level sucks. I got to the 3rd fight against the kraken and died and I'm not replaying that so I guess I'm not finishing the pack.

This is the first time I've played LBP PS3 since LBP PSP and I'm amazed that the improvements from the PSP game haven't been patched in. Why hasn't infinite lives been used for these new pirate levels? Why haven't the physics been improved like the PSP one?

And then water. Considering that water levels are always the most unfun sections of any game, why would they add it in the way they did (with bubbles and timers and all). The water sections in the pack were not fun and I hate how dark the game gets when underwater. It makes it hard to see.

Blah. I love LBP but this pack made me :mad:

Ranger X

Physics improved on PSP? lol

Looks like me and you will disagree about this. Also, it's easy not to get hit by the bullets. Just blow to top cannon of the first 2 boats and then wait. Stay in the upper part.
The boats aren't going away because you blow them up but because of a timer. If you don't kill them completely they don't repawn anew. You will ace the boss almost eye close with my technique here.



Well the jumping felt better on psp. So it feels weird coming back to the PS3 physics which feel more floaty.

Will try your strategy on that stage. Was getting really frustrated with it. Especially because I thought infinite lives was a major improvement on the psp version. The game should be relaxing or super tough if you want to ACE the level. Since the levels are long it's really frustrating to die and have to start over.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Zen said:
Any idea how it's done?

I'm not sure myself...a google might reveal all. May be some vids on youtube showing how too, would be surprised if not given that it seems to be fairly frequently used.


Bebpo said:
Ok, I normally don't rage playing games but I got around to trying the Pirates pack and the final level is a piece of shit. You are in that little tiny compartment and the cannonballs just drop down and roll around and I swear it's absolutely random luck whether you die or not. Also doesn't help that the level sucks. I got to the 3rd fight against the kraken and died and I'm not replaying that so I guess I'm not finishing the pack.

This is the first time I've played LBP PS3 since LBP PSP and I'm amazed that the improvements from the PSP game haven't been patched in. Why hasn't infinite lives been used for these new pirate levels? Why haven't the physics been improved like the PSP one?

And then water. Considering that water levels are always the most unfun sections of any game, why would they add it in the way they did (with bubbles and timers and all). The water sections in the pack were not fun and I hate how dark the game gets when underwater. It makes it hard to see.

Blah. I love LBP but this pack made me :mad:

They added water because it was one of the most requested features by the fans. Although I think this is a case where listening to the fans was probably not the best course of action, since it was a ton of work and as you said water levels in games are generally not that fun.

The boss isn't a problem really. All you need to do is destroy the cannons on the two ships and leave them alone and the Kraken will eventually reappear. Which is kind of bad game design because the player should be rewarded for destroying the ships instead of punished but there you go.


I finally bought the game. i made my first level ("l'arbre Roi" in french) but my last project is a mystic square puzzle 5x5 format


Level: "Mystic Square Puzzle (Taquin)"
ID: Upsilandre

Complex machine, physic engine is very stressed
- 717 Magnetic switches/keyes
- 544 Pistons/Winches
- 600 Wires
13 % of this budget for the programmable fairy lights (with 8 different animations sequences + ON/OFF states )


Quaz51 said:
I finally buy the game. i made my first level ("l'arbre Roi" in french) but my last project is a mystic square puzzle 5x5 format


Level: "Mystic Square Puzzle (Taquin)"
ID: Upsilandre

Complex machine, physic engine is very stressed
- 717 Magnetic switches/keyes
- 544 Pistons/Winches
- 600 Wires
13 % of this budget for the programmable fairy lights (with 8 different animations sequences + ON/OFF states )

Insane man.

Ranger - Pretty sure he did the calc during the beta.


Im still glad water is in the game, since it does expand the situations you can set up, adds atmosphere for swamps, volcanos, acid pools on alien planets, fruit punch, etc. Doesnt have to always be used for swimming sections.


Quaz51 said:
i made calculator on the 2008 beta but buy the PS3 game recently

Upsilandre, ahh yes.. Glad to hear you finally got the game. I'll check out your level this weekend along with some of the others posted.
Quaz51 said:
I finally bought the game. i made my first level ("l'arbre Roi" in french) but my last project is a mystic square puzzle 5x5 format


Level: "Mystic Square Puzzle (Taquin)"
ID: Upsilandre

Complex machine, physic engine is very stressed
- 717 Magnetic switches/keyes
- 544 Pistons/Winches
- 600 Wires
13 % of this budget for the programmable fairy lights (with 8 different animations sequences + ON/OFF states )

:) played this loved it was trying to work how it was done, but now i know i was nowhere close to working it out lol


So I finally got around to playing this today. I'm mostly going to comment on the story mode since that's what I played.

Opening is very charming. First few levels are very boring. The rest are a mix of genius (temples) and outright frustrating level design (islands). I'm at the final level right now and taking a break because the floaty controls I'm constantly fighting have gotten me killed for the last time tonight. I really don't get how this could be considered a GOTY contender. It's more on the level of Splosion Man or A Boy and his Blob for me. I think I'd feel more than a little ripped off if I bought it at $60. Fortunately I got it for free. Also, I just finished playing a Crack in Time which is so much better overall.

Liking the music. Very unique. Also played a couple user created levels, and one of them was Avatar. Pretty neat. I look forward to checking that stuff out.


AniHawk said:
So I finally got around to playing this today. I'm mostly going to comment on the story mode since that's what I played.

Opening is very charming. First few levels are very boring. The rest are a mix of genius (temples) and outright frustrating level design (islands). I'm at the final level right now and taking a break because the floaty controls I'm constantly fighting have gotten me killed for the last time tonight. I really don't get how this could be considered a GOTY contender. It's more on the level of Splosion Man or A Boy and his Blob for me. I think I'd feel more than a little ripped off if I bought it at $60. Fortunately I got it for free. Also, I just finished playing a Crack in Time which is so much better overall.

Liking the music. Very unique. Also played a couple user created levels, and one of them was Avatar. Pretty neat. I look forward to checking that stuff out.

Well, the platforming isn't Mario, where every jump is the same based on a few small differences (speed and duration of button press).

It's all physics based, so you have to think about a lot more. Once you can grasp that concept, the game becomes ridiculously easy and all the frustration goes out the window. For instance, you have to think about your running speed, how far the jump is, elevation, and if the platforming you're jumping from / too is moving. Obviously if something isn't a stable surface then it'll absorb a lot of the force of your jump. There are a lot of quirks, but if you give it a little play time, it feels pretty natural.

Honestly I dig it because it's a different kind of platformer and it's an endless gold mine.

I don't see how you could feel ripped off, considering the amount of fantastic user levels and content within the game literally can last you for years. I also don't understand how you can compare this to ACiT, when they are both amazingly different games in every way.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ranger X said:
Physics improved on PSP? lol

Looks like me and you will disagree about this. Also, it's easy not to get hit by the bullets. Just blow to top cannon of the first 2 boats and then wait. Stay in the upper part.
The boats aren't going away because you blow them up but because of a timer. If you don't kill them completely they don't repawn anew. You will ace the boss almost eye close with my technique here.

Yeah, I figured this out on my own and aced the level easily that way. Actually, I think I made it a bit more difficult for myself - I shot the bottom cannons, and then stayed at the bottom level. But it's very easy to avoid cannonballs coming from above, as the ship tilts predictably, so I just stayed on the side opposite to where the ball would roll when it drops down.


MrPliskin said:
I don't see how you could feel ripped off, considering the amount of fantastic user levels and content within the game literally can last you for years.

I don't feel ripped off, but I would have if I paid full price for it.

I also don't understand how you can compare this to ACiT, when they are both amazingly different games in every way.

I weigh the amount of enjoyment I get from one game versus another. When LBP is great, it's better than ACIT (like the temples- holy shit), but when it's bad, it brings the overall quality of the game down below ACIT.

Looking forward to checking out the user created levels. I understand there's a lot of good stuff online, but I'm not going to excuse Media Molecule for bad design decisions in their levels.


GAF's Bob Woodward
AniHawk said:
I really don't get how this could be considered a GOTY contender. It's more on the level of Splosion Man or A Boy and his Blob for me. I think I'd feel more than a little ripped off if I bought it at $60. Fortunately I got it for free. Also, I just finished playing a Crack in Time which is so much better overall.

If you approach it as a standard platformer I can see where you're coming from.

But that's missing, really, the core of the game, and the reason it scored so well and was so lauded and still is so active today - i.e. the degree to which it allows the user to get involved in extending the game and creating things. Having seen what the community has done with it and the ingenuity its highlighted among users, I think that praise was appropriate.

LBP is first and foremost a creative outlet, IMO, a canvas for user ideas. It's fine to judge the attached game on its own merits, but the 40 levels on the disc are really just there to showcase the possibilities of it as a creative tool. I think it's a very good game, but it's almost secondary to the broader LBP vision/ambition. That broader vision being of a big online multiplayer virtual 'make 'n do' kit, that accomodates everything from simple run-n-tumble spaces through to spaces that have platforming ambitions through to what can only be described as high end engineering works - and everything in between.

For that reason, also, it's easily a game that's - to me anyway - something I'd have paid twice as much for, let alone $60 (indeed I probably nearly have when you factor in the DLC I've bought...). But it's among the best money I've ever spent on a game or a piece of software - even as just a consumer of other's content, it still shows me something new, gives me fresh enjoyment on a pretty regular basis well over a year after its release. Not always in a 'omg, that's wonderful game/level design way', but as I said earlier, as a broader creative tool, and seeing how people stretch that and stretch what people thought was possible with it. In terms of delivery of that kind of supply of fresh...happiness/enjoyment/curiousity...I can't think of other games I can say the same for except a couple of the various MMOs I've played.


AniHawk said:
I don't feel ripped off, but I would have if I paid full price for it.

I weigh the amount of enjoyment I get from one game versus another. When LBP is great, it's better than ACIT (like the temples- holy shit), but when it's bad, it brings the overall quality of the game down below ACIT.

Looking forward to checking out the user created levels. I understand there's a lot of good stuff online, but I'm not going to excuse Media Molecule for bad design decisions in their levels.
Okay, so it's more of a level design issue (the later levels being considerably more demanding and difficult). I think the later levels are actually ridiculously easy. If you play them a few times and ace them, you see the simplicity in everything. The biggest problem people have with LBP isn't the jumping or jump distance, or even the 'floaty jumping'. THey think it is, but it's not. It's actually the inertia that is carried by sack boy when you complete a jump, and they slide of the platform or can't stop.

Still, I think the game was more than worth it at full price, considering the enormous amount of content we've received from the community, and some of the great stuff MM has put out.


erotic butter maelstrom
^ Thank you, go freak. I was gonna attempt to say the same thing, but in a much more confusing an inarticulate way. I adore LBP, both as a game and a creation tool. I paid full price for LBP, but considering the amount of time I've put into it between play and create, it's had more value for me than 3 or 4 other retail games combined.
Also, IMO the platforming is 10X more fun when played in (preferably local) co-op with a friend...the swinging, running, jumping and general shenanigans are a blast. I've introduced this game to a few of my friends, they usually don't "get" it at first but within a half hour or so we're both laughing our asses off and having a good time.


Beat the game yesterday. Pretty good finale. Played some good online levels too.

So yeah. Great game. Great music. Kinda weird stuff drags it down in places, but I can see this as something I come back to a month from now and beyond when I've got nothing to do and have beaten everything else in my backlog.


AniHawk said:
Beat the game yesterday. Pretty good finale. Played some good online levels too.

So yeah. Great game. Great music. Kinda weird stuff drags it down in places, but I can see this as something I come back to a month from now and beyond when I've got nothing to do and have beaten everything else in my backlog.

Did you ever think about creating anything? As soon as I started doing it, and learning the system, I started creating more and more and getting really into it.

Right now my workflow has changed, and I'm actually building objects and structures that can easily be placed / cloned / altered to create set pieces. That alone takes up a LOT of my time, lol.

You should really check out some of the cooler community levels though. jackofcourse (I think that's his screen name) has some really cool machinery and puzzles going on in his level.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I really want to get into creating levels in this, but...I'm just kinda at a loss whenever I try. Is there any kind of basic tutorial anywhere on creating levels? Not like the in-game tutorials, as I've completed all of those, but just something more along the lines of basic guidelines you can follow when creating something? Even though the tutorials the game provides are fantastic, there's still a lot I just don't understand.
Just wondering. Has anyone had a corrupted data problem from LBP that has bricked their PS3s?

My PS3 is in for repair right now and the problem came from LBP. I could do as much as I wanted on other games or watch movies but put LBP in for 5 minutes and the system would shut off.
Seraphis Cain said:
I really want to get into creating levels in this, but...I'm just kinda at a loss whenever I try. Is there any kind of basic tutorial anywhere on creating levels? Not like the in-game tutorials, as I've completed all of those, but just something more along the lines of basic guidelines you can follow when creating something? Even though the tutorials the game provides are fantastic, there's still a lot I just don't understand.

look up Logic Pack they give you good tips for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced simply search @LogicPack on the LittleBigPlanet


MrPliskin said:
Did you ever think about creating anything? As soon as I started doing it, and learning the system, I started creating more and more and getting really into it.

Right now my workflow has changed, and I'm actually building objects and structures that can easily be placed / cloned / altered to create set pieces. That alone takes up a LOT of my time, lol.

You should really check out some of the cooler community levels though. jackofcourse (I think that's his screen name) has some really cool machinery and puzzles going on in his level.

I have thought about creating some stuff, but I probably won't because I have a horrible fear of failure that paralyzes me from doing most things creative.


Seraphis Cain said:
I really want to get into creating levels in this, but...I'm just kinda at a loss whenever I try. Is there any kind of basic tutorial anywhere on creating levels? Not like the in-game tutorials, as I've completed all of those, but just something more along the lines of basic guidelines you can follow when creating something? Even though the tutorials the game provides are fantastic, there's still a lot I just don't understand.

You know, just getting online w/someone who can create pretty well and watching them can help a lot (especially if they talk you through it).

The first thing you want to do, at least for me, is work on basic structure of your stage. If you want to do puzzles, think about it in advance, draw it out, design your puzzles as basic as you can, and go from there. Then you can work on theme and atmosphere later.

I usually try to think of how I want my level to go (i.e. top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, all over, etc) and draw it out. Then, get into LBP and start "creating" a general idea as a rough draft. use the materials to create the different platforms and areas.

My recommendation for your first level would be to start simple and avoid using too many pistons / switches / etc. This can be overwhelming at first, and there is a lot to learn. After you get more experience using the corner editor and other tools, you can start building working "machinery".

A good place to start with switches is the LBP Central Logic Pack. TONS of really useful info and objects to capture, and it'll help you better understand how everything "works" in LBP.
LittleBigWorkshop post new LittleBigPlanet Moderation Guide


As many of you have already noticed there have been some unusual levels of moderation activity lately, and subsequent to the recent change in moderation policy there are some additional issues with the moderation system at present that we're working to resolve.

To begin this overview of how moderation works and what you can do to avoid your level being blocked here's how the system is designed to operate :

When a "Good Grief" report is filed through the game the level in question, its comments and associated screenshots are placed into a queue to be checked over by the moderation teams at SCE. These teams are located around the world and the moderation queue is checked around the clock to ensure that levels which should be removed from visibility are dealt with as quickly as possible. It is a common misconception that issuing a Good Grief report automatically blocks a level from being viewed, and this is not the case. The only time a level becomes unavailable is when it has been blocked by a moderator.

The tool used to check levels provides moderators with an exploded view of the level and all the parts used to make it up, including screenshots that were sent with the moderation report. This tool is designed to differentiate between how the level was when it was loaded and what happened during play - so if an antisocial user were to play an inappropriate sticker in your level before reporting it the sticker would show up, but would be associated with the player who placed it, not the level creator.

The same is true of comments and screenshots posted at the beginning of the level - these are associated with whoever placed them, not the original creator.

In the event that a level is moderated the creator will receive a message stating that the level has been blocked, preventing it from being seen by other users - at no point is a level removed from the servers, even if it has been moderated. In the event that the moderated level gives away prizes that can be reused by other creators, or the level itself is copiable, all of the levels using the original content are automatically moderated. This is the area that catches most unsuspecting creators out, and the message received following automatic moderation states that it is due to an item used in the level design rather than the level itself.

It's a straightforward system, and in almost all cases works exactly as intended catching only the levels that should be removed from the game, however as with everything else human error does occur and there have been a couple of incidents in the past of this having happened which have since been cleaned up.

At present, however, some outstanding levels which have been moderated are being investigated again as there are inconsistencies that have shown up in the past couple of weeks. This doesn't mean that if your level has been moderated lately it'll definitely return, neither does it means that there was definitely an issue of some kind, this is purely part of the ongoing process to ensure that the system is working as intended.

That said, if you've had a level moderated since the start of December and you honestly believe it was mistakenly blocked please PM me here with your PSN ID and the title of the level, and it'll be added to the list of levels being double checked.

We're working on making the moderation system more transparent so that the concerns that have been raised lately can be addressed, and in the coming weeks there will be more on this subject, starting with some guidelines on what "grey area" content would warrant a level being moderated; as the game has to be suitable for users aged 7 and above there are limits on how scarey or violent the level can be, and it may be that some acts of moderation have occurred out of levels straying over this line.

I realise that the lack of clarity in this area doesn't help, but improvements are coming.

just as long as the sony HK get this lol they do like to jump the gun

Ranger X

Well, they need to moderate different according to the region because the game I bought here certainly isn't 7+

Also, his explanation sure doesn't explain the "why" some really innofensive levels have been moderated (like Dino Island). So what are those "inconsistancies"? What is this supposed to mean and how is it a reason to block a level?


Alright heres the deal, i've run into a few codes for the LBP pirates level pack. Giving out 10 this week...so free pirates level pack for the first 10 people that send me a PM about it.


Teknoman said:
Alright heres the deal, i've run into a few codes for the LBP pirates level pack. Giving out 10 this week...so free pirates level pack for the first 10 people that send me a PM about it.
I always miss stuff like this, lol. Good stuff anyway dude!


My level has finally passed 10,000 plays. Yay! :D

Also these PoTC costumes are rockin', thanks Teknoman!

edit: level is Vampire Killer X, for those who haven't played it. It is a kinda hard level, should be played 1 player otherwise there are a few parts that will get frustrating(due to camera zooming/moving with multiple ppl)
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