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LTTP:The PS3 Experience


Sucks at poetry
I bought a PS3 last year to play Uncharted 2. It was worth every cent and every minute. I'm not a console guy either (primarily PC), but the experience of playing a game that is literally, a perfect blend of gameplay and cinematics, on the sofa with surround sound is unmatched. Also, RDR is pretty great.
If you're talking quantity PC still has every console/handheld beat.

Just the amount of flash games and such is just a huge amount of games.

I'm not talking about time wasters on newgrounds or whatever, I'm talking stuff actually worth playing. Dyad, The unfinished swan, and Journey were all top tier games released very cheaply. I don't consider "flash games" in the same league, whether on PC or IOS.

Both PSN and XBLA have a LOT of very good, very playable games released every week just like them that get very little press.
I wouldn't mind the installs - although I am surprised that a console would even require them, if not for the fact that there are no advantages to installing a game to the hard drive.

The argument with PC games and installation is that while you do have to spend a couple of minutes setting it up, it would eliminate the load times. After installing UFC Undisputed 3, I was still enduring load times for menu screens. MENU SCREENS.

The original Fallout had three installation options

First was to install 2.3 MB to the hard drive and endure long ass loading times.

Second was to install 100 MB to the hard drive and endure not as long loading times.

Third was to install the entire game - ~650 MB to the hard drive and endure very short loading times.


extra source of jiggaflops
Load times are the worst.

But I think the way Uncharted 2 and RDR do it on console is just great no matter the platform. It's one huge ass load time at the start of the game and unless you chapter select or fast travel (it's not my style of play) you will not see a loading screen again. (I think you get one when you die in RDR, but unless you play hardcore mode from the GOTY edition that shouldn't happen very often. ;-))

I hope other developer use that way to get rid of loading times or mask them very effectively.
(And no, Unreal Engine's hand to ear walking corridor talky bits is very transparent.) :p

About the sound: That sucks. I do everything with headphones so it's not something I notice but seeking sounds are bad.
I wouldn't mind the installs - although I am surprised that a console would even require them, if not for the fact that there are no advantages to installing a game to the hard drive.

The argument with PC games and installation is that while you do have to spend a couple of minutes setting it up, it would eliminate the load times. After installing UFC Undisputed 3, I was still enduring load times for menu screens. MENU SCREENS.

The original Fallout had three installation options

First was to install 2.3 MB to the hard drive and endure long ass loading times.

Second was to install 100 MB to the hard drive and endure not as long loading times.

Third was to install the entire game - ~650 MB to the hard drive and endure very short loading times.

Again, you're arguing against the load times of 7 year old hardware. comes with the territory. With certain exceptions, you can't install the full game to the drive, only part of it- and even then you're working with a 5200RPM drive in the PS3.

On the other hand, PC gaming isnt without it's pitfalls, since DRM can and does render games unplayable depending on the state of your internet connection, or the game's servers. I bought Diablo III just to see what the fuss was about re: PC gaming, only to find I frequently couldn't get the game to boot because the servers were down or not responding. For a game I intended to play singleplayer! supposedly simcity has the same problem.

Load times are the worst.

But I think the way Uncharted 2 and RDR do it on console is just great no matter the platform. It's one huge ass load time at the start of the game and unless you chapter select or fast travel (it's not my style of play) you will not see a loading screen again. (I think you get one when you die in RDR, but unless you play hardcore mode from the GOTY edition that shouldn't happen very often. ;-))

I hope other developer use that way to get rid of loading times or mask them very effectively.
(And no, Unreal Engine's hand to ear walking corridor talky bits is very transparent.) :p

About the sound: That sucks. I do everything with headphones so it's not something I notice but seeking sounds are bad.

this is also true- some games have next to no loading or mask it very well. Playing darksiders II then Dark souls right after it was night and day. one pops up a load screen every 5 minutes, the other maybe once per game (going into and out of anor londo)


PS3 has a lot of great exclusives you really need to try.

I'll throw out one that doesn't get mentioned a lot, compared to the other big franchises:


It's so damn good.

PS3 has a lot of great exclusives you really need to try.

I'll throw out one that doesn't get mentioned a lot, compared to the other big franchises:


It's so damn good.


This one's free on PS+ I think. its in my download list, but i've yet to try it.

Some might be interested..

That's what I was getting at. I just checked PSN, there have been 605 PSN only games released so far, not including "full" ps3 games, ps1 classics, or DLC. That's VERY close to the entire catalogue of the SNES in north america (about 700, IIRC). Not all of them are as good as journey or super stardust, but they're all in a completely different class than your average flash game. Cruising through it there's a pretty good mix of original content, HD remixes, and arcade classics that are worth playing.
If you're talking quantity PC still has every console/handheld beat.

Just the amount of flash games and such is just a huge amount of games.

I can't confirm that. I think most platforms are pretty comparable.
Despite the ridiculous "solution" in my experience the last few months Sony wins the maintenance award now because of PS+ and everything patching at night.

Don't get me wrong: That you have to pay it to make it more convenient is absolute horrible. It's just a side-effect of PS+ being worth it for me personally.

Thanks for the tip on PS+. The entire experience would be a lot easier to deal with if I didn't have to interact with the system while it was patching and installing. They should have a standard installer so that you can set it up: you pop in a game and it deals with everything for you. On Steam, it's mostly just a click and wait.
THIS. It's a $250, seven year old machine at this point. Please point me towards a $250 PC that can play games with image quality of The Last of Us.

This is actually a very good point I forgot to address. If this were purely based on gaming, I would get one of the consoles over a PC 100% of the time.

The thing is though, I need a PC whereas I do not need a console or TV. I have a secondary source of income on the side - online poker, that requires me to own a Windows PC for Poker Stars and Hold'em manager - and it needs to be powerful because I play six tables at once and gets to be pretty CPU intensive when I'm reviewing hand histories and what not. There is no substitute in my life for a PC - and that includes Macs. My reasoning is that since I need a powerful PC anyways, I might as well buy a 360 controller and throw in a nice video card to turn it into a good gaming rig. I suspect that most PC gamers are in the same boat as me - they use their PC's for more than just owning noobs so it doubles as a work and educational tool and a gaming platform.


A lot of people here seem to be somewhat sour that I didn't proclaim the PS3 to be the god king of all entertainment devices or whatever. I'm not saying it sucks, my conclusion was that it's worth a purchase and there are lots of unique experiences on it despite all the weaknesses it has.


I love Journey, Uncharted, Sound shapes, Wipeout, Ratchet, Resistance, Killzone but oh man I played Fr Cry 3 on ps3 and goddamn it's fucking 25 fps CONSTANTLY. So it's easy, multiplats is PC and I love my well optimized Ps3 exclusives/console only titles


extra source of jiggaflops
I suspect that most PC gamers are in the same boat as me - they use their PC's for more than just owning noobs so it doubles as a work and educational tool and a gaming platform.
I'm very interested in this since I've been quite down on my gaming PC purchase. (I don't think the PC exclusive games that were released this year lived up to the expectation in my mind. Mostly Diablo 3 and GW2. But next year with the VR Rift I'm looking forward to owning a decent PC.)

A lot of the people that I talk to that own gaming PCs also own tablets and/or laptops as their main device and only boot the PC to play games, which makes it a very expensive high end console.

Most of them have enough money to justify it to themselves as they care a lot about IQ and frame-rate and such.

I think the PC is currently in a strange space. There are great games coming out and digital distribution seems to be quite healthy with lots of developers trying cool things but the PC as such is getting less important in the overall market due to tablets, I think.
Kickstarter and the return to titles uncompromisingly made for the PC enthusiast crowd is just great. I just wonder.

A thing that I feel you should try to adopt to is the controller to play shooter. You're missing out on a lot of great games with the aversion to the controller for shooty-shooty-bang-bang games.
You don't have to prefer it to the M+K, although I do for non-competitive games, but it's good to able to play these games without fighting the controls to appreciate those games.
To see where I'm coming from: It's not 100% analogous, but I'm better at racing games with a controller, yet I prefer to play it with a force-feedback wheel.


Geez this thread is hostile for no reason. It's not like the OP is trying to teach the superior ways of the PC to the lowly console peasants. He's simply posting some observations.

See vvvvvv
This one's free on PS+ I think. its in my download list, but i've yet to try it.

the game is slightly boring in the beggining as you take a lot of time to traverse the town, but as you start unlocking new abilities and once you get some that will allow you to move a LOT faster. if anything, i would have loved sucker punch to introduce these abilities way sooner.
i also feel infamous 2 is a lot glitchier than infamous 1 but 2 is bigger so i guess i let it slide this time ;)
the game is slightly boring in the beggining as you take a lot of time to traverse the town, but as you start unlocking new abilities and once you get some that will allow you to move a LOT faster. if anything, i would have loved sucker punch to introduce these abilities way sooner.
i also feel infamous 2 is a lot glitchier than infamous 1 but 2 is bigger so i guess i let it slide this time ;)

I'm sure it's great- i just have too many damn games to play, and not enough time to squeeze them in.

regardless of which platform you buy, (ps3, 360, or PC) the fact is that there are far, far too many games exclusive or otherwise for anyone to actually play through- unless you're lucky enough to have nothing BUT time to play games.
I'm very interested in this since I've been quite down on my gaming PC purchase. (I don't think the PC exclusive games that were released this year lived up to the expectation in my mind. Mostly Diablo 3 and GW2. But next year with the VR Rift I'm looking forward to owning a decent PC.)

A lot of the people that I talk to that own gaming PCs also own tablets and/or laptops as their main device and only boot the PC to play games, which makes it a very expensive high end console.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. Maybe they just have more disposable income than me. I can't imagine spending ~$400-800 on a device just to play games though. I don't need video games that bad. There was a two year period where I played no games whatsoever and didn't really feel all that different in terms of quality of life.


Junior Member
For me games like UC2, GOW3,KZ2, Journey,Demon Souls etc are good enough reasons to supplement your PC with a PS3. Hell the first 40 min of GOW3 alone is worth every penny that the PS3 costs. I know plenty of people who had been playing beautiful games on their PC have their jaw drop after seeing the opening of GOW3. PC+PS3 +Wii was more than enough for me this gen.
"LTTP: Been Living Under a Rock" - better title? You know so little it's insane. And all the things you've missed out on and still miss out on as a almost-exclusively PC gamer sort of makes me sad.


Uncharted 2,god of war 3,journey,infamous 2 and red dead are all better on pc imo

Read what I wrote? I love those games and I'm happy with my ps3. But some games are just so bad on it, like Skyrim and Far Cry 3, that its mad not to get a 500 gaming PC...
Geez this thread is hostile for no reason. It's not like the OP is trying to teach the superior ways of the PC to the lowly console peasants. He's simply posting some observations.

See vvvvvv

Seriously. There's nothing wrong with discussing the advantages/disadvantages of platforms. But discussing disadvantages sure makes a lot of people defensive.
"LTTP: Been Living Under a Rock" - better title? You know so little it's insane. And all the things you've missed out on and still miss out on as a almost-exclusively PC gamer sort of makes me sad.

Honestly, even if I dropped all my other hobbies - namely martial arts, poker and reading books and just focused on playing video games for the next year, I still would not be able to fully grasp the benefits of having all three next gen consoles. So why bother trying? I decided to latch onto on platform and get as much enjoyment out of it as I could without it encroaching on the rest of my life.

Here's something that would scare a lot of you guys. I have not:

Seen the original Star Wars trilogy
Seen any thing based on Star Trek
Seen anything done by Joss Whedon except for the Avengers
Seen an episode of Lost
Seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy
Seen or read the Harry Potter series
Owned a dedicated DVD player - watched DVD's on my laptop all through college and now stream all my movies
Until last week, played a post 32 bit era console. This includes store displays and fucking around with other people's consoles at their house. It also includes handhelds and mobile games - including the stuff included on many cellphones like Tetris or Snake.

For me gaming over the last 15 years has been defined by Unreal, Quake, Half Life, Fallout (originals), System Shock, Thief, Baldur's Gate, King's Quest, Heroes of Might and Magic etc. and even with all the intriguing games I missed out on, I still don't feel like I'm any less of a gamer.


Honestly, even if I dropped all my other hobbies - namely martial arts, poker and reading books and just focused on playing video games for the next year, I still would not be able to fully grasp the benefits of having all three next gen consoles. So why bother trying? I decided to latch onto on platform and get as much enjoyment out of it as I could without it encroaching on the rest of my life.

Here's something that would scare a lot of you guys. I have not:

Seen the original Star Wars trilogy
Seen any thing based on Star Trek
Seen anything done by Joss Whedon except for the Avengers
Seen an episode of Lost
Seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy
Seen or read the Harry Potter series
Owned a dedicated DVD player - watched DVD's on my laptop all through college and now stream all my movies
Until last week, played a post 32 bit era console. This includes store displays and fucking around with other people's consoles at their house. It also includes handhelds and mobile games - including the stuff included on many cellphones like Tetris or Snake.

For me gaming over the last 15 years has been defined by Unreal, Quake, Half Life, Fallout (originals), System Shock, Thief, Baldur's Gate, King's Quest, Heroes of Might and Magic etc. and even with all the intriguing games I missed out on, I still don't feel like I'm any less of a gamer.

For some reason I think your last 15 years in gaming have been more entertaining than most Gaffers.
For some reason I think your last 15 years in gaming have been more entertaining than most Gaffers.

Maybe not better but definitely different. I feel pretty out of touch with the average gamer because I basically grew up without consoles. But I can regale you some epic Alpha Centauri stories.


Maybe not better but definitely different. I feel pretty out of touch with the average gamer because I basically grew up without consoles. But I can regale you some epic Alpha Centauri stories.

I can relate to you since i have been a pc gamer from 97 to 07 to an extent and missed out ps1 and ps2.

I will say you should try out the stuffs which you have missed cause it will be WORTH it
PLay Journey and Flower than uncharted series than GOW3 and finish it off with yakuza 3+4 and put the cherry on the icing via Metal gear Solid 4,3,2 and 1 STFU ps3 rules

EDIT: but seriously I just beat journey most amazing gaming experiences in a long ass time, we don't need next gen we need small studios who love what they DO Create Games for us Gamer's


OP I'm interested if you think 360 would be worth a purchase.

I've been a PS3/PC/Wii gamer this generation (gaming and animu are my only hobbies, unfortunately D: ). I do work a lot and have so many games that I don't really do online multiplayer very much (it doesn't sound like you're particularly enthused by it either). The majority of the great 360 experiences out there I've found have either become available on PS3 in time, or were always available on PC. There are very few games I'll get when I eventually get a 360, including the Gears and Halo series, Lost Odyssey, a couple XBLA games I want to play with friends (locally), and a few others. There are easily over two dozen PS3 exclusives I own currently, however. Unavailable on any other platform. Unique and of high quality.


I think game organization on the ps3 games menu is kind of a mess though. I have a lot of downloaded games and I need to scroll A LOT to get to them. Hopefully this gets better because the Vita was not a step in the right direction.

PC has this part of owning a large games library much easier.
I would never question that PCs are more flexible and powerful.

But they also have a lot of additional configuration BS that you don't have to put up with on consoles - right drivers, right version of DX, installing & configuring hardware etc. etc.

And of course, over a console's life span you're probably going to spend 5x as much money upgrading that PC.

Even all that I would be willing to go through, if the games were there. But the stuff that really runs to my tastes is all on consoles. I get that PC gaming is a lot broader and more vibrant than it used to be, but it still hasn't grabbed me yet.


OP I'm interested if you think 360 would be worth a purchase.

I've been a PS3/PC/Wii gamer this generation (gaming and animu are my only hobbies, unfortunately D: ). I do work a lot and have so many games that I don't really do online multiplayer very much (it doesn't sound like you're particularly enthused by it either). The majority of the great 360 experiences out there I've found have either become available on PS3 in time, or were always available on PC. There are very few games I'll get when I eventually get a 360, including the Gears and Halo series, Lost Odyssey, a couple XBLA games I want to play with friends (locally), and a few others. There are easily over two dozen PS3 exclusives I own currently, however. Unavailable on any other platform. Unique and of high quality.

There are still a lot of XBLA exclusives like Geometry Wars 2, Fez, etc that make a 360 worthwhile. If you like good games, its worth owning all three


I think game organization on the ps3 games menu is kind of a mess though. I have a lot of downloaded games and I need to scroll A LOT to get to them. Hopefully this gets better because the Vita was not a step in the right direction.

PC has this part of owning a large games library much easier.

Have you broken them into folders?

I don't have a lot, but I have my game demos and actual games split up into two folders. If you have a ton of games, I imagine you could put them into folders grouped by letters ("A-E", "F-L", etc etc).

There are still a lot of XBLA exclusives like Geometry Wars 2, Fez, etc that make a 360 worthwhile. If you like good games, its worth owning all three
I will eventually own a 360. I am just in no hurry and I know I will own significantly less games for it than my PS3.

Maybe the next Xbox will be fully backwards compatible and I won't have to even get a 360 :V
But they also have a lot of additional configuration BS that you don't have to put up with on consoles - right drivers, right version of DX, installing & configuring hardware etc. etc.

Is this 1997?
Windows 7 automatically install all the drivers that you would need including the GPU,DX,sound,etc.
I call bullshit on this entire tale.

You really haven't played a console game since 1997? Come on son.


It's hard to believe on Neogaf because it's a forum of enthusiasts but people drop in and out of hobbies all the time. It's been six years since I last read a DC or Marvel comic. It's been almost nine years since I last had my own personal television.


Is this 1997?
Windows 7 automatically install all the drivers that you would need including the GPU,DX,sound,etc.

Win 7 Released in 08.

Oh and we have seen pretty much a lot of screw ups in bad ports where you need to update drivers manually to the latest one.


It's hard to believe on Neogaf because it's a forum of enthusiasts but people drop in and out of hobbies all the time. It's been six years since I last read a DC or Marvel comic. It's been almost nine years since I last had my own personal television.

So what have you decided =p now ?
I don't really understand how anyone who had some remote interest in video games, never walked into a friends house and found them playing a video game system, and decided to try it out as well. I guess unless that person has no friends/interaction with others.


Have you broken them into folders?

I am using folders but that does not really help. I am still scrolling a lot and I have to manage/remember which game is in which folder. This should be like Gmail, I need filters and the ability to mark games as favorites so they belong to a meta collection, and search please get me search
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