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LittleBigPlanet Official Thread: Live in your world, play in ours.


DMPrince said:
we're never getting that FFVII costumes are we?

Mm said a year ago they ran into negotiation issues with Square-Enix
Then last fall they said it was "coming" again.

I think they're insane and don't know what they're doing. I've been waiting almost a year for my promised Beta Vest costume, as well.

Anyway, Incredibles is nice but idgaf about costumes I could sticker myself, or useless stickers and objects. Where are my gadgets?? Once a year for new toys is too long :(
Must... stay...

Anyway, FFVII is probably dead in the water. There were a bunch of IPs they created costumes for, but never panned out due to negotiation issues, even within SCEJ and SCEA. White Knight and Team ICO stuff have to have been flukes. :lol


jump_button said:
And Mm Aprils Fools joke Sackboy Fragrances oh la la
It's a joke ?
It would've been fun to have another truly original Sackboy...

Remember that Digital Media and Learning Competition where you could get awarded up to $50,000 for an educational LBP level?

I just got word my project "STEM Cell Sackboy" was chosen as a finalist! Terrible timing since the wifey's relatives from England are here on vacation, but I'm definitely going to have to knock the level out now. :lol


STEM Cell Sackboy WIP Video

Project Overview:

Thanks to the robust level creation tools of LittleBigPlanet, Sackboy will jump into the cellular realm and view stem cell research up close and personal. “Stem Cell Sackboy” is a sidescrolling adventure that puts players into the “SackCell” and allows them to interact with embryonic stem cells and participate in an “accelerated” stem cell therapy procedure. Players will learn about the processes of cell growth and reproduction including the importance and ethical issues of stem cell research in the medical and scientific community, on top of experiencing this groundbreaking research through fun puzzles, minigames, and exploration as a cell!

I know Jaeyden and MisterAnderson are working on a project as well which hopefully got chosen as a finalist, too.
gofreak said:
That looks great donkey_show. Is the level complete, or are you going to finish it now that it's a finalist?
Thanks man!

It's about a quarter finished, but I was holding back a bit until they brought up the results. I was making a bunch of other stuff earlier so I didn't want to burn myself out, especially if this didn't get picked up for the finals. :lol

btw, nobody really "wins" $50,000 unless you can justify it in the budget you present to the board when you turn in the final project.
Here's a list of the finalists for the Game Changers competition. There are a couple of Spore levels in there as well:


Jennifer Biedler, Blacksburg High School, United States
Off-the-Shelf-Games as a Pedagogical Tool to Enhance Critical Thinking in High School Biology

Scott Comstock, United States
Aeon Quest: Abduction (Episode 1)

David Dino, United States
Stem Cell Sackboy

Martin Grover, Sambiglyon, United Kingdom
Stop That Baddie!

Lori Hanson, United States
GEO-SPORE 3-D: Master Geometry in a series of 3-D Mathematical Galactic Adventures

Josh Hughes, Add-A-Tudez Entertainment Company // Team KAIZEN, United States
Discovery Pier: a whole new spin on Science and Engineering!

Patrick Keller, United States
DIASTEM (Digitally Integrating Academics of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math): Students Learn by Doing

Clinton Koch, Indiana University, United States
Science Matters: Chemistry Adventures in Little Big Planet

Kan Yang Li, United States
Sackboys and The Mysterious Proof

John Livingston, Tyndale Seminary, Canada
Euphoric Physics

Mark Matthews, United States
Exploring and Promoting Chemistry Through LittleBigPlanet

Gemma McLean, Gemixin Limited, United Kingdom
A Day in the Life of a Computer

Christopher Miller, United States
Little Big Science Series

Stephen Mills, LBPmedia, United Kingdom
Science and engineering based level series – “Powered Down”

Mathew Powers, Indiana University, United States
Creatures Classified! An exploration of cataloging creatures across the galaxy

Susan Stiles, Oak Grove Technologies, United States
The Space Race

Nicholas Street, Street Family, United Kingdom
Finding Sources of Energy
Jaeyden and I regret to inform everyone that our DML contest entry To the Moon and Beyond was not chosen to move on to the next round in the Game Changers competition.

After Media Molecule and Sony featured our initial teaser and project proposal on their blogs, we worked tirelessly on the project in preparation for the next round. We created a three minute machinima/demo/trailer for the contest - finished and ready to be submitted - and although it's unfortunate and disappointing that we're unable to submit it, we nonetheless present you with our final trailer:


Congratz donkey show! We're definitely looking forward to seeing what you and the other finalists come up with.


GAF's Bob Woodward
MisterAnderson said:
Jaeyden and I regret to inform everyone that our DML contest entry To the Moon and Beyond was not chosen to move on to the next round in the Game Changers competition.

After Media Molecule and Sony featured our initial teaser and project proposal on their blogs, we worked tirelessly on the project in preparation for the next round. We created a three minute machinima/demo/trailer for the contest - finished and ready to be submitted - and although it's unfortunate and disappointing that we're unable to submit it, we nonetheless present you with our final trailer:


Congratz donkeyshow! We're definitely looking forward to seeing what you and the other finalists come up with.

Awww :( I guess the unfinished stuff won't be published? It looked very cool.
MisterAnderson said:
Jaeyden and I regret to inform everyone that our DML contest entry To the Moon and Beyond was not chosen to move on to the next round in the Game Changers competition.

After Media Molecule and Sony featured our initial teaser and project proposal on their blogs, we worked tirelessly on the project in preparation for the next round. We created a three minute machinima/demo/trailer for the contest - finished and ready to be submitted - and although it's unfortunate and disappointing that we're unable to submit it, we nonetheless present you with our final trailer:


Congratz donkey show! We're definitely looking forward to seeing what you and the other finalists come up with.
Thanks man. I was surprised to not see your project up there on the finalists list. Any word as to why it was not chosen? Did it meet the necessary STEM objectives?
donkey show said:
Thanks man. I was surprised to not see your project up there on the finalists list. Any word as to why it was not chosen? Did it meet the necessary STEM objectives?

We really have no clue why it wasn't chosen. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe the judges assumed that we weren't focusing on our educational objectives outlined in our project proposal and were instead focusing on the narrative and science fiction elements. While prominent in the project, our focus has always been to use the story and setting as a means to educate the players, so I hope that isn't the reason. It's all speculation at this point since the rejection email was very generic and didn't have any explanation as to why we weren't chosen as a finalist.

We had high hopes for the series and had a slew of really great ideas; it's a shame that we were never truly given a chance to compete since everything prior to the finalist round was basically public commenting and an arbitrary selection from unknown judges based on written words. The project itself is canceled but we will try to salvage what we have and turn it into something new, and much shorter (10 levels is just too much work to do for fun between two people). Clearly we jumped the gun by working so hard before getting chosen to proceed to the finalist round, but Media Molecule and Sony sure gave us the impression that we would get accepted. Live and learn!
MisterAnderson said:
We really have no clue why it wasn't chosen. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe the judges assumed that we weren't focusing on our educational objectives outlined in our project proposal and were instead focusing on the narrative and science fiction elements. While prominent in the project, our focus has always been to use the story and setting as a means to educate the players, so I hope that isn't the reason. It's all speculation at this point since the rejection email was very generic and didn't have any explanation as to why we weren't chosen as a finalist.

We had high hopes for the series and had a slew of really great ideas; it's a shame that we were never truly given a chance to compete since everything prior to the finalist round was basically public commenting and an arbitrary selection from unknown judges based on written words. The project itself is canceled but we will try to salvage what we have and turn it into something new, and much shorter (10 levels is just too much work to do for fun between two people). Clearly we jumped gun by working so hard before getting chosen to proceed to the finalist round, but Media Molecule and Sony sure gave us the impression that we would get accepted. Live and learn!
You guys definitely put a lot of work into it and it obviously shows with the quality, but I think your scope of what you were trying to cover educationally might have been too wide for what they were looking for after watching your vid and reading the description. I'm sure if Mm and Sony were in charge of the voting, you definitely would have made it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Haha, the April Fools pack. They should keep that around, esp. for Valentine's Day. :lol
donkey show said:
You guys definitely put a lot of work into it and it obviously shows with the quality, but I think your scope of what you were trying to cover educationally might have been too wide for what they were looking for after watching your vid and reading the description. I'm sure if Mm and Sony were in charge of the voting, you definitely would have made it.

Well that's definitely a possibility. We were trying to be ambitious and cover a wide spectrum of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics for those who aren't familiar with the competition categories). We could have easily chosen to focus on one category but thought it best to propose a series of 10 levels to span the entirety of STEM, and if it was too wide of a spectrum we figured we could "negotiate" a less amount of levels/budget for a more focused category should the judges, or whoever, wish.

I guess what I'm basically saying is that we were trying to propose something that was flexible and ambitious, but I can see how that approach could have possibly led to the belief that we had less focus. I can tell you that the ideas we had would have easily covered each category and with 10 levels we would have had plenty of room to focus on each category accordingly. Again, no hard feelings with the competition, we're disappointed for sure, but we'll get over it. :p


MisterAnderson said:
Jaeyden and I regret to inform everyone that our DML contest entry To the Moon and Beyond was not chosen to move on to the next round in the Game Changers competition.

After Media Molecule and Sony featured our initial teaser and project proposal on their blogs, we worked tirelessly on the project in preparation for the next round. We created a three minute machinima/demo/trailer for the contest - finished and ready to be submitted - and although it's unfortunate and disappointing that we're unable to submit it, we nonetheless present you with our final trailer:


Congratz donkey show! We're definitely looking forward to seeing what you and the other finalists come up with.

Bad luck guys looks amazing, will definitely have a look next week if i can get round to reflowing my ps3!


Whelp with the new price drop I picked up the game today, whoot at a non red case, and holy effin crap I've been playing this all afternoon :lol I've played through most of the metal gear levels, still need to do act 5. I played so many levels today, its amazing what people come up with. I was most impressed with a Dead Space level, just incredible. I was actually scared at a few points :lol Any DLC thats not on the GOTY edition a must buy? Any specific user created levels I should look for?


witness said:
Whelp with the new price drop I picked up the game today, whoot at a non red case, and holy effin crap I've been playing this all afternoon :lol I've played through most of the metal gear levels, still need to do act 5. I played so many levels today, its amazing what people come up with. I was most impressed with a Dead Space level, just incredible. I was actually scared at a few points :lol Any DLC thats not on the GOTY edition a must buy? Any specific user created levels I should look for?

You could add me: Netguy503 and I can take you through some if you are online now. Love this game.

Ranger X

witness said:
Whelp with the new price drop I picked up the game today, whoot at a non red case, and holy effin crap I've been playing this all afternoon :lol I've played through most of the metal gear levels, still need to do act 5. I played so many levels today, its amazing what people come up with. I was most impressed with a Dead Space level, just incredible. I was actually scared at a few points :lol Any DLC thats not on the GOTY edition a must buy? Any specific user created levels I should look for?

Do you want to enter the Alibaba's cave of level treasures?


You have 500+ AAA levels to play there. Good luck playing them all. lol


witness said:
Whelp with the new price drop I picked up the game today, whoot at a non red case, and holy effin crap I've been playing this all afternoon :lol I've played through most of the metal gear levels, still need to do act 5. I played so many levels today, its amazing what people come up with. I was most impressed with a Dead Space level, just incredible. I was actually scared at a few points :lol Any DLC thats not on the GOTY edition a must buy? Any specific user created levels I should look for?
Off the top of my head:

A shot in the Dark 2
Spice and Co.
1942 remake (not sure if this is the actual name)
Ultimate Pinball Challenge 1.2

All VERY different levels and all worth a playthrough.


can't believe this game, wipeout HD and killzone 2 are all getting patched for 3d, they're my fave games this generation and although i'm pretty sceptical of 3d in general that lineup of games does make it sound pretty tempting.

has anyone actually seen lbp in 3d though? i know the Move controls have been public demo'd but i haven't read any impressions of 3d lbp... i'd be curious to know what people think of it.


Neo Member
Gamestop has the GOTY version for $25, new. It's $30, but you can use the code 15NEW @ checkout and get $5 off. It ended up being around ~$27 /w tax for me.


MisterAnderson said:
Jaeyden and I regret to inform everyone that our DML contest entry To the Moon and Beyond was not chosen to move on to the next round in the Game Changers competition.

After Media Molecule and Sony featured our initial teaser and project proposal on their blogs, we worked tirelessly on the project in preparation for the next round. We created a three minute machinima/demo/trailer for the contest - finished and ready to be submitted - and although it's unfortunate and disappointing that we're unable to submit it, we nonetheless present you with our final trailer:


Congratz donkey show! We're definitely looking forward to seeing what you and the other finalists come up with.

Holy FUCK, that looked incredible. Sorry to hear you didn't make it into the finals. :(
Teknoman said:
How are you guys making Sackboy "jump higher" on certain types of material?

-Make sure the block isn't connected or glued to anything.
-Make dark matter above
-Attach a rope from that dark matter to the block and the block in the middle
-Attach rods on the on the sides of the rope and change the length of the rope to 0
-Change length of the rods higher

best not to do this on thing you can grab or play like to cheart


MisterAnderson said:
Jaeyden and I regret to inform everyone that our DML contest entry To the Moon and Beyond was not chosen to move on to the next round in the Game Changers competition.

After Media Molecule and Sony featured our initial teaser and project proposal on their blogs, we worked tirelessly on the project in preparation for the next round. We created a three minute machinima/demo/trailer for the contest - finished and ready to be submitted - and although it's unfortunate and disappointing that we're unable to submit it, we nonetheless present you with our final trailer:


Congratz donkey show! We're definitely looking forward to seeing what you and the other finalists come up with.
How does stuff like this NOT get chosen?!?
That's sad
this weeks LBPC levels

PS3 Spotlight

The Fantastical Adventure 2- The Safari Chase by killzonequinn07/killzonequinn07
Puzzle Rooms [1P] by SneakySteve1983/SneakySteve1983
INNER CIRCLE by TonyTwoGunz/TonyTwoGunz
Atomic Assistance by LadyLyn1/ladylyn1
Shoot! Jump! Die? by Jackofcourse/Jackofcourse
The Strange Adventures of Dr Nocte Chapter 3-A New Bounds Chapter 3-B The Crying Soul by Duckywolf/Duckywolf
The Bunker 2 by poms/poms
Double Trouble by BlahYourHamster/BlahYourHamster
A Green Sunset: Five Part Series by gocubsgo2 & TOWERS_85_87/gocubsgo2
Tower Heights by Chicoleunis/Chicoleunis

PSP Spotlight

A Dingo Down Under by amazingflyingpoo/amazingflyingpoo
Solid Journey by Spark151/Spark151
Tera Cota by VelcroJonze/VelcroJonze
Volcanoe of the lost rubies by spok22/spok22

no new Mm pick :/


Unconfirmed Member
Just picked it up at the new price point. Looking forward to playing the single player and seeing what the community has come up with.


Figuring how to make a decent multipath level that has diverse challenges yet eventually crosses over with other paths is harder than I thought :lol


SCHUEY F1 said:
Just picked it up at the new price point. Looking forward to playing the single player and seeing what the community has come up with.

Check out the levels in the LBPC spotlight. They're among the best levels in the community.
lastinline said:
:D I love having a little sackboy on my entertainment center.

Glad it got to you in one piece man. :D

I'm sure I'll have another Sackboy giveaway contest once I'm done with the Digital Media Learning competition.


I just checked my email and look what I got! I've been invited to participate in the LBP Beta! How lucky am I!


But seriously, what is this? I just got it and I'm having trouble signing into my PSN account on my laptop to see if the code works. I don't think it's a phishing scam because the email doesn't have any link for me to "sign in" to PSN.


holy crap I thought I was the only one. I'm happy I'm not insane. It's weird because the email has a little blurb about PSP in it and it's dated for 2010. *totally confused*

here's the snippet in question:


PlayStation(R)Network registration required. User responsible for
Internet fees.


To ensure ongoing receipt of these emails, please add our "From" address
to your address book: PlayStation_Network@playstation.sony.com


"PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks and "PS3"
and "PlayStation Network" are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
(C) 2010 Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC.

I really don't think it's some phishing scam. No one knows my email I use on my PSN account. *shrugs*


Welcome to the Beta.

Go on the official beta forums.

Right now we're just testing online stability additions and features.

I've been here since last June lol
LBP PSP Turbo Pack

Here at the Cambridge Studio, we’ve been playing a lot of community levels, and we’ve been really impressed with a lot of them. In fact we’ve been so inspired, that we decided to create something special that we hope will, in turn, inspire the community: the ‘Turbo! Pack’.

We want the ‘Turbo! Pack’ to be full of cool vehicles, with some action-packed levels to use them in. Currently we’re working on a race level, where you get to drive a Monster Truck and a Racing Car.

Lots of creators like to make a rocket car of some description, but there are a couple of problems with super fast vehicles in LittleBigPlanet:

Sooner or later you’re going to hit the edge of the level.
There’s no penalty for going too fast.

Just moving very fast is all very well, but we wanted to have circuits, like a real race track. At first we tried a vertically scrolling track, with emitted track sections, like a shoot-em-up. But no cornering was required. Our solution? Stick the car to the track’s surface using rockets (which we have seen done in a community level), and move the car round the edge of a central object, a little bit like driving along the surface of a really small planet. Go too fast and you’ll detach and crash.

Then we realised that as well as race cars, we like souped-up hot rods, so we made one of those. But this time, we wanted a different way to stop the player just going flat out, so we made it so that the hot rod’s engine can overheat if you rev it constantly. When you hear the warning sound, you need to step off the gas, or you’ll find yourself going nowhere fast.

Speed, efficiency, and a nice flat surface are fine for race cars, but we all wanted to drive a behemoth, and thus was born the Monster Truck.

We wanted to use motor bolts instead of rockets for the Monster Truck, but motor bolts make wheels start turning very quickly, very suddenly – which meant this bad boy tended to fall over, because its centre of gravity was so high. What we needed was gradual acceleration, and the mechanism we made for this is pretty simple: grabbing the accelerator sponge contracts a piston, with a magnetic key on the end. Its magnetic key switch is set to speed, and connected to the wheel motor bolts. The closer the magnetic key gets to its switch, the faster the wheels go; the piston takes a couple of seconds to contract, so time the wheels take to reach their top speed is a couple of seconds (and not a couple of hundredths of a second). Problem solved. The Monster Truck’s still a bit unstable, but it can roll over all kinds of rough terrain.

And that’s how we made our first three cool vehicles. You can find some of them (and their individual parts) in prize bubbles scattered throughout the level. Complete ‘Short Circuit’, and you’ll get the Red Racing Car and the Hotrod. But for the Blue Racing Car and the Monster Truck, you’ll need to collect all the prize bubbles in the level.

We’re all really excited by the new theme we’re developing for the ‘Turbo! Pack’. It’s been through a few iterations because you’ve given us so many ideas that we had to find a theme that would encompass them all, but we think we’ve finally cracked it. We wanted something completely different from the story levels, so for Sackboy’s new adventures you’ll be leaping and bounding through a particularly well-stocked kid’s bedroom. Ever built a race track out of books and rulers and anything else you could find to hand? Constructed cardboard box forts and staged extensive battles with your toy soldiers? Well that’s exactly what we’ve done! We hope you’ll be as inspired by all the new possibilities as we have been.

The race level was a bit of a funny one in terms of art, partly because some of it is pretty abstract and it was hard to keep it within the new theme, and partly because there’s just so much of it! Jon mapped out the level very comprehensively when he designed it, so transforming it into the new theme was fairly easy to visualise. The only problem was the memory thermometer! There are four distinct sections that have each been dressed in a slightly different way, and it was a struggle trying to make each area look cool and interesting with a limited number of materials and stickers (and without sacrificing any of the level design). Optimisation was really important on this level, right down to completely streamlining all the logic!

Working on the vehicles for this pack was really great fun, and this level gives you three awesome new cars. To make all our vehicles extra special we’ve created them using 3D objects. “That’s cheating” we hear you cry! Well maybe a little. But we’ve also provided you with every single vehicle and every single component part of that vehicle so that you can build your very own crazy contraptions. Hot rod engine with a racing car chassis and monster truck wheels? No problem.

Next time, see how we made something more constructive…





Sorry, but there is no new beta. The emails were a mistake. They sent out NA vest codes and for some reason the mailer also generated beta invites. Nothing to see here...move along.
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