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LTTP Mad Max Fury Road

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you're right and i agree with your point, rocky films are he trains and fights, the end.

However - i just didn't have any sense of connection or care for the characters, it seemed totally mindless to me.
I didnt hate it, it was just very average.
The connection comes from empathizing with the characters and watching them struggle and grow and bond, mostly through their actions and their unspoken exchanges.

If the setting and style of the movie didn't pull you in, maybe you weren't interested enough to notice all of the visual storytelling that was going on. But it's there, and it's really well done.
I keep meaning to do a thread on how we're in something of an action movie renaissance, which started in 2011 with The Raid, then kept trucking along with Dredd in 2012, The Raid 2 in 2014, John Wick also in 2014, Mad Max Fury Road that same year, and now John Wick Chapter 2 this year.

These are widely considered to be some of the finest action films ever made (The Raid 2 isn't very high on my personal list, though).

Fury Road warrants further study and repeat viewings; I didn't come to truly appreciate it until my 2nd or 3rd time.

The action sequence that follows when Furiosa and Max are escaping from the canyon ("Fool!") is easily one of the most stunning action scenes ever put to celluloid. The closeup shot of the truck's hood with the rolling hills coming up in the background and the bikers driving along them giving chase...hnnng. Shit needs a GIF, please!

That scene, coupled with that score, is fucking perfection. Those bikes flying overhead dropping firebombs down on the truck? Holy. Shit.

It's an incredibly well orchestrated masterpiece of action cinema.


I can't put The Matrix quite that high. It's good and it's stylish, but has no real depth, in my opinion.

Plus, it's one of the rare movies where the sub-par sequel(s) actually ruin my view of the original because it undoes a lot of what the original movie built up.

Take the conversation with the old man when we learn that Neo is just the latest in a long line of messiahs who have gone up against the Matrix.

Or the fact that the only reason he succeeds where the others failed is because he magically develops superpowers in the real world, thereby destroying the underlying theme of all three movies that regular, plain-old humanity is strong, capable, resilient, and intelligent enough to conquer anything, even a computer prison that has enslaved us all.

Turns out, nope. Humans suck and have sucked every single time they've stood up to the Matrix and can only win when Neo finds life's cheat code (
it's the Konami code

Just ugh.

As someone who didn't see the matrix till about 2001...i found it highly disappointing. Mostly it was because it had been pop cultured to death so my opinion is suspect in that sense. Watching it recently I don't find that it aged well at all...very much a product of the late 90's and not something you would want to watch today
The action sequence that follows when Furiosa and Max are escaping from the canyon ("Fool!") is easily one of the most stunning action scenes ever put to celluloid. The closeup shot of the truck's hood with the rolling hills coming up in the background and the bikers driving along them giving chase...hnnng. Shit needs a GIF, please!


I got deeply into the Mad Max films in the early '90s to the point where I would watch Road Warrior and Thunderdome on VHS on a weekly basis. The dark, brutal, yet still somewhat cartoony world and badass Mel Gibson just triggered something in my imagination that was unlike anything else. I'd get older, finally see the original Mad Max without the bad American dub job, and form a new appreciation for that film. For all of my friends that would swear by the Star Wars trilogy, or the Back to the Future trilogy, or the Indiana Jones trilogy, I'd immediately go to the Mad Max trilogy and get strange looks.

"You mean those weird, apocalyptic Australian films?"

Needless to say, Fury Road (or, for a long time, simply just the fourth Mad Max movie) was the most anticipated movie ever for me. It wasn't even close.
I remember practically the entire 90's of nothing other than troubling rumors of some TV show, maybe an animated series, whatever. Then following all of the heartbreaks with early production (news in like 2002 that Gibson was finally on board and they were set to film, but the war in the Middle East putting the breaks on that). I remember like a full decade later the news that Mel was officially out and Miller was casting the guy from BRONSON. I remember the occasional production image of a crazy looking vehicle that would come out in like 2013 and then absolutely nothing for months and months.

Then, when it felt like this film was never coming, the first trailer dropped during the summer of... 2014? I think that's right. I was on the sunny patio of a Destin beachhouse when I finally got a chance to watch it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The movie came out and it delivered in a way that honestly no other movie I've anticipated that much has. Even movies that I had massive anticipation for and walked away from really liking still had some let down moments (The 5th Element, X-Men, Prometheus) or the ones that completely dropped the ball for me (The Phantom Menace, Alien Resurrection).
Fury Road is just damn near flawless to me and although I still wish we could have gotten an old, grizzled Mel Gibson reprising, the movie damn near made me weep at the end because it was everything I had built over twenty years in my mind hoping it would be.

I hope Wasteland happens and I hope it's awesome, but Fury Road will always have a special place in my heart.


I love how the war rig literally gasps for air after the sand extinguishes the flames. A someone else observed in another Fury Road thread, that's the sequence where the war rig starts becoming a character in the story, and we're rooting for it to pull through.

I think that might have been me? Regardless, I fully agree. I love that gasp for air bit


There is a showing of the Black nChrome edition in the Cinema a few cities away from me, on this Sunday & i wish i could go but i have other commitments that day, plus it's quite far away even on public transport.

So I think I will buy the Bluray this weekend, when im out shopping, think i'll also pick up the Art book, & maybe the PS4 game too.
It felt like Road Warrior and then it rose above Road Warrior and I never knew that was possible until it released.

It's literally a perfect action movie. Every second is focused and amazing.
I'll witness that.

For me, there's three action scenes of the past decade to aspire to:

1. Fury Road's polecats in the final convoy
2. Django's final gunfight to a fucking James Brown Tupac mashup
3. John Wick's club scene
Pretty sure he meant awful as in thoroughly unpleasant, not poorly executed.

No, I got that. His complaint basically reads as if "The villains in the new movie aren't scary because they didn't rape anyone onscreen." Which doesn't make sense. Besides which, all of the villains in Mad Max are closer to a odd combo of gross/silly than scary. What they do is what makes them frightening. What they look like is just fascinating

But to think Immortan Joe is "a clown" because you didn't see a rape onscreen despite his entire facility being a combination water hoard/baby factory... As with a lot of complaints about Fury Road, it seems to belie a lack of attention paid.

Die Hard isn't an action movie



I love how the war rig literally gasps for air after the sand extinguishes the flames. A someone else observed in another Fury Road thread, that's the sequence where the war rig starts becoming a character in the story, and we're rooting for it to pull through.

It still upsets me when Rictus rips the blower off the war rig.


The only clear flaw I've picked up from Fury Road after 10+ viewings, is that Toast (Zoe Kravitz) incorrectly gives the amount of bullets left for the sniper rifle (4) when doing an ammo count. It's clearly 3 when she tells Max after he misses with his first shot. Small mistake, but it irks me.

Incredible movie otherwise. Love it to death


The moment where furiosa pulls the shotgun trigger on his head is perfect example of this. Dude gives such a wile e coyote expression. It's like live action looney tunes at times. I can totally see why Miller thought this movie would work with no dialogue, like those old buster Keaton movies.
i mean it can be seen as an ode to keaton's the general in particular. the structure is basically the same as well as the idea - a feature film that is effectively one long chase sequence (including a scene where they have to turn back the way they came). hell, there are literal shots in fury road that are basically recreations of ones used in it.
The only clear flaw I've picked up from Fury Road after 10+ viewings, is that Toast (Zoe Kravitz) incorrectly gives the amount of bullets left for the sniper rifle (4) when doing an ammo count. It's clearly 3 when she tells Max after he misses with his first shot. Small mistake, but it irks me.

Incredible movie otherwise. Love it to death

There are a few continuity errors and whatnot, but it's all so nitpicky it's really not worth bringing up. No movie is immune to stuff like that.


Amazing film. That scene when the bikers attacked the war rig almost brought me to tears - the action, the music, it fit too well lol
Downright crazy, over the top fucktastic
How often have you left a theater feeling like you have physically been on a roller coaster?

For me it only happened a handful of times, and this movie was certainly one of them.
Love it. Road Warrior/MM2 is one of my favorite movies of all time and the odds of a belated sequel to the series living up to that standard seemed impossible, but they did it.


Watched this for the first time yesterday.

Really enjoyed it, although I have to admit I feel I could have got more out of it if the characters were a little more developed and a little less minimalistic in the way they're detailed. I liked the film the best when it reached the marshes section, where the character's relationships with one another received the most development time when they're forced more to work together. So I would have really liked to see a few more "quieter scenes" which would have allowed the characters to get to know each other a little more as a means of developing their dynamic. I didn't feel I got to know Furiosa or the wives as well as I would have liked to, with most of the wives not even really having clearly defined personalities in the film. So that was an element of the film I found a little undercooked, although I understand that might have served as something of a contradiction of Fury Road's innate "show, don't tell" philosophy.

But regardless, a fantastic film. I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to make, especially in regards to the staggering amount of practical effects that were involved, which I only heard about afterwards. Props to everyone involved!

I'd love to see a sequel! Reading up on the current plans on it though, it appears there hasn't been much movement on it at all, especially considering it hasn't even been officially confirmed yet. Should I be worried?


Found it a bit shallow tbh. I understand that's kind of the point but eh.

Awesome action nonetheless.
I agree..holy shit was it fantastic. I truely believe this movie is destined to join the likes of Die Hard, The Dark Knight, Terminator 2, OG Star Wars, and Avengers as the great action films.

It is a bit of a shame though that this got overshadowed by the newest Fast and the Furious movie and Age of Ultron at the time.

Not to derail, but a couple of these dont belong on a "great action films" list. TDK isn't really an action film, and Avengers... Well... I don't think it's going to hold up to the test of time. This absolutely will.
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