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LTTP: DOOM (2016) - Hell sure is boring


It was only a matter of time before Gaf began to turn on Doom. In another month or two the hate will consume and it will be viewed as the gutter trash that somehow won a number of solid GOTY nods for 2016

War never changes.

OP has an opinion... that's all.


I hate to be that person but I feel like this game is absolutely incompatible with gamepad. I love console FPS but they've gotta be built around the controller (Halo, Destiny) or somewhere in-between. I can't imagine playing DOOM without the ability to whip around, so much of the game is about momentum I imagine it must all be lost on console. Same thing with Overwatch although that's mitigated a bit since it's multiplayer and Blizzard has been good with balance.
Haven't played the complete game, but I played the demo and I also found it pretty boring. My interest was especially nonexistent since it went back to the first two Doom formulas instead of the third one's, which is my favorite of the series.

I should play it because I love the first 3 Doom games, but the fact that Doom (2016) pulls a Halloween IV hurts so bad

King Kye

What defines quality in the gaming space is still entirely subjective. Sorry bub. But nothing is undeniably good.

In the abstract, sure.

Let's axe the word "Good" and replace your statement with the words "High Quality".

"But nothing is undeniably 'High Quality'.

Do you still stand by that statement?


Played through it recently and adored it, but I can understand it not clicking for some. It does definitely go into a loop of "kill - explore - kill - etc", but I found both components so satisfying and complementary to each other that it held my interest throughout.

Need to go back and try the arcade mode sometime :) And maybe on a higher difficulty than medium, though I'm no FPS aficionado.

Oh and major bogus points for the
short sequel bait


I hate to be that person but I feel like this game is absolutely incompatible with gamepad. I love console FPS but they've gotta be built around the controller (Halo, Destiny) or somewhere in-between. I can't imagine playing DOOM without the ability to whip around, so much of the game is about momentum I imagine it must all be lost on console. Same thing with Overwatch although that's mitigated a bit since it's multiplayer and Blizzard has been good with balance.
Playing DOOM on a controller with a Bumper Jumper control scheme and a high sensitivity was just fine for me.

Better on a PC obviously (the entire genre is inherently better with Mouse/Keyboard and the potential for higher framerates), but DOOM is still one of the best playing FPS I've ever touched on a console.


Weird complaints, I had an awesome time with this game.

The only thing that started to annoy me was the monotonous enemy encounter mechanism:

1. enter a room,
2. waves of enemies spawn in the room
3. kill the enemies,
4. move to next room
5. Repeat steps 1-4 ad nauseam for the entire game..

Whish they had mixed things up a bit more in this department
I hate to be that person but I feel like this game is absolutely incompatible with gamepad. I love console FPS but they've gotta be built around the controller (Halo, Destiny) or somewhere in-between. I can't imagine playing DOOM without the ability to whip around, so much of the game is about momentum I imagine it must all be lost on console. Same thing with Overwatch although that's mitigated a bit since it's multiplayer and Blizzard has been good with balance.
Wait, from your wording, have you actually played it with a controller?

It's absolutely fine... Great even.


Playing this game on a 144hz GSYNC monitor was insanely fun. The last bit of the game was pretty boring though. I think they dragged it on a bit too long.
Weird complaints, I had an awesome time with this game.

The only thing that started to annoy me was the monotonous enemy encounter mechanism:

1. enter a room,
2. waves of enemies spawn in the room
3. kill the enemies,
4. move to next room
5. Repeat steps 1-4 ad nauseam for the entire game..

Whish they had mixed things up a bit more in this department

Aside from the abysmall sound design this I feel is Doom's biggest sin, the level design is so lazy and archaic. When i was riding the tram, I had a slight hope we can have some riding the tram rip and tear level, but no. Let's get back to the hallways, rooms, stairs and green litted platforms you can jump on (deep down I always knew they were going down this path).


I just can't see the "boring" angle, I legitimately had to take breaks between sessions as the same feeling I get from online fighting games was creeping in, the feeling of being on the ragged edge of your abilities.

I also absolutely felt the DNA of the classics in this too,which has been another confusing aspect of this thread, in that some massive fans of 1 and 2 weren't feeling that natural progression of classic to 2016 versions.

Can't please everyone for sure, but to anyone finding this boring I would suggest either upping difficulty or taking a break from FPS as one must be burnt out by FPS's in general if this is boring,seriously doesn't compute. it helps that I'm a scrub I guess,made it all the more challenging

PC and gamepad for the record

Sushi Nao

Doom just made me realize how limited the design language for FPS's is. Things like visual cues for pickups, timing of animation priorities, balance in general... it all starts to feel really same-y. I'll go back to DOOM eventually but I think I need a hard break from all FPS until they do something hugely different.
I just can't see the "boring" angle, I legitimately had to take breaks between sessions as the same feeling I get from online fighting games was creeping in, the feeling of being on the ragged edge of your abilities.

I also absolutely felt the DNA of the classics in this too,which has been another confusing aspect of this thread, in that some massive fans of 1 and 2 weren't feeling that natural progression of classic to 2016 versions.

Can't please everyone for sure, but to anyone finding this boring I would suggest either upping difficulty or taking a break from FPS as one must be burnt out by FPS's in general if this is boring,seriously doesn't compute. it helps that I'm a scrub I guess,made it all the more challenging

PC and gamepad for the record
I think they mean bored of the same enemy encounter design over and over. It got tiresome,imo. I still liked the game but I wouldn't call it the best shooter of 2016 because it drags on/gets really repetitive and the mp was pretty poor.


I just finished the game last night actually and I was a little put off by some of the things that OP talks about in the beginning.

The install was fucking brutal. 30+ gigs before it would let me play the game is insanity imo.

The motion blur was hurting my eyes at first, thank god you can turn it down.

Weapons did feel kinda weak at first but things change as the game moves along.

Also, I really did not like the executions after the first couple encounters but after awhile I started to really get into the flow of the game with them. It took at least a couple hours to get adjusted to the game but I really loved it by the end. Definitely in my top 10 this year.

I am really glad that we have new good campaigns in the FPS genre with Titanfall 2 and Wolfenstein as well. I am cautiously optimistic for Prey, I hope they are watching the recent trend and really keep the badass single player experiences coming.
There's a lot of things I liked about it, but the repetitive encounter design and uninteresting level design stopped me from ever truly loving it. I just wanted to be done with the game by the second half. The combat itself and the soundtrack are great though.


Weird complaints, I had an awesome time with this game.

The only thing that started to annoy me was the monotonous enemy encounter mechanism:

1. enter a room,
2. waves of enemies spawn in the room
3. kill the enemies,
4. move to next room
5. Repeat steps 1-4 ad nauseam for the entire game..

Whish they had mixed things up a bit more in this department
Out of curiosity, what did you have in mind specifically? Anyone else who felt that it was too repetitive for their liking is also free to answer.


Out of curiosity, what did you have in mind specifically? Anyone else who felt that it was too repetitive for their liking is also free to answer.

I've only played the first few hours, but I would have liked to see enemies roam or just exist and not just pop out of nowhere literally every freaking time you enter a arena-like area. It's predictable and got stale very fast.
Have it be more free form, with enemies hidden, sometimes on their own, sometimes in a huge pack. Surprise me, add more variety in their designs and placement, anything. Doom felt like one of those areas in early COD where you can just see the illusion breaking and see 18 soldiers endlessly storm out of a room the size of a public bathroom.

I just felt like I was playing raw and unfocused game design instead of being a badass kicking ass on hell/mars. Enter room, activate generic mob spawner for a fight, kill all 10 mobs, repeat. They could have added a bit of life to this gameplay loop, great as the shooting part is.
NB playing the game on the middle difficulty on PS4
Bump it up to Ultra-Violence. I know it's an easy cop-out on id's part, but I do promise a lot of these feelings will change if you do. I really do regret playing the game on Hurt Me Plenty my first time through. The enemy AI definitely feels a bit more dynamic in bigger waves.
Out of curiosity, what did you have in mind specifically? Anyone else who felt that it was too repetitive for their liking is also free to answer.
I personally, liked the encounter design in shadow warrior a lot more. It was more balanced and had a good mix of exploration, arenas and random enemies. However, it outstayed its welcome and dragged on waay too long for its own good. Doom was an honorable mention on my goty list but it was far from perfect. A lot of valid complaints are being discussed.
Bump it up to Ultra-Violence. I know it's an easy cop-out on id's part, but I do promise a lot of these feelings will change if you do. I really do regret playing the game on Hurt Me Plenty my first time through. The enemy AI definitely feels a bit more dynamic in bigger waves.
Yeah I regret playing on the default difficulty as well, was a breeze for most of the game.
I've only played the first few hours, but I would have liked to see enemies roam or just exist and not just pop out of nowhere literally every freaking time you enter a arena-like area. It's predictable and got stale very fast.
Have it be more free form, with enemies hidden, sometimes on their own, sometimes in a huge pack. Surprise me, add more variety in their designs and placement, anything. Doom felt like one of those areas in early COD where you can just see the illusion breaking and see 18 soldiers endlessly storm out of a room the size of a public bathroom.

I just felt like I was playing raw and unfocused game design instead of being a badass kicking ass on hell/mars. Enter room, activate generic mob spawner for a fight, kill all 10 mobs, repeat. They could have added a bit of life to this gameplay loop, great as the shooting part is.

I love the game, but I agree with this. It's a good game despite the encounter design, not because of it. Drop the detail on the enemies if you have to, but put more of them scattered throughout a level, instead of barren environments outside of the wave-based arena fights.


With all the praise on GAF I thought I was the only one who bought this. I beat it and was just like meh. It was ok, but nothing I would recommend anyone to play. It seemed like it had a lot of good things that never really clicked together to me
Out of curiosity, what did you have in mind specifically? Anyone else who felt that it was too repetitive for their liking is also free to answer.

The unexpected.

More visual storytelling, fuck corridors man, the first Unreal had more character than this 2016 Doom. That was 1998.

Dead Space had those zero gravity levels, shit was crazy. I fondly remember that still.
Hell can be more than a sanddirt with floating platforms, chains, spikes and bones man. That shit is so contrived.
But these arenas are absolutely phenomenal when you're being pressured from every conceivable angle by hyper mobile enemies with a wide variety of attacks. They stop being "oh another arena" and become "how can i use that part and this platform and this room to avoid enemies who can kill me in moments? Where are the power ups? Where's the best position to use each weapon in my arsenal?"

Again, difficulty level seems to be the make or break here.

We'll have to agree to disagree. It's not what I'm looking for in Doom and not fun for me like I had explained in my original post. I have plenty of other issues with this iteration of Doom but when I really sat and analyzed my experience with it earlier, this seems to be a the root.

The difficulty doesn't factor in for me and I gave it a fair chance on the Normal and Ultra Violence (several hours each). The core design we discussed here is just simply not fun to me at any level of challenge.
There's more personality in the DOOM marine thumb than in all of the AAA games protagonists put together.

I meant more in the setting, but the secondary characters seem pretty lame and the dialogue is a lot worse than the new Doom (although some of the backround stuff at the beginning--solders in the mess hall listening to the tv) is alright.

Maybe I just need to give the game the chance to grow on me but I don't know if I can get past how severely constrained the game play and levels compared to the new doom.

Halo came out 2 years earlier and had huge open environments and dynamic encounters. Granted the game was graphically simpler but not THAT much...reviews kept saying for years after halo came out that no shooter approached its level of polish and dynamism in the feeling and breadth of fights. Aaannd yet they kept handing out 9s like candy.

Outlets were a lot different back then


We'll have to agree to disagree. It's not what I'm looking for in Doom and not fun for me like I had explained in my original post. I have plenty of other issues with this iteration of Doom but when I really sat and analyzed my experience with it earlier, this seems to be a the root.

The difficulty doesn't factor in for me and I gave it a fair chance on the Normal and Ultra Violence (several hours each). The core design we discussed here is just simply not fun to me at any level of challenge.

Well, that's bummer. Fair enough.

I did put it down just after launch because I wasnt in the mood and wasn't enjoying it - came back to it months later, loved it and finished it.

That said, i still absolutely appreciated the level design, movement and combat mechanics from the get go do maybe the game just really doesn't gel with your tastes.


Out of curiosity, what did you have in mind specifically? Anyone else who felt that it was too repetitive for their liking is also free to answer.

A few sections with free roaming/patrolling enemies who do not magically appear out of thin air and who are not time-triggered or confined to a small area would have been a nice change of pace. Make it a bit more strategic. There were a few of those but most of time they were just zombie cannon fodder.
I do love the fast run and gun style of the game it does get tiring if that's all there is.
Well, that's bummer. Fair enough.

I did put it down just after launch because I wasnt in the mood and wasn't enjoying it - came back to it months later, loved it and finished it.

That said, i still absolutely appreciated the level design, movement and combat mechanics from the get go do maybe the game just really doesn't gel with your tastes.

I'd chalk it up to having different expectations, not unrealistically since I obviously saw previews mind you, just kind of what I wished, but at the same time I just can't appreciate that kind of level design even for what it is. It's just personal taste at that point.

I also had the history of previously getting the disappointment that was Doom 3 after a long wait...then waiting fucking 12 years or whatever for another game I found thoroughly disappointing. That'll sour anyone I think haha.

Many people, including Romero and Carmack, agreed that Doom had a heavy and obvious Horror aspect to it even outside of the obvious textures. This was really played up in PSX Doom, PSX Final Doom, Doom 64 and then (misguidedly in my opinion) Doom 3. Even going back to the original PC version one can see and hear that in the soundtrack, only a certain percentage are 'Metal' tracks and a large percentage indeed are MIDI attempts at atmosphere. I mentioned it before, but in my head the logical step would've been to continue that lineage for the reboot in ramped up to 11. The PSX versions and Doom 64 obviously had some graphical 'cheese' to contend with but with current gen graphics, it would've been amazing to see this direction blossom into something truly horrific, claustrophobic and evil.

There's also a sense for me that my favorite gaming franchise, and literally PSX Doom is my favorite game of all time, just blew it yet again after all that wait and it's depressing yeah. I've said it before but I'm obviously aware I'm in the minority with that opinion but it's still worth discussing.


Not entirely with the OP, especially about AI, can see how it's somewhat repetitive... but difficulty is not depth people.
I'd chalk it up to having different expectations, not unrealistically since I obviously saw previews mind you, just kind of what I wished, but at the same time I just can't appreciate that kind of level design even for what it is. It's just personal taste at that point.

I also had the history of previously getting the disappointment that was Doom 3 after a long wait...then waiting fucking 12 years or whatever for another game I found thoroughly disappointing. That'll sour anyone I think haha.

Many people, including Romero and Carmack, agreed that Doom had a heavy and obvious Horror aspect to it even outside of the obvious textures. This was really played up in PSX Doom, PSX Final Doom, Doom 64 and then (misguidedly in my opinion) Doom 3. Even going back to the original PC version one can see and hear that in the soundtrack, only a certain percentage are 'Metal' tracks and a large percentage indeed are MIDI attempts at atmosphere. I mentioned it before, but in my head the logical step would've been to continue that lineage for the reboot in ramped up to 11. The PSX versions and Doom 64 obviously had some graphical 'cheese' to contend with but with current gen graphics, it would've been amazing to see this direction blossom into something truly horrific, claustrophobic and evil.

There's also a sense for me that my favorite gaming franchise, and literally PSX Doom is my favorite game of all time, just blew it yet again after all that wait and it's depressing yeah. I've said it before but I'm obviously aware I'm in the minority with that opinion but it's still worth discussing.

How are the attempts in Doom 3 at the horror theme misguided in your opinion? I haven't gotten far enough in but so far it doesn't feel 'truly horrific and evil' but it certainly does feel claustrophobic.

Is it all just about the graphics? Because I feel those are adequate to convey the feeling...I just don't like the atmosphere too much up to this point.


Doom 3 is better. There I said it. Got out of Hell in Doom (2016) and couldn't be bothered to go on any further. It was just boring.


I also had the history of previously getting the disappointment that was Doom 3 after a long wait...then waiting fucking 12 years or whatever for another game I found thoroughly disappointing. That'll sour anyone I think haha.

I've not been reading all your posts but gather you wanted a more horror orientated Doom game which is why you're disappointed by the new one, but why don't you like Doom 3 then?

Not entirely with the OP, especially about AI, can see how it's somewhat repetitive... but difficulty is not depth people.

Adding challenge to the game does bring out depth in games actually, making you experiment with tactics and weapons instead of just mindlessly running about.
I loved the game, but I agree LD could be better. Actually, the Foundry was a perfect example of how the levels in this game needed to be: non-linear, some setpieces battles and others where you could just avoid. Later levels were way too linear and battles were only limited to locked places.
I'm with the OP on this. I adore the original Doom, so I almost picked this up on day 1 for nostalgia alone - but being that I'm not a huge fan of most modern FPS games, I decided to hold off.

Finally broke down & picked this up during the Steam sale based on the overwhelmingly positive response and hey - it's been a while since I've played an FPS. I felt like this could hit the spot and be a nice change of pace from all of the third person open world games I've been playing lately.

3 minutes in, I'm thinking "...this is it? It must get better." 5 hours in and my opinion remains the same. It just feels very one-dimensional, repetitive and the platforming feels clumsy. This wouldn't be a problem if the weapons were fun and the level design was interesting.

I'm going to ride this one out, but it's a struggle to play for more than short bursts before switching to something more satisfying. Ironically enough - this game made me want to try a different FPS - one with a little more variety - because this game just won't scratch that itch that I now have BECAUSE of this game.

I will say that the game runs beautifully on PC. Haven't tried arcade mode or multiplayer. One thing I am really looking forward to is the classic levels. Who knows - maybe the game will grow on me with more time..


I loved the game but I do agree that Hell could've had more interesting design visually. It looked too yellowy and mucus like covering on walls and not as harsh and hot looking as I would've liked.


I think the problem is that the devs put too much efforts in emulating the insane speed the Speedruners at Doom 1 and 2 go. You could only go that fast because you knew at that point all the layout and the enemy/object positions.

I liked the game and it's a good 7.5-8/10 for me but the second-half of the game nothing new was shown (other than the Bosses I suppose) and the game kept doing the same thing over and over as people mentioned already in the thread (Hallway -> Arena -> Enemy Spawns -> Doors opens -> Hallway...).

The Encounter design doesn't old a candle to Doom 1 and 2.
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