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LTTP:The PS3 Experience

I call bullshit on this entire tale.

You really haven't played a console game since 1997? Come on son.


It's hard to believe on Neogaf because it's a forum of enthusiasts but people drop in and out of hobbies all the time. It's been six years since I last read a DC or Marvel comic. It's been almost nine years since I last had my own personal television.


extra source of jiggaflops

It's hard to believe on Neogaf because it's a forum of enthusiasts but people drop in and out of hobbies all the time. It's been six years since I last read a DC or Marvel comic. It's been almost nine years since I last had my own personal television.
I didn't own a television for 7 years. I didn't play a single game outside of Tuxracer for 6 years on my own system.

I was still invited to someone and played Halo split screen on a beamer or played Wii Sport, Buzz and sang Singstar.
That stuff is inevitable if you live in a society where people do that kind of thing. :p

I work in IT. Don't try and tell me that PCs are simple problem-free funboxes, even now.
My WIndows 7 didn't recognize anything. I even had to install the ethernet driver from the mainboard CD to even get a net connection going. I find it interesting how I'm so often the sole exception to happy fun times on PC when I read this forum.
I don't really understand how anyone who had some remote interest in video games, never walked into a friends house and found them playing a video game system, and decided to try it out as well. I guess unless that person has no friends/interaction with others.

Long story. The few friends I had that were gamers in high school were PC gamers. In college I stopped gaming altogether for 2 years and got obsessed with martial arts - see my avatar. Had no interest in playing games from 05 to 07. GFW Radio got me back. Graduated and got busy. Never bought a TV in the middle.


Could someone explain to me why the ps3 has to install games and the 360 doesn't? Like when you get a retail game there is usually a large install, I'm guessing the disc drive is too slow? However when you download a game too, you have to install as well and it takes forever, while on the 360 if you download a game you can play it instantly.


Well in a perfect world we wouldnt find apple users complaining about andriod being complicated :b but they do =(

The problem lies in their inability to complete simple tasks, not with the technology.

Beta drivers exist to solve problems and more often than not (again, I can't speak for everyone) it has done the job.
FC3 runs very well on my PC and above all : I have the choice. If I want a glorious 60fps all it takes is for me to tone down a few settings, if I want the maximum eye candy then I can have it.

If I had to play FC3 on PS3 then....Huh. Terrible framerate, and I can't do anything about this. That's the whole point of PC gaming : flexibility.

I'm not saying playing on PC is better, it has its fair share of issues of course. To each his own.


Fixed before you get slaughtered

UC3 was released last year, I still think PCs would struggle to run that game since it must be using all 7 PS3 SPUs.

The real answer is that multiplatform games will look "worse" on the PS3 since you really should code just for the PS3.


extra source of jiggaflops
Could someone explain to me why the ps3 has to install games and the 360 doesn't? Like when you get a retail game there is usually a large install, I'm guessing the disc drive is too slow? However when you download a game too, you have to install as well and it takes forever, while on the 360 if you download a game you can play it instantly.
The Bluray-drive is much slower than the 360 DVD-drive.

Why you first download an installer on PS3 is not known. You can speculate that it's for legacy reasons.
A PSone game you can play on 3 devices with presumably different file formats (as those standards evolve.)


I feel you about the controller. I really want to like gamepad shooters because it is much more ergonomically friendly when playing on a couch, but every FPS or TPS I play within an hour I'm throwing the controller down and grabbing a m+kb. I really just need to stick with it.

I seriously considered abandoning PC gaming a little while ago because of the price of upgrading (while I love 1080p with AA, I can live without it), but what convinced me to upgrade instead was the price of games. It's extremely rare I ever pay more than $10 for a PC game (the vast majority are under $5) and I still play all the big releases every year. I tried renting but then I just feel pressure to finish the games. If I were starting all over PS+ might be an option, but right now I've already played all the non-PS3 exclusives so it's not a good deal for me.


Fixed before you get slaughtered

Crysis doesn't really count since there was no hardware which you could use to achieve DX10 max effects on playable FPS. And Crysis on medium was looking just like any other random FPS. Most of OMG effects were things on high from AO, kickass physic, fantastic shadowing to awesome explosions and godly texture size.

Even PR shoots were bullshots. In 2008-2009 we achieved hardware which could play Crysis on highest spec at 20+ framerate with better than 720p resolution.

If you would show anyone in 2006 Uncharted 3 their minds would explode that it is on console from 2006.

The Bluray-drive is much slower than the 360 DVD-drive.

That's actually pretty much bullshit. It has faster max read speed but DVD drive rarely read that fast and DVD technology uses varied speed reading depending where data is hold. If it is near middle of disc read will be much slower than BD2x. BD read with constant speed regardless where data is stored. DVD drive IS faster overall but difference is minimal.

Why there are installations ? Because console have HDD and Sony didn't make any rules about data install. If all Xbox360 would have HDD it would be the same thing mendatory instalations which is superior to DVD or BD read.


extra source of jiggaflops
Why there are installations ? Because console have HDD and Sony didn't make any rules about data install. If all Xbox360 would have HDD it would be the same thing mendatory instalations which is superior to DVD or BD read.
Yeah I greatly exaggerated. This is the true reason.

360 game's cache transparently to the harddisk, if one is present, to achieve the same effect. Or since a few years after launch it has full-dump option.


THIS. It's a $250, seven year old machine at this point. Please point me towards a $250 PC that can play games with image quality of The Last of Us.

and tbh for a 7 year old device, it does stuff decently imo.

Today the world found out that consoles with 8 year old tech have worse performance than todays PC's.

Guys .... the PS3 is now 6 years old. It came out in November 2006. I can't believe how often people make this mistake.
i remember the old days....its extremely rare put in a new console game and have it up and running immediately. downloading patch this....installing that....etc.
hell you even have to set resolutions and sound settings on consoles when you turn them on the first time, it's ridiculous.


I'm a PC gamer, but I also own a PS3 (Xbox never had a game that draw my attention) wich collects dust most of the time cause I only play PS exclusives and I must say I'm very impressed of the quality of Sony first party tittles, not just on the graphic aspect but as a whole experience. Loved the Uncharted series, Killzone and GoW too. My game of the year is also a PSN title: Journey, what a wondeful experience also one of my favorite game of all time.

Foxix Von

I am using folders but that does not really help. I am still scrolling a lot and I have to manage/remember which game is in which folder. This should be like Gmail, I need filters and the ability to mark games as favorites so they belong to a meta collection, and search please get me search

Huh. Despite having absolute tons of games from PS+ I've never had this problem. I always go through and categorize them by either retro style arcade games, PS1 games, PS3 retail games, and PSN titles. I know what game is where by what folder I put it in. I want to play Mass Effect? I put that in the PS3 section, Rochard? That goes in PSN, Super Stardust and Pac Man? My arcade folder. Not complicated.

You could even break it up more by just doing them by genre if you wanted.
I figure I would update this thread a bit since I had a chance to play a few more games and put in a bunch of more hours on my brother's PS3 before leaving.

My brother maxed out his Visa paying his tuition (I think, he's a big of a degenerate so he could have spent it on booze) so I did not get a chance to check out any PSN games. That game with the animals running around a post apocalyptic Tokyo seemed very intriguing to me. Actually, Japanese games in general are very intriguing to me since it's another culture's take on gaming - believe it or not, it's been 14 years since I played a Japanese game that wasn't a fighting game. That game? Chrono Trigger.

I checked out Metal Gear Solid 4 - too many movies, turned it off quick. I also feel like I would need to play the previous MGS's to follow the story so much of the allure of this series is lost on me.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - Very cool game. Borrowed it from my brother's friend. Did not finish it but it makes me feel like Indiana Jones. It seems like a very linear experience that I wouldn't be able to play more than once though - I tend not play games twice if the story outcomes are the same everytime.

Beatles Rock Band - Alright, this was by far the most fun thing I tried and I don't even like karaoke (I was on the mic). Even my mom liked this and she's a 60. I understand that music games are on hiatus due to Activision running the genre into the ground but I think the genre could probably survive being platform independent.

There were a couple of PS2 games I wanted to try - namely Shadows of the Colossus since people hold that in reverence as much as PC gamers hold Planescape Torment in reverence but I did not have the time and had to go home. Plus, my brother has one of the newer PS3's that don't support backwards comparability (this by the way, makes no sense to me, why remove features as you update your console?).

So ends my PS3 experience. Very happy I finally got to try out a console after all these years. As for buying a PS4 or Xbox 720, I'll probably skip out on the next console generation as well since it would require me to buy a television. I'm content just watching from the sidelines as a curious observer.
I figured I'd update this thread with the coming of next-gen.

I won a couple thousand bucks on the weekend and having paid off all my bills debts, I think I'm going to set money aside for a TV and a PS4. Dunno if I will buy it Day 1 - I kinda wanna wait for games to come out and plan out a budget on how I will approach the next generation of console gaming but playing stuff on the PS3 was cool enough that I think I will shell out the ~$1000 it's going to cost for me to enter the glorious (?) world of console gaming. But the main driving point is that I have $4000 more than I had last week so....
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