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Man Walks 3 Miles to Work, nice folks buy him a car

Christ, I've had enough internet for one day thanks to this thread. Someone shares a nice story and in that we've gotten:

- Shitting on America for its infrastructure
- Condescension against Americans for obesity due to one guy getting a car gift
- A constant dick measuring contest of fitness

This thread is the EPITOME of "This is why we can't have nice things".


I have a co-worker here in Utah who walks to and from work, so I can understand how big of a deal this is for this guy. Good for him.


Two things from reading this thread...

Glad for the kid. Having a vehicle in Texas makes life much easier.

I now feel like a complete schmuck driving 2.5 miles to work each day.


I walk 3 miles to work everyday and back and no one bought me a car, nor do I expect them too.

Well, at least now when I ask myself sometimes why OT tends to be a giant festering pit of despair, I at least have an answer.

We are not allowed to have nice stories.
Hey, what? I've walked 7 to work before. All people do down here is scream at me as they drive by in hopes I'll fall into the street.

Nice story though ;p Wish I didn't live in the South. Or apparently, at least not in Louisiana.


Really kind of them, but as someone who cycles a lot (in a non bike-friendly area) the distance is kind of funny to me. Walking places sucks, though.

He should get a bike as well! Save on gas money, still get fresh air, and it would be a "for fun" thing rather than a mandatory, "This is the only way I can get to work," which would make the trips better.


This thread is fuckin nuts, glad for the kid but a lot of people in here need to get a grip.

Read the article and look at the context.

Really kind of them, but as someone who cycles a lot (in a non bike-friendly area) the distance is kind of funny to me. Walking places sucks, though.

He should get a bike as well! Save on gas money, still get fresh air, and it would be a "for fun" thing rather than a mandatory, "This is the only way I can get to work," which would make the trips better.

I understand where you're coming from but "fresh air" in Texas heat? No thanks.

Edit: Holy moley people with the "but why no bicycle?" schtick, you get it, I get it, we all get it. But maybe it's not what the dude wants and or is not really applicable to his situation/living conditions atm.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Yeah, this pretty much sums up my thoughts on this as well.

Three miles being long is some supremely Texan shit though.

You walk three miles in hot as fuck weather, work 8 hours in a hot as fuck kitchen, then walk another 3 miles in hot as fuck weather. Then you can come back with your shitty condescending bullshit.


6 mile round trip can bearly make the 10k step. Why do anyone need a car for 3 mile commute, you can bike there in 10 minutes.

I'm going to assume that it's really unsafe to ride a bike along that path. Last time I was in TX it really didn't look bike-friendly.
Damn, some people in here are super salty.

At least now he can go wherever he wants without worrying about missing a bus, walking in the heat, walking down shady streets, etc.

Now he can perhaps find a better job AND a fun social life.


Fuckin' a, if I worked 3 miles from home I'd walk, but then I'd also still use my car for groceries, leisure, helping out friends and family when they need it, etc. All of you negative people are taking your cars and easy access public transit for granted. This is an amazing gesture and one I would have killed for when I was biking 3 miles in the Florida summer heat to my 8 hour stocking shift at Winn Dixie 7 years ago. I'd have probably gone to college 3 years sooner and be in a much better spot now, grateful as I am to be in my current spot.


Reminds me of this story, except that guy had a 21 mile round-trip walking commute, plus bus rides. And it he did it for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Had to leave at 8AM for a 2PM shift and only got 2 hours of sleep at home per night:

And he got a car as well:

I expected a story like this honestly. Not three miles lol. But they did think it through with the gas, insurance, etc


You walk three miles in hot as fuck weather, work 8 hours in a hot as fuck kitchen, then walk another 3 miles in hot as fuck weather. Then you can come back with your shitty condescending bullshit.
Sounds like my first job. Pizza maker, next to the goddamn oven all day. I walked 5km (slightly over 3 miles). Shit was on the beach so cycling was unfortunately out because... Well, sand. Sometimes I did cycle but would have to go around and would take the same time plus we usually drank a few beers after work so cycling was a bad idea, lol. In the summer the weather here is usually around 28°C~36°C. How hot is Texas?

Anyway, I had fun with it, personally. No big deal and I look back upon those days fondly even though I mostly hate the damn beach. Only did it for like 6 months it was right before I went off to Uni.
Lots of people ITT apparently only leave their house to go directly to work and then directly home again and never do anything else that requires transportation.

Good for this young man, this will really open up his world. Hopefully that car money he was saving will go to something else that will benefit him.


Reminds me of this story, except that guy had a 21 mile round-trip walking commute, plus bus rides. And it he did it for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Had to leave at 8AM for a 2PM shift and only got 2 hours of sleep at home per night:

And he got a car as well:

The story of Detroit's Walking Man amazes me to this day. He has a car now! And his insane Michigan insurance rates paid too!

This is legit the most amazing thing I have read on these forums. The guy doesnt even have enough time to rest during the week before he is back at it. I wish I had that level of courage and determination. Had I seen this in real time I'd have definitely contributed to the gofundme page
Eh, being in the military, 6 miles ain't shit. Good exercise though.

Still, good for him. Also the people that set up everything are great.


All the people hating are probably just jealous nobody ever wanted to buy them a car. They probably don't have the likability this kid had. There are probably other reasons they got him this car. Probably because he is a genuinely good person. Some people just can't be happy for others.


Obviously, this is an incredibly nice gesture, but to people who regularly walk to and from work, 3 miles doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I don't see why it makes us negative assholes to point out how weirdly disproportionate this gift seems to be. We can still appreciate these people's kindness while being surprised by it.


This thread is fuckin nuts, glad for the kid but a lot of people in here need to get a grip.

Read the article and look at the context.

I understand where you're coming from but "fresh air" in Texas heat? No thanks.

Edit: Holy moley people with the "but why no bicycle?" schtick, you get it, I get it, we all get it. But maybe it's not what the dude wants and or is not really applicable to his situation/living conditions atm.

Late response, but I'm from Texas lol. I still need fresh air, otherwise it actually feels like my breathing gets worse. Went five miles (biking) on track just for fresh air in 93 and an ungodly humidity rate just the other day. Mind you, that's an entirely different thing than biking to work and I know that. Nobody would want to see you at work after that (five miles), you'd be unpresentably sweaty. I would definitely still drive 4/5 times to work, even if it was only a mile away. But at least once a week I'd be dying to actually have some air outside of an air conditioned house/car/workplace.

...alternatively, one could always walk/run/bike after work. Yeah, that's probably the best route here.

But yeah, I am not at all saying he should have had a bike. For me it's more like a, "I actually enjoy this and think they may, too." It's a fun activity that I think more people should at least give a chance!

I'm going to admit that I didn't read the whole article or watch the video until just now. That really is awesome for Justin. This will definitely make his life a lot easier. Also didn't catch the bit about the year's insurance, oil changes, and those gas cards until just now. That will REALLY make his life better! Sounds like he's a great part of the community, he fully deserved this showing of kindness.

Skyline Owl

Neo Member
Lots of people ITT apparently only leave their house to go directly to work and then directly home again and never do anything else that requires transportation.

Good for this young man, this will really open up his world. Hopefully that car money he was saving will go to something else that will benefit him.
That would explain some of the OT crowds advice for when someone is in a relationship or in various social settings.


Anyway, hopefully the guy can feel a bit more free now that he has his own transportation.
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