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LIZARD SQUAD is Back. Planning XBL Attack. "Biggest attack yet". [UP: XBL/PSN Down]


I really hope people like Shu, Adam, and the others at SCE who can't play online are taking note and fucking realize it's time to invest more into this service.


Console warriors are out in full force now. Great.

Truth is that none of you "experts" have the first idea what's actually happening. Could be that North Korea also attacked Sony in some way (said they would). Could be that the Feds are involved due to the whole "Interview" fiasco and are slowing things down. Could be that Sony were attacked differently or more aggressively in the first place.

Point is that some of you are drawing all kinds of dumbass conclusions absent a bunch of really key facts. And depending on the situation, they may not be facts that Sony can divulge.

But by all means, shit up NeoGAF with your assumptions.


Question for everyone affected by this PSN outage:

Who benefits the most out of PSN being down like it has for three days now?


Endo Punk

alright what's going on now? I could sign in fine in the morning but now I can't. Another attack or Sony just showing their incompetence again?


Douchebags who think it's "funny" to ruin other people's time like this are not people that need to be in society.

There is nothing uncivil about putting a bullet between their eyes. At all.

This sort of shit should be bannable. Absolutely shameful.
Console warriors are out in full force now. Great.

Truth is that none of you "experts" have the first idea what's actually happening. Could be that North Korea also attacked Sony in some way (said they would). Could be that the Feds are involved due to the whole "Interview" fiasco and are slowing things down. Could be that Sony were attacked differently or more aggressively in the first place.

Point is that some of you are drawing all kinds of dumbass conclusions absent a bunch of really key facts. And depending on the situation, they may not be facts that Sony can divulge.

But by all means, shit up NeoGAF with your assumptions.

Calm down friend. There are no "console warriors" here, just gamers.


"Oh no, my videogames don't work. Better shoot the people responsible in the head."


No not ridiculous at all. This isn't the first time they did this and they think they are hot shit. "we did it for the lulz." Seriously? What part of any of this is funny?

You know what's a funny use of internet smarts? Hacking a youtube account. When someone took over the Seasame Street youtube and replaced it with brazzers----that was definitely lulz.

These morons would NOT be missed. Better people die everyday in awful ways...but these guys get to roam free? Also, why would we want them in jail? To soak up more time and money from others? Forget it. Bullet in the brain---done. A lesson to stop being a jack off because you are a dingle berry.

Based off that picture he is from a high inbreeding society. :/
I'm wagering their is a fair amount on incompetence here on Sony's part.

This view is based on the presumption that the attacks are being spread out equally. It is no shock to me that Sony can't get their shit together when it comes to network infrastructure and planning.

Good time to be a dual console owner I guess.

Hopefully this is a lesson learned for Sony.


No he didn't. He was explaining how these things are set up regardless of it being a paid service. Your idea that it could possibly be up 100% of the time while 100% of the user base (a number that is always changing) is accessing it isn't exactly realistic. It's a nice thought. But no.

Then it needs to be a free service if it cannot handle all the users at one time. Simple as that.


Is there any subscription based internet service that's worse than PSN?

Downtime at least 1x a week at prime time no less
Utter lack of updates during downtimes
Maintenance only occasionally posted about in advance
3+ days and counting to get the service back up after a simple ddos
Still can't connect on PS4 in Southern Ontario. same message, "Cannot connect to the server within the time limit. (NW-31456-9)". :/ 3 days ina row now. Ps3 and Vita work fine though.


No it's not actually as simple as that. At all. Go educate yourself before responding to subjects you know zero about.

You're saying a paid service service shouldn't be able to handle all the paid users at once? That is an ignorant line of thinking and why companies are fucking us with paltry bandwidth and why the network is still down.


Keep fighting the good fight for spending as little as possible for network infrastructure, you must profit on companies pinching pennies.

You're saying a paid service service shouldn't be able to handle all the paid users at once? That is an ignorant line of thinking and why companies are fucking us with paltry bandwidth and why the network is still down.

So you actively keep exposing yourself as someone who knows jack shit about internet infrastructure, yet you keep thinking you have a point?
What you are suggesting doesn't make sense, and people have explained it to you why it's not remotely feasible. Sit the fuck down.
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