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LTTP- Please Save My Earth (manga)

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I've heard for a while that the manga Please Save My Earth is regarded as a classic by the serious otaku types, so I finally got around to reading it recently. And it's incredibly good! Its sense of pacing, how it slowly sheds light on its mysteries while bringing up new ones, is impeccable. And it has some of the most interesting characters I've seen in any comic. (bonus: its creator is a DQ and Mother fangirl)

I've read the first 16 volumes of it and can't wait for more. Anyone else here a fan of this series?


awesome manga, wish I had time to hunt down more volumes (I don't really want to buy them, but read them at a bookstore, and well, it's really hard to find PSME in bookstores these days)

I also LOVED the ova/movie back in the day. One of my all time favorites.
PhlegmMaster said:
What's it about?

It's kind of hard to explain without some spoilage. But basically it's about a group of mostly high school age kids who find out they're the reincarnations of a team of scientists from an advanced civilization that were stationed on a base on Earth's moon to observe the earth.


I hope the manga is better than the anime. What awful garbage. (With a nice Mizuguchi soundtrack.) The last oav was pure wtf.


bjork said:
2+2 = 4

People like you are why we wrap our manga.

Uh? It's common practice in the US for people to sit down and read manga at a bookstore, and then only buy the ones they really like. $10 is a lot of ****ing money to spend on something that you'd only casually read once.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
hated the ending. disliked the way the plot developed really. really really stupid ending, frustrating really. i didnt like the way love is depicted by the plot and the author. stupid mesages. feel free to debate :p

whilst reading it it felt like a shoujo manga, what with all the bishies floating around and the relationships/love emphasis. Not that thats bad....but it seems contradictory to the otaku thing.


well not really...yet
kaizoku said:
hated the ending. disliked the way the plot developed really. really really stupid ending, frustrating really. i didnt like the way love is depicted by the plot and the author. stupid mesages. feel free to debate :p

whilst reading it it felt like a shoujo manga, what with all the bishies floating around and the relationships/love emphasis. Not that thats bad....but it seems contradictory to the otaku thing.
That's because it IS a shoujo manga :p


Pellham said:
Uh? It's common practice in the US for people to sit down and read manga at a bookstore, and then only buy the ones they really like. $10 is a lot of ****ing money to spend on something that you'd only casually read once.

So complain because you can't find it... if no one buys it because everyone's mooching off the bookstores and basically stealing the book, there's no need to stock newer volumes.


Pellham said:
Uh? It's common practice in the US for people to sit down and read manga at a bookstore, and then only buy the ones they really like. $10 is a lot of ****ing money to spend on something that you'd only casually read once.
Uh, get a job? That's less than I spend on lunch most days. You could work for ~ two hours and save up enough to buy one a day.

Alternately, go to the library maybe?


bjork said:
So complain because you can't find it... if no one buys it because everyone's mooching off the bookstores and basically stealing the book, there's no need to stock newer volumes.

If no one buys it, it's not because everyone's mooching off the bookstore, it's because it doesn't have enough fans to warrant sales. It's not my fault PSME isn't popular.

Are you one of those people who get mad that people download songs to listen to without buying CDs also?

Uh, get a job? That's less than I spend on lunch most days. You could work for ~ two hours and save up enough to buy one a day.

Alternately, go to the library maybe?

It's not that I can't afford it, it's that I only buy stuff that I really want to keep and treasure for an eternity. That is what most people do. If everyone bought every comic book or magazine they read in a store, people would have way too much shit in their homes.


Pellham said:
If no one buys it, it's not because everyone's mooching off the bookstore, it's because it doesn't have enough fans to warrant sales. It's not my fault PSME isn't popular.

It's both, actually. People go to Barnes + Noble for the purpose of reading manga there and not buy it. Which is fine if you're trying to get a feel for the series to see if you want to buy it, but it's not fine when they're like "hey, it's new manga day, where is the new volume of [title], I want to read it and not buy it." If you read it and like it, buy it and support the format, manga is already a niche market that needs the support. Or download scanlations so people who DO want to buy it like a normal customer, don't have to buy the copy that's been thumbed through by fifty people with coffee-stained fingers or whatever.

But if you don't like it enough to buy it, why the hell are you still reading it?


I've been in love with PSME for ages :) It's my absolute favorite, I just love everything about it. Hiwatari is such a wonderful storyteller.


bjork said:
But if you don't like it enough to buy it, why the hell are you still reading it?

I like PSME a lot, but the # of titles that I actually buy is very, very low. If I was earning a lot more then I would probably buy more (like say, if I was m0rphix), but as is, i'm pretty selective.
I'd prefer to borrow books from a friend and read their copies, but there is hardly anyone around where I live with the same tastes as I do. All of my friends are Narutards or Bleachfreaks.


kaizoku said:
hated the ending. disliked the way the plot developed really. really really stupid ending, frustrating really. i didnt like the way love is depicted by the plot and the author. stupid mesages. feel free to debate :p

I actually really enjoyed the ending; to be honest, I think Hiwatari kinda pulled something out of nowhere because she had no real idea WHY
Rin/Shion wanted to modify Tokyo Tower except that it was cool
, but the ending was tense and exciting, something which most of the manga really wasn't.

I will admit that
I never totally bought Alice and Rin getting together at all; I could see no reason why she loved him other than the whole Mokuren/Shion thing, but having read the first volume of the sequel it seems to have worked out okay.

whilst reading it it felt like a shoujo manga, what with all the bishies floating around and the relationships/love emphasis. Not that thats bad....but it seems contradictory to the otaku thing.

PSME isn't an otaku-targeted manga, though; it's written for girls, ergo relationships/love stuff.


Tsubaki said:
I hope the manga is better than the anime. What awful garbage. (With a nice Mizuguchi soundtrack.) The last oav was pure wtf.

The anime is great. Screw you, hippie.

I have the first couple of volumes of the manga but I've been rather derelict in picking it up lately...I'll have to go into Borders and see if I can find the latest volumes today.


I've been buying the Viz translation of the manga as it gets published and am enjoying it quite a bit. Recent volumes have slowed down a bit, but I'm still digging the oh-so-80's shoujo vibe. I'm a big fan of the OVA and am looking forward to seeing how the manga ends - even though my understanding is that the mangaka said to hell with it and wrapped up the series abruptly.

Tsubaki, as the PSME OVAs were made mid-storyline, they didn't exactly have a smooth ending to go with. I think the ending works, as you get Rin's backstory explained, which adds an emotional ending to the series. The montage at the end is a nice bit of teaser to get you to read the comic; hell, the OVA series was probably made on the assumption that most folks watching it had already read the comic to begin with. And, while I haven't seen it, my understanding is that the PSME music video OVA has a bit of animation that shows the ending of the series, so if anyone is dying to see the resolution animated, there you go.

By the way, apparently Hiwatari is about to start work on a sequel to PSME.



FnordChan said:
By the way, apparently Hiwatari is about to start work on a sequel to PSME.

She's written a couple of volumes worth already - The Moonlight That Surrounds Me (Boku wo Tsutsumu Tsuki no Hikari) is being serialised in Bessatsu Hana to Yume at the moment.

It's got her nice new modern artstyle (if you've read any Tower of the Future or Global Garden you'll know the one) and takes place about ten years later; currently it's evenly split in focus between the old gang and some new characters.
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