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LIZARD SQUAD is Back. Planning XBL Attack. "Biggest attack yet". [UP: XBL/PSN Down]

Banks don't even have enough money in all their banks combined to handle everyone taking out all their money. :p

Exactly. Its the same deal with Sony's and Microsoft's networks. They can't handle the combined load of a large portion of their clients on top of a DDoS attack. Microsoft's better off because they already have a large server farm (Azure) that they rent to people that they can borrow from, but Sony's naturally going to be more affected since they don't have that infrastructure to borrow from for this specific period of time.


All jokes aside, I tried to get a Wii U yesterday, but Walmart seemed to be sold out. :( lol

If you could get in on one of those refurb systems directly from Nintendo, it's an awesome deal. Though you can get the same through their bundle. Sold out though? Guess that's just Walmart. I usually see them over at Best Buy all the time.

I don't understand. Why does North Korea care about PSN and XBL? In what game can I kill Kim Jong Un?

Tales from the ass, right?
Which is why you have multiple datacenters to be able to handle the demand. Sony doesn't invest enough in infrastructure to handle their users. This was acceptable when it was a free service, but not when they are a paid competing service to Live..

Ugh. Certainly you troll sir.

Holy shit guys. When the service went down doesn't matter. Who fucking cares if it is really three says or four days? All that should matter is that it went down at some point the past few days, and it is still down. You're all arguing semantics and making yourselves look like goddamn morons.

Which is why you have multiple datacenters to be able to handle the demand. Sony doesn't invest enough in infrastructure to handle their users. This was acceptable when it was a free service, but not when they are a paid competing service to Live..

So you'd be comfortable with the price of something like Plus going up to support the implementation of entire datacenters that have to be manned and maintained that aren't even used 95% of the time?

Because you keep saying that Sony isn't investing in infrastructure but you've provided exactly zero evidence of such.


I'm not able to get online on any one of my Playstations, my best guess is America bought the service back down,

Everything was fine until US peak times.


If you could get in on one of those refurb systems directly from Nintendo, it's an awesome deal. Though you can get the same through their bundle. Sold out though? Guess that's just Walmart. I usually see them over at Best Buy all the time.

Tales from the ass, right?

Yeah I was strolling through Wallyworld yesterday and they appeared to be sold out of all consoles except the Alienware SteamBox and the original Wii's and maybe some 360s.
Then I'm surprised someone doesn't do this every day. There are some major assholes and cretins in the world, that would want to

People do do this every day, some have bigger botnets to distribute the attack across than others, which makes some more effective than others. Some also have more money to throw around to rent botnets than others as well.

Hell, you can view a map of attacks here:


Somehow this turn into system wars.



Very true. People are perfectly happy letting a company use their funds for network access not be used for network infrastructure. It's mind boggling.

You really don't get it, do you? Ok, let's say you get the network capacity up so everyone can log in at once. It would all be a waste when 80%+ are offline after an hour or two. So you would be happier for sony wasting your money on unused servers and bandwidth just because?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Unbelievable that they haven't fixed this yet, makes me wonder how they got their networks up and running in the first place.
I encourage anyone who knows one of these pieces of shit to go to their house and beat them to death with their own god damn keyboard.

If I found one of these dog raping shit eating butthole tossing fucks in my day to day travels I would tortrue them for 3 days straight, film the whole thing, then release out into the wild so the other little needle dicks wisen up and get a life.

jesus christ mate it's just video games
People keep saying this but I seriously doubt 100% of Sony's user base is trying to login right now.

Yet that's what he is demanding LOL.

I'm making a point. They probably can't even handle a small percentage, but the point is, even that is an unrealistic expectation.
People keep saying this but I seriously doubt 100% of Sony's user base is trying to login right now.

You're right - though there is likely a large increase in the general population trying to get in due to Christmas, which when added to the damage of the DDoS from a few days ago, is compounding problems. There is no excusing Sony - their infrastructure needs work - but the reality is this: PSN is down, for most, and Sony is "working on it". That's all we know.


I'm not able to get online on any one of my Playstations, my best guess is America bought the service back down,

Everything was fine until US peak times.

I'm logging in fine on EU PS3 and Vita. Are you on PS4? I don't have one but seems like PS4 is having the most issues.
Ugh. Certainly you troll sir.


Don't bother wasting your time with him. No point in you getting upset. He is either trolling at this point or doesn't want to understand the problem. Seems like he just wants to make this into a console war.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Perhaps Sony could get Lizard Squad to fix it as they're un-capable.
People keep saying this but I seriously doubt 100% of Sony's user base is trying to login right now.

No, they aren't. But the people saying that are responding to a poster who is saying that Sony should be able to do so.

The reality is that this is likely much more like a car accident causing a traffic jam. Even once the accident is cleared, it takes awhile for traffic to clear up because there's been a back up of people trying to travel past it. So it doesn't even have to be 100% off a user base trying to log in. It doesn't even have to be the majority, as long as it's more traffic than the login servers are able to handle.


Why not? I'm on the Xbox side of things. Had my service interrupted for a couple minutes and it came back. I'm telling you my experience on my Xbox One.

Have you been out for days on your Xbox One not able to connect to Live?

Hmmm because you're not everyone maybe... the point that was being made.
oh yeah, ctrl c + ctrl v is very hard. i want a public statement from shu, shawn layden or andrew house about this shit, and what they're gonna do to fix it.

hopefully people will stop buying ps4s so they see how big of a deal this is. i know i wouldn't buy it is this happened before i bought.
I think they know this is a big deal and are doing everything in their power to fix it. Having a suit tell you they are trying their best won't speed things up. There is a whole thread here describing whats happening if you want to educate yourself on how DDOS attacks work.
Try this on for size. My sub accounts were working while my primary account on the same console wouldn't let me sign in manually. I spent all day yesterday dealing with this shit constantly trying to connect even for an instant before Xur leaves the tower in Destiny but since this is still dragging on my patience is gone and now we are into free shit territory and we deserve an official response and not the copy paste bullshit they keep refreshing on Twitter. I wake up this morning and now none of the shit works at all. Now this is day 3 and it appears were no closer to a resolution and I'm beyond pissed off at this point. This is 2014 okay there's simply no excuse I can think of where you allow kids to take down the network of billion dollar companies and still not have them back up 3 days later and have paying customers pissing in the wind with any explanation of the problem and a clear cut plan for a solution. Now I also have an X1 and it has been a mixed bag of up and down but since I game more on my PS4 live being up is no more than a consolation prize to me because unless I go re buy and re play 80% of the games im just shit out of luck at this point. I don't think it's too much to ask for Sony to address their customer base in some other manner than Twitter or facebook. At the least we should all be receiving emails keeping us apprised of the situation as things develop because 3 days later this shit looks bad for everyone.

I agree with what you said. What I think that some Gaffer's don't understand is that some of us has to plan when we're able to play video games for a extended period of time because of work, family, & life. I work shift work like many, I worked Christmas eve and day like many and my plan was spend time with family and than get knee deep in Destiny to try and get some higher level gear. This shit fucked that up and I lost that time playing with my Uncle.

It's not all that bad because I do have other games like Akiba's Trip to play in the mean time but doesn't change the fact that I (and many others) couldn't do what we intended to do in our time off. I can always play single player games at anytime I'm not working but have to plan a head for multiplayer sessions with family. Now it's always going to be in the back of my mind if these dick holes will do this again. Sony not releasing some form of a statement is also annoying.

I'm really annoyed.
People keep saying this but I seriously doubt 100% of Sony's user base is trying to login right now.

You dont think there is millions of PS4 users trying to get on the network after it's been down for a few days?

That's just the same fucking message copy-pasted over and over again. "We're aware" hardly constitutes to "giving us information/updates". The fact that PSN is still down and Xbox Live isn't shows their incompetence.

What would you prefer they say?


What I find incredible is how a common problem can create hostilities between those that are among affected.


I'm with you. It's just that some cannot handle even the slightest bit of criticism towards their console of choice and will defend it tooth and nail... down to the minute.
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