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Looking Back At Microsoft's 13 Years of First Party

I saw your post and I replied to it. I don't see why I should be happy and impressed with MS's current activities just because they used to be good, because some people spread a lot of bunk about them, or because 20 years ago Sony were like really bad as well.

I'm talking about their actions now, not a decade ago.

And their actions now are fine. They're developing and publishing games. They're marketing games. They're selling the system on games. Those are their actions now. If you're still hung up on Mattrick's version of the Xbox One, then you are the one who is getting hung up on the past. Spencer is publishing games, developing first party games, and gutted the television department to focus more on games.

What more do you want? A blood sacrifice?


This is the thread of confirmation bias based on the post of confirmation bias.

I'm happy with the titles I play on my Xbox. Many people aren't. Luckily there are two other good platforms with which to vote for with your wallet.

Complaining about exclusives and who scooped who is complaining about the history of video game consoles.
Completely. Nintendo did this Bayonetta 2 and look how that ended up. Now it's just Microsofts turn. I remember back when Final Fantasy XIII was announced for 360, people(Sony fans) were booing.

Third party exclusives aren't bad but having them available to as wide as audience as possible is always a positive. I love Killer Instinct (Xbox One), Wonderful 101 (Wii U) and Resogun (PS4) which are all third/second party games that could easily be on other consoles. They deserve the money and attention.

We saw this last generation. Dead Rising was an Xbox exclusive that then made it's way to PS3 and even the Wii. Lost Planet and Bioshock 1 were Xbox exclusives that made their way to the PS3 with more content at times. Dead Space: Extraction and House of the Dead: Overkill were a Wii exclusives that eventually came to PS3. No More Heroes was a Wii exclusive that made it's way to Xbox And PS3. Demons Souls had a spiritual sequel Dark Souls, and that series started on PC and Xbox. Muramasa: The Demon Blade got ported to the Vita just recently.
This Tomb Raider stunt is just another one of those deals.
What the heck would I know though right?

Do you have a quote that the money going into Kinect could've been used on games or this is just wishful speculation that you're using to further push your point of view? Also, you never addressed my point about how Sony gave us the Move Controller which is the exact same deal. Don't avoid that obvious statement.

Yeah the Kinect years were terrible. It was horrible playing games like: Shadow of the Damned, Bulletstorm, Gears of War 3, RE4 HD, Dead Space 2, Catherine and so much more.


So according to u, MS had great first party support (what this thread is about) during the last half cycle of the 360. Seriously? The majority disagrees with u. It was definitely a point of concern for Xbox users once the One rolled out. "Is MS going to deliver us new ips or continue to DLC Call of Duty and push Halo/Kinect down our throats, while Sony puts new shit out like TLoU and B2S." Sony did put out move controls but they continued to feed their core audience new ips.

The whole discussion is about MS lack of original content being produced.
And maybe if you spent 30 seconds reading some of the responses, rather than trying to sound snarky as hell, you might get some understanding of why the OP is a load of bunk.

Microsoft has been publishing games longer than Sony has. They've been pushing back into the direction of 'proper game' development ever since Mattrick got the boot. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing now. They're developing, publishing and selling games to people who want to buy them. Lots of games, in a variety of genres. Why is that so objectionable to you?

Lots of games in a variety of genres? Maybe if the year was 2005.

That's part of the problem, the quantity of what is coming and the diversity is like night and day with the PS4, Sony put them to shame.

The frustrations people have are that MS is not investing enough in the right areas. Like I said earlier, the tens of millions they spent buying Tomb Raider exclusivity is probably way more than the budget of Rime and No Man's Sky combined.

That puts MS in a very poor light and they are right to get criticised for it.


No, it's really not. Stop being deliberatedly obtuse.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a sequel to a game that was on every platform bar Wii U. It's sequel should have been released similarly but MS paid god knows how much to keep gamers on other systems from playing it for an undisclosed amount of time. MS is also not helping with TR development. It's not similar to Bloodborne at all.

It's not really obtuse to take the view that different formats of $ exchanging hands for exclusive relationships are really more alike than they are dissimilar. The fact that Sony is helping FROM develop Bloodbourne is just one of the terms of the business deal....not anything more.


Neo Member
Microsoft have been in the gaming arena for decades, and they've been doing awesome things with the Xbox since day bloody one. I'm not planning on buying an Xbone any time soon, but I happily still have my OG Xbox plugged in, and have no problem with saying that Microsoft have earned their fucking place in the console business. They're putting out exclusives now, they're bulking up and expanding their development studios, they're turning around the shitfest that was the original Xbone into a console that is actually pretty damn nifty. The only reason they don't have more first party exclusives is because, shock horror, they made an effort to reach out and work with third parties for games instead. The same process people are now clamouring for Nintendo to step out of their ivory tower and engage in.

This is just embarrasing. Microsoft make one announcement, and now everyone's acting as if they never even deserved a place at the table in the first place.

All the Microsoft games you mentioned fell into disarray. Where are they now?

As OP says Microsoft always have a hidden agenda.

The gaming business to Microsoft is always just a means.

Microsoft got into gaming business solely to protect their Windows OS. When DirectX was introduced, it causes so much chaos to everyone.

Zero benefit to anyone except Microsoft. Just To keep PC games away from Apple and Linux.

New direct X version not compatible with older windows. Not to mention GFWL is a crime.

Which company started the process of using PC parts to make console development easier? Microsoft.

Microsoft went back to PowerPC architecture for 360. So ?

Which company nailed how to do online mulitplayer with consoles? Microsoft.

Making Xbox Live was basically just porting the ICQ or MSN Live client.
The technology and architecture was already in place.

PC gaming had already perfected the multi-player networking. ( At least Local LAN multiplayer )
Anyway Sega was the very first pioneer, but Dreamcast was too early, 56K internet was not fast enough.

Now which company introduced the monthly subscription fee for online multiplayer?

Which company was the first to include a hard-drive in its console, thereby making downloadable games and content possible? Microsoft.

The original xbox one business model, where every game is delivered digitally, and Microsoft controlled the distribution channel.

TODAY which company lets you replace your old hard disk with an off the shelf stock hard disk?

which company charges a premium for a special case hard disk?

Which company got the indie development ball rolling on consoles? Take a wild guess...

I agree Microsoft started the indie scene on consoles.

But TODAY which company has more indies? which company has a better indie policy?

Microsoft shouldn't be in gaming. It's not their core business.

Gaming is Nintendo only business and for Sony, playstation is very similar to its Movies and Music Division.

Sony recognises gaming as an "entertainment industry" and conducts itself accordingly
Mainly the reason I have no desire to own a MS console. Their idea of convincing someone like me to buy their system is to buy up things like the TR deal, which is not the case at all. I want MS's answer to Media Molecule, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games, Quantic Dream, Studio Japan, the amazing X-Dev work that produces things like Rime, etc. Instead it is Halo, Forza, Gears and a smattering of big third party things that will dry up a year or two from now.

Two Words

And maybe if you spent 30 seconds reading some of the responses, rather than trying to sound snarky as hell, you might get some understanding of why the OP is a load of bunk.

Microsoft has been publishing games longer than Sony has. They've been pushing back into the direction of 'proper game' development ever since Mattrick got the boot. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing now. They're developing, publishing and selling games to people who want to buy them. Lots of games, in a variety of genres. Why is that so objectionable to you?
The objection is pretty clear. People don't like companies buying off third party games when they were already well-funded for multiplatform releases. Whatever history MS had prior to Xbox in gaming, it isn't related to their actions for the past decade. Will this stop with Spencer at the helm? Perhaps, but it hasn't stopped yet. Spencer seemed pretty adamant that he wants gamers to continue voicing their opinion so that they can make Xbox better. Criticizing their exclusive-buying nature seems to fit in that.
Different business strategies are not inherently bad.

I can see why the overly aggressive tone of the poster makes it sound so much more convincing than it actually is.

I have a problem when the OP can't even define "IP" properly and put his own twist on it.

Fable, Gears of War, Crackdown are all successful franchises from Microsoft, created by Microsoft.
Or, by your definition, let's do Sony's :

Gran Turismo and God of War are the only two successful franchises Sony did from 'ground-up' wholly owned studios.

Naughty Dog were independent and Sony bought them, Guerrilla were independent and Sony bought them, Quantic Dreams were independent and Sony bought them. Sucker Punch, Media Molecule, Evolution Studios...

Are you sure it's not a case of cherry-picking? Because it sure looks like it.
Exactly. I was about to say this but I'm glad someone already did.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
And their actions now are fine.
It's literally a day after they just moneyhatted yet another third party game, expending millions that they could have invested into developing an actual new IP.

They're developing and publishing games. They're marketing games. They're selling the system on games. Those are their actions now.
They've shown some marginal improvement, sure.

If you're still hung up on Mattrick's version of the Xbox One, then you are the one who is getting hung up on the past. Spencer is publishing games, developing first party games, and gutted the television department to focus more on games.

What more do you want? A blood sacrifice?
I want them to seem committed to gaming like they did back in 2005, and for them to maintain that commitment for more than the 30 seconds it takes to dupe people into thinking they've turned a corner?
Lots of games in a variety of genres? Maybe if the year was 2005.

That's part of the problem, the quantity of what is coming and the diversity is like night and day with the PS4, Sony put them to shame.

The frustrations people have are that MS is not investing enough in the right areas. Like I said earlier, the tens of millions they spent buying Tomb Raider exclusivity is probably way more than the budget of Rime and No Man's Sky combined.

That puts MS in a very poor light and they are right to get criticised for it.

Let's look at what they're investing in, shall we?

Scalebound. Not sure yet, but if Kamiya and Platinum are anything to go by, it should be a cuh-razy character action game. Project Spark. A family friendly game that mixes platforming with game and level creating. Fable Legends, a hacky-slashy co-op game. Below, an artsy indie game. Sunset Overdrive, a colourful open world sandbox game with Jet Set grinding. D4, from Swery. An upcoming reboot/remake of Phantom Dust.

They've already got an exclusive fighting game in Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3 as a zombie game, and then you've got all the shooters like Halo, Titanfall and Gears.

How is that not diverse? On what planet is having D4, Sunset Overdrive, Below, Project Spark, Killer Instinct and Titanfall by the end of 2014 not a diverse lineup?

Miles X

Mainly the reason I have no desire to own a MS console. Their idea of convincing someone like me to buy their system is to buy up things like the TR deal, which is not the case at all. I want MS's answer to Media Molecule, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games, Quantic Dream, Studio Japan, the amazing X-Dev work that produces things like Rime, etc. Instead it is Halo, Forza, Gears and a smattering of big third party things that will dry up a year or two from now.


MS have those, you're just not looking.

Turn 10
Twisted Pixel
Press Play
Lift London
Black Tusk

You need to give them time to produce games, they made a pact to enhance first party a couple years ago and we're slowly but surely seeing that materialise. Also see you list some Sony second partys there too.

How about Remedy? Ruffian? Frontier, Iron Galaxy, Playground Games?
It's literally a day after they just moneyhatted yet another third party game, expending millions that they could have invested into developing an actual new IP.

Here's the funny thing with Microsoft. They have loads of money. They can afford to develop their own new games (which they are doing), and pay for third party exclusives. Doing one does not mean not doing the other. So how about you stop acting as if its an either or situation?

They've shown some marginal improvement, sure.

See the games mentioned above? Going from Kinect games to making/publishing new games across that many genres is more than a marginal improvement.

I want them to seem committed to gaming like they did back in 2005, and for them to maintain that commitment for more than the 30 seconds it takes to dupe people into thinking they've turned a corner?

Well good, because that's exactly what Spencer is doing with them. If you could put aside your grumbling for just a second, you'd realise it.


Let's look at what they're investing in, shall we?

Scalebound. Not sure yet, but if Kamiya and Platinum are anything to go by, it should be a cuh-razy character action game. Project Spark. A family friendly game that mixes platforming with game and level creating. Fable Legends, a hacky-slashy co-op game. Below, an artsy indie game. Sunset Overdrive, a colourful open world sandbox game with Jet Set grinding. D4, from Swery. An upcoming reboot/remake of Phantom Dust.

They've already got an exclusive fighting game in Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3 as a zombie game, and then you've got all the shooters like Halo, Titanfall and Gears.

How is that not diverse? On what planet is having D4, Sunset Overdrive, Below, Project Spark, Killer Instinct and Titanfall by the end of 2014 not a diverse lineup?

Lets not fortget about Screamride. Seems like it should be good fun.
Mainly the reason I have no desire to own a MS console. Their idea of convincing someone like me to buy their system is to buy up things like the TR deal, which is not the case at all. I want MS's answer to Media Molecule, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games, Quantic Dream, Studio Japan, the amazing X-Dev work that produces things like Rime, etc. Instead it is Halo, Forza, Gears and a smattering of big third party things that will dry up a year or two from now.

I was about to list the actual equivalent franchises between MS and Sony to prove that they have more than that but I'd have to jump off a building if it got to that point so I won't.


The first post would be better if it actually did look back at the first 13 years of first party development at Microsoft instead of just glossing over stuff with heavy confirmation bias.

Bought Rare in 2002, since they have mined the Perfect Dark, Banjo, and Conker IPs with zero success, made one new mascot IP for Xbox 360's launch that never got a follow up despite being a pretty solid (kid friendly) game (Kameo, FYI). Have since been largely relegated to Kinect titles, weren't even the ones who made the Killer Instinct reboot.

Just as an example, sure, recently Rare hasn't been releasing the types of games that most of us want, but they did come up with two excellent Viva Pinata games and Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts last generation.



MS have those, you're just not looking.

Turn 10
Twisted Pixel
Press Play
Lift London
Black Tusk

You need to give them time to produce games, they made a pact to enhance first party a couple years ago and we're slowly but surely seeing that materialise. Also see you list some Sony second partys there too.

How about Remedy? Ruffian? Frontier, Iron Galaxy, Playground Games?

ruiffian is making a game only on ps4 and pc
I thought this thread would be about the games, not the studios.

I could care less what studios Microsoft owns, I'll enjoy exclusives like Quantum Break, Scalebound and Sunset Overdrive from established studios.


Microsoft has a grand tradition of identifying an outside resource, buying it, and then tossing it aside if it doesn't provide enough profit. Game companies and IPs are valued only by the money they produce and nothing else. This sort of thing is very bad for the industry as a whole and the creativity they snuff out by doing this sort of thing. Instead of building their game the way they want, the studios study consumer data to maximize profit over everything else in hopes of keeping their jobs. Instead of producing innovation and encouraging creative ideas, MS funds safe bets like sequels to profitable IPs.

On the flip side I just get a better feeling from Sony right now. Their management is engaging and seem to have a true passion for the industry(Anyone over at MS tweeting with you about your stupid rare drop in a vita game?). They have a BIG track record of supporting innovative and creative titles, and a willingness to experiment and possibly fail when doing so. Obviously they are a company first, and their goal is money just like MS. They just pursue it differently and support industry growth as positive for them even if it is not a game just for them.

Just looking at the wide selection of creative and different titles they are either directly funding or going out of their way to promote makes me feel I am supporting the right team this generation.
Quick question: Why Ms buying IP like Halo, Banjo, Conker is seen as a negative, while when sony buys an IP it's a great move, not moneyhatting and clearly the game would never be possible without them?

Because, unless I'm reading it wrong, this thread is about how Ms couldn't build anything themselves and had to buy talent and properties, while Sony is often championed for getting BloodBorne, Rime, Everybody Gone to Rapture, and even not so recent purchases like Little Big Planet as great additions to their portfolio and how everyone should do in order to have more games coming.
Good read and exactly what I've been thinking since halfway threw the 360 gen when I got a pc and my 360 turned into a halo/gears machine. Then they created the kinect and proceeded to tell us that it was a great machine but never created an experience for it that showcased the greatness in fact if anything they showcased how limited it really was from a gameplay standpoint. The E3 two years ago actually had me excited for their new first party devs but then all they showed was a cgi trailer and then proceeded to turn that company that was apparently creating a new ip(they called it the new halo) into a gears company. Then when asked about the new ip and the cgi trailer for it they called it a concept piece later on.
MS's first-party problems during the OG Xbox era are being exaggerated. They had a lot of games during those years, and quite a few were very good or great. The mismanagement all started when Mattrick took over and changed everything to focus on Kinect and multimedia stuff. Now that he's gone you can see a change, I mean we're getting Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust, Scalebound, all games we wouldn't have seen when Mattrick was the boss.

Sony has purchased just as many studios if not more than MS so I don't even understand why they're getting hate for that, who cares if either company does that?

Two Words

I don't get how people can deny that Microsoft had a nature of buying things out and hoping for the best. It's what Microsoft has been doing for decades.


extra source of jiggaflops
Quick question: Why Ms buying IP like Halo, Banjo, Conker is seen as a negative, while when sony buys an IP it's a great move, not moneyhatting and clearly the game would never be possible without them?
Could you list some examples of the two cases?

Unless you think LittleBigPlanet is such an example, then I'm afraid you haven't read the thread.
Microsoft has a grand tradition of identifying an outside resource, buying it, and then tossing it aside if it doesn't provide enough profit.

The entire Xbox division has done nothing but cost Microsot billions, so I'm not sure where you're getting this from.

Game companies and IPs are valued only by the money they produce and nothing else. This sort of thing is very bad for the industry as a whole and the creativity they snuff out by doing this sort of thing. Instead of building their game the way they want, the studios study consumer data to maximize profit over everything else in hopes of keeping their jobs. Instead of producing innovation and encouraging creative ideas, MS funds safe bets like sequels to profitable IPs.

Because Project Spark, Scalebound, Quantum Break, Titanfall and D4 are all safe bet sequels.

This thread is just getting ridiculous now. We have always been at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia. We have always...


Which company nailed how to do online mulitplayer with consoles? Microsoft.

Which company refused to bank on the Sega legacy that they inherited saying online gaming on console wasn't a good idea? Microsoft.

Which company crippled PC gaming with their awful DRM GFWL that doesn't work anymore rendering some games unplayable? Microsoft.

Which company tried to further limit PC gaming by making their PC games exclusive to a certain version of the OS? Microsoft.

Come on. You can try to paint them in as positive a light as you want, but you can't deny the fact that they harmed PC gaming and tried to push their console instead. They're not a company that is purely good.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
So according to u, MS had great first party support (what this thread is about) during the last half cycle of the 360. Seriously? The majority disagrees with u. It was definitely a point of concern for Xbox users once the One rolled out. "Is MS going to deliver us new ips or continue to DLC Call of Duty and push Halo/Kinect down our throats, while Sony puts new shit out like TLoU and B2S." Sony did put out move controls but they continued to feed their core audience new ips.

The whole discussion is about MS lack of original content being produced.

MS are still releasing games for the 360. Even yesterday they announced some (including Tomb Raider if you look at the page on xbox.com). I wouldn't say they stopped supporting their previous console.

Also, are people so butthurt about that Tomb Raider deal they need to start tons of threads about MS now, showing all their hatred against the console they don't like because they won't get to play a game? I don't care what reason most of you give, this is pretty much all it is about.

Also, Bungie wasn't bought a few months bought a year and a half before the OG Xbox was released. Some of the studios they closed weren't making anything worthwhile, and in the case of Bizarre creations, PGR4 tanked, and their next game also tanked, so I guess it was a wise decision to let them go. Only one that makes me mad in all of what they've done is with Rare, but we still got our share of games from them on the 360.
Microsoft brings nothing to this industry other than dump trucks of money. They're in the video game industry for all the wrong reasons. Making and selling video games is a secondary part of the business model and that has been the case from day one.

I...phew, uh well for one companies bring dump trucks of money. Maybe not use them in the same way more commonly than MS does but companies do buy off developers or members of teams of games. Sony got into the game business to do what? For good will? To make the gamers feel good? No it's to make money, just like Microsoft. Are you implying that Sony started off as a video game company? Ugh, you know what. I don't know why I am posting in this thread but that part just bugged me. Everyone else have already explained what is wrong with some of these thoughts.

This Tomb Raider thing has just been ridiculous. I am not 100% defending what MS does all the time but man a business is a business and not only that it's a timed exclusive, it turned out not to be a full exclusive, just miscommunication. I don't know this all seems way bigger than it should be as MS is making their own games and own their own companies.
yeah there is no fucking denying that the bias is more tipped towards sony right now

It's bias because we are choosing to talk about what microsoft is not doing? I swear, y'all act like people can't talk about shit that's going on right now, or as if people can't have opinions on the facts placed in front of us. The bias here is people choosing to ignore it and side step it by putting "bias" labels in criticism than to actually join the conversation and state your constructive factual beefs. This lame drive by posting of "Oh another Microsoft bashing thread that actually has some good points means that it's totally bias for Sony." Wtf.


In terms of the first party outlook, I look at Microsoft as the Rich kid in school who cheats on the Midterms to graduate. No exact effort was put in than to seek the smartest and brightest kid, pay them for their creation and help and past the test.

I think people really just want to see the effort being put into Microsoft. I get some don't mind them spending their money the way they choice by spend money on the guys who need it. There should be no reason that the only way for their system to be attractive is by buying full franchises to make their system attractive. I don't have a problem with them buying a new idea, but why buy what you can build at home.

Some people make it seem like Microsoft is devoid of talent. What cracks me up is, this is the same Microsoft who does indeed brag about having the best Software Programmers in the world but doesn't use them for actual good purposes by creating an actual legacy in their games lineup? Look, Microsoft is good at what they do, but it's time to stop excuses for them. We have to stop making excuses for Nintendo when they obviously fuck up, we had to for Sony, why are we to hold back from MS? Why are they exempt from actual honest feedback?

There is some true concern on what they are doing and if the concerns are what will make gamers happy, then why can't that conversation happen? For years now, I think people would really love Microsoft to start making their own.
They gave the NFL more money for a fantasy football app than Take 2/Rockstar spent on Grand Theft Auto 5. Let that sink into your head when you excuse their lack of first party studios as "taking time".

That really puts things into perspective.
Oh your tears. Your beautiful, delicious, tears.

Microsoft has been in the games business for decades. If you want to get real about it, they've been involved in gaming for longer than Sony have. Sony got into the games market to spite Nintendo over a hardware deal that went south. Microsoft were involved in PC gaming for years before the Xbox came out. Age Of Empires. Flight Simulator. Heck, before Flight Simulator there was Microsoft Space Simulator, released in 1994. Fighter Ace. Hellbender. Midtown Madness. Urban Assault. Microsoft were publishing games back when Sony was still nothing more than a TV and Walkman company.

This idea that Microsoft is some pretender in the gaming arena is nothing but rustled jimmies. The original Xbox was a treasure trove of incredible games published by Microsoft or made possible with their money: Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Mechassault, Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge, Jade Empire.

Remember when the PS3 came out, and developers everywhere were struggling with the nightmare that was its architecture? Which company was the one who provided a console with easy to use hardware for developers to make games on? Microsoft. Yes, they were such a bad company then, providing third party developers with a console they could actually work with.

Which company started the process of using PC parts to make console development easier? Microsoft.

Which company nailed how to do online mulitplayer with consoles? Microsoft.

Which company was the first to include a hard-drive in its console, thereby making downloadable games and content possible? Microsoft.

Which company got the indie development ball rolling on consoles? Take a wild guess...

Microsoft have been in the gaming arena for decades, and they've been doing awesome things with the Xbox since day bloody one. I'm not planning on buying an Xbone any time soon, but I happily still have my OG Xbox plugged in, and have no problem with saying that Microsoft have earned their fucking place in the console business. They're putting out exclusives now, they're bulking up and expanding their development studios, they're turning around the shitfest that was the original Xbone into a console that is actually pretty damn nifty. The only reason they don't have more first party exclusives is because, shock horror, they made an effort to reach out and work with third parties for games instead. The same process people are now clamouring for Nintendo to step out of their ivory tower and engage in.

This is just embarrasing. Microsoft make one announcement, and now everyone's acting as if they never even deserved a place at the table in the first place.

Well said, i totally agree.

I think Microsoft deserves a lot of credit for what they brought to this industry. They really are hated for some stupid reasons sometimes.

I think the Xbox One is great. In fact, it's better than the PS4 in some ways other than hardware power and it's not like the Xbox One is totally underpowered. Next-gen games are still gonna be made for it and they will look absolutely incredible. They may not have the resolution of some PS4 games but to be honest, i don't give a shit as long as they're fun to play.

I will play my Xbox One a lot more than my PS4 this holiday season. Why ? because the Xbox One got GAMES i want to play !

Sorry for you haters but we should be appreciating what MS brought to the industry not wishing them to leave because frankly i don't want a market dominated by Sony.

The hate is getting ridiculous.
Well said, i totally agree.

I think Microsoft deserves a lot of credit for what they brought to this industry. They really are hated for some stupid reasons sometimes.

I think the Xbox One is great. In fact, it's better than the PS4 in some ways other than hardware power and it's not like the Xbox One is totally underpowered. Next-gen games are still gonna be made for it and they will look absolutely incredible. They may not have the resolution of some PS4 games but to be honest, i don't give a shit as long as they're fun to play.

I will play my Xbox One a lot more than my PS4 this holiday season. Why ? because the Xbox One got GAMES i want to play !

Sorry for you haters but we should be appreciating what MS brought to the industry not wishing them to leave because frankly i don't want a market dominated by Sony.

The hate is getting ridiculous.

All of this is NOT what the thread is about. So in other words, did you read the OP?
MS certainly has done some good for the gaming industry; however, they lost most of their goodwill with a lot of people after that attempted DRM stunt. They do seem to be making some gains with their first party studios now though after being so stagnant near the end of the last generation.
LOL at being mad at a company that has a different business strategy.
Also, the fact that everyone glossed over their MASSIVE indie initiative last gen is laughable. No mention of Minecraft,FEZ,Geomatry Wars,Bastion,State of Decay,Toy Soldiers,etc...
That's like being mad at Sony for giving Activision & Ubisoft money for the Destiny & Watchdog deals. Ya, i'm sure some people would've rather had that money spent on 1st party IP's but looking at the pre-order numbers for Destiny and sales for Watchdogs it's clear it was a brilliant business move on Sony's part.
ruiffian is making a game only on ps4 and pc

No, they aren't. I see you got bogged down in the horrible PR speak that both companies have been feeding us. They said console debut, as they have a deal with Paradox to bring their games first to PS4. It's nothing more than a timed exclusive.

Funny how no one is bashing on this relationship with Paradox that Sony openely talks about where Paradox's titles are all coming to PS4 first.



As OP says Microsoft always have a hidden agenda.

The gaming business to Microsoft is always just a means.


Microsoft shouldn't be in gaming. It's not their core business.

Gaming is Nintendo only business and for Sony, playstation is very similar to its Movies and Music Division.

Sony recognises gaming as an "entertainment industry" and conducts itself accordingly

Yes. Microsoft is a business. They look for ways to make money. That's kinda what businesses DO.

Gaming is far from Nintendo's only business. They started out making Hanafuda cards then found they could make money by making arcade games a double-handful of decades down the line, then home consoles and games. Then they started a sub-business of licensing the characters they developed so you can sit around in your Mario underwear eating Mario cereal, while watching a Mario cartoon on TV and then play the home version of Mario before taking your portable version of Mario with you in your Mario backpack, so that later on when you're talking to your friends about Mario, you can all whip out your consoles so you can all play Mario some more. Don't forget to turn your Mario nightlight on when you put your Mario pyjamas on and go to sleep wrapped in your Mario sheets, so the Boos don't get you!

The jump from cards to consoles was them looking for ways to make money. Sony's jump from making TVs, radios, and the Walkman to making consoles and building game studios was them looking for ways to make money. Microsoft's jump from making Windows to making consoles and games was them looking for ways to make money. None of these had any purer or more honourable thoughts in mind other than "let's make some cash!"

Not one of them got into it in order to "give something back" to the gaming community.

They're all just means to an end. Sure, some companies will feature executives and higher-up employees that genuinely enjoy gaming, but don't sit there thinking that one is less likely to sell you down the river in order to hit their quarterly profit target than another. They don't love you. You aren't their friend. You are a number - a consumer of goods that hands over money for things that they happen to make that - in the grand scheme of things - you don't actually need in order to stay alive. And because you don't need it, they'll go above and beyond to make you feel as if you do, so that you come back and keep handing over more money. They'll act as if they care about what you think but when the chips are down, all they care about is that cold, hard, cash. Cynical? Not a bit of it. I just get sick of people claiming that one company "cares" about their fans whereas another one is just in it for the money.

Enjoy your consoles, sure - I know I enjoy my XO, PS4, and Wii U - but don't make yourself look like an idiot to prove your worth to a master that ultimately doesn't even know that you exist.
All of this is NOT what the thread is about. So in other words, did you read the OP?

Yes i did, did you read my reply to the post from TitusGroan because i was replying to him and to the trend that is getting sickening around here these days. You can't deny that there's a lot of Microsoft hate right now because some fanboys are mad that there's some games not coming to their favourite system and that X company is not "gamer friendly" enough for their taste.

Someone has one day to call that shit on NeoGAF because otherwise we'll become one of these Gamefaqs, IGN or youtube comment section which is not why i visit NeoGAF.
Looking back at 13 years of Microsoft's first party, I mostly get warm feelings from thinking about all the wonderful moments I've had with Microsoft games over the years, and all those wonderful moments that are yet to come. Things have especially been looking great lately, so excuse me for not feeling the need to complain.


On the flip side I just get a better feeling from Sony right now. Their management is engaging and seem to have a true passion for the industry(Anyone over at MS tweeting with you about your stupid rare drop in a vita game?). They have a BIG track record of supporting innovative and creative titles, and a willingness to experiment and possibly fail when doing so. Obviously they are a company first, and their goal is money just like MS. They just pursue it differently and support industry growth as positive for them even if it is not a game just for them.

Just looking at the wide selection of creative and different titles they are either directly funding or going out of their way to promote makes me feel I am supporting the right team this generation.

I guess you simply haven't been interacting with people on the MS side then? They've been pretty interactive with the community on reddit, twitter etc. You can directly tweet Phil for example about anything and he'd have no issues responding. Lets also not forget they created an entire site dedicated to user feedback so that the communtiy can shape future updates etc.

You also must not have seen some of the titles they have released or announced. Plenty of creativity in ScreamRide, Sunset Overdrive or Project Spark for example.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's bias because we are choosing to talk about what microsoft is not doing? I swear, y'all act like people can't talk about shit that's going on right now, or as if people can't have opinions on the facts placed in front of us. The bias here is people choosing to ignore it and side step it by putting "bias" labels in criticism than to actually join the conversation and state your constructive factual beefs. This lame drive by posting of "Oh another Microsoft bashing thread that actually has some good points means that it's totally bias for Sony." Wtf.


In terms of the first party outlook, I look at Microsoft as the Rich kid in school who cheats on the Midterms to graduate. No exact effort was put in than to seek the smartest and brightest kid, pay them for their creation and help and past the test.

I think people really just want to see the effort being put into Microsoft. I get some don't mind them spending their money the way they choice by spend money on the guys who need it. There should be no reason that the only way for their system to be attractive is by buying full franchises to make their system attractive. I don't have a problem with them buying a new idea, but why buy what you can build at home.

Some people make it seem like Microsoft is devoid of talent. What cracks me up is, this is the same Microsoft who does indeed brag about having the best Software Programmers in the world but doesn't use them for actual good purposes by creating an actual legacy in their games lineup? Look, Microsoft is good at what they do, but it's time to stop excuses for them. We have to stop making excuses for Nintendo when they obviously fuck up, we had to for Sony, why are we to hold back from MS? Why are they exempt from actual honest feedback?

There is some true concern on what they are doing and if the concerns are what will make gamers happy, then why can't that conversation happen? For years now, I think people would really love Microsoft to start making their own.

Aya you've been making some good posts recently. I agree with this completely. I just want to see MS put some effort into their business. It's really, really telling that when people try to defend them all they can do is point to stuff that they did 10 years ago.

Yes people say some ridiculous things about MS. But the people who are trying to discredit every legitimate point that people make on the grounds that some people say stupid things is as intellectually dishonest as the people making those stupid claims in the first place.

MS have earned their ill will through their policies and decisions over the past ~5 years, and it's going to carry on until they actually demonstrate that they can still bring something good to the industry. And yes, I know that Sony are 'only in it for the money' too, but the fact is that Sony's way of doing it is actually beneficial, whereas Microsoft's is just lazy. The Tomb Raider situation is nothing more than MS punishing people who made the smart choice of avoiding their console.


Unlimited Capacity
This is why we are the best thing for gaming, period. We buy studios as well but we let them build up to greater and greater things. Naughty Dog started making wannabe Mario and got closer and closer to actual games until they finally made TLoU which completely redefined the genre and gaming as a whole. We aren't in it for the money but to make gaming better overall.


This is why we are the best thing for gaming, period. We buy studios as well but we let them build up to greater and greater things. Naughty Dog started making wannabe Mario and got closer and closer to actual games until they finally made TLoU which completely redefined the genre and gaming as a whole. We aren't in it for the money but to make gaming better overall.

So I assume that all of "your" games are free, then?


No, they aren't. I see you got bogged down in the horrible PR speak that both companies have been feeding us. They said console debut, as they have a deal with Paradox to bring their games first to PS4. It's nothing more than a timed exclusive.

Funny how no one is bashing on this relationship with Paradox that Sony openely talks about where Paradox's titles are all coming to PS4 first.


Too true....the way the different companies use their $ to obtain exclusives are certainly viewed by people through rose colored glasses


The op is just plainly stating facts. Of course that's gonna make Microsoft look bad. They're a big player in the games industry who doesn't really care about games.

I liked Age of Empires way back when though. "The wonder the wonder the noooooo!"
Really so Phil Spencer and all the Microsoft employees don't care about games. Sometimes you have to make money hey.
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