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LIZARD SQUAD is Back. Planning XBL Attack. "Biggest attack yet". [UP: XBL/PSN Down]

That's a pretty arbitrary definition of day. One day equals 24 hours. By my count this has been going on quite a bit less than 72 hours, ie the definition of three days.

Why don't you go look when this thread started.

So is XBL and PSN still down?

PSN still having trouble, but many people report getting in. XBL seems to have almost no trouble, but there are still random reports of issues for some. Your mileage may vary.


It's funny how that goes.

Just because you and your friends were up does not mean that it was for everyone. It has already been established that it started Xmas Eve, but just go ahead keep ignoring that because you were unaffected until the next day. Facts are facts and I'm done.
As someone who does not know the technical aspects, what's to prevent LS from doing this every single day if they want? Is that possible??

As far as I know yes. Unless they are able to differentiate between legit users and zombie users and ignore the zombies (which are being controlled to perform the Distributed part of the Denial of Service attack (hence DDoS)), the only way to handle the attack would be to increase their hardware infrastructure. There are services that companies can use to rent infrastructure to mitigate the effects of DDoS attacks, but they can be overwhelmed as well.


This is day four, for me. I haven't been able to log in since the 23rd. Seeing as it is now the 27th, I am four days into this shitshow. Unless somehow the 24th, 25th, 26th and now 27th don't add up to four days, I'd say my "math" just fine.

The 23rd? That's a new one.

Might as well just round up to a week while we're at it.
So is it back down again?! It looked hopeful for psn when I checked the thread earlier but I've just booted up my ps4 and psn still ain't up for me. UK gaffer here.

How's live holding up?
I am not asking for the bandwidth requirements to allow everyone to use the network at max capacity, but the common decency to at least have the bandwidth for the majority of users to log-in at the same time would be great. This is the sort of thing you expect from a paid internet service.

No, it isn't. How many times does this need to be explained to you? Very few networks on Earth have the capacity to handle even a slight majority of their total users making requests at once.

Several networks of which I have intimate knowledge wouldn't be able to handle even 5% of their users making simultaneous requests.

How's live holding up?

Been playing multi since Christmas. Big populations, no major issues.


So I see people in my friends list who lives 30 minute away from me on playing Destiny and my Uncle who is one of those who live 30 minutes away from me was able to access Playstation store.

I try to go in Playstation store or access Destiny I either get the maintenance message or connect to the PSN message.

Not going to lie, I'm a little annoyed.

Try this on for size. My sub accounts were working while my primary account on the same console wouldn't let me sign in manually. I spent all day yesterday dealing with this shit constantly trying to connect even for an instant before Xur leaves the tower in Destiny but since this is still dragging on my patience is gone and now we are into free shit territory and we deserve an official response and not the copy paste bullshit they keep refreshing on Twitter. I wake up this morning and now none of the shit works at all. Now this is day 3 and it appears were no closer to a resolution and I'm beyond pissed off at this point. This is 2014 okay there's simply no excuse I can think of where you allow kids to take down the network of billion dollar companies and still not have them back up 3 days later and have paying customers pissing in the wind with any explanation of the problem and a clear cut plan for a solution. Now I also have an X1 and it has been a mixed bag of up and down but since I game more on my PS4 live being up is no more than a consolation prize to me because unless I go re buy and re play 80% of the games im just shit out of luck at this point. I don't think it's too much to ask for Sony to address their customer base in some other manner than Twitter or facebook. At the least we should all be receiving emails keeping us apprised of the situation as things develop because 3 days later this shit looks bad for everyone.
True, it is not seen as a smart use of money to the corporation who is actively trying to get more people to pay more money and investing as little as possible into the actual infrastructure.

Except you have no clue whatsoever how that company is budgeting their money and to claim they're NOT using it in their infrastructure because the service went down illustrates how little you understand of what you're talking about.

The Network can handle the traffic just fine once people are in. It's that there's 100 people at the doorway and they won't take turns, all just pushing in at once. And there's multiple doorways but they're ALL experiencing the same thing. So what's the solution? Widen every doorway until there's no walls?


The hackers aren't the only bad guys here.

What about all those computers being part of a botnet?
Seriously, if you are too stupid to run and update an antivirus and scan from time to time, you should get fined.
(edit: and besides that, also have a firewall and for example Malwarebytes Anti Malware.
The thing with a lot of firewalls is that they don't monitor OUTGOING traffic because they take the stances that the user knows that all the programs on his/her PC are safe.
They only monitor INCOMING traffic since that traffic can be malicious.
If for whatever reason you have a botnet component on your PC, and you are part of a botnet, your firewall won't notify you of the OUTGOING traffic that you are generating.)

If botnets didn't exist, DDoS attacks would become a lot more rare.
Since DDoS attacks are hard to mitigate I think we should focus our attention to the scrubs that don't know shit about computer security.

The funny thing is that a lot of console gamers don't really know anything about PCs - it's why they prefer gaming on consoles over on PC - and it's perfectly possible some console gamer's PC right now is actually part of the botnet attacking their precious game providers.

I have thought about this in the past and I'm gonna say it here:
Anyone who wants to get access to a PC, should do a mandatory exam.
Same as when you want to drive a car, you have to study and do an exam.
The same should be done for getting access to a PC. We would remove a lot of annoyances from our current lives.

Because don't think DDoS attacks are a dying breed. These things will happen more and more.
Same for hackings where data gets stolen. All companies should be forced to allow an independent firm to do a security audit on their networks.

By conclusion I want to say that 2014 was again a year filled with reports of company networks getting breached and networks getting attacked by DDoS attacks.
I feel every year you hear more and more about all kinds of cyber security violations.
I can't wait to see what 2015 brings but chances are high I won't be disappointed.


It's like people have different experiences.

Which was my point. But the fact of the matter is that it officially started on Xmas Eve. Of course not everyone was affected until the next day. Which was my experience with Live. It did not go down for me until Xmas afternoon. But started coming back that night and was fully back the next morning.


PSN still having trouble, but many people report getting in. XBL seems to have almost no trouble, but there are still random reports of issues for some.

My experience in the latest three days was I had almost no trouble with XBL (except for couple of hours) and I was able to login to PSN only for a couple of hours this morning.


I haven't been able to sign in since the night of the 24th, I'll be entering the 4th day as of today : \

Exactly. This is the 4th calender day it's been down at some point. Yet the defenders of a currently non-functioning service want to play semantics on how many actual hours it's been, like it matters.
I am not asking for the bandwidth requirements to allow everyone to use the network at max capacity, but the common decency to at least have the bandwidth for the majority of users to log-in at the same time would be great. This is the sort of thing you expect from a paid internet service.

That's like asking banks to have all the money of all their clients in every branch of their bank, just in case all their clients decide to swarm one of their branches at the same time. Spoilers, banks don't carry all the money all the time, just like software companies don't have all the hardware to handle every single one of their clients (plus fake ones when a DDoS attack occurs) all the time.


The hackers aren't the only bad guys here.

What about all those computers being part of a botnet?
Seriously, if you are too stupid to run and update an antivirus and scan from time to time, you should get fined.

If botnets didn't exist, DDoS attacks would become a lot more rare.
Since DDoS attacks are hard to mitigate I think we should focus our attention to the scrubs that don't know shit about computer security.

The funny thing is that a lot of console gamers don't really now anything about PC's - it's why they prefer gaming on consoles over on PC - and it's perfectly possible some console gamer's PC right now is actually part of the botnet attacking their precious game providers.

I have thought about this in the past and I'm gonna say it here:
Anyone who wants to get access to a PC, should do a mandatory exam.
Same as when you want to drive a car, you have to study and do an exam.
The same should be done for getting access to a PC. We would remove a lot of annoyances from our current lives.

Because don't think DDoS attacks are a dying breed. These things will happen more and more.
Same for hackings where data gets stolen. All companies should be forced to allow an independent firm to do a security audit on their networks.

By conclusion I want to say that 2014 was again a year filled with reports of company networks getting breached and networks getting attacked by DDoS attacks.
I feel every year you hear more and more about this.
I can't wait to see what 2015 brings but chances are high I won't be disappointed.
Free Anti-Virus software on every machine (Y)


Was able to connect to the online store this morning on my phone, but now I'm home from work I am only receiving a CE-34861 error code when try to log onto PS4.

I hope it is sorted soon. Just one of the disadvantages of a online world.


Exactly. This is the 4th calender day it's been down. Yet the defenders of a currently non-functioning service want to play semantics on how many actual hours it's been like it matters.

Let's all sell our PS4s then and get a Wii. That'll teach'em.
The 23rd? That's a new one.

Might as well just round up to a week while we're at it.
Hur hur hur, I haven't been able to log in since the 23rd. Meaning the 23rd was the last day I was able to log in. I even listed the dates in the rest of my post.

How about you take a step away from your keyboard and take a breather until you can stop replying to users with such negative emotion... Or keep fighting the "good" I suppose.


That's like asking banks to have all the money of all their clients in every branch of their bank, just in case all their clients decide to swarm one of their branches at the same time. Spoilers, banks don't carry all the money all the time, just like software companies don't have all the hardware to handle every single one of their clients (plus fake ones when a DDoS attack occurs) all the time.

Banks don't even have enough money in all their banks combined to handle everyone taking out all their money. :p


In other news, Destiny just kicked our Fireteam out mid Crota raid and now PSN is down again.

Hopefully Crota was not almost down. Happened for me in a nightfall strike on the moon. The boss was dead. In that very moment the screen went black and all of us were kicked out completely out of the game. All progression were lost and no rewards for our hard work. That sucks. Even in my case it was Destiny's fault and not XBL related.


As far as I know yes. Unless they are able to differentiate between legit users and zombie users and ignore the zombies (which are being controlled to perform the Distributed part of the Denial of Service attack (hence DDoS)), the only way to handle the attack would be to increase their hardware infrastructure. There are services that companies can use to rent infrastructure to mitigate the effects of DDoS attacks, but they can be overwhelmed as well.

Then I'm surprised someone doesn't do this every day. There are some major assholes and cretins in the world, that would want to


I wish some sony engineer would give us some insider information about whats going on and whats happening. Im really curious. Come on, leak some information. If you got time.


You're saying a paid service service shouldn't be able to handle all the paid users at once? That is an ignorant line of thinking and why companies are fucking us with paltry bandwidth and why the network is still down.

If every paid member of a gym showed up to work out at the same time on the same day, there wouldn't be enough room in the building to pack everyone inside, much less use equipment. Similar concept.

No one - paid or unpaid - sets up a datacenter to support simultaneous access from 100% of their users. It cost prohibitive. And wasteful on several fronts.


psn is down again. the lack of communication is the most annoying thing in this shit. fuck you sony.

Oh they are communicating I haven't seen their account reply to so many messages in like ever.


The messages are very copy paste-ish but if that's all the info they have its understandable.

Why not? I'm on the Xbox side of things. Had my service interrupted for a couple minutes and it came back. I'm telling you my experience on my Xbox One.

Have you been out for days on your Xbox One not able to connect to Live?


Which was my point. But the fact of the matter is that it officially started on Xmas Eve. Of course not everyone was affected until the next day. Which was my experience with Live. It did not go down for me until Xmas afternoon. But started coming back that night and was fully back the next morning.

I was agreeing with you.


If every paid member of a gym showed up to work out at the same time on the same day, there wouldn't be enough room in the building to pack everyone inside, much less use equipment. Similar concept.

No one - paid or unpaid - sets up a datacenter to support simultaneous access from 100% of their users. It cost prohibitive. And wasteful on several fronts.

Which is why you have multiple datacenters to be able to handle the demand. Sony doesn't invest enough in infrastructure to handle their users. This was acceptable when it was a free service, but not when they are a paid competing service to Live..
Why not? I'm on the Xbox side of things. Had my service interrupted for a couple minutes and it came back. I'm telling you my experience on my Xbox One.

Have you been out for days on your Xbox One not able to connect to Live?

Let me rephrase. I'm glad you've had little trouble since Christmas Day. You were lucky. In this thread, and online, there have been overwhelming reports of people having continual issues since the DDoS attack started, and ended - though less issues after it ended, but there would still be issues regardless due to the Christmas flood of new users. There have also been a lot of people coming in, acting as if their lack of experiencing issues, somehow means everyone else is lying. I didn't mean to lump you in with them. It's been a long thread. My apologies.

Which is why you have multiple datacenters to be able to handle the demand. Sony doesn't invest enough in infrastructure to handle their users. This was acceptable when it was a free service, but not when they are a paid competing service to Live..

For the Christmas rush, I agree. For a DDoS - it don't matter how many datacenters you have. There is no sure-fire defense against an attack of that size.


Oh they are communicating I haven't seen their account reply to so many messages in like ever.


The messages are very copy paste-ish

Yep, this is what has annoyed me. No statement or anything, just "we are trying to fix it, we will update you blah blah blah".
The hackers aren't the only bad guys here.

What about all those computers being part of a botnet?
Seriously, if you are too stupid to run and update an antivirus and scan from time to time, you should get fined.

If botnets didn't exist, DDoS attacks would become a lot more rare.
Since DDoS attacks are hard to mitigate I think we should focus our attention to the scrubs that don't know shit about computer security.

The funny thing is that a lot of console gamers don't really know anything about PCs - it's why they prefer gaming on consoles over on PC - and it's perfectly possible some console gamer's PC right now is actually part of the botnet attacking their precious game providers.

I have thought about this in the past and I'm gonna say it here:
Anyone who wants to get access to a PC, should do a mandatory exam.
Same as when you want to drive a car, you have to study and do an exam.
The same should be done for getting access to a PC. We would remove a lot of annoyances from our current lives.

Because don't think DDoS attacks are a dying breed. These things will happen more and more.
Same for hackings where data gets stolen. All companies should be forced to allow an independent firm to do a security audit on their networks.

By conclusion I want to say that 2014 was again a year filled with reports of company networks getting breached and networks getting attacked by DDoS attacks.
I feel every year you hear more and more about all kinds of cyber security violations.
I can't wait to see what 2015 brings but chances are high I won't be disappointed.

From my understanding.. a lot of the computers used in these things are in foreign countries where they don't really care about malware and botnets because their businesses and gov'ts aren't the targets.
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