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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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Get Inside Her!

Man, it was easy to forget how fast a Bleach chapter goes vs Naruto or One Piece. I swear I read the whole thing in 40 seconds.


Oh boy origin stuff. I liked this, giving some kind of backstory to chakra, explaining why the Juubi is even a thing. Kinda like how Naruto started with the Ninetails just "being around and attacking, for some reason," and then we found out why so much later.

But yeah so about the actual genealogy here. We've heard before that the Rikudou Sennin is the "father of all shinobi," I guess the question is whether they're trying to make him a LITERAL father now. If you have to be descended from him in order to be able to manipulate chakra, it feels like not enough time has passed since then to populate the world with so many people that can use chakra. Even the Samurai use chakra, just in a different kind of way. There's never really been a line drawn in the manga between people who can and can't use it, it's always been talked about as a fundamental thing that anyone could learn how to do. The chakra circulatory system is supposed to be a fundamental human trait, right?

But maybe that's still the case. The translation says "the man that, in effect, taught us all chakra." Maybe it was his taming of the juubi that taught him how to control chakra, and he passed that down through the ages as a skill, not an inherent ability. People with bloodline traits, actual ninja clans, they're probably actually descendents, but the rest? I dunno. SO many people can use it, this story would have had to be thousands of years old in order to populate the planet with so many chakra-users.

I dunno, it's confusing.

I did not just read that. Did I miss a line or something that said the tree thing was a myth or some crap like that? That has to be it.

Then again, no wonder the Jyuubi's design was so terrible.

Jesus Christ, Kishi.




Man, it was easy to forget how fast a Bleach chapter goes vs Naruto or One Piece. I swear I read the whole thing in 40 seconds.

lol, I know, right? Was over before I knew it.

One Piece

Aww, poor Rebecca. Can't wait to see how her match will play out.

Man, it was easy to forget how fast a Bleach chapter goes vs Naruto or One Piece. I swear I read the whole thing in 40 seconds.


Oh boy origin stuff. I liked this, giving some kind of backstory to chakra, explaining why the Juubi is even a thing. Kinda like how Naruto started with the Ninetails just "being around and attacking, for some reason," and then we found out why so much later.

But yeah so about the actual genealogy here. We've heard before that the Rikudou Sennin is the "father of all shinobi," I guess the question is whether they're trying to make him a LITERAL father now. If you have to be descended from him in order to be able to manipulate chakra, it feels like not enough time has passed since then to populate the world with so many people that can use chakra. Even the Samurai use chakra, just in a different kind of way. There's never really been a line drawn in the manga between people who can and can't use it, it's always been talked about as a fundamental thing that anyone could learn how to do. The chakra circulatory system is supposed to be a fundamental human trait, right?

But maybe that's still the case. The translation says "the man that, in effect, taught us all chakra." Maybe it was his taming of the juubi that taught him how to control chakra, and he passed that down through the ages as a skill, not an inherent ability. People with bloodline traits, actual ninja clans, they're probably actually descendents, but the rest? I dunno. SO many people can use it, this story would have had to be thousands of years old in order to populate the planet with so many chakra-users.

I dunno, it's confusing.

We already knew this. He had 2 children, one that has inherited his chkra/body, and the second son that has inherited the eyes. The body/chakra became Senju and the Eyes became the Uchiha clan.


Nisekoi 89

Man, this qualifies as break-neck speed plot progression for this series, based on what he have had earlier. Kinda liked how Raku had a gun pointed at his face more than once this chapter and it didn't phase him

One Piece vol 28

It was nice to see Chopper do something other than stand around and look adorable for once, but man, is this storyline dragging. I really hope they can wrap it up in the next few books.


Get Inside Her!
We already knew this. He had 2 children, one that has inherited his chkra/body, and the second son that has inherited the eyes. The body/chakra became Senju and the Eyes became the Uchiha clan.

Like I said, I am sure that bloodline-limit clans are descended from him. The senjuu and uchiha are clear, since that was explicitly stated. The question becomes if everyone on the damn PLANET is descended from him, considering we've never heard of anyone who doesn't have a chakra circulatory system. Is he the father of ALL ninja? Samurai use chakra, so father of samurai as well? Are these groups biologically different from "normal" people? ARE there any "normal" people?



I like how Madara and Hashirama don't give a fuck about the God Tree and continue to talk while they are killing each other at stupidly high levels. I expect a flashback Oda style or else I would be very disappointed of Kishi's narration.

One Piece
Obviously she will be severely wounded and Luffy will break the rules of the tournament to save her.

Bored me to tears tbh.


Matsumoto still best character.


I doubt that the thin ice can kill Buzz-B especially since he has Blut Vene. The first 4 pages were crap. Wasting time on Omeada.
Buzz-B will use Volstandig and put up a great fight. If Kubo want to make a real twist he will make Hitsugaya lose, but that´s unlikely.


Kishimoto went biblical on us.

one piece

Another sappy story, but not that bad.

one piece

That on legged toy is her father.


What the hell is not written on that Uchiha tablet/stone? It seems to have the secrets for everything.


This chapter highlights how sucky Hitsugaya´s bankai is lol.

Good translations are out.

DP sorry.

Im so confused right now, it took two hours to read the manga or something?
The bottom 6 from earlier was fake. Soul Catcher(S) isn't over yet.

Jump TOC Issue #42 (14/09) :

Hachi (New Series, Cover, Lead Color, 54p)
Shokugeki no Soma
One Piece
Ansatsu Kyoshitsu (Color)
Kuroko no Basket
Psi Saiki
World Trigger
Gintama (Color)
Hime Dol!!
Kochi Kame
Soul Catcher(s)
Haikyuu (23p)

Doesn't look like much changed. Hime Dol! is probably still gonna die, lol.

Oh My God.


I just hate that little brat, hopefully Buzz Bee recovers and pound his face with this foot. Where's the basic sword training he took?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So basically someone ate the Chakra Chakra no Mi/Fruit of Knowledge of Chakra and things went to hell.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Took 15 seconds to read per Bleach usual


Obvious out to make it so everything is all happy and bullshit at the end. There will just be no ninjas.

That's only because you are intellectually challenged.

Manga Discussion/News |OTX| Too mentally challenged to understand Bleach

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There will still be wars even without Ninjas like the chapter was saying .
So it going to be world peace mostly in some other way with or without Ninjas .

Yeah but none of them know how to fight without magic wizard powers


We've heard before that the Rikudou Sennin is the "father of all shinobi," I guess the question is whether they're trying to make him a LITERAL father now. If you have to be descended from him in order to be able to manipulate chakra, it feels like not enough time has passed since then to populate the world with so many people that can use chakra.
I don't think they ever said how long ago that was.


No Scrubs
One Piece

That's the sort of flashback I've been waiting for, everything is slowly becoming clear. This is one seriously fucked up island. There's still one major piece missing from this story though.


Really? That's the origin story? Couldn't we get something a bit more creative? We didn't need the Sage's origin, he was fine being a total badass. I'll put money on no one important having died. It was nice to see Killer Bee again though, looks like someone reminded Kishi he was supposed to be there.


A whole goddamn chapter on icekid fighting a fodder guy? Basically absolutely nothing happened in this chapter. Why did I expect more?


One Piece:

So we've got the tragic flashback + inspirational figure for Rebecca, maybe it's possible she might join at the end of this arc? She's still lacking a distinct personality though, which is one of the few things that keep me from thinking this might happen. I am really interested to see how she can fight without "hurting anyone", any unique fighting style that doesn't rely on a DF power is welcomed in my book.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It wouldn't make any sense if the tree could steal all their chakra anyways since its already been established you literally die if you run out of chakra.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It wouldn't make any sense if the tree could steal all their chakra anyways since its already been established you literally die if you run out of chakra.

Propaganda from the Pro-Chakra Extremist Movement.

Chakra is a lie perpetuated by the ninja elite, wake up sheeple!


No Scrubs
Ah, for some chapters I thought Kubo was finally doing manga properly with his final arc (actually closing open plots, referencing stuff properly). Nope, Kubo still being Kubo.

Riiiiggghhtt, extremely small quantity...

I dunno why we would think this. It's not like he took a month off to figure this shit out before doing it.


Chihayafuru vol.3

Hnnngh the covers are always so pretty.
I didn't pay attention to the fat dude's skills but turns out he's good. Quite excited to read the next volume, the entire team is pumped up.



I cannot believe Kishimoto just turned the entire backstory of the manga into some dumb religious mythos. How does he continually succeed in making this manga worse and worse?


Decent chapter, but I expect Ice Boy to get owned next chapter. Always happens when he acts badass.

One Piece

Flashback was pretty meh. I'm really interested to see what happens with this block since I'm still unsure on whether Rebecca or Cavendish will advance.

I understand how out of place this backstory feels, but did anyone really expect anything different for the origin of chakara/bijuus in the ninja world? I mean, Naruto has been Ninja Jesus for how long now? The foreshadowing was all there, lol.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm going to laugh so. fucking. hard. if the Ten-tails turns out to have a name also and its like Yggdrasil

The final villain is a tree....a freaking tree...

One Piece

I am positive now someone will Join Luffys crew possibly a Toy.

Power jumps making no sense again #facepalm

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I still think Orochimaru is going to show up and wreck some shit. I have no reason to believe he's magically good now and Sasuke will do nothing the rest of the time.
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