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Mafia/Werewolf Recruitment Thread | Go on the Internet and Tell Lies.


Probably the thing that's hard to get right about Resistance/Avalon on forums is that those games are more about reading people's reactions to events, rather than deducing events generated by role interaction. Gauging people's emotions is a lot harder on a forum.


Probably the thing that's hard to get right about Resistance/Avalon on forums is that those games are more about reading people's reactions to events, rather than deducing events generated by role interaction. Gauging people's emotions is a lot harder on a forum.

Everyone needs to post in reaction gifs of themselves.
Few of us have considered it, but there are a lot of things that need to trigger in order, or simultaneously, for it to work properly. I gave up on resolving it, personally.

As an example, when everyone votes to approve or disapprove of a mission team, you're all supposed to flip your chits simultaneously. There's also the issue of randomizing the mission pass/fail cards so nobody knows who they came from.

We've developed a system that I think will work well enough, as long as the players put in the effort. It'll be a pretty involved game and it will move quite fast once it gets rolling.


I need to play that game, someone gift it to me =P.

It is amazing to me that in a year that gave us a new Halo, a new Metal Gear, and a new Fallout, that this crazy little indie RPG called Undertale managed to be my Game of the Year.
It's got fantastic storytelling, and managed to make me care deeply about virtually every character I came across.
There are three different ending paths, and every single one of them managed to pull at my emotions. It's one of the first games in a loooong time to make me teary-eyed. (Boss fight for the true ending really got to me.)
And if the music I linked didn't get you, type "Undertale Remix" into youtube and just listen for a while.
Highly, highly recommended.

Also: Hi! I'm awake now, and I'll be putting boards together for those who requested. If you want to submit ideas for a game you aren't working on, I would suggest PMing them to the person who is listed as working on the game.

All of the threads for game creation will be visible to all users, (for hype purposes,) but only those who are actually working on the games will be able to access them. If you want to access the thread, have the game creator PM me.


Undertale is fantastic!

Witcher 3 is still my GOTY though. Everything just felt so right and falling right back into that world with the DLC was splendid. They did a great job of crafting a living world with so much to do. Compare that to Fallout which is fun for its jank but in terms of actual quests and world, I can't say I'm too interested in in.

Witcher 3 spoilers:
Shame that the final act felt rushed.


Undertale is fantastic!

Witcher 3 is still my GOTY though. Everything just felt so right and falling right back into that world with the DLC was splendid. They did a great job of crafting a living world with so much to do. Compare that to Fallout which is fun for its jank but in terms of actual quests and world, I can't say I'm too interested in in.

Witcher 3 spoilers:
Shame that the final act felt rushed.

I really need to try Withcer 3 sometime I guess huh? I like Fallout but I think it's more for the setting and aesthetic than anything. I'm a huge sucker for the pulpy sci-fi look it has with all the curves and old tech, I need more games with that style to it. Also 50s music is awesome.


Ah, I forgot to add that I also can't wait to experience a Roy-free meta.

Where do you work? I will make sure that after I finish Uni I will get a job there just so that I can ruin your fun!

Undertale is fantastic!

Witcher 3 is still my GOTY though. Everything just felt so right and falling right back into that world with the DLC was splendid. They did a great job of crafting a living world with so much to do. Compare that to Fallout which is fun for its jank but in terms of actual quests and world, I can't say I'm too interested in in.

Witcher 3 spoilers:
Shame that the final act felt rushed.

I was actually thinking that when the GAF GOTY thread is posted, I maybe will make a thread on Outer Gafia where we can collect lists from Gafia members and make specific Gafia GOTY list. Don't know if there is any interest for that though.


If the Avalon game doesn't have a Matthew Rorie role that just straight up cheats I will be disappointed. (Yay for references nobody will get!)

They would have to repeatedly say that it wasn't them even when everyone knows, just for the full experience.

I've been messing around with a draft for a 9 player game which could fill the space after the mid season games. I was thinking of a 999 / Virtues Last Reward theme for it.


I was actually thinking that when the GAF GOTY thread is posted, I maybe will make a thread on Outer Gafia where we can collect lists from Gafia members and make specific Gafia GOTY list. Don't know if there is any interest for that though.

I was thinking something very similar. You know what they say about great minds...

They don't post on GAF, that's for damn sure.

I think I've created all the game design boards that have been requested. If I missed yours, I sincerely apologize, and please PM me to let me know.


I've played such few games this year. I feel so ashamed

Have you played

-Witcher 3
-Tales from the Borderlands
-Life is Strange
-Ori and the Blind Forest


That's a great list to start with if you need suggestions. Pillars of Eternity too if you like tactical top down RPGs.

Edit: I'm assuming you meant video games and not mafia games. If not, hey hey, sneak peek at Sorian's GOTY list.


Have you played

-Witcher 3
-Tales from the Borderlands
-Life is Strange
-Ori and the Blind Forest


That's a great list to start with if you need suggestions. Pillars of Eternity too if you like tactical top down RPGs.

Edit: I'm assuming you meant video games and not mafia games. If not, hey hey, sneak peek at Sorian's GOTY list.

Oh, VIDEO games.

I can never remember what games I've played in the year. There was an unusual amount of replays due to games coming to Steam, like Grandia 2, Trails in the Sky, etc.

I think Until Dawn stands out the most for me as being pretty unique and a lot of fun.

Edit: I did just start playing Life is Strange. Witcher 3 is okay. Probably the best of the open-world single player games. Just finished MGSV which was okay as well. Feel like it was too front-loaded,


Oh yeah, forgot about Until Dawn, definitely a good one if you always felt that Heavy Rain or Beyond: Two Souls were lacking in execution but liked the idea behind them. Also good if you have someone in the household who you want to introduce to video games, the horror hook is always good for snagging casuals.


I don't even have a PS4 but I've watched 2 Until Dawn playthroughs and I liked them so much I'm sure it's making it into my GotY list. Great game. Another vote for Tales from the Borderlands btw, I bought it a couple days ago and Steam and am up to episode 3 and it's amazing so far.


I don't even have a PS4 but I've watched 2 Until Dawn playthroughs and I liked them so much I'm sure it's making it into my GotY list. Great game. Another vote for Tales from the Borderlands btw, I bought it a couple days ago and Steam and am up to episode 3 and it's amazing so far.

Oh man, the conclusion is so satisfying.


You're in for a treat, I'm jealous.


Also, those episode intros are something else. They're just so damn classy.

Yup, I'm always skeptical of Telltale these days but they got a lot of good will back from Tales, I was constantly impressed the whole way through. I think humor is really their strength and with the BL universe, they were really able to nurture that well.
I haven't played many new games this year. It's mostly Dota 2, Hearthstone, and Pokemon. So saying Splatoon is my GOTY is based on a very small sample size.


I didn't get much from the Splatoon hype. I tried to enjoy it and it was good/is something I can pop in every once in awhile and enjoy but nothing earth shattering for me.
Splatoon is like Battlefront for me. If you're looking for depth and tons of content, look elsewhere. Want to play 30 minutes once a week? You can do it and have lots of fun without being seriously outmatched all the time.


Splatoon is like Battlefront for me. If you're looking for depth and tons of content, look elsewhere. Want to play 30 minutes once a week? You can do it and have lots of fun without being seriously outmatched all the time.

I feel like I am horribly outmatched every time I log in and am placed against a full team of Japanese players :p But yes, it is good to jump into when I have nothing to do.


Also, those episode intros are something else. They're just so damn classy.

Yeah, they are great. The wolf among us intro is also god tier, so not really surprised about that :)
Just completed episode 2 of Borderlands like 5 minutes ago, and the only reason why it will not make my GOTY list is because I doubt I will manage to complete the remaining 3 episodes before years end :(
My problem with this goty stuff (or -anything- of the year for that matter) is that I most of the time play games / watch movies / listen to music that were released a few years back...


My problem with this goty stuff (or -anything- of the year for that matter) is that I most of the time play games / watch movies / listen to music that were released a few years back...

Lucky for you, if I make a GOTY thread, I don't care about release date. My lists are always "the best games I played this year" and not "the best games I played this year and that came out this year". Hell, last year my GOTY was Okami!


Lucky for you, if I make a GOTY thread, I don't care about release date. My lists are always "the best games I played this year" and not "the best games I played this year and that came out this year". Hell, last year my GOTY was Okami!

Okami is in game of the forever category IMO.


Amaterasu was almost a role in my WW game. There was going to be some shenanigans that led scum to being Michael J Fox, White Fang, Jacob, and Amaterasu.


So for reasons that are absolutely not connected to any ongoing games, I now have some ideas for a .5 game that involve baked goods.

Double post!


you guys are craycray. the main games are still running and y'all are already talking about future games. here's what i've got on my list, btw

let me know if there's more

1. Super Mario (Makai) - was in the run for S4 main game
2. The Loving Lovers Love Boat (Burbeting) - was in the run for S4 main game
3. Danny Phantom (Terrabyte20xx) - was in the run for S4 main game
4. Disneyland after dark (Retro) - mid-season
5. Frog Fractions (Kristoffer) - mid-season
6. Gafia 2: The Wedding of Swamped (Swamped) - mid-season
7. Final Fantasy Mafia (ScraftyDevil) - mid-season?
8. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Crab) - mid-season
9. Avalon (Droplet / Rats Off To Ya) - mid-season

*cough* Quantum Mafia *cough*


I had a Doctor Who game I wanted to run. Can that get added for... is it season 9 we have open spots for?

We're booked until Season 11 actually. Crab is probably going to line cut someone at some point to so let's say we'll put you in for Season 13.
Speaking of Undertale, for the past few days I've actually been thinking about running a game based on it. Is anybody else planning one using that theme right now?


Okami was shit.

I _really_ wanted to like it, but the Wii killed it for me entirely. Lots of shitty texts, no voice and dumb sounds did the rest. First try I didn't get out of the first village. Second try was even shorter and my last try a few years later was slightly longer, but still showed I can't cope with the Wii+Painting + the dialogues. It looks stunning to this day, but the whole painting feature never worked for me (especially on the wii :( )

It's a shame, I see the potential and love the art style, but I just not fun to play :´(


Speaking of Undertale, for the past few days I've actually been thinking about running a game based on it. Is anybody else planning one using that theme right now?

I was kicking around the idea a few weeks ago, but I think my dance card is pretty full. However, if you want help with it, I've got a few ideas.

It's a shame, I see the potential and love the art style, but I just not fun to play :´(

This is how I felt about Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii. Going to give the HD remake on WiiU a try, though.

Gravity Falls Werewolf is missing.

I wasn't sure when we were running that, or if we were going to do it as a main or mid season. (I had originally planned it as main, but I put it aside to do Night Vale.) At this point, I assume it's not running this season.

I think at this point we can accept that not every game on the list will be run during Season 4, but that doesn't mean people can't be working on ideas. Continue to let me know if you need space on OG to plan.


The two times I've completed Okami were on PS2 and then later on PS3. I did try the Wii version at some point and remember getting annoyed but everything has always been a massive pain in the ass to play on the Wii.


Okami was shit.

I _really_ wanted to like it, but the Wii killed it for me entirely. Lots of shitty texts, no voice and dumb sounds did the rest. First try I didn't get out of the first village. Second try was even shorter and my last try a few years later was slightly longer, but still showed I can't cope with the Wii+Painting + the dialogues. It looks stunning to this day, but the whole painting feature never worked for me (especially on the wii :( )

It's a shame, I see the potential and love the art style, but I just not fun to play :´(

So you are saying Okami wii edition was shit? That is not the same as Okami being shit. But yeah, the slow text was one of my few gripes with that game (together with those stupid gates that you have to remember a pattern for and act 3 being kind of unnecessary)
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