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LIZARD SQUAD is Back. Planning XBL Attack. "Biggest attack yet". [UP: XBL/PSN Down]


An icon used to represent traffic that classifies or self-identifies as coming from military channels.

I like you.


Thanks for informing me, *blushes*


Lizard Squad endorses Xbox Live over PSN in that BBC interview. Doubt we'll see that endorsement on Xbox Live cards. Anyone else surprised by how much they praised Xbox Live over PSN?

That's all we need. DDOS attacker fanboys.

Scary that a group of fanboys can bring a game service down, it worries me that the future of online gaming is now at the hands of a few no hopers who need to get a job and a life.

Something needs to change, this cannot go on.
Lizard Squad endorses Xbox Live over PSN in that BBC interview. Doubt we'll see that endorsement on Xbox Live cards. Anyone else surprised by how much they praised Xbox Live over PSN?
The amount they endorsed was amazing, really. It was like WTF? They just kept going in on Sony every other second..maybe mentioned Microsoft twice, once full of praise lol.


If Sony spent every single penny of their revenue on JUST DDoS mitigation, then yeah - they'd be a damn tough nut to crack, and likely any attack would just aim at a softer target.

And now Sony is bankrupt. So, it wasn't quite worth it, was it?

It's a balancing act, and right now, one side is very unbalanced because of how easy it is to increase the power of a DDoS, versus the technology and systems that can mitigate.

Ok. That last part I read earlier in the thread but didn't take in properly.

If this is the case then these guys must know it if they're as smart as they think they are.

So they must be in it for selfish reasons. The first guy sounded like he just wanted to stir shit up, and maybe the second guy was trying to use the situation to present himself ("I could be arrested or employed").

Or maybe they're quite not as smart as they think they are and are just incredibly arrogant?


I'm listening to the BBC interview just now lol.

He's ripping the pish out of them, I like that.

I liked the questions the host asked but the bullshit reasons the members were giving made me turn it off.

Hit the nail on the head when he asked if they had children. Unsurprisingly the answer was no. I'm not sure that will ever change either.
Ok. That last part I read earlier in the thread but didn't take in properly.

If this is the case then these guys must know it if they're as smart as they think they are.

So they must be in it for selfish reasons. The first guy sounded like he just wanted to stir shit up, and maybe the second guy was trying to use the situation to present himself ("I could be arrested or employed").

Or maybe they're quite not as smart as they think they are and are just incredibly arrogant?

I maintain the people who were just interviewed on the BBC aren't the actual people initiating the DDoS attacks under the name of LizardSquad. As for the motives of actually instigating such attacks, who knows. One can only guess. Personally, I think they're sociopaths who found a shiny button to press. They may even be the original people behind Lulsec and other DDoS happy faces over the last few years. It's all just a big game to them.
Wow this really sucks. I'm somewhat affected by it (I'd like to download the headset companion app, and earn club rep in Driveclub) but mostly I feel bad for people and kids who just got new systems for Christmas and can't play online or download new stuff or title updates.

Question: is this only going to end once the people responsible get bored and move on? Or is there anything else Sony can reasonably do?
Ok. That last part I read earlier in the thread but didn't take in properly.

If this is the case then these guys must know it if they're as smart as they think they are.

So they must be in it for selfish reasons. The first guy sounded like he just wanted to stir shit up, and maybe the second guy was trying to use the situation to present himself ("I could be arrested or employed").

Or maybe they're quite not as smart as they think they are and are just incredibly arrogant?

There is not way to know if that the guys doing the interview are the same guys of LS.
Question: is this only going to end once the people responsible get bored and move on? Or is there anything else Sony can reasonably do?

All this has happened several times before this year. And it always only ended when the people got bored and moved on. So there is precedence.


Im getting a bit fucking sick of the 'exposing security flaws argument.

'Hey y'all - we went into the middle of the road and made you crash your car. Sony and MS need to make better cars'

I hope they get found, tried and jailed in the most 'make an example of them' way possible for the Swatting alone.


I need your help GAF.

When I place a disc in my X1's drive it's still showing "insert disc" on the main screen. I know things haven't been working right since this has been going on, so should I be worried, or is this normal right now?
Now I'm really glad the Planetside 2 Beta didn't release. I would have have been 'punch a hole through a drawf' angry if I had waited over a year for script kiddies to ruin everything.
Welp. I really wanted to get my TLoU and Minecraft downloaded for my PS4 today so I could enjoy this console more as the only physical game I got was GTA. I'll just get drunk and play Smash instead I guess. Woooooo


Sony did invest in more than the mimunum - they partnered with Prolexic, a not insignificant DDoS mitigation third-party specialist. And it wasn't enough. The *scale* of the attack yesterday still hasn't quite hit home yet.

MS clearly has their own mitigation, I posted about it earlier in the thread already, and they are in the business of offering enterprise-level hosting, so they *have* to have good DDoS mitigation. They handled the storm slightly better.

Yes, Sony and MS could spend more on mitigation, but eventually it's a loss - spending millions to prevent an attack that might never happen?

It is very, very unlikely that the actual instigators of the attack will ever be caught.

I always read your posts with attention and well, looks like there isn't a real permanent solution to this attack.

I'm curious to ask you something:
What is (in your opinion of course) the most radical solution to this problem? Any answer/solution is legit, even the most "bizarre" !



I've just been trying to download Suikoden 2 for 2 days now :(

All I've got is a Heineken, outclassed in terms of drinking thread status.


I need your help GAF.

When I place a disc in my X1's drive it's still showing "insert disc" on the main screen. I know things haven't been working right since this has been going on, so should I be worried, or is this normal right now?
Either a faulty disc or faulty drive. I put Driveclub in my XB1 once (no reason lol) and it still showed insert disc. Try another disc if possible.
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