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Man Walks 3 Miles to Work, nice folks buy him a car


Saw this on Jalopnik earlier and thought I'd spread a little feel-good news.
Jalopnik - Strangers buy man a car

There is a video showing the surprise at the link

Today, let’s celebrate a group of total strangers buying a man a car after discovering that he walks three miles to and from work every day.

That man is Justin Korva, who works at Taco Casa in Rockwall, Texas. Dallas-area station Fox 4 reports that local resident Andy Mitchell found out Korva, 20, walked to work every day after giving him a ride once. That’s when Korva told Mitchell he was trying to better himself and save up for a car.

Fox 4 reports that Mitchell set up a donation box at a local restaurant, secretly collecting funds to surprise Korva with a car. The Huffington Post reports that Mitchell and the group collected all of the money needed to buy a $5,500 Camry in less than a week, and that they surprised him with it at work on Friday.


Old Member
Really nice story. Wish we'd hear about more of them. There are good people everywhere, sometimes it's hard to remember that when so much attention is given to the bad ones. Hopefully this makes his life a little easier.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
If only his local government gave him the decent public transportation he pays his taxes for.
6 mile round trip can bearly make the 10k step. Why do anyone need a car for 3 mile commute, you can bike there in 10 minutes.
Jammy bastard. When I was younger I walked 3 miles there and back to work every working day for over 2 years, no cunt ever bought me so much as a bus ticket. It's not THAT far, that shit took me like, 45 minutes each way. Yes, I am bitter.


No offense to the kid but 3 miles really ain't that far. I easily walk that much just getting to and from my bus stop and during breaks at work without trying at all.


Really nice of them, glad to see them taking care of someone in their community. But I also can't help but feel that... 3 miles isn't that long. It's the same distance I commute to my place of work, which I do by bike, in 15 minutes. Occassionally by foot if the weather's nice because a 45 minute walk is a great way to both start and end the workday.

Yes, I know, the article also said that he was saving up for a car anyway and that there's other considerations at play here. I just find it odd to paint this as some kind of arduous trek he has to take every day. Is this just another thing with how Texans don't walk anywhere?

And now he has to worry about fuel, parking, insurance, maintenance, etc etc...

Article actually did say they also gave him a $500 gas card, paid-for oil changes for two years and 1 year of paid-for insurance, so they really did think this thing through.


Coulda got him a bike for a lot less. Seems like an unusual amount of sympathy for a 3 mile walk. I walk that to and from work every day even with a car.


I wish I lived 3 miles from work. And I sure as hell wouldn't be driving there if I did. Texas heat or not. (I live in a place just as hot).


Damn some stone cold hearts out here. Shit now he can use the car to go the store, has more time before and after work, and maybe enjoy himself.

Damn people


I wish I lived 3 miles from work. And I sure as hell wouldn't be driving there if I did. Texas heat or not. (I live in a place just as hot).

Yeah. 3 miles seems like a trivial distance to worry about. Walk, run, bike, bus, train, etc.

Anyway. Nice gift.
Have you ever biked to work in the middle of a Texas summer?

Must be hellish?

I used to walk 3 miles to school everyday like it was nothing but this was in a damp cold North West England.

Not trying to take away from the story. it's a very nice gesture and gives the person more freedom..


People know for a fact that transportation leads to opportunities and are besmirching this young man who received a gift.

With a car you can go shopping and load it up with food saving trips to the grocery store to buy and bulk in save money for a long time.

A better job, do you see where he works?

Go to the doctors without relying on public transportation. Visit and help family, etc.

The value of a car in the US is tremendous. And I don't really care if you walk or run 3 miles or more a day if you can't see the value in this gift.


Old Member
That video is great.

I feel like a bad person for being super shocked by the races due to my stereotypes about Texas.

We aren't all idiot stereotypes. I get the reasoning, but Texas, especially in the cities, is far different than you'd think.


When (if lol) I become the manager of a restaurant and have a nice safety fund, I'd gladly do this for a hard worker.

Because they will never have the balls to quit after and good workers are rare nowadays!


Guys it's Texas, 3 miles in that heat might as well be 6-7 in regular heat. That's a really nice story though I'm glad they pulled together to help him out.
Also Camrys are great cars, way more dependable then most cars out there.
Bunch of jealous people in this thread.

Maybe now that he has a car, instead of just walking to some bullshit taco place to work he can go to school, too. This is probably a life changing event for him, opening up many more avenues other than eliminating the six miles he walks daily.

But you know, dudes should have just bought him an umbrella or something.
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